Waist Aways - September 2020 Team Chat



  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    1st Shrinking Assets 0.17%
    2nd Downsizers 0.16%
    3rd Weight No More 0.10%

    1st Shrinking Assets 8.5 Lbs
    2nd Downsizers 8.1 Lbs
    3rd Weight No More 4.4 Lbs

    1st @19shmoo69 5.58 %
    2nd @imgwendolyn2015 4.90%
    3rd @TASCascalho 4.04 %

    1st @19shmoo69 10.0 Lbs
    2nd @imgwendolyn2015 4.2 Lbs
    3rd @kcpond 3.9 Lbs



  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 549 Member
    @micki48 Steps Please let me know if you still need Thurs. More to come
    Fri - 4,000
    Sat - 4,500
    Sun - 6,800
  • SMcFall0215
    SMcFall0215 Posts: 122 Member
    Steps for the week

  • graceojo999
    graceojo999 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi every one,

    My name is Grace. I am 28, and I am a research student. I live with my sister who is usually on a eat healthy journey with me. So when either of us falls off the wagon we both do. The last 2 months have been bad and I have gained back a lot of weight and almost completely erased my progress for the last few months.

    My CW is 92kg (I cant remember my last recorded weight but it had to be around 84kg). I suspect I am carrying a bit of water weight

    I am going to focus on
    1. daily walks or exercise
    2. 2l of water a day
    3. Calorie tracking
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    Hi everyone and welcome to our new members. I'm Rhonda from Texas. I'm 51, divorced, no kids, an elementary assistant principal and working on my doctorate in educational leadership. I'm also an associate pastor and singer/musician in my church. As you can imagine, I stay extremely busy all the time. So I'll apologize in advance for my sporadic posts throughout the month. But please know that I'm still plugging away at my weight loss journey, even though the struggle is real. I support everyone's challenges and celebrate your victories. As the motto is in the US during this pandemic, "We're all in this together."

    @jugar I had an idea pop in my head this weekend for one of the upcoming challenge weeks:
    1. Sleepin' Sunday (how close to 8 hours of sleep can get to tonight?)
    2. Meatless Monday (all veggies and fruit today)
    3. Toning Tuesday (the workout of your choice that includes toning/strength exercises)
    4. Workout Wednesday (cardio workout of your choice)
    5. Thirsty Thursday (how close to 64 oz of water can you get today?)
    6. Fruity Friday (fresh fruit anyone?)
    7. Steppin' Saturday (How many steps can you walk in a day?)

    Just an idea...
    I love this idea, and we can try it here in our own team! I will certainly also put it into the rotation for full group challenges as well - but let's start here! Even if it is too late where you live and you already had some meat today, let's aim for as meatless a Monday as you can manage today. Legumes count as veggies if you're worried about protein! And even mushrooms and green beans have good amounts of protein :smiley: Nuts too!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    Steph1498 wrote: »
    Hello everyone! My name is Stephanie and I live in Luxembourg. I’m currently a stay at home wife & mom of two preteens, 11 & 12. My oldest son is in the states :'( I gave up my busy career last year and gratefully now I have lots of time for me and learning new tricks (or habits). I’m loving hiking, running and currently trying to find a tennis partner.

    I’ve been away for the last month. Going home to the states made it easy to see how my weight had increased in the past. I wasn't focused on healthy eating or exercise. My family and friends just aren’t a positive influence on that front. In the past I also hadn’t spoke up about my needs. I am excited to get back into a routine again with MFP.

    My current weight is 163 pounds.
    My goal is 145 by the end of 2020.

    This month I will be focused on
    1. Logging ALL my intake daily
    2. Drinking 2 liters of water
    3. Beginning a running plan for Nice/Cannes
    4. Playing tennis at least twice 🎾

    You will make it to 145 by the end of the year for sure! Great plan :heart:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    edited August 2020
    Happy Monday!

    I am a bit behind things today - yesterday's tallies and new month spreadsheets took forever, so I have computer burnout! I also have been painting a room, and this morning have to run off to do groceries and buy more paint. So this'll be quick -

    I'll finish up exercise minutes into the step chart a bit later! Sorry to be slow.

    So glad to see you catching that slide before it gets even worse. It is so easy to just keep on sliding, but then you have a much bigger job to get back to where you were. Good for you to make those daily commitments - in your exercise, work at least some on building muscle. Muscles burn more calories even when you're at rest, so making them stronger has a double effect of fabulousness!

    Weigh-in reminders for today:
    @ells_runs (I also need a starting weight for this month - a guess is fine! from last Sunday)

  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,071 Member
    Steps & Exercise for 30th August:

    Steps - 2541
    Exercise - 0 (Rest day)
  • jguldi11
    jguldi11 Posts: 201 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Jackie and I've been a member of this team for a few months now. I live with my husband of 8 years, our cat Fiona, and new puppy Lola in Michigan, USA. I work as a therapist for mental health and addictions which requires a lot of sitting, and lately a lot of stress that leads to me overeating or eating fast food 😣

    My main reason for wanting to lose weight is to be healthier and have a baby. We've been trying for our first since August 2018. It's been very challenging as I have PCOS, which also makes weight loss a struggle. I had lost over 40lbs (from 269lbs to about 226lbs) but between fertility meds, holidays, and then COVID-19 stress and gym closure I gained some back (up to 245-ish back in April). I've been trying for the past few months to get out of the 240's and got a little bit closer to that goal in August.

    I'm very grateful for this team keeping me accountable and offering support. I would have given up by now if it were not for that. In fact I was really debating taking September off, but I checked in on here and feel motivated to pick back up again. So silly how a few unhealthy days can distort my thinking into giving up months of progress.

    For September I need to get back into consistent logging, and I would like to be out of the 240s. To get there, I need to maintain a calorie deficit and have a decent amount of physical activity. My current calorie goal is 1450/day and I find more success when I eat no more than 1550 on the days I'm more physically active. I'm also going to continue my goal of 3 days of intentional exercise each week and get back on track with my daily step goal of 5000 at least 5 days per week.
  • jguldi11
    jguldi11 Posts: 201 Member
    PW: 242.3 lbs
    CW: 244.5 lbs
    LTD: 24.5 lbs

    @jugar I forgot to weigh again yesterday. I think I should switch my weigh-in day to Monday, would that be okay? Although next week I will be out of town until Monday evening so I will either weigh-in early (Friday) or on Tuesday...Or maybe I will bring the scale with me to keep me accountable. Hmmm...

    I feel gross. My brother and sister in-law came over for the weekend to help with canning (we made 12.5 quarts of spaghetti sauce!) and we always eat so much junk together.... Yesterday we had McDonalds for breakfast, skipped lunch, had a relatively healthy dinner of kabobs, and then my husband made us all milkshakes. And I drank my whole shake. And then this morning I had a Boston creme doughnut. Saturday was a bust too.

    So as I said, I feel gross. My poor stomach is overstretched and achey. I started to feel bad for myself and like I wanted to give up, or skip my weigh-in this week, or lie about it, or make an excuse, or something. But instead I will follow many before me and own up to it, dust myself off, and start up again.

    I have a feeling most of the weight gained is water/bloat. I certainly feel bloated. That may throw off my numbers next week and make it seem like a big drop but I will mention that if so.

    The plan for the rest of today is to have a healthy dinner, log everything, and surpass my step goal. There's quite a lot of dishes to be done after yesterday and laundry from the week, and I need to keep training Lola on her leash.
  • jguldi11
    jguldi11 Posts: 201 Member
    @micki48 I would like to continue stepping with a daily goal of 5000. Here are my steps from last week

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