How long sense your surgery ? How much have you lost? Your sex? Which procedure?



  • suegreg2
    suegreg2 Posts: 38 Member
    Down 3 pounds this week! 31 to go.
    First week back on program. Sticking to 1000 calories is a challenge. I'm more towards 1100. Trying to get in exercise a few times a week - and I hate to exercise! 😂 One day at a time, one meal at a time.
    Wishing everyone a happy and healthy weekend!

  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    52 yr old male
    9 months post-op
    Pre-op 277lbs
    Current 255lbs
    Still losing
  • janflobar
    janflobar Posts: 5 Member
    51 year old female

    Gastric Sleeve- 11/2013
    Highest Weight- 260 lbs
    Surgery Weight- 236 lbs
    Lowest Weight- 159 lbs (1.5 years after surgery)
    Current weight- 218 lbs
    Goal weight - under 200 to start

    After my gastric sleeve i started going through menopause (2015) , then family loss so emotional eating started. Also torn meniscus and old ACL tear. I am back into the pushing myself to post all food that enters my mouth. Also working out at least 5 times a week, stationary bike, walk, and currently started running(trotting) a bit. I would like to get back under 200 lbs and then go from there.
  • fit_chickx
    fit_chickx Posts: 571 Member
    So many of us are having personal issues and stress. Hug's

    I'm a sleeve six years out
    HW 254
    Lowest weight 125
    Current weight 142. I would like to see 125 again.

    17 pounds to go!

    I lose weight at 1000/1100 calories. My carbs are plant based. (no rice, bread, pasta) Exceptions are long run/ride days. I changed my diet up to meat and vegan protein sources. I'm eating as much veggies I want until full, fruit in small amounts. and add small amounts of seeds, nuts, hemp hearts, and chia seeds into recipes. Getting creative again.

    Love watching healthy cooking videos on youtube. I'm pintresing recipes and kitchen organization. (keeps my mind off stress) I deep cleaned my kitchen. Donated many Items I don't use. Set everything up for success. My pantry is stocked with healthy foods, spice cupboard arranged and I bought new cutting boards on amazon.

    Exercise has never been an issue for me. My biggest mistake was thinking I can eat more calories because I workout. Sports medicine dietitian helped.

  • Fozzie1986
    Fozzie1986 Posts: 8 Member
    Sleeve 6/7/17
    Male 60
    Surgery Weight: 306 lbs
    Current Weight: 190 lbs
    Lowest Weight: 181 lbs
    Highest Weight: 380 lbs
    Goal Weight: 180 lbs

    Maintaining 190 lbs at this time my body seem comfortable at this weight, not letting me get down any lower.
  • kindofhope
    kindofhope Posts: 8 Member
    Sleeve on Dec 2016
    Female 36

    Highest weight: 250
    Surgery weight: 226

    Lowest weight: 145
    Current weight: 160
    Goal weight: 140

    Was maintaining in the 150s until the last month. I got pregnant in Feb and still maintained until I miscarried in May (was really depressed and stayed in bed for weeks). My weight got up to 167 and that scared me so I made myself get back on track with food (high protein, veggies/fruit, some fat, low carb).

    Now starting to work on getting my water in and lifting weights to build muscle. Next is to work on getting my steps in (quarantine has made me super sedentary which is not great for my mental health either).

    Trying to look ahead and be positive. We want to try for baby again next year so trying to get in shape and really healthy now.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    52 yr old male
    9 months post-op
    Pre-op 277lbs
    Current 255lbs
    Still losing

    I just realized my pre-op weight is wrong. Should be 377
  • uyister
    uyister Posts: 154 Member
    Hi everyone!! This is my second post on MFP.

    Female (38y/o); 5' 7"
    Surgery date: 6/9/2020
    Highest weight: 333lbs
    Weight as of last Saturday: 293.2lbs (Stats day is tomorrow).
    Goal weight: 180 lbs (as of now)

    I just finished week 4 of the T-25 Alpha cycle. Week 5 starts Sunday. If anyone is doing T-25 or just wants an exercise accountability buddy, let me know.

    I am not completely sure how all the communities and discussions work etc. Will figure it out after my last final exam next Wednesday.

    Success to everyone still striving to meet goals and congrats to those who have met their goals!!
  • uyister
    uyister Posts: 154 Member
    @suegreg2 and @jcavanna2

    My surgeon told me that ultimately, my goal was to stay within 1200 calories/day. Her instructions were:
    Food intake: 4 - 8 oz of food each time
    Eat 60gms of protein daily 1st
    Proteins then veggies and then grains for carbs
    64 oz water/fluid daily
    Intermittent fasting 16:8 - can be started now: limiting the amt of time you spend eating to 8 hrs and water in off times and yogurt or small healthy snack if very hungry in off times.

    The nutritionist told me: Calorie goal 1200 is for later (~1.5 - 2yrs after surgery or after my goal is met)
    Now: 600 -800 calories is perfectly normal (that was all I was able to eat)
    Focus on what feels good to your body to eat instead of calories
    Eating habit is normal at this time (being able to eat 2x/day with 1 - 2 small healthy snacks)
    Eat 2 - 3 x/day, chew slowly and eat and drink at different times
    Water intake 60oz or more
    Take multi-vitamins; calcium, and multivitamin at the same time.
    Keep up exercise (~30 mins of cardio 3-5x / week)

    I currently eat between 5 - 8oz of food at a time, I just started getting hungrier and so can now eat ~3 meals some days. Most days, it is still 2 meals especially if I drink tea in between. I am also doing the T-25 workouts (It is too hot outside for me to try to walk).

    I hope this info helps.
  • atmdaddy
    atmdaddy Posts: 51 Member
    Gastric Bypass 10/14/2019.
    61 yr. old. sex-yes please.
    peak weight- 334lbs.
    current weight. 217lbs.
    Maintaining between 217 and 220lbs.
    Eating no problem. Keep the protein up and work out. It's easy to loose muscle if you don't work out. Bands and pushups work for me.
    Good luck to all considering the surgery! Saved my life!
  • catmama256
    catmama256 Posts: 38 Member
    16 months since surgery. Gastric bypass. 55 year old female, 5'8" tall. Starting weight 319.2 lbs. current weight : 163.8 lbs. Goal weight 150 lbs.
  • Sleeve 6/3/19
    Currently 39 F Height 5'4

    HW 315 January 2019
    SW 282
    CW 156

    Surgeon's goal was 168 so I have surpassed that. Weight loss is very slow now (0 in July, 2 pounds in August and 1 pound this first week of September so I set mini goals. My current mini goal is 155 to hit 160 pounds lost. If I hit that my new goal will be 152 to hit 130 since surgery. If I hit that 149 to be under 150 and my ultimate goal would be 145 to be normal BMI and no longer overweight.

    I am happy with what I have lost so far and as long as I don't gain I am happy. I am on day 520 straight of tracking in MFP. Even tracked the day of surgery where I only had broth and a sugar free popsicle. I was a size 26/28 or 4X. I am now a 10/12 and a medium or large.
  • toddlert
    toddlert Posts: 6 Member
    RNY 1/28/2020
    HW 351
    SW 300
    CW 219
    GW 180
    Going slower now as I head for the last 40-lbs to goal.
    No Complications / Loving every minute of life!
  • yevaud1961
    yevaud1961 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm having surgery tomorrow 9/21/20. RNY.
    HW - 315
    SW - 237
    GW - 150
    I'm 5 ft 6.5 inches
    59 years old.
    I'll post when there's some weight loss! Looking forward to the results. Know it's going to be a BIG change!
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    It has been a minute since I've been here! When the scale started going back up, I backed away, lol!

    Surgery date: 10/15/2015
    Surgery done: VSG
    HW: 307 (ish, I know it was higher, but didn't have scales to accommodate)
    SW: 285 (I think, it's been five years!)
    LW: 142
    CW: 159
    HW (post surgery): 180, this January.

    I have quite the story, long and wild. Search the group for my name and you'll find it in pieces.

    Anyway, @jcavanna2 I'm now tracking macros. Have been since May...strictly since early August. I started a new 90-day Challenge from home, through a local gym. Earlier this year (May), I was eating about 800-1000 calories and trying to work out. No good. I was actually gaining, lethargic, dizzy, weak, blah. So I started increasing my calories. I found a company online "Macros Inc", they have actually worked with bariatric clients and believe it's horse doo that we need to eat so little, there's no science to back it up. Especially for those of us working out. I joined their free Facebook group, did my "macro check" with them. Then had an "InBody" scan done last week and their numbers were a little higher than what was recommended, but I wasn't hitting them anyway, so adjusting down did nothing, lol!

    This week, after a full week on the macros, I have lost 2 lbs, biggest singular loss I've had in a looooong time. I'm now lifting 4x/week and doing cardio 2x/week, plus 10k steps a day. Lower macros on my one rest day.

  • mae7365
    mae7365 Posts: 66 Member
    Female 63 yrs old
    6 weeks post-op bypass

    VSG 10/12/2014
    Gastric Bypass 10/29/2020

    Highest weight 5/31/2012 - 221.6 lbs.
    Gastric Sleeve 11/12/14 - Weight 211.6 lbs.
    Gastric Bypass 10/29/20 - Weight 185 lbs.
    Current Weight 157.5 lbs.

    Goal weight: 145 lbs. - Height: 5'4"
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    Female 64 years young Height 5' 6"
    VSG & Hernia repair & Gallbladder removal on Jan 26, 2016 2 days after my 60th Birthday will be 5 years post op in 2021

    Highest weight 497
    Surgery weight 317
    Lowest weight 217
    Current Weight 255
    Goal weight 170

    After losing 280 pounds at my lowest weight of 217 I had 4 separate excess skin removal surgeries as the Doctors thought removing over 30 pounds of excess skin would help reduce the pain of a frozen left shoulder, OA of right hip & 6 herniated discs and allow me to walk unaided. Must use an electric scooter or a walker now.

    May 2017 Breast Reduction
    Dec 2017 Brachioplasty-Major complications 2 months recovery
    May 2018 Panniculectomy & Hernia repair
    May 2019 Belt Lipectomy-Major complications 3 months recovery- IV Vancomycin 2 times a day for 6 weeks.

    Starting gaining weight back after the last excess skin removal surgery. Am very happy I have managed to keep off 242 pounds but very disappointed I never made it to go and need to get back on track and finish the job. The excess skin removal surgeries did not allow me to walk unaided. Being told I need hip and shoulder surgery soon and then maybe back surgery but they will not do any surgeries until I am below 200. I lose weight very slowly, always have. At maximum of 10 pounds a month we are looking at maybe June of 2021 or later.

    I was here years ago on a steady basis but came in sporadically during the excess skin removals surgeries. I need to start coming in here on a steady basis and need the support of others as I am all alone. Anyone know of any VSG support groups starting a new challenge in Jan 2021? If not, maybe we can start our own and support each other.

  • outlndr
    outlndr Posts: 2 Member
    56 year old female
    Surgery date 10/25/97 - 23y 10m ago
    Highest weight 400
    Lowest weight 242 - 7 months post op
    Goal weight 168
    Current wt 293

    Unfortunately was unable to have the depo-provera shots or oral birth control due to some hematology issues post op.
    Got pregnant with my 2nd child @ 7m post op and weightloss stopped. Had a 3rd and last child 2 years later and still have kept 100+lbs off up until now.
    Considering revision at this time.
  • outlndr
    outlndr Posts: 2 Member
    Sorry forgot to say procedure was open roux-en-y
  • jcavanna2
    jcavanna2 Posts: 782 Member
    @ssflbelle2012 I had my gastric bypass 4/18/16. High weight 239.6, low weight 152, current 205. Been having regain for the last 2 1/2 years. Also had a couple of surgeries and dealing with my daughter’s eating disorders and multiple moves including out of state.

    I recently found a support group called The T.R.I.B.E. By Jamie Mills aka The Sleeved Dietician. She had the sleeve and all of the leaders have had some sort of bariatric surgery. Even her personal trainers have. Nice to get insight and help from people who get it. Lots of zoom calls to choose from for various stuff such as regain, mom groups, 5+ years post op, body dysmorphia etc

    Janie has a ton of videos and materials you can print or download. Lots of recipes, workouts etc. I highly recommend looking into it