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Determined December!



  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Mihani, did you get that yoga in? I hope so! Your menu plan looked great!

    And yes, I did love the navy beans and spinach! I needed to start cooking a new pot of beans this morning, and am cooking navies again because they were so yummy.

    I got in both an outdoor walk and platform stepping yesterday, and am out to do that again today. Food plan today is pretty much the same as yesterday.

    Magic, I love your cute Hot Logic pouch for your lunch! How is work going today?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Hey y'all! I am still feeling pretty blah but getting through the days. So glad tomorrow is Friday and I can work at home for a couple days. There are always so many interruptions at the office it is hard to focus on things and get them completely done.

    Another neighborhood restaurant has fallen to Covid. Closing down after 48 years. It's so sad. I don't go out much at all, but losing independent neighborhood businesses is always bad, especially when they are usually replaced with trashy dollar stores or check cashing places. I hope this nightmare ends soon.

    My meals today were same as yesterday. I'm enjoying my salads so much this week. I've been using my salad scissors and chopping everything then adding vinegar, no salt seasoning, pepper and some nooch and mixing up. I don't seem to get tired of the Dr. McD hot and sour soup either, and they are so easy for me to have at work. I know I should be mixing up my foods more, but right now I'm so busy this works for me and I do get a variety of veggies in my salads and cooked veggies.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    Mihani - I hope your stomach is feeling better and the yoga helped with the stress. I forgot about salad scissors. I need to dig mine out as I just bought a beautiful head of purple cabbage.

    Welcome Kelly and TMac! I loosely follow Dr. Furman's recent book: Eat For Life. It allows some seafood. Most days are vegetarian but a few times I have fish and a few days are vegan.

    Austin - eventually I will get a new pestle and mortar set. I bought all these herbs and seeds that I need to grind and don't want them to go to waste. I wish I could take an Indian cooking class. Watching You Tube videos and some look good. The second curry soup turned out well. Weather has been beautiful for being outside.

    Loving the Banza chickpea pasta. I just sent my sister and niece a case.

    Brooks gets the Covid vaccine at work next week. It was optional but we decided he is high risk with his asthma and it is just a matter or time before he is exposed or military is tasked to build and staff a Covid hospital. I will let you know how he does if you are interested.

    We went for a beautiful early morning walk in our large park as Brooks didn't have to go in early. Started on a few handmade Xmas cards.

    I went out for breakfast with a friend whose daughter is on a liver transplant list. I am very nervous about going out but she chose the place and it had strict social distancing. I was thrilled to order a 1/2 avocado filled with salsa and squash. It was so good. Going to make it at home for a variation of a salad.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    edited December 2020
    Hey all...the closing of the small businesses is the heartbreak...most certainly! The only thing you are allowed to do without any consequence is loot, burn and steal...and of course destroy monuments. But God forbid you try and run a business and pay your own way, well...sorry, can't allow that. Disgusting!

    Today's plan...

    oatmeal, almond milk, blueberries...cold. I tried oatmeal with zucchini ...meh. Back to what I love.
    Made mason jar salads yesterday...hoping this helps me jump start something.
    Carrots, celery, corn, chick peas, scallions, cukes, spinach, spring greens, walnuts, raisins, rice ramen. Teeny weenie amount of raisins and walnuts.

    I am totally struggling. Tonight's goal is to come home from work, not eat ANYTHING...play with Lulu and get into bed. Lemon Herbal tea is ok.

    Love you guys. <3

    Mihani, sorry so much work for you. :(

    I ordered something called Hurt Skurt. I can't get much done in the house...only was able to stand for 30 minutes yesterday, when prepping my salads. Hoping this works. It's an ICE sleeve...for joints. Should arrive in about a week.

    I have ice packs...Paradice Ice bags...they are out of business I guess. So looked further. Came across this company...HURT SKURT. It will allow me to wear as I stand and move around the house. Praying it works.

    Later, sweet peas. <3

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    For the newbies...osteo arthritis in both knees...left knee the worst. 72 years of age. Knee replacement is only thing that will help long term.

    In the meantime, ice is all I use. I will not use pain pills, for obvious reasons. Live with Lulu...and my house is a mess.

    Having organizer come Jan or Feb to get me in a great place so when I am out with TKR, people that help out will be able to find what they need and I will not be embarrassed to have people over. Plus, I will be able to get around with a walker.

    I am guaranteed my job for three months ...it's the Family Medical Leave Act. Plus, I will have two weeks vacay and one week sick leave. Hoping that is enough time so that when I go back to my job, I can do it 100%,

    Anyway, that was a bit of what's going on in my life. Consumed with pain and how to alleviate it so I can get sh&% done.

    Later, dollies.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    Lunch today with rice ramen, dressing and walnuts and raisins...

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    I have a second interview next week...

    First one was phone...this will be ZOOM

    I will write the details when I get home on the computer because I really would like some feedback from some of you smarty-pants people that are out there in the corporate world or business world because this would be a receptionist job and I would be taking a pay cut

    Also it would be a Monday through Friday job 2:53 PM and what else with my knee surgery coming up it might not work I haven’t mentioned that to them so lotta things in there

    I guess I’m telling you everything I was going to tell you when I get home

    it’s 2 miles 2 1/2 miles from my house so that’s not a problem but no more three days off during the week

    I don’t know what to do I am going to do the interview though

    Might as well.

    I have not mentioned anything to the lady about my knee surgery but I’m thinking if it’s less walking maybe I can wait my knee surgery till next year

    To get FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT , You have to have been working one year so it wouldn’t allow me to take three months off plus taking three months off after you just start a job I know it’s not a very good thing nobody’s gonna like that

    That’s why I would wait a year before I had my knee surgery at that location

    I know I have to wait for the interview also talk to her maybe and also write down prose and cons

    I’m just putting this out there for you guys to give me some feedback

    I put in my application when things were a little messy here and I thought I was on my way out remember

    OK girls I’ll talk to you later got to go back to work
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    Lunch was perfect...possibly w6tlfcnzghbub.jpeg
    ill try and change up starch each day
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    edited December 2020
    The noodles are covering up lots of salad...The whole bottom is covered with salad and then I dumped the noodles on top!

    Maybe potatoes tomorrow! We’ll see!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    Today’s menu

    Oatmeal blueberries almond milk
    Mason jar salad with rice ramen
    Harry and David pear. Trader Joe’s was selling them
    Broccoli and potatoes

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Magic your salad is beautiful! How did your interview go? What sort of dressing are you using?

    I have had a busy day and will be working all day tomorrow, but at least working from home. I am knocking off for today to have some dinner and read for a bit before bed. Tomorrow I will hit the treadmill.

    B - ezekiel english muffin with no-oil hummus and baby spinach, some blueberries
    L - big ol' salad
    D - stir-fry with brown rice

    This week's stir-fry is carrot, red pepper, cauliflower, purple cabbage, kale, rainbow chard. This week's salads are spring mix, romaine, red pepper, purple cabbage, daikon radish, red radish, ginger miso dressing.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    edited December 2020
    All your veggies sound Devine!

    Dressing from WELL YOUR WORLD SOS free

    First interview went great

    Have a zoom interview next week

    I am on day two of being ridiculously perfect

    Last night was the first night I went home and had nothing to eat just tea I’m going to repeat that tonight

    My weight totally ballooned and I’m miserable so I have quite a bit of weight to lose like 20 pounds at a minimum! Ugh

    I feel really pumped about finishing my second day and I plan on doing the exact same thing tomorrow and Monday but I’ll probably eat a little bit more in the evening on Monday because I get off at 2 o’clock . Thinking broccoli and potatoes.

    Wishing you a peaceful evening my sweet friend!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    home from work...got lots of love from Lulu Girl...now having tea.

    I looked up Mexican Inspired Vegan Mason Jar Salad and found this: https://www.melaniecooks.com/mexican-mason-jar-salad/8901/

    Looks really good...she is copying Chipotle vegan burrito bowl.

    Anyway, that is what's up next in my Mason Jar Salad Experimentation!

    Off to have my tea. Nighty Night, dear ones.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    Morning all...coffeebath.gif

    I have been at this a long time...my biggest stumbling block is AT WORK. Home, I am a champ! Easy to stick to plan.

    Work, tired sometimes and just grab something. And a lot of times, not the BEST of choices.

    Today is day four of my mason jar salad experiment. Totally stuck to my plan during the day at work. However, what is totally crazy, I stayed with my plan AFTER WORK.

    Very excited about that. Today is my Friday...and happy to be on DAY FOUR ON PLAN, going into my weekend.

    HAGDE! hanukkahstars.gif

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    Good Morning! Monday, a new day and a new week to do something fantastic.

    Yesterday Brooks and I took Cleo, our wonderful 4 legged exercise partner to Phil Hardberger Park where they just opened up the largest wildlife land bridge connecting two parks over a highway. We walked 3.6 miles which was a new best since Brooks' cancer surgery and my illness. Eventually we hope to do the whole 7 mile loop. I can't believe this time last year we thought 5 miles was an easy walk. We were both a bit sore afterwards, Cleo was ready for another walk in the evening. Anyone who remembers, Brooks was participating in Iron Mans two years ago and I was doing short triathlons. Health and strength can so easily be lost. I can't wait to swim again.

    Brooks is taking his nutrition seriously now. The cancer nutritionist on base gave the following guidelines: Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables (esp. mushrooms), fruit, nuts (esp. walnuts), little dairy, little to no red meats (esp. processed meat such as bacon or sausage) or poultry. She recommended fish high in omega-3 fatty acids. Most important besides the inflammatory meats was little to no sugar...Brooks & my weakness. It was very similar to Fuhrman's latest book Eat for Life.

    He came up with a delicious quick meal last night. Quinoa, sautéed red pepper, shallots, mushrooms, spinach, zucchini, sweet potato and Morningstar Chorizo. I usually don't like meat substitutes but this was delicious. Next time we are going to add some black beans to give it more protein.

    Ciao for now!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Way to go sticking to plan, Magic! Hope you have a nice "weekend" with Lulu.

    Bisky, that park sounds lovely and yay for your nice walk. I have trouble getting the 'shrooms. I love them but they are a pain to clean. I have been looking at some of the mushroom powders. I know it's not exactly the same, but at least I'd be getting them into my diet more regularly. I have also used dehydrated or frozen mushrooms which are fine in soups. Austin shared a great tip of just nuking a couple 'shrooms in some water and eating them or throwing them in your salad. That is easy and workable, but I forget about it too often.

    I have work to do tonight so I'm going to eat my salad and head up to my desk. And I'm going to fill in my panda planner tonight. I have neglected it. I bought a new one to start in January. I also bought some fun stickers to use in it.

    Keeping a positive attitude is not the easiest thing in the world for me right now, but I'm working on it.

    B - ezekiel toast, amazing grass powder mixed with water, a few blueberries
    L - Dr. McD soup and an apple
    D - big ol' salad with some beans added
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Happy Monday, y'all!

    Mihani - I sympathize with the mood challenges. I have been in a funk the last few days.

    Bisky, I made my husband a vegan mushrooms and rice dish tonight. If you want some recipe ideas, I can share.

    Magic - have a lovely weekend! ANn happy Hanukkah!

    I got off plan this weekend after picking up a Nugo bar at the store. I so cannot have those as treats. I end up eating more sweets afterwards, and even if it's a stack of dried fruit, it doesn't make me feel good. I have been back on plan today, though I still need to do a bit of moving. Any sugar and suddenly I want moremoremore.

    I had to go to the store again today and stayed AWAY from the bar with the sugar-y vegan bars. Phew!

    B- coffee and cashew milk
    L-beans and greens, bowl of steamed veggies (eggplant, squash, tomatoes, onion), steamed butternut & turnip with diced apple and jicama
    S-apple and peanut butter
    D-big salad with a mustard tarragon dressing

  • tlmindo
    tlmindo Posts: 8 Member
    First Post
    Hi everyone! Determined December. I think I'm going to like it here. I've been "WFPB" for a number of years but never really experienced significant weight loss (I am currently at least 30lbs overweight). I am trying to kick-start my lifestyle and recently landed in HCLF (McDougall) land. Still in the process of collecting ideas and using up perfectly legal WFBP foods and some other not-so-whole (but still plant based) stuff that I can't just throw away. I'll save them for a "cheat" here and there (more there than here).
    I am typing this as I am eating my steel cooked oats w/banana, strawberries and mango. I am going to put some more potatoes (white and sweet) in my instant pot in a little bit.
    I am determined to get back on a track that is sustainable for me. I also just signed up at a new Pure Barre that is still in a soft-opening and excited to get into doing SOMETHING that gets me moving. I have the day off on Friday, so I signed up for my 1st class for then and get the lay of the land there. They offer zoom classes but I'm not sure how much space or any tools/equipment that are needed to do them at home.
    Anyway - thanks for reading this far. Can't wait to see what January will be called!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Hi tlmindo and welcome! This is a good group of WFPB folks. :) I'm always inspired by the motivation and ideas we share here. I know what you mean about the perfectly acceptable food... when I first went WFPB there was next to nothing "cheaty" to eat, but geeze did that market explode much to my detriment. LOL

    I had another busy day and feeling rather cranky and irritated by just about everything, but I made it through. Hopefully I will be better tomorrow.

    Meals today were pretty much same as yesterday. I am fine with same ol' same ol'. It works for me.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    edited December 2020
    Welcome Timindi! 🕎🌟🎄🌟🕎

    Sweet group...very supportive!

    I know what you mean about the vegan Fun foods!

    I have a few in my freezer! Gardein is my “jam”! 😋😋😋

    I have been really whole plant-based for now five days and I feel better

    I’m not losing very fast

    I have 20 pounds to lose...3 down since I got very serious

    Today’s plan


    Oatmeal blueberries almond milk

    Lunch salad and air fried potatoes

    Dinner soup with noodles bad choice broccoli spinach and carrots scallions cilantro.

    LOL AUTO CORRECT ... it was supposed to be BOK CHOY 🥬 😂😂😂

    Dessert Harry and David pear shared with my best friend LULU rescue miniature schnauzer


    My noodles. LOTUS RICE RAMEN from Costco. 😋😋😋