Mission Slimpossible - February 2021 Team Chat



  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    edited February 2021
    @Teresa1020 congrats on the 75# Milestone and 31 days of no sugar. Awesome job! You're such an inspiration.

    @Krea4 your 28 to 2 no sugar record is so impressive and I'm just as much in awe over the 2. I haven't yet figured out what it takes to bounce back from the 2 and get right back on track.

    @Trooworld I love your meal prep idea. I often don't cook what I planned because I'm to lazy/hungry to prep. I added the Trooworld Meal Prep to my to do list.

    @TwistedSassette the Beck books are available through Google Play. This was the first time I purchased anything from Google but I'm able to read them on all my devices.

    Re: Calorie Limits. I find I'm more successful if I set a deficit to stick to rather than a certain number of calories especially if your smart watch is synced with MFP. When I workout I'm way hungrier than I am on a low activity day so I set my deficit to 1000 cal and eat back most or all of my exercise calories

    Beck Diet Solution

    1. Reasons to lose weight

    Most of my reasons have already been listed but I would also add:
    -Better chance of surviving Covid and other illnesses if I'm not obese
    -improve sleep apnea
    -easier on joints
    -and the vain part of me wants to shock people I haven't seen in a while

    Mine will be a combination of what has worked for me in the past. I'm starting off with no sugar until I get it under control then I'll reassess

    Eating sitting down
    I've been finding this fairly easy but slowing down and eating mindfully takes a little more focus.
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    @TeresaW1020 It looks like your chair has a new owner! The pup looks like she's claimed her throne! lol

    @krea4 Only 3 sugar days is amazing! It really worked for you...you killed it with the weight loss too!

    @trooworld I've only ever had raw jicama, and I didn't care for it, but those jicama fries look really tasty!

    @GabiV125 You've got a great attitude going into a new month! I think that makes a huge difference in our ability to reach our goals! Good luck!

    @TwistedSassette Good luck with your Apple watch goal this month! Mine has set me a goal of 15.1 miles walking or running this month, which is completely doable since it is only 0.5 miles a day. I'm working on increasing sleep time too...it's hard to do but well worth it.

    @tslose Great loss! Way to go!

    @raleighgirl09 I love your approach to moderation. A range is quite reasonable...having a few extra calories one day and a few fewer another all comes out as a wash anyway. :)
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    I decided to join in the fun and ordered the Beck book and workbook today. They should be here tomorrow.

    In the meantime, my responses to the three prompts so far are:

    DAY 1: Write down every advantage for losing weight.
    -lower my blood pressure
    -increase my oxygen saturation
    -feel good about myself
    -not have doctors assume my health issues are all just weight issues
    -get shoulder surgery
    -improve my sleep

    Day 2:Pick Two Reasonable Diets and Commit to a Diet Plan

    I'm going to focus on eating produce regularly and reducing starches while maintaining a calorie deficit. This works when I work it, so I'm going to go with what works.


    I don't really have a problem with eating standing up, but I do participate with mindless eating while watching tv. I'm working on changing this behavior gradually. If I snack while watching tv, I try to snack on things with food value instead of empty calories, which usually results in much less snacking...I mean, how many asparagus spears can you eat in one sitting?
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,727 Member
    @RYcare That's a great suggestion, thanks. I'll check out my library!

    @trooworld I'm not sure if I can buy on the US Kindle store, there are a lot of licencing/copyright type of issues that affect us here in Australia so most of the time we aren't allowed to buy digital versions internationally - same with music and movies etc. I'll check out my library like RYcare suggested, otherwise I'll just follow along where I can!

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks for sharing the tasks! I like your advantages list, it's inspiring!

    @buniphuphu Congrats on your loss this week! You've got this - you know what works!

    @Jactop Thanks, I'm not sure how Google Play will work on my Apple devices (I don't own anything Android) but I'll look into it. Might have the same international issues as Kindle does too!
    Day 1
    My advantages for losing weight:
    • Live a longer life
    • Live a happier life
    • Able to be active and play with Logie
    • Reduce risk of health problems later in life
    • Set a good example for Logie
    • Fix my hormone imbalance
    • Reduce damage to my joints
    • Move faster
    • Less judgement from others
    • Less judgement from myself
    • Reduced inflammation
    • Less money on clothes (smaller sizes are cheaper)
    • Have more confidence in myself

      Day 2
      I don’t actually believe in “diets”. I believe in living a healthy lifestyle rather than eating a certain way for a period of time (until goal weight) and then eating like a “normal” person. For me, a healthy way of eating is to include lots of fresh produce and less processed food. I try to stick to low-GI meals because these are effective for my insulin resistance. My bigger problem is my portion sizes, so my goal at this time is to reduce my portions which will limit my calories.

      Day 3
      I don’t do a LOT of mindless eating. It happens occasionally (and when it does, it’s a big blow out). Most days I have my meals planned out and I serve what I will eat so it’s not really mindless eating that’s my issue. I do have an issue with stopping when I’m full though - I will generally keep eating until my plate is empty. So that’s what I can work on, I think.
      I had a good day yesterday. Didn't do any exercise, but stuck to my calorie goal and didn't feel deprived or hungry. Went to bed almost on time. Caught up with a friend and her kids in the afternoon, it was lovely but her kids are menaces! Every time they leave our house, we have to spend ages tidying up all the toys they've spread around everywhere!

      Saw a great whoosh on the scale this morning so looks like I might have released the water weight I was holding onto for some reason. Which I can also feel in my ankles and wrists - my boots feel looser and my watch slid around my wrist a bit so it's looser too. Woke up this morning and did 20 mins on the bike before work - a great start to the day! I expect today to be very similar to yesterday food-wise so I'm on track for a good day.
      Goals for February:
      Sleep: 6.8/193 hours (average 6.8 hours) - AT RISK
      Stay around 1,900 calories: 1/28 - ON TRACK
      Exercise: 0/660 minutes (average 0 mins) - AT RISK
      Meditation: 0/12 sessions - AT RISK
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @raleighgirl09 I think that is a wise decision to do your calories in a way that works for you and not just rely on a formula that MFP gives you, which doesn’t work for you. That is a great step goal! I workout hard but I’m lucky to break 6000 to 8000 steps a day. Many days it’s under 6000. I might need to work on that. ;)

    @RYcare I’m so glad that you are in for the 6-week challenge! Try to do the first task that I posted and you can catch up with your book when you get it. How do you get Apple watch challenges? I have those activity rings that I try to close every day.

    @trooworld I will definitely have to try jicama fries! I looked and they are much lower carb than a potato, which I don’t eat at all. I LOVE enchiladas!! <3

    @tslose Good answers to the questions. Your number one health goal is so important to you living a full life. Yes, @broncobuddee can change your weigh-in day to Mondays. :)

    @buniphuphu Nice loss this week!! Yes, my dog seems to think she owns the whole house. She is laying on my desk right now after pushing my books out of her way. :grin: Yayyy on joining us with the Beck Diet Solution! You have great reasons for wanting to lose weight. Beck talks about how all diets work if we do the work. So, yours will work for you too. Mindless eating is big sabotage for many of us. For sure I wouldn’t eat as many asparagus spears as I would potato chips! :D

    @TwistedSassette Your answers to the questions are great! Love your reasons for why you want to lose weight. I totally agree with you about diets. I was at first turned off from the Beck Diet book because I don’t even like the word diet. Eating plan is my phrase of choice and yes it needs to be something you can do forever and not just for a short time to get your weight off. That is a sure-fire way to put the weight right back on if you ask me. I’m like you and will eat everything on my plan. I know Beck is going to address this issue because it’s a big one for many of us. I have gotten a little bit better with giving myself smaller portions, but there is still lots of room for improvement. Congratulation on your whoosh!! B)

    Hi Team! Today is cold and very windy, so I’ve stayed inside all day. I did my workout this morning and did a few things to get ready for my trip to Florida this Friday. I’m not really looking forward to going because I hate strange hotel rooms and I never like leaving my hubby. But my mom would be heartbroken so not going isn’t even an option. I’m sure it will be fun. *fingers crossed*

    February Goals: 2/1
    No Sugar Day 1 no sugar
    Fast for 19+ hours: I fasted 18.5 hours. Broke early because I was sooo hungry!
    Stay on a Keto/low carb plan: I was perfect Keto today
    Workout 30+ minutes: I did week 3 #MBFA leg day.
    Do the daily Beck task: I did my task
    2021 Focus Word: TRANSFORMATION
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I know you asked @RYcare, but I thought I'd jump in with the answer on Apple watch challenges. If you go to your fitness app on your phone and scroll down on the summary page below Activity, Workouts, and Trends, you will see an area for Awards. This has the current month's challenge listed (as well as the other awards you've completed).
  • anido1
    anido1 Posts: 35 Member
    User ID: anido67
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 153
    CW: 153
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    buniphuphu wrote: »
    @TeresaW1020 I know you asked @RYcare, but I thought I'd jump in with the answer on Apple watch challenges. If you go to your fitness app on your phone and scroll down on the summary page below Activity, Workouts, and Trends, you will see an area for Awards. This has the current month's challenge listed (as well as the other awards you've completed).

    Thanks so much! I just got my watch for Christmas and I’m still learning it. These challenges look fun and will be motivating. 🙂
  • adhmrh
    adhmrh Posts: 112 Member
    @Cornanda that is awesome that you more than reached your monthly weight loss goal! I know you love the long walks with your daughter. We got to go see one of my sons this weekend. That time is so special.

    @TwistedSassette enjoyed reading your "Beck" responses. You have really good goals. I like your attitude toward everything too. I have missed staying up to date. Planning to do better this month with staying plugged in.

    @buniphuphu "I mean, how many asparagus spears can you eat in one sitting?" This made me laugh so hard. Love it!! Great weigh in!!!

    @TeresaW1020 I love the chair, and Maggie Mae seems to like it too!! Great job going all month without sugar! That is a huge accomplishment.

    @krea4 Great January! You definitely rocked the no sugar! I started good and then lost it! Its a brave new month!!!

    @trooworld Dinner looked really yummy. I love the jicama fries, I have done the same thing with turnips. Didn't think I would like it, but it was good! You had an awesome January!!!

    @GabiV125 I love "form follows process". You thoughts were so inspiring!!! Let's go February!!!

    @tslose Great weight loss!!! Congrats!!!

    @raleighgirl09 I love how logical your thought process are. So smart. Sometimes we get so "legalistic" in our goals it winds up being negative instead of positive. I am going to try and think it through like you have.

    So glad to start a new month. I feel like I have been awol for all of January and even part of December. I also realized how much I miss this group. I have so enjoyed getting to know everyone and and everyone is so encouraging. I let myself get caught up in life and let myself slip some. Even though I managed to lose almost 8 pounds in January, the end of the month I seem to have gotten sidetracked and allowed myself to get lax with my eating and exercise became nonexistent. This group is my accountability. So, I may not check in everyday but my goal this month is to check in at least 3-4 times a week. I am a little behind but I am going to order the Beck diet book and workbook too. I think I will try it on my Kindle. Hopefully that will work ok. Below are my answers to the first 3 questions.

    1. Advantages to losing weight:
    - Get healthier: lower cholesterol, keep blood pressure in check, get off last AFIB med
    - Improve sleep Apnea: no longer need cpap machine (I hate that machine, lol)
    - Take more pressure off my knees
    - Physically be able to more better, be able to enjoy pickleball and other sports.
    - Wear sizes I haven't worn in my adult life
    - Above all, be able to serve the Lord and others

    2. Two reasonable diets:
    - I will continue to intermittent fast. Striving to stay at 16:8
    - I will stick to 1,200 calories (except Friday's when I do 1,500). I will eat healthy within my calories.

    3. Mindful eating.
    - I don't eat standing up or eat much in front of the TV. But, I have been known to eat mindlessly in front of the
    computer screen at work. To keep this from happening I will not have any snacks (that are not scheduled in
    my daily food) in my office.
    - To make sure I stop eating when full, I will put my fork down between bites.

  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    Monday late pop in

    New month, new mindset, new goals or simply new resolve to the goals we want to keep! I was able to read though the posts and see where you guys are - very excited for everyone joining @TeresaW1020 with Beck, what an awesome leadership/support system here in SlimsLand!!! B)<3B)

    I'll check in again in the morning - it's a really hectic week and I may not have much time for individual responses but I am committed to reading and checking in.

    Nite all!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,589 Member
    Hello, Slimpossibles!

    🟢Food tracked & on plan
    🟢Workout 45+ / 6 days-wk (today is my off day this week, so calling this a green)
    🟢Martial arts forms
    🟢Daily check-in

    Okey, doke! I picked up an e-copy of The Beck Diet Solution. I am looking forward to this. I love the Day 3 discussion about mindful eating. Eating standing up isn't an issue for me, but I can see I could improve at eating mindfully. Just slowing down enough to enjoy the food I am eating.

    That is such a gorgeous new recliner! And, yes, Maggie Mae makes it look even better!

    I am signed up for the February Habit Tracker.

    What a huge victory regarding sugar! And wow to having lost over 10 pounds now!

    "I chopped all of the veggies and feel prepared for the week."
    I salute you!

    I’m ready for February, let the games begin!
    I am so with you on this!

    Arg! I have let it get late. More tomorrow!

  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    DAY 1:Write down every advantage for losing weight.
    * Reduce health risk and live healthier to be around for my girls.
    * More self-esteem! I really feel so embarrassed being around people or in picture or video calls even. In the last maybe 10 years I have been made to believe and feel, and have been told to feel ashamed of how I look. And I don’t like how people judge others by their size.
    * Get my smile and positive attitude back.

    Day 2:Pick Two Reasonable Diets and Commit to a Diet Plan
    * I might sound like a broken record here as I’ve talked a couple of times about diets. Nothing I’ve tried worked for me, I love food and come from a family that enjoys big meals and laughs, and treats people to large amounts of food and sweets. And because when I follow a diet I crave and get back to old habits and food I love, I decided that I will eat everything and try to control the portion size. I eat mostly Middle Eastern food so not that much unhealthy or junk on the table most of the time, except for sweets which is tooo sweet and I limit and control what is in my house, or the times the family decides on more western meals.

    DAY 3: Eat Sitting Down
    * This will be something I need to work on. I actually eat standing up, sitting down, walking, driving, cleaning the house..... life takes me and I forget about eating and end up just grabbing something fast, most of the time I try to keep it healthy.
  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    buniphuphu wrote: »
    @TeresaW1020 I know you asked @RYcare, but I thought I'd jump in with the answer on Apple watch challenges. If you go to your fitness app on your phone and scroll down on the summary page below Activity, Workouts, and Trends, you will see an area for Awards. This has the current month's challenge listed (as well as the other awards you've completed).

    Thanks so much! I just got my watch for Christmas and I’m still learning it. These challenges look fun and will be motivating. 🙂

    @buniphuphu Thanks for jumping in 👍 you summarized it nice and easy.

    @TeresaW1020 Congrats on your new watch! I think any fitness tracker is well worth the investment if one is serious about tracking habits and health. I’ve had different ones before like Fitbit which were really good. Yet, the Apple Watch is incredible with all the details you can get out of it, synk it with the health app and MFP and you see wonders 😁.
    While you can challenge, compete and share with others, the one feature I like the most is the fact that it challenges YOU. Isn’t it different to challenge yourself?!
    Of course it records, remembers and customize everything, and then every month it sits this challenge to push you a little more. So you get a personal customized challenge based on your activity history.
  • tslose
    tslose Posts: 420 Member
    BW 191.4
    PW 187.6
    CW 189.2

    Well darn 189.2 this morning
    That ia up 1.2 from yesterday 🤷🏼‍♀️ I stayed under my calories but need to pay attention to micro nutrients.
    I got my steps plus. Cleaned house thought I had more active minutes - will have to work on that. Did pretty well with being mindful when I ate. We will see what happens this week.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    DAY 4: Build Your Confidence - GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT!

    Why is it that we are harder on ourselves than we are on others?

    Today, challenge yourself to appreciate EVERY accomplishment, no matter how small it may seem. You need to start building a sense of confidence that you can do what you have to do to lose weight. That’s why I want you to start giving yourself credit for every positive eating behavior you engage in and every helpful eating decision you make starting right now so that you can develop this important habit.

    Do This:
    Make another Response Card titled, “Give Myself Credit,” and add to it daily and check off those things that you deserve to take credit for.
    Remember that it’s important that our own self-talk be positive and supportive. Be your biggest cheerleader! How would you talk to your best friend or another member on Slimpossibles? Talk that way to yourself!

    Today’s Question:
    What have you done so far today that you deserve credit for doing? How are you going to keep your self-talk positive, supportive and rewarding?
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,589 Member
    edited February 2021
    Week 1: Get Ready: Lay the Groundwork

    DAY 1: Write down every advantage for losing (maintaining) weight.
    - Reduce health risks
    - Fun to look good (compliments from my family!)
    - Better perception by other people professionally
    - Less discomfort as I get older
    - Able to move and to enjoy it -- martial arts, walking, running. (no knee issues!)

    Day 2:Pick Two Reasonable Diets and Commit to a Diet Plan
    - I am committed to continuing with the nutritarian diet (vegan; no sugar, oil; limited salt; focus on beans, greens, etc.)
    - Backup is the Engine2 version of this.

    Day 3: Eat Sitting Down (Mindful Eating)
    - Beck inspired me to review Thich Nhat Han's practices for mindful eating, which are what I will use to work in this area. https://savorthebook.com/resource/contemplating-our-food
    - I will work on my daily meditation practice, which I have been inconsistent about this last month.

    Ha! @TeresaW1020 posted Day 4 right as I was posting this. I will review and add Day 4 later.

    P.S. My quote of the morning:
    "You should be serious about what you do because this is it—this is the only life you've got."
    - Philip Seymour Hoffman
This discussion has been closed.