Downsizers - November 2020 Team Chat



  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post November 20
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 128oz
    Steps 9436
    Exercise 30min treadmill

    Yesterday was grocery shopping day. My parents didn't get released from quarantine yet so I'm still shopping for 3 households by myself. No outside walk this time as grocery shopping takes over my normal walking time. I'm still getting plenty of steps during that time though haha. Just needed to hop on the treadmill for 30 mins at night to finish off my steps for the day. My chocolate/unhealthy cravings are starting to subside. The only thing I gave in to was buying some low calorie ice cream bars at the store on impulse. I tried one last night after dinner and it was actually pretty good. Might be good for satisfying some more unhealthy cravings sometimes.
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 885 Member
    Steps 11/20: 15,690
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    CHECK IN: Friday, Nov. 20
    🏃🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    💦 Water ✔️
    🍽 Calories /Tracking ❌
    😴 Sleep ✔️

    FRI. 11/20: 14,436
  • shortyjmorgan1
    shortyjmorgan1 Posts: 177 Member
    You guys are amazing. (last hippo picture I promise)
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    You guys are amazing. (last hippo picture I promise)
    Nooooo we need MORE hippos! One for every day of the week please !!!
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    draby2011 wrote: »
    UGGH I have had the most horrible week but let me start with the easy stuff before I go into detail.

    Today's weight: 238 pounds (minus 0.2 pounds)

    Steps: (still no Fitbit but I might go ahead and buy a cheap one just to have until Christmas)
    November 14: 1,343
    November 15: 1,562
    November 16: 8,525
    November 17: 2,208
    November 18: 2,093
    November 19: 2,670
    November 20: 1,157
    November 21: 1,918

    As you guys can tell I don't keep my phone on me often, especially with the COVID numbers climbing. So the phone thing just isn't cutting it. Also, this week has been quite possibly the worst week of my life. I think my situations have resolved, so I am hitting the ground running this week and have meal prepped today.

    The menu for the next 3 days (hospital days) is grilled chicken with mashed sweet potatoes, trail mix for a snack, and alfredo chicken for dinner. (I will be fasting so breakfast isn't needed) Also, will go back to trying to get my water intake up. Diet Dr. Pepper has been my only drink for the last week or so.

    Anywho, someone falsely filed a report against me with child protective services, and my oldest child was temporarily removed from my home. :cry: She is back home and honestly, I have developed so much anxiety from this situation that I am sure it isn't helping my weight situation. I didn't eat those days she wasn't home and to be quite honest I spoiled the hell out of her when she got back home so whatever she wanted to eat is what we all had. Anywho, as I said, hopefully, that is over. I am working for the next 3 days at the hospital and then the day before Thanksgiving at the surgery center. I am off thanksgiving but will fast that day also so I don't foresee the holiday being an issue. My trainer messaged me about getting back into the gym so I have an appointment Wednesday to get back on track

    So yes, this week has been horrible but it can only get better from here. Going to try to get as many steps as possible in this week but also have a TON of school work to catch back up on because obviously, that was not my primary focus this week.

    I have read through everyone's posts and a lot of ya'll are kicking some SERIOUS BUTT! Great job guys! Keep that 'ish up!!! I hope to join ya'll in the losers' circle next week! :wink:

    Oh my goodness, this hurts my heart just to read. I am so sorry about what happened to you.

    Good on you for prepping and getting right to it- that is so inspirational, seriously. I have a habit of going off track because of whatever situation then come back like 3 years later with my tail between my legs!!

    Sending you big hugs, and well wishes. Even with the stress at work I truly hope that things calm down and you have an amazing week
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    Nov 19th Check in

    * Track food ✅
    * Stay under calorie goal ✅
    * Not restrict ✅
    * Drink 2L water minimum ✅
    Exercise sessions this week- 2 (goal of 3)

    Steps- 7876

    ALRIGHTY!!! So the wii is all set up! I just rocked about 40 min on Just Dance (3). Took a while not only to get everything set up but to find the games I *knew* I had. My wife just stuck a lifetimes worth of CDs and DVDs (and I kid you not- 2 VHS tapes) in a big garbage bag. So we had a nice purge. And I found my 2 Just Dance games.

    I weighed myself this morning and I was in the 334's. Which meaaaaans that I can use my Wii Fit board hopefully in a few weeks! (330lb is the highest limit and I do have to wear some clothes when exercising, so have to account for that lol)

    Honestly, doing that workout was wonderful. When I did it years ago I would do a 60-90 minute workout and I'd be sweating buckets.

    Next on my list, is to get some decent, comfy, breathable sneakers. Since my sneaker fiasco about 3 weeks ago, where I got a blister on the bottom of my foot because part of the cushioning had worn away inside the shoe and my foot was rubbing like crazy, I have been wearing my works shoes. They are kinda sneaker-like but leather, so not very comfy and DEFINITELY not breathable.

    My thanskgiving dinner was lovely. I was going to buy carrots on the way home from picking up the turkey but now that lockdown is looming in Toronto, everyone and their nan are shopping. So line-ups outside the stores. I ended up stirfrying some courgette slices (kinda like the consistency of spaghetti) and had that with my dinner.

    Tomorrow is back to work, already planned my lunch. Supper will probably be mooooore turkey lol.

    Anyway- I am now going to read back on messages, just like to get my musings out of the way lol
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member

    I am not shocked at my weight gain. I have been self medicating with food. I was over calories everyday but 2. This week I am going to work on the binge eating and getting those walks in. Binge eating is related to my mood and stress level. So I am also working on those things too!

    Hope you are having a great weekend!

    Oh hun I feel this. It shows a lot of strength to even admit that you've binged. I used to hide mine a lot. I have a lot of stories about it.

    One of my definitions for abstinence is to be honest with my food. I used to hide it a lot. If I went to the store to get some treats for me and the wife, I would buy a packet of something (which shall remain nameless) and eat it before I got home, and dispose of the packaging and receipt before I went inside. Insanity really but that's how I lived my life.

    And I go 2 ways if I am stressed or depressed- overeat or undereat. Either way it is not good.

    So, thankyou for sharing so honestly with us. Here's to a fabulous new week! <3
    lelbarou wrote: »
    Check in for Nov. 20
    Exercise - no (decided to rest the foot)
    Tracking- yes (under)
    Steps - 5267 (guess I still got some steps because I walked to the park)

    Hi All,
    Hope you have a good day today!
    I went to the park yesterday and just sat in the sun! Might the last time I can do that.
    The weather is changing. Snow and rain is coming. Boohoo!
    Something reminded me of my mother yesterday, and I just cried and cried.
    She died a while back from cancer.
    But later, I was laughing and okay. I really have my ups and downs! LOL

    Ughhhhh I wish I did thaaaaaaat haha. I was working a late yesterday (2-1030ish) and every break I just say on the pavement outside (we have a slightly hidden area behind the store) and just enjoyed the warmth. It was delicious.

    It's amazing how those steps add up eh? Sometimes I feel jibbed because I feel like a long walk should be waaaaay more than 6k or whatever steps lol. But then when I'm not looking, I'll get the little vibration from my fitbit saying I've done 10k steps and i'm like "whaaaat"

    I hope you enjoyed your relaxation, sounds like it was wonderful!

    Happy Saturday Team!

    Well it was a bad week. I didn’t check in yesterday and won’t be able to catch up with
    All the posts. I haven’t been at the top of my game. I will get myself back on track this week. I have my sons birthday tomorrow but I plan on starting back up on IF. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. I’m here for you all and will do better keeping up with your posts.

    Hey Mari! I find it hard to catch up on posts sometimes. I was looking at the numbers on the discussion boards and our group is definitely the Chatty Cathy group haha. I think we will hit over 1k comments at this rate!!

    Happy birthday to your son for tomorrow! I hope he (and you) has a wonderful day! :)
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    PW 205.6
    CW 204.8
    Loss w/ MFP since 4/17/20 65.2lbs
    LTD 118.2

    I'm surprised by this loss a little bit even though it's small. It's TOM and yesterday my weight was showing 207 from bloating. Pleasently surprised it decided to drop back down for official weigh in today.

    GUUUUUUUUUUUURL. I have been moaning about my TOTM coming up for the last week and it still hasn't arrived! I am getting mad! lol

    Bloating is crazy. One minute you're at target for a healthy loss and then all of a sudden *boom* 10lb

    Thanks, mother nature -_- lol
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    ALSOOOOOOOOO I have a question for you guys

    So there are 4 weeks to the challenge, does that mean it ends on the 28th? When does the next one start? On the 1st? Like does the first weigh in date rotate or?

    Ok that was more than 1 question lol
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    draby2011 wrote: »
    UGGH I have had the most horrible week but let me start with the easy stuff before I go into detail.

    Today's weight: 238 pounds (minus 0.2 pounds)

    Steps: (still no Fitbit but I might go ahead and buy a cheap one just to have until Christmas)
    November 14: 1,343
    November 15: 1,562
    November 16: 8,525
    November 17: 2,208
    November 18: 2,093
    November 19: 2,670
    November 20: 1,157
    November 21: 1,918

    As you guys can tell I don't keep my phone on me often, especially with the COVID numbers climbing. So the phone thing just isn't cutting it. Also, this week has been quite possibly the worst week of my life. I think my situations have resolved, so I am hitting the ground running this week and have meal prepped today.

    The menu for the next 3 days (hospital days) is grilled chicken with mashed sweet potatoes, trail mix for a snack, and alfredo chicken for dinner. (I will be fasting so breakfast isn't needed) Also, will go back to trying to get my water intake up. Diet Dr. Pepper has been my only drink for the last week or so.

    Anywho, someone falsely filed a report against me with child protective services, and my oldest child was temporarily removed from my home. :cry: She is back home and honestly, I have developed so much anxiety from this situation that I am sure it isn't helping my weight situation. I didn't eat those days she wasn't home and to be quite honest I spoiled the hell out of her when she got back home so whatever she wanted to eat is what we all had. Anywho, as I said, hopefully, that is over. I am working for the next 3 days at the hospital and then the day before Thanksgiving at the surgery center. I am off thanksgiving but will fast that day also so I don't foresee the holiday being an issue. My trainer messaged me about getting back into the gym so I have an appointment Wednesday to get back on track

    So yes, this week has been horrible but it can only get better from here. Going to try to get as many steps as possible in this week but also have a TON of school work to catch back up on because obviously, that was not my primary focus this week.

    I have read through everyone's posts and a lot of ya'll are kicking some SERIOUS BUTT! Great job guys! Keep that 'ish up!!! I hope to join ya'll in the losers' circle next week! :wink:

    I'm not sure if this is allowed BUT... I recommend this watch Lintelek Fitness Tracker - Activity Tracker with Heart Rate Monitor, Smart Fitness Watch with Sleep Monitor, Step Counter, Calorie Counter, Pedometer Watch for Women Men and Gift. It is only $25.98 and easily connects to MFP and uses a program called VeryFit-Pro. I have been using it since March of this year and I got one for my daughter as well. I have never had a fitbit or any of those fancy watches, so I can't compare it to those, but this counts steps, pulse rate and has different settings for treadmill, running, yoga, biking, hiking, workout, basketball, dance, and a few more activities that will tell you your burned calories.
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member

    checkin 11/21 missed 11/20
    weigh in day is Friday

    Past weight: 212
    Present 211.4

    Steps for:
    11/20 - 2104
    11/21 - 1797

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,508 Member
    ALSOOOOOOOOO I have a question for you guys

    So there are 4 weeks to the challenge, does that mean it ends on the 28th? When does the next one start? On the 1st? Like does the first weigh in date rotate or?

    Ok that was more than 1 question lol

    It does end on the 28th .... and December will start on the 29th :) (5 weeks in December) We always start on a Sunday and end on a Saturday each week
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Hi! Almost 200 new notifications! Wow! My phone wasn't allowing me to get inside the forum until now 😑
    I need to read a lot and I dont know where to begin. It doesn't tell me which one was the last post I read.
    I leave my steps from this days.
    18 Nov 6.559 steps
    19 Nov 14.275 steps
    20 Nov 11.947 steps
    21 Nov 10.684 steps
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Hi all! Things have been really crazy the last few days and it was at its peak today. I am trying to deal with the stress by not self medicating with food. It has been a bust the last few days. Sorry I haven’t been active today but I will try and pop on tomorrow morning and read everyone’s post. Keep on fighting my beautiful teammates! ❤️❤️❤️

    Hi Linda. Sorry to hear that the stress has been so difficult for the past few days. I think you are doing an amazing job. Fighting the urge to do something is really difficult, especially when it has been hardwired in for a while. As you urge surf or ride the waves of your urges, you will only get stronger and stronger and develop a new habit that is healthy. Keep fighting and stay courageous. We are rooting for you! And with you in spirit!

    Nov 19th Check in

    * Track food ✅
    * Stay under calorie goal ✅
    * Not restrict ✅
    * Drink 2L water minimum ✅
    Walks this week- 1 (goal of 3)

    Steps- 11,670

    OH BOY What a day. Work today was just bouncing. Honestly, it barely stopped. We get a big weekly delivery once a week and a food delivery once every 2 days. For the first time ever, they both decided to deliver to us before we closed -_-. which meant our back room was just crazy stuffed with things. Very frustrating because I barely get myself through to the fire door to get the garbage out. Thank goodness for being 20+ lb down because i slid through there eventually, but what an evening! I'm grateful I only close once a week. AND I'm off tomorrow

    On the plus side- I got hella steps in today, woohoo!

    Honestly though, with the stress of today, I wanted to eat like crazy tonight! What my wife and I used to do was to grab A+W or Wendys on the way home and I would eat probably about 1500 calories at least. But, I stuck with it, white-knuckled it, because I really didn't want to do undo all of my hard work from the last month or so. But if there was ever a time I was as close as anything to a relapse, tonight was it.

    Also- I have decided, now that I have all the wires and stuff for my wii fit/ games, I am going to switch from just walks to general exercising. The condition I am putting on myself is a minimum 30 minute work out- on whatever I am doing, and up it to 4 times a week, after this weekend. With the weather turning very soon, I want to put that plan into action asap :)

    That is amazing that you got in so many steps at work. Congrats on not giving in to your urge to binge! That is a great accomplishment! I love that you are doing the wii fit games. Sounds like oodles of fun too! You were right about the weather turning. I need to have an action plan too about somehow exercising indoors when it's terribly snowing outside! Keep up the great work! Changes are afoot!
    Weekly Weigh-in:

    Username: mari_moulin
    Weigh-in Day: Saturday
    Weigh-in Week: 3
    Previous Weight: 188.2
    Today’s Weight: 191.8🔺
    LTD: 147 Lbs 🔻

    Check-in: Thursday Nov 19

    • 30 active minutes - 113 min ✔️
    • Water 2L - 1.5 ✖️
    • 10,000 steps - 15,783 ✔️
    • no carbs for dinner - fail ✖️

    Check-in: Friday Nov 20

    • 30 active minutes - 133 min ✔️
    • Water 2L - 2L ✔️
    • 10,000 steps - 15,282 ✔️
    • no carbs for dinner - fail ✖️

    Happy Saturday Team!

    Well it was a bad week. I didn’t check in yesterday and won’t be able to catch up with
    All the posts. I haven’t been at the top of my game. I will get myself back on track this week. I have my sons birthday tomorrow but I plan on starting back up on IF. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. I’m here for you all and will do better keeping up with your posts.

    November goals:

    •Achieve at least 30 active minutes daily.
    •Drink at least 2L water daily.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps daily.
    •No Carbs for dinner.

    Sorry it was a bad week. I think everyone has them. I hope your son's birthday was great!
    I'm sure you will get on the horse again soon! We are thinking about you and rooting for you! You have done such an amazing job and you will be on your game again in no time!

  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Check in for Nov. 21
    tracked - yes (just on target if you count extra calories for exercise)
    exercise - yes (walked)
    Steps - 9179

    Had a pretty chill day yesterday. Went for a walk with a friend and just listened to a lot of music. I seem to be getting stronger because I walked further than I have in a long time. I think about 5km? I usually do 3.5 or 4 km? And the difference was I was so tired and my knee wasn't giving out.

    Anyway, thinking of everyone. I hope you have a good Sunday.
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    draby2011 wrote: »
    UGGH I have had the most horrible week but let me start with the easy stuff before I go into detail.

    Today's weight: 238 pounds (minus 0.2 pounds)

    Steps: (still no Fitbit but I might go ahead and buy a cheap one just to have until Christmas)
    November 14: 1,343
    November 15: 1,562
    November 16: 8,525
    November 17: 2,208
    November 18: 2,093
    November 19: 2,670
    November 20: 1,157
    November 21: 1,918

    As you guys can tell I don't keep my phone on me often, especially with the COVID numbers climbing. So the phone thing just isn't cutting it. Also, this week has been quite possibly the worst week of my life. I think my situations have resolved, so I am hitting the ground running this week and have meal prepped today.

    The menu for the next 3 days (hospital days) is grilled chicken with mashed sweet potatoes, trail mix for a snack, and alfredo chicken for dinner. (I will be fasting so breakfast isn't needed) Also, will go back to trying to get my water intake up. Diet Dr. Pepper has been my only drink for the last week or so.

    Anywho, someone falsely filed a report against me with child protective services, and my oldest child was temporarily removed from my home. :cry: She is back home and honestly, I have developed so much anxiety from this situation that I am sure it isn't helping my weight situation. I didn't eat those days she wasn't home and to be quite honest I spoiled the hell out of her when she got back home so whatever she wanted to eat is what we all had. Anywho, as I said, hopefully, that is over. I am working for the next 3 days at the hospital and then the day before Thanksgiving at the surgery center. I am off thanksgiving but will fast that day also so I don't foresee the holiday being an issue. My trainer messaged me about getting back into the gym so I have an appointment Wednesday to get back on track

    So yes, this week has been horrible but it can only get better from here. Going to try to get as many steps as possible in this week but also have a TON of school work to catch back up on because obviously, that was not my primary focus this week.

    I have read through everyone's posts and a lot of ya'll are kicking some SERIOUS BUTT! Great job guys! Keep that 'ish up!!! I hope to join ya'll in the losers' circle next week! :wink:

    Wow! This is simply terrible that someone would file a false complaint like that. It is really unforgivable. It's really understandable that you have anxiety now, but I hope things can return to normalcy soon and that you can feel a sense of relief and calm. As you said, it really can only get better from here. I hope you can catch up easily with your schooling. We are with you and thinking of you! Hoping this new day brings more joy, less stress and more blessings!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,557 Member
    cesse47 wrote: »
    User: cesse47
    Weigh-in Day: Saturday

    Previous weight: 298.2
    Current weight: 294.8

    STEPS -- 3000 each day this past week

    Keepin' fingers crossed that I'm back in the groove!! Staying at keeping it basic: weigh/measure, meal planning, drink water (need more work here), cooking at home vs eating out, etc. This next week going to try to incorporate my daily exercise routines back into my days ... may be light compared to others but I find they help keep me more limber and more steady on my feet (more stable).

    Have a great week y'all :)

    Amazing loss! I think basics is the way to go. It is so easy to overwhelm ourselves trying to change everything at once.

    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    Tracked No
    Under calories No
    Steps 22114 tracked
    Exercise walking

    Yesterday I didn’t track all day. My husband had the day off so went went into the city and walked and had lunch. We wore our masks the whole time and it was good to be out in the nice weather. I had a salad with salmon for lunch.

    I got a call from a friends husband who drove my daughter home the other day that he tested positive for Covid. So now she needs to quarantine for 14 days, luckily we are 5 day into that already. I am bringing her to get tested Monday. That was the earliest we could find. She feels fine. I had pizza and some fried pickles for dinner. Stressful end to a good day but oh well she is great so I am not too worried.

    sSounds like your day started out nice. I hope your daughter's test is negative.

    lelbarou wrote: »
    Check in for Nov. 20
    Exercise - no (decided to rest the foot)
    Tracking- yes (under)
    Steps - 5267 (guess I still got some steps because I walked to the park)

    Hi All,
    Hope you have a good day today!
    I went to the park yesterday and just sat in the sun! Might the last time I can do that.
    The weather is changing. Snow and rain is coming. Boohoo!
    Something reminded me of my mother yesterday, and I just cried and cried.
    She died a while back from cancer.
    But later, I was laughing and okay. I really have my ups and downs! LOL

    I dread winter. I am so nervous that I will fall. I think it is healing to cry. I am sorry you lost your mother.

    Weekly Weigh-in:

    Username: mari_moulin
    Weigh-in Day: Saturday
    Weigh-in Week: 3
    Previous Weight: 188.2
    Today’s Weight: 191.8🔺
    LTD: 147 Lbs 🔻

    Check-in: Thursday Nov 19

    • 30 active minutes - 113 min ✔️
    • Water 2L - 1.5 ✖️
    • 10,000 steps - 15,783 ✔️
    • no carbs for dinner - fail ✖️

    Check-in: Friday Nov 20

    • 30 active minutes - 133 min ✔️
    • Water 2L - 2L ✔️
    • 10,000 steps - 15,282 ✔️
    • no carbs for dinner - fail ✖️

    Happy Saturday Team!

    Well it was a bad week. I didn’t check in yesterday and won’t be able to catch up with
    All the posts. I haven’t been at the top of my game. I will get myself back on track this week. I have my sons birthday tomorrow but I plan on starting back up on IF. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. I’m here for you all and will do better keeping up with your posts.

    November goals:

    •Achieve at least 30 active minutes daily.
    •Drink at least 2L water daily.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps daily.
    •No Carbs for dinner.

    Here’s to a great week! I think a few of us have struggled so we can all pull together and crush this week.
This discussion has been closed.