Shrinking Assets Team Chat AUGUST 2020



  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    Monday, week 3
    PW: 144.8 lbs
    CW: 143.3 lbs
    LTD: 120 lbs

    In the maintenance zone. Eating is fine, but need to reestablish good daily sleep and exercise habits, as these have been slipping a bit.
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    @Beka3695 that’s awesome! I’m waiting for those big clothing victories to come, but I’m celebrating a smaller one right now. I have a wrap skirt with a pretty high waist. Being a wrap skirt it always fit, but there was a time my tummy made it a pregnancy look and didn’t leave enough room to wrap around properly, making it pretty uncomfortable to wear since I’d have to constantly worry about showing too much thigh. Well, I’m feeling comfortable and wearing it to work and a dinner date today!

    My weight loss has been so annoyingly slow these kinds of NSVs are few and far between, so this feels really good.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Well done @Beka3695 and @hipari clothing NSVs are such a great feeling!

    I sort of have clothing NSVs too. I moved here Feb 2019 with 3 suitcases worth of stuff (not all clothes, I had a sheet, all my Tupperware, some textbooks etc in there too so not so many clothes). I brought my size 8 jeans with me but really they were too tight to wear then. Well they now fit perfectly... but all my other clothes are swimming on me! I’m hoping it’s not too long before it warms up and I can live in dresses - at least when they’re too big they don’t fall down.

    So I can definitely tell from my clothes that I’ve lost weight. And now I have nothing to wear. I’m not buying new stuff because a) still locked down (entering our 6th month). b) moving countries again come December so really the less I have that fits the easier it will be to pack.
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    @Beka3695 That is great! I am so worried that if I try on the next size down they still won't fit and I will get discouraged. I have two pairs of shorts and one pair of jeans that I wear all the time, size 18. One pair of shorts is almost falling of my hips, but the other pair of shorts and the jeans aren't yet. I am going to wait until they are to move down. I can't wait for the day that it happens!
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Good Moring and Happy Monday.
    My son has moved most his stuff out and into his apt so my life should calm down.
    My body is killing me today for spending hours yesterday putting the possums new home together but I am glad to have them out of my kitchen and into a real cage.
  • EDTake2
    EDTake2 Posts: 165 Member
    Username: EDTake2
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    PW (Previous Weight): 212.8
    CW (Current Weight): 212.6
  • iamworthy14
    iamworthy14 Posts: 413 Member
    PW 159.2
    CW 162.4

  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 353 Member
    @Beka3695 I did too! I bought a pair of shorts last year but decided I didn’t like the way they fit. They’ve been hanging in my closet with tags on and I decided to try them on this weekend. They fit and looked great! I haven’t lost a lot of weight but I can tell that my body is changing. Probably 3/4 of my summer shirts are too big but it’s not too noticeable in pandemic times. Since I’m home anyway I’ll just wait and reevaluate when the weather cools off.
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    cre804 wrote: »
    @Beka3695 I did too! I bought a pair of shorts last year but decided I didn’t like the way they fit. They’ve been hanging in my closet with tags on and I decided to try them on this weekend. They fit and looked great! I haven’t lost a lot of weight but I can tell that my body is changing. Probably 3/4 of my summer shirts are too big but it’s not too noticeable in pandemic times. Since I’m home anyway I’ll just wait and reevaluate when the weather cools off.

    I’m an essential worker and my clothes are starting to get too big. I’m determined to make it through the end of the summer without buying anything new though since my goal weight would make anything I buy NOW too large on me NEXT summer 😛

    Also, I’m REALLY frugal lol
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    I love thrift stores! I have no issues with wearing previously enjoyed clothing. Just wash them in Lysol when I get them home.

    I love finding slacks for $2.50 and a blouse for $3!!!

    Great for in between folks like us!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    @Luciicul -- you have done an amazing job in Maintenance. You make maintenance look easy, but I know many find it harder than weight loss.

    @hipari - I am still in shock about the clothing victory. My daughter was right, it did happen overnight. I took my measurements this morning. I lost 10.75" from 7/15-8/17!!! I feel like this is all a dream and I'm going to wake up and this not be real.

    @Xiaolongbao - I understand packing light. Where will you be moving to?

    @imgwendolyn2015 - are you petite in stature? I think it is time to retire the 18s! I wish we lived close. I could hook you up with some 16s and 14s. I'm still making the 12s work a bit longer.

    @iamworthy14 - You've got this. This is just a hiccup. don't get discouraged!

    @cre804 and @LaurieWrobo - YAY for the clothing victory. Isn't this the best feeling... at least pretty darn good!

    @Dogmom1978 - my thrift store comment was meant in reply to being frugal. Check them out. A new piece or two will do wonders for your motivation and ego.
  • Curvybaja55
    Curvybaja55 Posts: 114 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    I love thrift stores! I have no issues with wearing previously enjoyed clothing. Just wash them in Lysol when I get them home.

    I love finding slacks for $2.50 and a blouse for $3!!!

    Great for in between folks like us!

    I used to love shopping at thrift stores, but since all the cool young people started shopping at these stores and posting their purchase online the ones in my area now have these fancy names and is not inexpensive any more.😞😞😞
  • sextonamg
    sextonamg Posts: 4 Member
    I'm going to have to change my weight in day. School has started back and I finally got my schedule for this semester.

    Need to change from Monday to Thursday.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    sextonamg wrote: »
    I'm going to have to change my weight in day. School has started back and I finally got my schedule for this semester.

    Need to change from Monday to Thursday.

    I’m getting it changed now
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    @Curvybaja55 same here, at least some thrift stores! A friend just reported seeing a literal LINE of people waiting outside a store for the new "collection" to be launched. I don't understand how a thrift store can have a collection, but apparently it means they bring all donations to some warehouse first and then bring it to stores as big seasonal launches.

    @Beka3695 it's real, I'm sure ;) enjoy!

    I'm accidentally experimenting today. I had a meeting at work 3-4PM, right when I usually eat my afternoon snack. I was pretty hungry during the meeting but it kinda went away, and I ended up eating the snack at 5.30. This messes up my dinner schedule, especially now that I have my other acrobatics class tonight. I'm kinda anxious to see if this causes an insatiable hunger after the class or tomorrow, so skipping a meal might not actually be a positive. We'll see.
  • iamworthy14
    iamworthy14 Posts: 413 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    I love thrift stores! I have no issues with wearing previously enjoyed clothing. Just wash them in Lysol when I get them home.

    I love finding slacks for $2.50 and a blouse for $3!!!

    Great for in between folks like us!

    I ❤️ Good finds at thrift stores!!
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Good Morning. Food has still been good but I am def in my head about something lately.
    I dunno if its my sons crap, or trying to study to get pharm tech certified but I def wanna just go curl back up in bed today
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