Weight loss, but breast size increase?



  • aRoseOfDestiny
    aRoseOfDestiny Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all! I have a kind of personal and random question... but bare with me.

    I started doing keto on the first of December. I also cut out diet sodas and alcohol completely. Already, I have lost 6lbs. I feel like my stomach is getting flatter, but I've noticed that my breasts have been bulging out of my relatively new bra. I was just measured before starting keto, so it was definitely the right size before. So what I want to ask to all the women is if they have noticed this too? Is it common to lose weight but maintain/increase fat areas in other parts of your body while doing keto?

    Okay this is my first time commenting or anything on this site and I dont really know if im doing it right so please bear with me .

    So the exact same thing happened to me and even tho I'm not sure this is what happened it is what I think happened. I believe my breasts stayed the same but as the fat under and around my breasts decreased the surface area of them seemed to increase because of increased exposure due to less fat hiding them now .