THE Holidays!....



  • rieraclaelin
    rieraclaelin Posts: 115 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving from my family! I hope you all have a wonderful day!

    I'm also doing the whole OMAD and not stressing if I overeat. Like it's been said, it's only one day, and I've been moving around like heck today preparing everything, so I've kinda got a lot more steps in than usual. I figure that'll make up for the gravy and stuff :p
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Hope everyone who celebrated today had a great Thanksgiving meal with lots of love and family and a delicious, guilt free meal. I added apple pie to my dinner to feel connect with my American family! Guilt free applie pie even. :-)
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I am SO tired!....I did TWO pool workouts at 830 this morning and the other from 330 to 430.... my daughter and I prepped and cooked from 930 until 200....I had a very small plate of turkey,stuffing,potatoes and cranberries!...counted everything and skipped the rolls,veggies,and dessert...I was still stuffed...enjoyed the day very much and I feel NO guilt, been a long time since I said that after a holiday dinner!...I can still enjoy a turkey sandwich and a regular snack tonight!....if you splurged today or went a little over, get back at it tomorrow....don’t beat yourself up but I have to say I am feeling pretty proud of myself!....I really didn’t miss a thing or feel deprived...of course the night is still young and I could go crazy!
  • _inHisGrace
    _inHisGrace Posts: 183 Member
    I feel amazing! I ate what I planned. I did not over indulge. I didn’t get sleepy. I hate a perfect normal size amount. I did have two glasses of wine when I only planned on one but it’s fine.

    I just feel so darn proud of myself!!!! I actually thanked y’all at the dinner table. My larger loser family for giving me the courage to do this!
  • amart4224
    amart4224 Posts: 345 Member
    I had planned to go up to maintenance calories today and I did just that. My biggest victory was having a piece of pumpkin pie after lunch. A piece. One reasonable size piece. And not going back for a second and a third, or cutting myself a massive portion and feeling sick after eating it. Desserts are my weakness so this kind of self control is unprecedented!
  • cremorna1
    cremorna1 Posts: 133 Member
    Congrats on making it healthily through Thanksgiving!

    amart4224, congrats on the size 10 jeans!! So exciting!!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I didn't count yesterday at all. The meal was sensible but I still overate I know. But its one day, and I'm working hard to remain on track today.

    I also stayed off the scale this morning, and maybe even tomorrow morning too.......
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Happy belated Thanksgiving!

    I also did not count at all on Thanksgiving (or yesterday), but we ate A LOT. All of it was fabulous, no regrets, and back on track today. Unfortunately I started off today with two slices of leftover cranberry curd pie before I actually plugged the recipe in and realized that 955 calories were already gone! I guess it will be a light lunch/supper day lol.
  • amart4224
    amart4224 Posts: 345 Member
    @cremorna1 thank you! I was really excited about getting into those 10s...but today I saw the photos that were taken on Thursday and I think they fall in the category of "just because it fits doesn't mean it's flattering." Muffin top galore 😣

    Another 5+ pounds and maybe I can put the 10s in the regular rotation.
  • cremorna1
    cremorna1 Posts: 133 Member
    Seeing all these pie-posts makes me crave pie so much! I went grocery shopping today and was craving alllll the ice cream, pie, pudding etc. Bought some greek yoghurt instead and called it a day! Its good my husband was there to remind me we don't need to buy pizza, or pie or anything unhealthy. We are both in the "business" of making our muffin tops go away, and fitting into jeans that are the next size down.

    But I still have a quite a few lbs till I get to a size 10! :)

  • Dante_80
    Dante_80 Posts: 479 Member
    edited November 2020
    One goal this month, I want to achieve a 50kg/110lb overall loss milestone in 1.1.2021. So, I have to lose 4.1kg/9lb in December, while also going through the holiday family eating bonanza unscathed.
    And when I say bonanza, believe me I'm not exaggerating. Easter and Christmas is very big in Greece, and we tend to communally cook and consume ridiculous amounts of food. The only saving grace is that due to COVID-19 you can only have one feast per two families.

    Which probably will restrain the amount of food cooked for the holidays to less than 250 pounds in our household. :D

    It's a challenge, but I'll take it!! >:)
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Thanks to covid we are having a delayed Thanksgiving. My wife and I enjoyed having nachos for our Thanksgiving meal but now my nephew is requesting a proper meal so it will be him and her parents. My nephew is having a tough year so we are being (probably too) accommodating to his various requests which means I will be doing a fair amount of cooking. When he was a kid everything he wanted was so easy. I remember him requesting hamburger helper one time. Now he likes things that require a lot more effort like meatballs. I think I might tell him they have fish sauce in them this time. He doesn't know that is one of the things that makes mine taste so good. If he knows he will probably stop liking them... lol.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    My birthday is the 17th, and where ordinarily we would go out, I will need to just go ahead and make my own fancy Indian dinner. I think I am going to do a lamb biryani and because my boyfriend can't have rice, I'll do him some tandoori chicken bites to have with raita and naan. And I want some beef samosas and onion pakora, and they're in my skill set, so I'll make them. I'll do a small yellow cake with chocolate icing, and call it good.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    My birthday is the 17th, and where ordinarily we would go out, I will need to just go ahead and make my own fancy Indian dinner. I think I am going to do a lamb biryani and because my boyfriend can't have rice, I'll do him some tandoori chicken bites to have with raita and naan. And I want some beef samosas and onion pakora, and they're in my skill set, so I'll make them. I'll do a small yellow cake with chocolate icing, and call it good.

    When should I be there?
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    edited December 2020
    (laugh) If we weren't having a pandemic, I'd invite you all.

    That said, I will happily post recipes.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Our family is very small with or without COVID....Christmas Eve we open gifts and have ham with a cold buffet and finger foods....Christmas Day is a breakfast casserole and dinner is Italian Ricotta stuffed manicotti,garlic bread, and overnight salad...heaven forbid if the tradition were ever to change!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Our family is very small with or without COVID....Christmas Eve we open gifts and have ham with a cold buffet and finger foods....Christmas Day is a breakfast casserole and dinner is Italian Ricotta stuffed manicotti,garlic bread, and overnight salad...heaven forbid if the tradition were ever to change!

    You can always adopt me. I will even help fix some of the food.
  • cremorna1
    cremorna1 Posts: 133 Member
    emmyjaykay, I am so happy to hear your business is taking off. Your baking sounds absolutely delicious! You must very skilled if you are confident in making puff pastry!! I wish you much stamina for all the work involved.
  • amart4224
    amart4224 Posts: 345 Member
    Our family is very small with or without COVID....Christmas Eve we open gifts and have ham with a cold buffet and finger foods....Christmas Day is a breakfast casserole and dinner is Italian Ricotta stuffed manicotti,garlic bread, and overnight salad...heaven forbid if the tradition were ever to change!

    We have a similar situation, it will be just me and my parents this year, and that's not really different from non-COVID times. My brother and extended family has always lived too far away to spend holidays with regularly. Growing up, the 4 of us would have our special Christmas Eve dinner which consisted of all the snacky finger foods... mozzarella sticks, pizza rolls, egg rolls, chips and salsa, deviled eggs, assorted fruits, cheese and meat assortments, etc. At some point we also started opening presents Christmas Eve when the parents decided they wanted to sleep in on Christmas 😂