Waist Aways - September 2020 Team Chat



  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    September is off to a great start. My kids are back in school and the house is quiet in the mornings which gives me so much time to think/process.

    I’m working on setting up better morning routines for all of us... if anyone has suggestions I’d love to hear how you all start your day with lots of positive energy.

    Happy Anniversary @CanadianGiraffe!
    Happy Birthday @Gidgitgoescrazy!

  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Thanks for the Bday wishes !

    Yesterday was good, I got home and did everything in my plan... and I had to stand beside my bed to get to it but...

    Steps for 9/1 = 10,012 & 15 min yoga

    Funny story about the yoga, I was showing my hubby stuff on the app over the weekend and I apparently had mine set with a back strength boost... Yeesh, I didn't know I could do so many planks, chaturangas and up-dogs in 15 minutes !

    I did not do my full 40 minutes of video this morning, I did 30 - I will do the other 10 this evening, I decided to straighten my hair instead... I was planning on doing a few walks at work today, and I checked the weather before I even got out of bed, no rain till 5pm... Well guess what I walked out the front door to ? Yup, it was raining ! It's still raining, I had to walk circles around my office while I made coffee to get a 500 step goal... stupid weather app !

    @Steph1498 - I start my morning with exercise, it really helps set the tone for the day..

    @conleywoods The cake was really good, and I didn't even have to make it, my son ended up making it. and when I had friends over, we had cake 1st because I didn't want to be stuck with the whole thing, so this way I made sure everyone ate a piece...

    @evangsimmons170 I didn't see this till today, but here's mine

    Sleepin' Sunday (how close to 8 hours of sleep can get to tonight?) I got 7.58 - but it wasn't very good sleep, I only scored a 64- so there was lots of tossing and turning..

    Meatless Monday (all veggies and fruit today) - Failed...

    Toning Tuesday (the workout of your choice that includes toning/strength exercises) - I did Yoga with a back strength boost.

    Workout Wednesday (cardio workout of your choice) I did 30 min of a Leslie Sansone Video

    Have a great day everyone !

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,207 Member
    Happy Wednesday!
    Today is clean up the messes Wednesday, and yes, I WILL get a good sweaty workout in for sure. I'm feeling all cooped up and antsy - a sure sign that I did not get enough of a burn on for the past couple of days.

    Morning routines? @Steph1498 - I am looking forward to answers on that one! I have a tendency to sit around, read the news, catch up on computer stuff, and then life starts. I generally exercise much later in the day, but I feel like a lot of good time gets wasted in the mornings. So here's hoping for some good suggestions that we can try!
  • offitgoes
    offitgoes Posts: 755 Member
    PW: 180
    Ugg! It is all food choices. It certainly is not activity. Buckling down. I am going away for a week this coming Monday - little nervous because restaurants all week. It is what it is.
  • theweeonemfp
    theweeonemfp Posts: 27 Member
    @jugar hey I asked if you could change my weigh day to a Saturday, not been updated yet x

    Otherwise I have cycled today!! Yey! 6.5 miles to work and then trained home because the rain was pouring down. Meal prepped a couple of things today and feeling good so far. Time for a nap before I get the wee one x
  • theweeonemfp
    theweeonemfp Posts: 27 Member
    Also I can't get onto the September habit tracker but my goals are
    1. 8k steps daily
    2. Workout 20 min
    3. Meditate 5 min
    4. Meal prep 1-2x week

  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 617 Member
    @micki48 thanks for the welcome! I am down for the step challenge. I keep track of a LOT of health-related things in an excel already, so it should be easy to report steps every few days. I'll list some tomorrow starting from the 1st!

    That breakfast looks great! I very recently tried avocado again (made some guac) and I think I actually like it a lot, but the calories kind of scare me away from regularly incorporating it? (I also second that your grandchild is precious!)

    @evangsimmons170 love this weekly set up! I'm doing okay so far:

    Sunday: 7 hr 13 min sleep
    Monday: nope (chicken with dinner already planned)
    Tuesday: 13 min "Blazing Guns" arm workout
    Wednesday: 19 min cardio interval workout

    Happy Hump Day all!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    I was so comfy on the couch and so lazy and chilling with my cat last night, but I still forced my butt upstairs and did 36 minutes of cardio before bed.

    Pretty light effort, but honestly any movement is better than couch laying, and it seems to have helped my back a bit. So we'll put that as a check mark in the "being more active" win column.

    I inflicted my low cal cheesecake on husband so tonight he is making some kind of tofu pudding. We're just gonna keep creating desserts at each other for a while I think. XD

    I will report back on the pudding.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,079 Member
    Step & Exercise update

    1st September
    Steps - 3234
    Exercise - 38 Mins HIIT workout (with weights)
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member

    @Terytha I have the ingredients to make the cheesecake (but we don't seem to have cheesecake flavour pudding in Canada so I'll have to use Vanilla). That's on the plans for tomorrow or Friday morning before work. Fingers crossed I can find the time cause I'm pretty excited to try it.

    Yeah, Canada is seriously lacking in flavors and fat free options compared to the US. I used white chocolate flavor and it was still pretty cheesecake-like so vanilla probably tastes good too. :)

    I feel like weightloss is like a golf course covered in sand traps. Lots of slowing points but nothing you can't get out of with persistence (and perhaps some frustrated yelling).

    Losing weight is simple but not easy. That's all.
  • theweeonemfp
    theweeonemfp Posts: 27 Member
    @jugar my steps for today are 13681, yesterday was 10098.

    Stuck under my calories today and thats me just in bed. Managed to clean and prep a couple meals, doing more tomorrow!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,207 Member
    offitgoes wrote: »
    PW: 180
    Ugg! It is all food choices. It certainly is not activity. Buckling down. I am going away for a week this coming Monday - little nervous because restaurants all week. It is what it is.
    Enjoy your week, Julie! Restaurants have good choices if you can withstand the temptation - but have a good time, and do the best you can :heart:
    @jugar hey I asked if you could change my weigh day to a Saturday, not been updated yet
    Otherwise I have cycled today!! Yey! 6.5 miles to work and then trained home because the rain was pouring down. Meal prepped a couple of things today and feeling good so far. Time for a nap before I get the wee one x

    Also I can't get onto the September habit tracker
    Thanks for the reminder! You are now officially on Saturday. Well done for cycling today - even though the weather was not cooperating on your way home. I'm not sure what problem you might be having with the habit tracker. Some people said that you have to open it once on your computer (or the web version) and then it will open in google sheets on your mobile after that. Some people explain it on https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10808585/habit-tracker-september#latest
    Let me know if it still doesn't work!
    micki48 wrote: »
    So I had some good and bad yesterday. The good was I made myself do toning at 9pm because I had you all whispering in my ear. It was a 25 minute Pilates tone and it WAS challenging. I can feel it today. I also reached by step goal of 9,000.
    Isn't it great when the team whispers in your ear? They got to me today too :sunglasses:
    micki48 wrote: »
    I will stress drink water or stress run in place.
    This! I can picture you in that conversation with your DH, suddenly popping up and running in place while he is running his mouth. Faster and faster! This is a brilliant idea. Stress running in place. And I have read several times about the cooling value of drinking a large glass of water VERY slowly, but quite continually, until it is gone. Small sips. Plenty of breathing. It really cools things down. You have the perfect recipe for a hot cure and a cold cure for feeling stressed out and anxious.
    Terytha wrote: »
    I inflicted my low cal cheesecake on husband so tonight he is making some kind of tofu pudding. We're just gonna keep creating desserts at each other for a while I think. XD

    More news on the couples craziness front! I inflicted zucchini streusel (gluten free!) on DH tonight. He has not commented yet - and I haven't tried it yet either! I'll send you the recipe if you want to add it to your duelling desserts :wink:

    Excellent first week @PlaneMonkey ! And even when it slows a bit, keeping it in the green as much as you can will do the trick. Slowly, perhaps, but you'll make it!

    @conleywoods - I LOVE those photos. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    @pearl4686 - many hugs flying your way! It is hard, but you can get back on track. You're here, keep reading and then make a plan for a tomorrow. Hang on!
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    Hey everyone...

    So yesterday I had a bit of a rubbish day. My mental health isn't always great and I was feeling a bit depressed for no reason in particular. I stayed home playing video games and reading, and I had a binge at lunch time which I've been too ashamed to log (McDonald's).

    The evening was OK because my fiance was home and we had soup which is low calorie and filling, but then I did have a couple of squares of chocolate later too! :s

    I am feeling better today though and am trying to just write it off as a less than perfect day. I'm learning that one problematic day doesn't mean I have to give it all up. My ankle is taking longer than expected to heal but I'm hoping tomorrow I can get to the gym, and today, I am just doing my best.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, and @conleywoods you are looking AMAZING girl! Yesss!!
  • jguldi11
    jguldi11 Posts: 201 Member
    Hey team sorry I've been absent, my app hasn't let me access the community boards for several days 😞 fortunately @jugar gave me the link to get here directly, so here I am! Thanks Liselyn!

    @Gidgitgoescrazy happy belated birthday!!

    @Terytha congrats on paying off the debt! When I paid off my 50k student loans it was SUCH a relief. I can imagine how light you must feel now!

    @conleywoods wow girl! I love the photos! Progress photos have been such an inspiration for me, my own and others. You are an inspiration to us all ❤

    @spyro88 reading and video gamea are some of my fave hobbies too 😉 sometimes we need that escape for a bit. I hope today is a better day!

    I've been logging everything and feeling much better physically and emotionally. I'm glad I chose to stay on with the group. I can only imagine where I would be if I chose to take the month off 😬 . I am a little nervous about my upcoming vacation weekend, but I plan to bring some healthy food options so hopefully I will just stick to those. My husband and I are renting a small cottage on Lake Huron with my brother and sister in-law and we have been looking forward to it for months. Going to be some much needed relaxation!

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