Step it up September!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Very cool Shred. Hope you enjoy the imperfects. I think what annoys me most about tracking every bite is that I cook most of my food from scratch and I don't want to look up every veggie and teaspoon of coconut aminos and etc. I don't have time or patience.

    I had a seriously stressful day at work. Drove home in tears. I am going to eat a slice of toast with a smidge of PB and get to bed with a good book. Other than that I had a good WFPB day. Oats with blueberries and soy milk yogurt for breakfast, big ol' salad for lunch. I stayed out of the snack cabinet and pretzels. Yay! LOL

  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    I agree..I just do an approximation when it comes to calorie counting. I'm way more concerned at this stage of life with getting the most nutrition, and that is my biggest challenge. Seeing that today I basically ate refined carbs, is a reminder.

    I'm sorry about work. I used to grind my teeth at night from the stress so I feel for you.

    A good book sounds grand! I just started reading more seriously, and I have some Pulitzer Prize winning history books waiting for me at the library...history just gives me perspective. These are neither the best of times, nor the worst.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Good afternoon, plant-based friends! I am so glad to find you here. I checked in ysterday and ot interrupted before Ihad time to write a check-in note.

    Mihani - I am so sorry you had such a rough day at work yesterday. I hope that toast with PB and bed with a good book was as comforting as it sounds, and I hope that today is going better. And a big hooray to staying out of the snack cabinet.

    Tracking - I so get that feeling too tiresome. On the whole, I get better results if I do track, so I do. But that's just what works for my personality/wiring. And it has to be free, for me, and MFP seemed like a good option when I went looking at them a while back.

    As it happens, I am out to track all my food today. I have been slacking and comfort-eating, and my weight has crept up. Nothing disastrous, but enough to ring a bell and say pay attention.

    Shred - Your perspective from history sounds great. I have been reading quite a bit on and off this year.

    Austin-land update: My husband is still recovering from his bicycling accident. We figure he he was going 20 miles per hour when he stopped too suddenly and landed... not perfectly. He studies martial arts and actually made a pretty good landing (I could see from the scratches how he had landed. He used his training and the fall could have been much worse. As it is, it's just inconvenient (it was his dominant hand/shoulder) and still painful (but gradually less so). Progress, but it means I have a lot more stuff to do, for now.

    My food/plan today:
    Breakfast: fresh mango and apple; broccoli, spinach & blueberry smoothie with spices, a few cashews
    Lunch: steamed spinach and garbanzo beans; a bowl of steamed mushrooms and carrots with chopped grape tomato & onion; a bowl of steamed acorn squash with cinnamon and cashew milk
    Snack (planned): apple & cashews
    Dinner (planned): steamed cauliflower, with fresh tomato & onion; big salad; fruit
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Hi all! It was a better day in some ways but not so much in others. I plan to spend all weekend in the office trying to get a bit more in control. I wish there was a light at the end of the tunnel though.

    Austin, I am glad your husband is recovering. Sounds like a nasty accident but could have been worse! Your meals sound so good.

    Shred, do share what books you are reading. I tend to read mostly entertaining and amusing books. Same with watching movies and TV. I get enough real life in real life. LOL

    I mostly like crime novels, mysteries, science fiction (some... mostly like the lighter ones not the dystopian future ones), and I revisit some classics now and again. I recently re-read all of the Herriot books (All Creatures Great and Small, etc.) which I hadn't read since my 20's and laughed and cried so much.

    B - ezekiel toast with tomato and avocado
    L - salad, Dr. McDougall soup, a couple wasa crackers
    D - not sure yet... it was a long day... maybe an Amy's entree

  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Oh, Austin: Ouch! About two years ago I was rushing to get the recycling out in time, caught my slipper on a ridge in the marble in our entrance way and fell entirely on my right side (for some reason the only thing I could think of was holding onto that recyling bag so I didn't make a mess). So, lessons I learned: 1) fall well 2) don't rush!

    My husband and son did a great job of caring for me, but for someone who is active, having to recover from an injury was almost as bad as the injury itself.

    I'm thinking of him!

    Mihani: Some books have come in, and I'll have to pick them up tomorrow, so I'll let you know what treasures they are.

    I really have to do a far better job of devising meals I actually want to eat...! This week, brought me down to .5 lbs of where I was before I took a sharp turn, so that's good..but now I've learned that variety keeps me on track, so vary is what I'll have to incorporate next.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Hi all... another busy day at work. I'm going to bed early so I can get to the office early. I tend to want to go back to sleep on weekend days and not get to the office as early, which isn't good. Better to look at it like a regular workday.

    Looking forward to your book reviews, Shred.

    B - ezekiel toast with a smidge of PB, amazing grass powder mixed with water
    L - Dr. McD soup, a few whole wheat pretzels (stayed away from the PB filled ones LOL)
    D - not sure yet... maybe a sprouted grain tortilla stuffed with loads of veggies

  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Good evening plant friends!

    Today, 10k steps, and ran off some recipes from the Weight Watchers website to try this week. I really, really, really need variety.

    3 months ago, in addition to no longer eating animals/fish and most dairy, I gave up any kind of flour product. And, I haven't done much to replace flour with any grains or beans, so that's the next step!

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Good afternoon, plant friends!

    I have been so SO off track of late. And am buckling down to get through today -- just today - back on plan. It's that or I will find myself buying new and bigger pants before you know it and that would NOT be good.

    B - blueberry & spinach smoothie, coffee, cashews, sliced peaches
    S - peanut butter (a little under 1 T), 50 g raisins (I probably need to cut this snack out for a bit, but it was quick)
    L (planned) - big salad (1 lb), steamed butternut and jicama wit some diced apple
    D (planned) - steamed turnip greens (1 lb), garbanzo beans (4 oz), steamed mushrooms, zucchini & carrots

    In other Austin news:
    - Husband is back in office with coworkers for first time since the accident. He wanted to know if he should try driving one-handed. He caved in the face of the chorus of "no's." Phew.
    - I bought myself a Panda Planner while they were on sale, and am now working to get myself up and going on that.
    - I got some good housework done over the weekend.
    - I took a rebate class from the city and am getting a new rolling compost bin delivered today. Super excited about that! Right now, we have a classic wire bin, which is open to the sky, but raccoons have found it and are making a mess, so time to make a change.
    - I am behind on prep for the Algebra class I am teaching, and need to get cracking on that and some Boy Scouts work tonight. Phew!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Hi all.

    Shred, great job on the 10k steps! Let us know how your new recipes turn out.

    Austin, your plan looks great for today. So happy to hear your husband is doing better, and that he isn't going to try to drive! Wow, you are busy as usual.

    I have continued to be super busy. I did spend all day in the office Saturday but took Sunday off. I visited some friends and we sat out back in the lovely cool autumn weather and talked and talked. As one of my friends said it was so nice to do something that felt "normal".

    I have some work yet to do tonight and it's almost 6:30 because I was in the office late. Ugh. Going to heat up a frozen entree of some sort and then get in a couple hours of work then bedtime.

    I am going to stop and visit another friend this week who has a new black lab pup. I am looking forward to puppy therapy!
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Wow, you Plant Goddesses are productive! I think we're all fueled by the power of hurrah for that!

    I've signed up for a class in nonfiction creative writing...which sounds like a contradiction, but we'll see. I'm using the pandemic to stretch myself in new ways, and it has been decades since I've done "deep work", deep thinking, challenging myself in a way that is totally for myself.

    My eating is not at where I want it to be, but I am I'll take it for now!
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Oops, hit that too soon.

    We are a dog loving household here, so I envy the puppy! I always have biscuits on me, more often than not I can find a small zip lock bag of biscuits in a purse more often than a lipstick!

    So glad, Austin, to here your husband is mending. Is he going to do physical therapy..I found that the hardest part of my recovery. I so admire physical is tough work, and my physical therapist was so patient with my crazy level of whining.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Hi there!

    Shred - A definite yes to physical therapy when he is ready! Right now, it's all about keeping the clavicle strapped down 23 out of 24 hours a day. to encourage things to heal in something closer to back in place. Right after the accident, his clavicle was noticeably high, a couple of centimeters above where it used to be. We are hoping to get this down to a bump and most importantly get back to usual function.

    Mihani - Yay to that hanging out with friends in the lovely fall weather! and a big aww to the prospect of puppy therapy! That sounds so lovely!

    I stayed close to the food plan today - yay! I had an extra bit of unsweetened peanut butter plus raisins, but weighed that out and burned off more than than doing step aerobics this evening.

    One good day down. Onwards to bed, and then an on-plan day again tomorrow!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Shred, that's so cute you carry a baggie of dog treats in your purse. I should do that! That's very cool about your creative writing class.

    Wow, Austin... that's a very serious injury your husband has. I hope he does get back to full function. PT definitely will help. Yay to an on plan day!

    I have been a bit here and there diet-wise. Always vegan of course, but not sticking to WFPB as much as I should. I did buy some fat-free whole wheat pretzels which at least keeps me out of the dreaded PB pretzels.

    B - ezekiel toast with a smidge of PB, amazing grass powder mixed with water
    L - Dr. McD soup, a handful of pretzels
    D - big ol' salad with chickpeas, chia seed pudding with blueberries
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    edited September 2020
    Good afternoon, plant friends!

    A step forward, a step back. A good morning, and then things fell apart in the get ready for class crunch, delivery of said class and then working on catchup on other things. Yesterday's food was not ideal -- vegan, but calorie dense (incl some refined food (Garden of Life bars that are NOT the best choices for me) and way over on calories.

    Back at it today, and I have made some plans for next week so I don't get so stressed on Tuesday.

    I did get an errand and grocery shopping done yesterday, and I did get in some walking. I finished getting all my produce clean and ready this morning, so a better day going today.

    B - blueberry, broccoli & spinach smoothie, coffee, 15 g peanut butter, 30 g currants
    L - turnip greens & spinach (1 lb); garbanzo beans; tomatoes & green chiles; a mandarin orange & a bowl of sliced peach
    S (planned) - raw cashews (10 g, and less munchy-triggering for me than nut butter), apple slices
    D (planned) - big salad with warm broccoli-based dressing; steamed mushrooms & carrots with diced onion & tomato

    In other Austin news:
    - Compost bin arrived! Need to put it together.
    - No progress on Panda Planner.
    - About to go work on Scouts catch-up!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Austin, I forgot to comment on the Panda Planner when you said you got one. I love it honestly, but like most things it got left by the wayside as I struggle with work. When I got it I also bought a package of different color fine line marker pens. I enjoyed writing in different colors and playing with it for a while. I like how it asks you to focus on positives. The guy who designed it has quite a story. You have inspired me to get it out and start using it again.

    Your plan today sounds excellent!

    I put in a solid 2 hours of dedicated work last night but managed to be in bed by 9:30. I am not even turning on my "real" computer tonight. I'm going to eat an Amy's tofu scramble, read for a bit, get to bed early. I got home late.

    Breakfast was oats with blueberries. Lunch was a Dr. McD soup and some raw veggies. Also had a small handful of the whole wheat pretzels. Staying away from those darn PB pretzels at least. LOL

    I'm going to try to find time to do some cooking this weekend. I need to stock my freezer with homemade bean based soups and tofu scrambles so I can get back to oil free. I love convenience, but I'm going to have to work to create my own convenience instead of relying on prepared entrees that don't meet my standards!

    Shred hope all is well with you.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Good morning, plant-based friends! Happy Friday!

    Shred -- I hope you are doing well and enjoying your varied diet!

    Mihani - I hope you had a better day yesterday!

    I tried to check in last night, but MFP was unavailable for maintenance. Ah, well.

    I had a good, on-plan day yesterday as regards food and exercise and supplements. I also caught up on sleep last night, which is having me feel much better today!

    My husband continues to do well. Right now, it's just a matter of having him strapped up, in a position to heal, kind of like a cast. I wish I could also persuade him to try an anti-inflammatory diet, but no. My sneaky compromise today was making him a soup that he is excited about. It contains 2 chicken thighs in one large pot -- just enough to register as a chicken soup. It also contains lots of veggies and two kinds of beans. Heh. Sneaky me.

    On a somewhat related note -- I recently realized that something that has changed is my reaction to mosquito bites. I am much less reactive than I used to be. I am guessing that it's the diet. It's a nice side effect.

    Okay, off to run an errand (library), then to work on planner and Scouts stuff!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Add some turmeric and black pepper to that soup, Austin! Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and black pepper helps activate it. There are contraindications though, so research it first. I add chia or flax, turmeric, cinnamon and black pepper to my oats with blueberries. It's like a big ol' bowl of antioxidants.

    Glad to hear your husband is doing well.

    I have work to do on the house tomorrow, office Sunday. Secretary is sick and off the past two days. She went to get Covid tested today. It never ends. I swear all I want is to have one full week where everyone is there working. I certainly hope she doesn't have Covid though. She doesn't think so, but any time a fever is involved you pretty much have to get tested or take two weeks off work. This is insane.

    I'm off to eat a big ol' salad for late dinner. Then probably watch a movie and chill for the evening.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Hello, plant-based friends!

    Hi Shred

    I am hoping you are doing well. Life is busy, but I do always appreciate your sunny presence in the conversation!

    Hi Mihani!
    I love your description of a morning bowl of antioxidants. I am out of flax and need to get some more. Maybe I will get over to Costco on Monday.
    And as for the soup - thanks for the nudge! I will go slip some antioxidants into that soup!
    Sweet husband is continuing to do well. I made him waffles this morning and included some shredded summer squash -- more veggies. I did not think about adding antioxidants but will do that next time!

    I am so sorry to hear about your secretary. It's hard. With only about 10% of the country having gotten sick and with it being such a tough illness on some, none of us wants to get it. I am glad she was able to get tested, so at least yo will know sooner!

    I hope you had a nice Friday evening.

    Off to get some work done!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    I'm tired and sore this morning! Had a friend come over to help me with some projects. Cleaned up the garage and then he pulled the ratty old carpet out of the basement rec room area and from the stairway. It was a big job and took him most of the day. I didn't help with that because I would have just hurt my back. I spent the day cleaning and cooking.

    Made one of my clean out the crisper drawer soups. It ended up having onion, carrot, eggplant, summer squash, pinto beans, a can of diced tomatoes, veggie broth, and at the end I wilted in lacinto kale and napa cabbage. I threw in turmeric, coriander, cumin, black pepper, garlic, Mrs. Dash. It is delicious! Made a pot of brown rice and will stir some of that in when I serve it up. Definitely enough for dinners all week.

    Tried jicama for the first time. Yum! So sweet and crisp. Used it in my salads for the week. Also made un-honey mustard dressing and pickled red onion.

    I am glad to have my week all set. I have been eating a lot of frozen entrees lately because I just haven't felt like cooking. I always feel more energetic in the fall though... something about the crisp, cool weather. Slept with the windows open and the ceiling fan on last night. It was lovely.

    Waffles sound so good, Austin. I've never made them myself and don't have a waffle maker, but I have been considering it. I buy the frozen waffles once in a while but those obviously are a poor substitute for fresh. I've seen a lot of posts where people use waffle irons to make hash browns which sounds good too. Nice and crispy. Here's the whole foods plant based cooking show version...

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Hey @Mihani !
    I have gotten my money's worth out of this little waffle iron. It's a very basic one (something like this). And yes, I have made waffles for me son with grated potato, mashed beans, nutritional yeast and spices. He looooooooves those! It's another of my Sneaky Vegan dishes! (tasty dishes I make for the family, where nobody mins that it's vegan because it's delicious!)