


  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    School update: Called attendance again and she said she didn't know what the school was going to do. Not just with my daughters absences, but apparently a ton of students had the same problem. The conversation ended with her telling me, "I really wouldn't worry about it. It's been a crazy year and everyone is learning the new system." Okay! That sounds good to me! I'm happy they are letting it slide. It is what it is! At least she wasn't really skipping - if that was the case there would be an intervention!!!

    Happy Thursday! :)
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    Happy Friday!
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    edited December 2020
    Glad to hear it, @CurvyCalorie ! And yes, HAPPY FRIDAY indeed! I'm on break for Christmas!!! Two weeks off...and I need it! Did some Chistmas wrapping today, watched The Grinch (Jim Carrey), and ended by watching The Mandolorian. Anyone else been watching that? It's really great!! One of my Star Wars faves!

    Exercise has been a bust this week, and eating has been okay. It won't be too cold tomorrow so I'll try to get out for a run.

    How are everyone else's holiday preparations coming?

  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Hi all.

    Breakfast out with my son this morning and then a tiny bit of Christmas shopping. Almost done. I’ve been wrapping and putting everything under the tree. : D

    I’ve been watching the mandalorian too. So good. I’ve got to make some sugar cookies. Hopefully get that done later today. Then I’m going to get the kids to help me ice and decorate. I’m going to have one or two - that’s it!!
  • human_bean
    human_bean Posts: 51 Member
    I miss celebrating Christmas sooooooo muuuuuuuch.

    I weighed myself today first time in 2 weeks and I'm 1kg down which is so encouraging! My plateau has finally motored, I'm so relieved.

    I haven't exercised much last week, but I made sure to reach my step goal almost every day and that helps a ton.

    @mugginskate I'm happy to hear you finally have a chance to get some rest and relax! Hope your kittens will calm down as well:))

    Have a wonderful week, girls!
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    So great to check in here after a long week last week. Work was crazy and James has been a couch potato. Any of you ladies have a hard time getting motivation up when every time you turn around your partner is just hanging out and doing nothing? I makes me grumpy and kicks my rebellious streak into gear.

    Plus, the cold made me want to make lots of yeast rolls and there's no one here but us to eat them all!

    But, a new week and we're back at it.

    @CurvyCalorie I'm glad the absences worked out! Everything is so confused right now I find it hard to believe they would really punish her!

    @mugginskate Those kittens have to bring as much joy as frustration! They are little bundles of fun and irritation all together - but promise many good cuddles to come!!

    Gonna channel @human_bean this week and just try to hit my steps - hopefully get a few workouts in as well!!!

    Stay strong ladies!!
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    Hey friends,

    The kittens have been better, thank goodness. I woke up at 1 am this morning unable to sleep. I came out to sleep on the couch when I realized I hadn't taken my sleeping pill...or my birth control! Glad I caught that. So I'm sleeping peacefully on the couch with August (one of my kitties) on my lap, when he decides it's time to munch on my hair. Anyways, I went back to bed. But I am TIRED this morning. I will definitely need a nap today.

    @human_bean so glad to hear you got past your plateau! That must feel great!! Do you celebrate something else this time of year?

    @violetanderson39 Yeeessssss!! My husband is always talk talk talk about wanting to get healthy...but he's terrible with follow up. So I'm like, "Bye babe, going for a run." And he's just chillin' on his computer playing video games. He is a great cheerleader though.

    Yawn...I might go for a morning nap today.

  • momofthree9845
    momofthree9845 Posts: 30 Member
    Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you're all having a wonderful holiday despite the restrictions. I weighed myself this morning and was so depressed to see the number. I came into quarantine 25 lbs lighter than I am right now. My FB memories show a fitter, happier me.

    However, I know I can do something about it and I'm re-committing myself for the 3rd time in here! I'm making it my Xmas/NYC goal. Aiming for 1 - 2 lbs per week and I'm going weigh myself every Friday.
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    Merry Christmas!! I hope everyone is warm and safe.

    I've given myself a pass for the day. N9 weighing in or worry about it all. Just celebrating life and those we love. Hope you all are enjoying it!

    I'll check in tomorrow and refocus!!
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    @momofthree9845 Quarantine has been hard - I hope you're able to cut yourself a little slack!! All of just move forward into (hopefully) a better happier space! Onward and upward!
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    Anyone have a new focus for the New Year?
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    I’ve set a ton of goals for 2021! Want to reach my goal weight, increase muscle, decrease body fat %....
    My mini goal for January is lose three pounds, set up a weight training schedule, and work on at home exercises. I have a yoga challenge and abs workout that are daily.

    How about you ?
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    @goingape and @violetanderson39 I am figuring out my goals right now! I know it's time to get serious and actually reach my goals. It honestly seems like it was easier to lose 30 lbs than it is to lose the last10 lbs I want to now. So frustrating! But I just need consistency in my food logging and exercise. If I can get that down pat. BOOM! I'll see it melt off I'm sure. Then I want to keep running, but focus on weight lifting as well to tone muscle, especially my abs. I've always wanted to feel confident and wear a bikini. I could do that this summer. I really could. And right now I am pumped up about it...I just need it to last!

  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    @mugginskate that is awesome! Thanks for sharing.

    I don’t really have goals set. I’m a bit late to the game, but I’ve been enjoying Christmas and New Years! Lots of family activities!! Tomorrow my plan is to clean the house and check out the goal planning sheets that mugginskate found. 😊

    I love the idea of a bikini! You go!! 🔥🔥🔥
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    @mugginskate Those printables are cute!! Nice to see them!

    I've got the same goals as we all do probably :-P

    But I'm gonna try to set small challenges for myself to see if it helps switch up the diet and exercise focuses... just to keep me fresh.

    The first challenge for Jan is to go dairy free - I'm allowing myself eggs and meat but no dairy. Hopefully, it will challenge me to think outside of CHEESE (my main weakness), learn some new recipes and think about foods differently. We'll see how it goes. James is skeptical but I think that just makes me more determined. LOL
  • Pushkinnz
    Pushkinnz Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Everyone, hope you all had a wonderful christmas and are looking forward to the new year , i had managed to put on just over 4 kg over the holiday period, and as of weigh in this morning .9kg of it has been lost. Back into things now will check out those sheets @mugginskate found later when i get my laptop out, this pc is too old to open them rofl
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    @mugginskate thanks for the printables! So awesome that you are so close to goal. You got this!!

    @CurvyCalorie im doing house cleaning tomorrow. Time to get ready for returning to work.

    @violetanderson39 good luck with the dairy free January. This past year I started using almond milk and it’s saved me lots of calories ! I use it on overnight oats in place of cow milk.
  • violetanderson39
    violetanderson39 Posts: 64 Member
    Almond milk is a great idea! I haven't done overnight oats in a long time - that reminder is fantastic. I'll have to put some in the fridge this week :) See- it's already working to break me out of the bubble!! THANKS!!
  • mugginskate
    mugginskate Posts: 476 Member
    Happy Sunday! Did my lifting this morning and had a protein shake. Hoping for a great week ahead!

    How is everyone making out?