


  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    tempe987 wrote: »
    I use a cardio video by a group called team body project https://teambodyproject.com/dashboard/

    They've got several that are set up for beginners including chair workouts, and during all the videos they constantly reinforce that you go at your pace; you do what you can do as perfection is not the goal but progress. They will tell you if you need to stop, then stop, catch your breath, come back in when you can; choose your own pace that is for you, and even pause when you need to. They have a few free ones on their website and youtube, but I find I seem to have a lot more available through their roku channel which is where I get the workouts.

    I also have a cheap home elliptical that was given to me and I walk a lot. I also have been trying out jiu-jitsu, though I've missed a lot of that lately because of Covid-19 and because its summer and there is so much that takes up my time in summer; I probably won't be able to get into that much better until fall.

    I did 5 mins on my cheap home elliptical yesterday... I felt like I was dying. I think I can only do that one in short bursts.

    I will check out Team Body Project! Thanks for the Rec!

    When i first started using my elliptical, I was the same way! but I worked my way up and over time it got better :)
  • tempe987
    tempe987 Posts: 39 Member
    tempe987 wrote: »
    I use a cardio video by a group called team body project https://teambodyproject.com/dashboard/

    They've got several that are set up for beginners including chair workouts, and during all the videos they constantly reinforce that you go at your pace; you do what you can do as perfection is not the goal but progress. They will tell you if you need to stop, then stop, catch your breath, come back in when you can; choose your own pace that is for you, and even pause when you need to. They have a few free ones on their website and youtube, but I find I seem to have a lot more available through their roku channel which is where I get the workouts.

    I also have a cheap home elliptical that was given to me and I walk a lot. I also have been trying out jiu-jitsu, though I've missed a lot of that lately because of Covid-19 and because its summer and there is so much that takes up my time in summer; I probably won't be able to get into that much better until fall.

    I did 5 mins on my cheap home elliptical yesterday... I felt like I was dying. I think I can only do that one in short bursts.

    I will check out Team Body Project! Thanks for the Rec!

    When i first started using my elliptical, I was the same way! but I worked my way up and over time it got better :)

    It used to be my favorite and wasn't hard at all.. Makes me realize how far I've fallen!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Does anyone know about Brown fat and White fat?....how do you burn more of each one?....I have been reading a ton of articles and I am curious...also trying to speed up my metabolism...Lots of information but I dont know what to believe!
  • jjlbrick
    jjlbrick Posts: 238 Member
    Swimming is great, water exercise which thanks to covid isn’t happening.
    Cycling is something you can do alone or with friends. Start slow, don’t worry about how large you are on that bike put on a helmet get on and ride. Look at the scenery, just like when you were a kid.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    jjlbrick wrote: »
    Swimming is great, water exercise which thanks to covid isn’t happening.
    Cycling is something you can do alone or with friends. Start slow, don’t worry about how large you are on that bike put on a helmet get on and ride. Look at the scenery, just like when you were a kid.

    I personally find cycling to be pretty hard on my knees. I've adjusted my seat and got it as well as I'm going to get it, but it doesn't take long for my knees to start complaining when I'm riding. I like to ride once in a while, but this is why walking has become my go to exercise. Well, that and push mowing my lawn lol Though push mowing isn't going to be going on much longer; I"m not sure I'm going to cut my grass any more. It's a little long, but at the same time, I don't want it cut too short for winter, either. Might riding mow it one more time on a higher blade setting.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    This winter is going to be hard. The only place I have to walk is along the main highway into town. When winter hits, that's not not going to be practical most days of the season - if we don't have snow on the ground, it will be a muddy mess. There might be a few days I could get a walk in depending on whether we have a mild winter or not, but I can't count on that.

    So right now, that leaves me 2 options: video cardio and the elliptical. *sigh* I don't particularly enjoy either one which makes it hard to make myself do it. I was doing both back in the spring, but as time went on, I dropped off of both because I just don't enjoy those two activities. I've cut the jiu-jitsu out because of cost for right now. The county seat is finally building an aquatic center after being asked for years to do so, but its not going to be ready until next summer at the earliest. I've thought about joining a gym just for access to training with weights, but the cost is still a problem.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    So happy I have a year round heated saltwater pool to use.....the best part is hardly anyone uses it...Once in a while I have to share MY pool but not often lol...I had a rest day yesterday and I have a dentist appointment Thursday so I should swim today but I have a lot going on here today...I really need to find another activity I enjoy when it is a little too chilly to swim this winter...I was thinking of digging out some old Richard Simmons Dancing videos...
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Ok....Mr. Simmons is kicking my butt....his videos are free on Utube and the music is great...I really was sweating today and yesterday....
  • emmyjaykay
    emmyjaykay Posts: 83 Member
    @conniewilkins56 I love aerobics videos! I went to see how Richard compares to my usual plyometric/jump training dance aerobics. I didn't intend to do one but the video I clicked started with Soul Man and I couldn't resist, haha. Thanks for the info! It's nice to have another fun workout in the arsenal!
  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,348 Member
    This winter is going to be hard. The only place I have to walk is along the main highway into town. When winter hits, that's not not going to be practical most days of the season - if we don't have snow on the ground, it will be a muddy mess. There might be a few days I could get a walk in depending on whether we have a mild winter or not, but I can't count on that.

    So right now, that leaves me 2 options: video cardio and the elliptical. *sigh* I don't particularly enjoy either one which makes it hard to make myself do it. I was doing both back in the spring, but as time went on, I dropped off of both because I just don't enjoy those two activities. I've cut the jiu-jitsu out because of cost for right now. The county seat is finally building an aquatic center after being asked for years to do so, but its not going to be ready until next summer at the earliest. I've thought about joining a gym just for access to training with weights, but the cost is still a problem.
    Sometimes I forget how lucky I am that I can afford a gym and that it's what I love doing for exercise.

    I don't really have a solution for you, other than maybe try finding some different workouts on Youtube that you like? There are also fitness places that have online subscriptions for their videos that might be cheaper than a gym membership. I know Les Mills has that (that's what a lot of my gym classes are), and I'm sure there are tons of other ones. I don't know prices, so maybe it's not feasible, but it's a thought.
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    I just found a local yoga studio near me. Currently all classes are on zoom, so I signed up for the intro month. It is a small studio, but so far the classes are really nice. Some day, post-pandemic, it will be nice to go in person since it is a short walk from my house. In the mean time, the zoom yoga is kind of fun! And it always feels good to support a small local business.

    I've also been taking some zoom yoga from my old studio in DC - they are local chain, and I only went to one location by my house. But now, I can take the online classes from any of their locations. There are literally dozens of options very day!! And you can sign up until the class starts - which is perfect for my aversion to planning and my somewhat impulsive nature. Hm, I feel like doing yoga in 10 minutes, let's see which of these 5 classes sounds the best!

    I also went for a walk/run this morning. I'm really turning into a morning person against my will. It was so gorgeous out. 50 degrees, foggy, sun coming up, leaves are almost at their peak. Re-finished W3D3 of C25K. Heel is feeling okay, legs are feeling good. It felt good to run again. I'll move on to week 4 and see how it goes. There is just something about walking and running that is so satisfying to me - the idea of just going anywhere you want under your own power. I love it. Good for my body, good for my brain, good for my soul.

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I like the BodyProject workouts which have a few free ones available, as well as pay membership for me, but the problem is not just the cost but the fact I hate that sort of workout. I don't enjoy it while I'm doing it, so it becomes a willpower thing. Just like I really hate using the elliptical. I hate a gym environment too, so even if there was a close local option, I know from past experience I'd just be wasting my money. The fact is, I hate most regular exercise type activities, which is why I usually don't succeed in keeping a long time regime going. Even the walks have a certain amount of having to force myself to do them; I don't really find myself enjoying myself while I'm out there, but the walks are easier to force than most other activities.

    But then again, I'm trying to think of an activity that I can say that I enjoy and love doing and can't really name one thing much. I like playing the piano, but I can't say that I love doing it and look forward to it; if I did, I sure would practice more and be a lot more advanced than I am. I do yard work and house work, but if I loved it, I wouldn't procrastinate so much.

    There isn't anything in the area for adults for competitive sports; I'd like to join a softball league even if I stink at it because that is one sport I do like, but never had an opportunity to play much other than 2 years in a league in a former job of mine. But there are no adult leagues here; only teen leagues in the summer, and I wouldn't know where to start to even see if some interest could be drummed up. I go to church with folks my parents age, so there won't be interest there, and there isn't a lot of civic activity here anyway; people seem to just want to keep to themselves around here.

    All this talk about Simmon's videos has me curious, though - maybe I'll be able to drum up enough energy to try one tomorrow afternoon!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Bmeadows if nothing else, the R. Simmons videos make you tap your feet to the beat and they make you smile!
  • emmyjaykay
    emmyjaykay Posts: 83 Member
    @eliezalot My studio went virtual when the pandemic hit and I love it so much! I do a couple of online subscriptions to supplement my weekly classes but it's nice to be able to do it in my own space and mostly on my own time. It's my favorite way to transition from work to the rest of my day!
  • rieraclaelin
    rieraclaelin Posts: 115 Member
    Hi all! Just curious, do any of you monitor your RHR? What was it before you started losing weight/exercising, and what is it now?

    Mine was around 70 before I started my diet, and now I'm staying steady around that 54-58 RHR. (I'm also trying to not freak out about it being too low, but, I know that as you become more fit and exercise more, your RHR lowers :p It just feels weird to think of myself being "fit" when I am still 150lbs overweight)

    If you feel like sharing your numbers, please do! (I also wasn't sure where to put this, but, I figured that exercising is a good way to lower your Heart Rate, so, might as well post it here!)

    Speaking of exercise... I'm off to do some low impact chair cardio!
  • emmyjaykay
    emmyjaykay Posts: 83 Member
    @rieraclaelin I monitor my heart rate occasionally. I don't wear a monitor unless I'm exercising and I don't have a fitbit/apple watch so my RHR is something I take monthly with my measurements. It's been steadily measuring between 48 and 52 for a while now and I'd be surprised if that changed too much. It started at 68. I weigh 268 pounds so I'm definitely not a trained athlete but I do fairly vigorous exercise multiple days a week and I know from lots of other signs that my cardiovascular health has improved because of it. I'm not worried about it being too low—I generally feel pretty good, recover my heart rate fairly quickly after workouts, and any lightheadedness I've had since starting my workout routine was always directly linked to something else.

    IME, weight and fitness might have a small correlation in the general public but they're not totally and completely linked. There are larger people who can run marathons and compete in powerlifting and there are thinner people who get winded getting off the couch. Any kind of improvement is something to celebrate, whatever bod you're in! :)
  • amart4224
    amart4224 Posts: 345 Member
    Feeling good that I actually got out for TWO 30 minute walks today, in spite of the fact that the high temperature was only 50 and I really don't like cold weather. I took the dogs with me and they enjoyed it more than I did, per usual.
  • MuttiNM
    MuttiNM Posts: 240 Member
    @amart4224 You saying you don't like cold weather made me smile. Our high today was 28 and by Friday the high will only be 16. A high of 50 would feel like heaven to me! Just goes to show we all have different perspectives! :) Anyway, good job on getting out for 2 walks!
  • jodibeth5744
    jodibeth5744 Posts: 65 Member
    MuttiNM wrote: »
    @amart4224 You saying you don't like cold weather made me smile. Our high today was 28 and by Friday the high will only be 16. A high of 50 would feel like heaven to me! Just goes to show we all have different perspectives! :) Anyway, good job on getting out for 2 walks!

    Me too!! Yesterday I walked in 26 degree weather and a mile in it started snowing furiously on me! 50 is no jacket weather here!
  • amart4224
    amart4224 Posts: 345 Member
    MuttiNM wrote: »
    @amart4224 You saying you don't like cold weather made me smile. Our high today was 28 and by Friday the high will only be 16. A high of 50 would feel like heaven to me! Just goes to show we all have different perspectives! :) Anyway, good job on getting out for 2 walks!

    Me too!! Yesterday I walked in 26 degree weather and a mile in it started snowing furiously on me! 50 is no jacket weather here!

    The farthest north I've ever lived was Kansas, and while I remember happily trudging through the snow to deliver my paper route as a child, as an adult I think Arizona or Florida would be my idea of a good climate - 26 degrees would see me on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate!