November, please look good to me - accountability thread



  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    Checking in:

    11/1 (5'6") 139.9
    11/8. 137.7
    11/9. 139.5.

    Worked hard last week, logged every bite, added more sprinting and longer jogs than I needed to.

    The scale moved down but back up after a refeed. I am not going to run for a few days, the recovery makes me so hangry... but I still want my running skills and endurance back (after baby/injuries) and so I’m torn.
    Niki_Fitz wrote: »
    1. Logging every day - yes
    2. Keep strength training on alternate days but add 10 minutes of aerobic warmup (got a step for this!) - yes (but still waiting for my step).
    3. Get out on the trails 5 days a week - short outings count! - yes, streak is 9/10 days.
  • RosyDanielle
    RosyDanielle Posts: 99 Member
    Checking in for the day :)

    This morning I was in the 55.something kg range for the first time in a long time! Hope it sticks around, especially since I had a friend for coffee and some treats this morning. I have my husband's year end party tomorrow night and looking to wear a dress I haven't worn in ages. I'm a bit scared to try it on... We'll see!

    Height: 166cm
    Age: 31
    Pre-pregnancy: 57 kg
    SW: 59 kg (just after my son was born)
    GW: 52 kg

    10 Nov: 56.3 kg
    11 Nov: 56 kg
    12 Nov: 55.8 kg
  • RobinAlex666
    RobinAlex666 Posts: 144 Member
    SW: 158
    Nov GW: 154.5

    11/6: 156
    11/12: 155
  • RosyDanielle
    RosyDanielle Posts: 99 Member
    And the dress fit! :smiley: glad about it, but I might not actually wear it. I'm eyeing a pencil skirt if I can find a pretty top. Anyway, managed to stay within the 55.sometings even after the morning snacks and evening pasta from yesterday. Hopefully I don't throw it all out the window over the weekend.

    Height: 166cm
    Age: 31
    Pre-pregnancy: 57 kg
    SW: 59 kg (just after my son was born)
    GW: 52 kg

    10 Nov: 56.3 kg
    11 Nov: 56 kg
    12 Nov: 55.8 kg
    13 Nov: 55.8 kg
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My goals for this month:

    1. Get to 72.5 kg
    2. Get 70k steps a week even if the days are short and wet
    3. Stay active despite lockdown and frozen shoulder

    02/11: 73.8
    03/11: 73.8
    09/11: 74.0 Which I know is pretty high, I saw some lower numbers the last days. I feel I have to work harder than usual to drop the weight, I guess it might be hormonal and that a pre-menopausal change is happening.
    10/11: 74.4 - Yesterday was a crazy working day and hubbie ended up preparing spaghetti bolognese late at night while I was still working. I gobbled down a double portion because I was starving, frustrated and tired. Of course, this shows today.
    11/11: 74.4
    12/11: 74.8
    13/11: 74.8 - I've hit a plateau and it is frustrating. I'm eating well within my limits, I've amped up the exercise and then ... this. Ow well, nothing to do but stay patient. It will move eventually.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    Hi all!

    47 for another 10 days :D

    CW 114
    GW 112 for this month
    CBF 21%
    GBF 19% ultimate goal

    So today I am going to the Red cross to donate blood. (red cells)!
    I've used to donate but after a rejection when I weighed less than 110, I hadn't.
    But since I am over the limit, and being the universal donor (rh negative O), I figured, WHY NOT!
    Going to OTF as usual in the morning then shower up, hydrate and rest before heading out.

    Have a good weekend!!!
  • meidson636
    meidson636 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to this discussion thread but have been a myfitnesspal member for quite a while and I know that when I use it, I lose weight. However, in the spring I began to gain weight, especially when the gym closed. I am hoping to get back on track now that I am tracking and exercising again.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    Progress pic November

    🦵🏼✌🏼Getting stronger 👊🏼
  • AleLue_1
    AleLue_1 Posts: 113 Member
    I currently weigh 140lbs and would like to get down to 138 by 11/30. I had wanted to get down to 132lbs by 12/31 but I think I won’t quite make it, but that is ok. I need to increase my activity, even though I hate cold weather.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My goals for this month:

    1. Get to 72.5 kg
    2. Get 70k steps a week even if the days are short and wet
    3. Stay active despite lockdown and frozen shoulder

    02/11: 73.8
    03/11: 73.8
    09/11: 74.0 Which I know is pretty high, I saw some lower numbers the last days. I feel I have to work harder than usual to drop the weight, I guess it might be hormonal and that a pre-menopausal change is happening.
    10/11: 74.4 - Yesterday was a crazy working day and hubbie ended up preparing spaghetti bolognese late at night while I was still working. I gobbled down a double portion because I was starving, frustrated and tired. Of course, this shows today.
    11/11: 74.4
    12/11: 74.8
    13/11: 74.8 - I've hit a plateau and it is frustrating. I'm eating well within my limits, I've amped up the exercise and then ... this. Ow well, nothing to do but stay patient. It will move eventually.
    14/11: 74.6
    15/11: 74.4
    16/11: 74.1 - it is sooooo slow and I am wondering if it is hormonal or maybe my pain meds are interfering with my weight loss. I know my body full well by now and I know exactly what I need to eat and how much exercise I need to do. But this is caterpillar slow ... but at least it is downwards !
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @weatherking2019 : you sexy mama !!! :smiley:
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    @weatherking2019 : you sexy mama !!! :smiley:
    😊 🙏🏼 thx

    So slow weight loss is def frustrating.
    And when you’re not that overweight, it’s a given.
    Looking at your daily food log, maybe you’re not eating enough?? 🤔
    Have you tried playing around with macros? I’m not familiar with the foods listed but maybe upping protein or fats and lower carbs? When I feel stuck, I change it up.

    Keto to drop fat or load up with protein to beef up muscles etc.
    Just my thoughts. Don’t give up and keep going!! And remember to enjoy life too💗
    We’re all so hard on ourselves and forget to be kind to ourselves sometimes. We gotta treat us like we treat others😘😘😘

  • keetseel1
    keetseel1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm brand new here and would love some accountability. My goal is to lose 10 pounds over 20 weeks and to get back into a good exercise habit. I walk the dog for an hour a day but want to introduce weight training and maybe even a little running into my routine.
    -lose 10 pounds by April 5, 2021
    -get to under 30% body fat
    -cardio 7 days a week, weight training 3x a week (for about 30 minutes)
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    @weatherking2019 : you sexy mama !!! :smiley:
    😊 🙏🏼 thx

    So slow weight loss is def frustrating.
    And when you’re not that overweight, it’s a given.
    Looking at your daily food log, maybe you’re not eating enough?? 🤔
    Have you tried playing around with macros? I’m not familiar with the foods listed but maybe upping protein or fats and lower carbs? When I feel stuck, I change it up.

    Keto to drop fat or load up with protein to beef up muscles etc.
    Just my thoughts. Don’t give up and keep going!! And remember to enjoy life too💗
    We’re all so hard on ourselves and forget to be kind to ourselves sometimes. We gotta treat us like we treat others😘😘😘

    Thanks for your kind words, I'm already trying to amp up the protein and fat, but I find that difficult.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My goals for this month:

    1. Get to 72.5 kg
    2. Get 70k steps a week even if the days are short and wet
    3. Stay active despite lockdown and frozen shoulder

    02/11: 73.8
    03/11: 73.8
    09/11: 74.0 Which I know is pretty high, I saw some lower numbers the last days. I feel I have to work harder than usual to drop the weight, I guess it might be hormonal and that a pre-menopausal change is happening.
    10/11: 74.4 - Yesterday was a crazy working day and hubbie ended up preparing spaghetti bolognese late at night while I was still working. I gobbled down a double portion because I was starving, frustrated and tired. Of course, this shows today.
    11/11: 74.4
    12/11: 74.8
    13/11: 74.8 - I've hit a plateau and it is frustrating. I'm eating well within my limits, I've amped up the exercise and then ... this. Ow well, nothing to do but stay patient. It will move eventually.
    14/11: 74.6
    15/11: 74.4
    16/11: 74.1 - it is sooooo slow and I am wondering if it is hormonal or maybe my pain meds are interfering with my weight loss. I know my body full well by now and I know exactly what I need to eat and how much exercise I need to do. But this is caterpillar slow ... but at least it is downwards !
  • blecocq5273
    blecocq5273 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am new to MyFitnessPal. I would like to lose a few pounds but more importantly I want to get more toned.
    This month, I want to walk 50,000 steps per week and improve my calorie intake to 1200-1300 calories per day. I also plan on adding dumbbell exercises to my workout regime to 3 times per week. Brenda
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    I'm late - but going to jump back on here to hold myself accountable to get back in the habit of daily weigh ins and being mindful. Winter is so freakin hard on me. I rely on being outdoors for exercise and it's much more difficult when its' cold.

    2 goals -
    Other than the 19th and Turkey day - I'm bailing off the sugar wagon.
    Log my food intake daily

    11/16 - 150.4
    11/17 - 149.8
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    I'm late - but going to jump back on here to hold myself accountable to get back in the habit of daily weigh ins and being mindful. Winter is so freakin hard on me. I rely on being outdoors for exercise and it's much more difficult when its' cold.

    2 goals -
    Other than the 19th and Turkey day - I'm bailing off the sugar wagon.
    Log my food intake daily

    11/16 - 150.4
    11/17 - 149.8

    Welcome back Cayenne, we missed you !
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My goals for this month:

    1. Get to 72.5 kg
    2. Get 70k steps a week even if the days are short and wet
    3. Stay active despite lockdown and frozen shoulder

    02/11: 73.8
    03/11: 73.8
    09/11: 74.0 Which I know is pretty high, I saw some lower numbers the last days. I feel I have to work harder than usual to drop the weight, I guess it might be hormonal and that a pre-menopausal change is happening.
    10/11: 74.4 - Yesterday was a crazy working day and hubbie ended up preparing spaghetti bolognese late at night while I was still working. I gobbled down a double portion because I was starving, frustrated and tired. Of course, this shows today.
    11/11: 74.4
    12/11: 74.8
    13/11: 74.8 - I've hit a plateau and it is frustrating. I'm eating well within my limits, I've amped up the exercise and then ... this. Ow well, nothing to do but stay patient. It will move eventually.
    14/11: 74.6
    15/11: 74.4
    16/11: 74.1 - it is sooooo slow and I am wondering if it is hormonal or maybe my pain meds are interfering with my weight loss. I know my body full well by now and I know exactly what I need to eat and how much exercise I need to do. But this is caterpillar slow ... but at least it is downwards !
    17/11: 73.8 - back to my starting weight of this month
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    I'm late - but going to jump back on here to hold myself accountable to get back in the habit of daily weigh ins and being mindful. Winter is so freakin hard on me. I rely on being outdoors for exercise and it's much more difficult when its' cold.

    2 goals -
    Other than the 19th and Turkey day - I'm bailing off the sugar wagon.
    Log my food intake daily

    11/16 - 150.4
    11/17 - 149.8 - did a decent job on food. Crazy how knowing I have to log it makes me so much more mindful.
    11/18 - 148.2