WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - July 2020



  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited July 2020
    @sleepymom5 - it is eye opening when you start to pay attention to hunger. Great approach!

    @GingerPwr - I am sorry that you are going through a tough time. It was such a good thing for you to take some time out to feel and reflect. You are an amazing woman and can come through this stronger. Sending you a huge hug

    @1theresamcvean - Well there was 1 new case of Covid in Toronto today. That’s right, 1. It is likely that tomorrow, the government will announce that we move to phase 3. I hope we can keep it together for this next phase. I just read that almost all big businesses downtown have arranged to have people work from home until 2021, so that is encouraging. I am proud of our city. Given our size, it has not been easy, but we did it and we need to keep at it
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    @1theresamcvean we don't have skunks or squirrels in NZ - cool photos! One of my fave memories is my best friend and I trying to take a photo of a squirrel when we were leaving the Alamo in San Antonio many years back... American tourists thought we were nuts. And nobody believed us that there are no squirrels in our country so we had never seen one before lol
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Monday 7/27
    Water: 48 oz
    Exercise: 20 minutes high intensity, 15 minute walk

    Sunday was an interesting night at work. The computers were down so not much was working. Some people had machines that were working. Those of us who didn't spent our first rotation sweeping the floor and cleaning. Our break is normally 1am to 1:20 am. Our boss told us not to bother going back to the production floor since we couldn't do anything anyway. We ended up sitting in the breakroom until 2:30 when they finally sent us home.

    Food: good
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 15 minutes resistance band workout

    Work was better Monday night. Everything was working so we got to work all night.

    I had a haircut appointment today so I got up early to go to that. As I opened my garage door I found some nice chalk drawings on my driveway. One of my friends from the condo complex and 3 of her grandkids were doing that for me. It was a nice surprise.
    I'm going into work early tonight and staying late tomorrow morning to make up for the 4 hours we didn't get to work on Sunday night/Monday morning. It's going to be a long night and none of the hours will be overtime.🙁
    I'm also planning on staying late on Thursday morning and it's 3rd shift's weekend to work so hopefully I will end up with 10 hours of OT, which is what they are allowing in my area. Each area/building has different rules on how much OT they are allowed.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Great transformation! And you're right, progress is progress no matter how short or long it takes.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    Today I did a step arobics video because I couldn't get my laptop to work and then I remember I have my tablet so I also did a zumba class that I had my teacher send me. Then I hopped in the pool. It's almost 100 here today. I have 1 day of work left then my vacation starts, I will be running out of that building. I am a little sad that my Canada trip isn't happening but we will make other memories this year. A place we were going to go to on Saturday has shut down because someone has the virus, I'm glad it happened before we got there. I still got my vacation hair done on Sunday and I might still go get my toes done. Why not, right?
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    edited July 2020
    Big sigh. I'm more than fed up with the construction. Yesterday, I paid for an online course on focus and concentration. Today when I started the first lesson, I couldn't focus because of the decibel level of the construction. Plus now one of the neighbours directly across the street have gone on vacation and left a stonemason with a saw to work on their new front porch and landscaping.

    @lenka1 @podperson1 @GingerPwr @KristieJC @jedaschultz @Zumba_Luvah @kirsten11872 @CassieGetsFit2013 @bburrer30 @Freeglerock @Cafelelia @KUMEcyclingteam @tryingagain5 Big congratulations to you all for your success!

    @Cafelelia I'm so surprised that the Covid numbers are that low in Toronto and if we go to phase three, it'll be so nice for the small children to play on the swings and things at the park. Your day camp is such a great idea. The boys must be having a great week. Nevertheless, I feel for you wondering about September and what school will be like. I suspect we'll do a good job here. It's too bad it's taking so long to find out.

    @sleepymom5 I learn so much from you about hunger and mindful eating. I swear to you that I don't know how to truly identify hunger. Aside from when I used to run, cycle, and swim a lot each week, I can't say I'm ever truly hungry. Back then, every Monday, after a weekend of a lot of all three activities, I was as hungry as a 14-year-old boy. I used to get hiccups from eating too fast. A trick I have that helps me to eat just the right amount is to divide up recipes into smaller portions. If the recipe says four servings, I often wonder who that serving size is meant for. A six-foot-five man? An eight-year-old girl? I often divide recipes that say four servings into six. If it's a soup, stew, or curry, I divide it into cups. Often I add twice the vegetables and if the sauce doesn't cover it, I add some vegetable broth. Then, based on something like hunger (which is so elusive because I'm sure I confuse just the desire to chew, or taste, or pass the time pleasurably, or something like nostalgia with hunger), I take a cup, or a cup and a half, etc.

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Great photo comparison! I so hope August is your month. Spending this much time experiencing pain and dealing with medication is so difficult. I learn a lot from you about hunger cues too (see above). My daughter, who has a tumor on her pituitary that will not be removed for inexplicable reasons, is an avid reader when it comes to understanding hunger. She told me about a book/site called Bright Line Eating. I think it may have to do with our brains still operating as though we lived in the world as it was 50,000 years ago, seeking out food to sustain us when there may be none for a very long time. If we were to do that now we'd be in serious trouble. BLE doesn't allow any sugar or flour (grains are okay as long as they're not milled). I get the feeling (based, not on having read anything, but just on getting the gist from my daughter) that sugar/sugar substitutes and flour of any kind are like mainlining drugs ~ an exaggeration to illustrate the concept at play here.

    @minstrelofsarcasm and @hope002 Both of you really know your science. Ella, this idea of water molecules being stored along with glycogen molecules is pretty advanced and powerful if you understand it. Ashley, the idea that our kidneys hold onto water to protect us in hot weather is also something I did not know. This summer we've had extended heat waves and I'm happy to have this information. I tried reading up on it further and learned that water is better than pop (soda in the U.S.).

    @GingerPwr My grandmother was a big advocate of having a good cry. She was a wise one from a young age. Lots of common sense, like you possess. I'm glad you're feeling restored and sorry you had to go through it.

    Everyone, if you're like me and not down on the scale this week, celebrate all your NSVs! A big one is that you're here, helping us learn and giving us strength. Maybe your week is just around the corner. I think about you all the time.

  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    ljdanny wrote: »
    Today I did a step arobics video because I couldn't get my laptop to work and then I remember I have my tablet so I also did a zumba class that I had my teacher send me. Then I hopped in the pool. It's almost 100 here today. I have 1 day of work left then my vacation starts, I will be running out of that building. I am a little sad that my Canada trip isn't happening but we will make other memories this year. A place we were going to go to on Saturday has shut down because someone has the virus, I'm glad it happened before we got there. I still got my vacation hair done on Sunday and I might still go get my toes done. Why not, right?

    Right! Enjoy your vacation.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    Great transformation! And you're right, progress is progress no matter how short or long it takes.

    Well said, Linda.

    Also, great week, especially the chalk drawings. It must have been weird sitting in the break room in the middle of the night. I'm glad you can pick up overtime again. You're doing so well.
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    07/28 steps 13517
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,314 Member
    edited July 2020
    Week Five

    Weigh In Day: Wednesdays
    PW (Previous Weight): 167.2 (July 22nd)
    CW (Current Weight): 165.4 (July 29th)
    LTD (Loss to Date): 68.6 lbs

    (ahem) Heck to the yes! I was rightly excited about weighing in today. Let's take a look at the week since my last weigh-in...

    Food: Not my best week, but far from my worst. I desperately need to go grocery shopping, so some of my dinners have been multiple unrelated small plates (e.g. canned tuna, cereal, a bowl of blueberries, and a handful of cherry tomatoes - NOT mixed together) but I did my best to avoid mindless snacking. Which is admittedly a lot easier when there's very little to snack on in my kitchen.

    Exercise: 8 spin classes, 13 miles (approximately) walked, 11 minutes of cumulative planking, 1 humans-worth of stuff moved into a second story apartment with no elevator

    Proudest Moment: Deciding not to go to spin class on Sunday because my body was crazy-sore (like normal sore, but in a straitjacket)

    Next Week: 5 spin classes currently booked, I'm attempting to hold a plank for 7 minutes, lots of water, sticking (mostly) to my calorie goals, being sure to take my vitamins, ... you get the gist
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,314 Member
    @1theresamcvean -
    Water is most definitely better than pop/soda/sodapop/coke/liquid candy bars. The sodium used to preserve a lot of soft drinks actually dehydrate you more than the water in them hydrates you.

    Also, have you tried using headphones to block out some of the noise around you? I don't know if that's a viable option for your home situation, but headphones always help me focus.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    @1theresamcvean I thought I was the only one who doesn't feel hungry (until I started this chemo stuff and am hungry all the time). I was talking with a dietitian for a study and at one point was asked to list my hunger cues. She was very surprised when I said there are none that I notice. The best I came up with was a strange feeling in my mouth - like you said maybe it was just a desire to chew something?! I usually eat according to the time of day and usually have a meal about every four to five hours.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Tuesday check in
    Food - on target
    Water - over 80 oz!
    Exercise - 30 min bike ride, 20 min walk and PT

    Another good day yesterday! Today I have to wait for a repair man and our "window" is 8 am to 5 pm. Last time I was the last visit and had to wait around all day. I may have to push my bike ride until after dinner today if that is the case again today. Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!

    @Cafelelia I don't know how I missed your post yesterday! They are debating here about the school year. Philadelphia just decided last night to continue virtually although earlier in the month they were going to do 3 days virtual and 2 days in class. The suburbs haven't decided but I bet we will start hearing more now that Philadelphia has made a decision.
    @GingerPwr Hugs! Glad you are back! Love the quote too :)
    @1theresamcvean I love how you see so much on your walks. Thank goodness you and Xavy weren't close when the skunk sprayed! I can not believe they are still doing the construction on your street! Ugh! Hopefully it is done soon. Do you have any head phones or earplugs? I am learning so much I didn't know about my own hunger but have to work on listening to it. It is interesting how you really don't feel hunger unless you are burning calories and have to replace. I feel like my hunger comes in waves, I actually feel like I am sick and have to eat but if I push through that, I find I don't feel hungry. It is weird and I have never paid attention to it before. I also have that desire to chew or taste which I have been trying to have sugar free gum for that. It is such a learning process...and to be figuring it out at 54 Ugh! Lol! Better late than never I suppose... Thanks for your tip with the serving sizes, those are good idea!
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx What an amazing comparison photo! It looks like you lost more than 26 lbs. You can see how toned you are too! You aren't missing anything with the squirrels and skunks lol! My husband and I are at war with the squirrels to keep them out of the trash. They destroy all our trash cans Lol!
    @tryingagain5 Sounds like things are going well for you and you are getting into a routine. What a nice surprise for your friend and her grandchildren to decorate your driveway!
    @ljdanny We usually go away in October and that's not happening for us either. It is still surreal to me. I guess for 54 years nothing like this has happened before in my lifetime. Enjoy your break from work and definitely get that pedicure! xo
    @Freeglerock The scale is going in the right direction! I like how you found balance and was able to balance your treats with some good walks. Btw-all treats that were worth it too! Awesome NSV too!
    @melaniedscott Nice loss! You are still losing even if it isn't at the rate you want. Awesome NSV too! You are absolutely right-small changes make a difference! I can relate with the mechanical stuff-it is frustrating! Lol!
    @minstrelofsarcasm Whoo hoo! Great job this week! I love how you reflect on your week. I should get in the habit of doing that as well. BTW- I do the same when I need to go food shopping lol! I have had some crazy meals...
    @pacsnc6 That is so interesting about the hunger cues. I never thought some people may have the opposite problem of not having hunger.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    edited July 2020

    *Just want to add that this is not scientific and applies mainly to me. I know it's absolutely different for each one of us. Perhaps something will resonate.

    The weird thing about not feeling, or perhaps it's better to say 'not being in tune' with your hunger, is that you can find yourself eating because you think you're supposed to eat. This can lead to eating for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with hunger, including recreationally, socially, or being told you should eat gels when running or shakes after working out, even when it isn't called for. If I think about it, in the past, I've gone for dinner and then ordered popcorn and liquorice at the movies a few minutes later. Worst of all, all of this makes it so hard to practice mindful eating which is such a good idea.

    Also, that topic from a while back, which was body-shaming parents. I realize that not only was my mother that way ~ and she continues to be from her nursing home where she is proud of her very low weigh-ins, e.g. 86 pounds last week, which caused a conference call with us to say she has to eat more...but, my mother-in-law was anorexic right up until she passed away. They lived in a different era with different societal pressures. Still, it must have affected our ability to notice hunger.

    My dog, Xavy, has always been free fed. This concept is very interesting to me. He has a bowl of water and dry food available at all times. This has been from the time he was born. Every day I give him two to three tablespoons of wet food. He weighs 13 pounds. Outside of that, there are days when he doesn't eat much at all. Maybe another couple of tablespoons. But if we go for long hikes, he really eats. The whole process is according to hunger and he is definitely in tune with it. He doesn't go bananas when he runs out, he just pulls the dish into the middle of the kitchen so that I see that it's empty. And he doesn't seem panicked that I might not fill it. I can take my time. He also doesn't mind if other pets eat it. He's cool with that.

    On the other hand, my daughter's dog, Sparrow, who is a rescue dog and not free fed, gobbles up her food like she's starving at every meal. When she was a puppy, she was completely abandoned and living on the street so she has a survival thing going on. To feed her, you have to give her the command to sit and wait until you put the food in the bowl. She looks like she's going to jump out of her skin. Then you have her wait a little more to reinforce the skill.

    Sparrow cannot be left in the house alone if it's in any way possible to reach the food source. At my daughter's house, it's kept in the cupboard above the fridge. Anyway, once when I was dog-sitting Sparrow she got into the food. I have a very large bag of Xavy's food, which is about 1.5 times the size of a large bed pillow in the pantry cupboard. It's a very heavy plastic bag with a strong zip lock top. When I got home, Sparrow had opened the pantry cupboard, ripped it open, and ate every bit. Luckily, it wasn't full. But she did eat about the volume of half her torso. She's about 80 pounds.

    Long story short, I think being in tune with hunger is a key to maintenance when I get there. I'm pretty sure I can approach it. I may have to read more about it and if any of you know some good authors, please share them with me. It can be about hunger or other scientific topics on weight and health.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Tuesday check in
    Food - IF & on target
    Water - 2.2 l
    Exercise - rest day, 6213 steps
    Yesterday was a good day and I continue to get a lot done. There is something about my younger boy going to his little camp that is putting the entire family on a nice routine. It is official that our city is finally in Phase 3 on Friday! Not a huge change, but it means distanced indoor dining & bars, open gyms & playgrounds and larger gatherings of up to 50 is permitted. I love how our mayor issued a statement celebrating this, but warning that people still need to observe protocols and be cautious. He is right that this is a critical time for us, and I hope that everyone can see this. I worry about young adults who understandably want to have a fun summer, but they may throw caution to the wind when it comes to protocols. I hope that we can all keep it together.

    @1theresamcvean - I love your post on hunger! If you are looking for reading on the hunger hormones and a scientific approach, I recommend Dr. Fung’s book, the Obesity Code. His approach is not for everyone, but his scientific/medical views on hunger and weight gain at every compelling. I also recommend Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s website called Find My Fitness. She is a scientist who researches nutrition, exercise, disease and longevity. She amasses a ton of resources on the top and conducts interviews and podcasts with scientists doing work in this area. It gets a bit science heavy at times, but she does a good job translating the science into plain language.

    @sleepymom5 - Great day yesterday! Our school announcement is coming this afternoon. But it does not mean much really because things can change on a dime with this pandemic.

    @minstrelofsarcasm - Fantastic loss, LTD, and I love your analysis of the week! I especially loved your proudest moment. Sometimes, taking a break from working out is the right thing to do for our bodies.

    @melaniedscott - Fantastic loss and NSV! I totally understand that cycle of gaining and losing the same lbs. It is very individual, but keep trying and you will bust through it! Lol, war on machines! I often feel that way.

    @freeglerock - That is an amazing NSV and you are right, a loss is a loss! Congratulations!

    @ljdanny - That is so great that you managed to do you Zumba online! Believe me, Canada misses you coming here too. If it is any consolation, we are still restricted from travelling to many provinces in our own country. Anyway, you should still get your vacation toenails done anyway and I hope that you figure something out for a nice trip. We will see you in Canada next summer!

    @tryingagain5 - The chalk drawings sound like such a nice surprise. I love seeing them in my neighbourhood and am a bit sad that my kids are past that stage. Hope that your long shift went well and that you are not too tired from it.

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - What an amazing transformation! Although it may feel slow, your progress is really something to be celebrated! Way to go! I did not realize that you did not have squirrels and skunks in New Zealand. I used to think of squirrels and raccoons as pesky vegetable stealers who made it almost impossible for me to have a veggie garden. But various visitors from other countries over the years made me realize that how unique they are!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Week 5
    PW: 199.2
    CW: 200 8
This discussion has been closed.