Mission Slimpossible - February 2021 Team Chat



  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 694 Member
    edited February 2021
    Tuesday peek in

    Good morning, troops! Yesterday was good cals wise but "lunch" was tortilla chips as we went for a drive after work. Hubby has legit SAD every winter and he has periods of complete struggle with the never-ending cold and gray days - and it has been both for several days in a row. One way we combat that is to take drives when taking walks is just too miserable. Last night, I got waylaid in a meeting until 5:20 and it was raining - no second walk but had a drive (with chips!). My first walk was a good one but without sunshine so it was almost 9000 steps. I did a little pre-prepping for food for at least the first haf of the week so choices are reasonable. Water was terrible - I have back to back meetings all day, I'm strategizing doing better today, downing the water so that the trips to the bathroom are more manageable.....? Anyhoo, going to have a big 4-cup glass right now and try for another before the meetings start - that will help me get in a quantity even if it is more forced. Just have to power through these meetings this week and it'll settle down.

    Read more of the Beck Battalion wisdom - everyone has a whole lotta advantages to losing the extra pounds....and most everyone wants to feel better! @RYcare I think you're on the right track. Think about what you value, cherish, prefer, enjoy - and find your way of working with and around it in a way that you don't feel deprived. There's a huge difference between choosing to not eat the gravy on the chicken, even though the rest of the family is, so that you can stay under your (calories, points, carbs, macros - whatever it is) or feeling robbed, gypped and deprived because you *can't* eat it. Same food, same table - different outlook. It feels so much better and livable when we don't fight our nature but manage to come to agreements and live with it.

    Hey - I have a Fitbit which I really like and have had for 1.5 years. I have been thinking my next one will be a Garmin for an upgrade in what it tracks and how - I don't do Apple products. If Garmin owners and owners of other types could chime in with what you have and the pros and the cons, I'd love to learn about the different types from real people! Nothing wrong with my Fitbit and I am a cheapskate so it won't be replaced until it doesn't work but I want to be prepared - because going without and needing time for the research sounds like a bad plan. I want to be prepared with a plan!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,955 Member

    Forgive me, but I'm too tired at the end of the day and don't want to get on to post so I'll always post the next day. You have great reasons to get healthy, I identify with a lot of them. Here are my answers:

    Day One: My advantages to losing weight are (I have 24 of them, I'm not going to post them all. Here are my top 10):

    1. I'll feel more comfortable undressed.
    2. I'll be more independent as I grow older.
    3. I'll be able to shop in regular stores again.
    4. I'll sleep better.
    5. I'll not have as many aches and pains.
    6. I'll be able to wear more stylish clothes.
    7. I'll have a better self-image.
    8. I'll feel more comfortable speaking to people.
    9. I'll live longer.
    10. I'll feel more worthy of friendship.

    By the way, I find how I phrased my top 10 to be more motivating and inspiring than how I usually phrase my reasons to lose weight. Usually, it's a list like this: "To feel more comfortable undressed, to be more independent as I grow older, to be able to shop in regular stores again...etc." But I'm not really in those reasons, am I? I phrased my reason for this post like in the Beck Diet Solution book and I think it includes ME and is just a whole different mindset.

    Day Two: Pick Two Reasonable Diets and Commit to a Diet Plan:
    I've been on WW off and on for years, it's what I know and love. I'm going to stick with it. My backup diet is calorie counting.

    Day 3: Eat Sitting Down:
    Like @TeresaW1020, I didn't think I had an issue with eating standing up but I think back and remember times I ate a nibble of cheese while cooking, chocolates in the break room at work, etc. I can see why you wouldn't want to eat while standing up, when I do, it's very mindless which is why I didn't think about it.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,955 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Definitely try the jicama fries. They are worth it! The enchiladas came out really well.

    @tslose Great reasons to get healthier!

    @buniphuphu Congrats on the loss and yes, it does make a big difference when you get more sleep. I hope you can get better sleep soon. <3 The jicama fries were really, really good. I highly recommend them if you have an air fryer! I'm glad you joined the Beck book reading. You have great reasons, some of them I didn't think about but would add to my list.

    @Jactop That is the very reason I did the meal prep: usually if we don't feel like cooking and things are not prepped, we order food delivery which normally is very unhealthy. I hope it helps you! Ooh better chance of surviving COVID is a reason I would add to my list, too. And shocking people I hadn't seen in a while is also a good one to add to my list lol. I haven't been back to my hometown in years and part of it is because I gained weight.

    @TwistedSassette Oh interesting. Well, seeing as I am a librarian, I love to see that you might get it from your local library! :D Yes, follow along...your reasons to get healthier are really solid. Portion sizes have been my downfall for years. It is something I am working on, too. Those kids that visited sound like little cyclones! lol Congrats on the loss.

    @Cornanda Thank you! I'm so glad you see a change. Congrats on doing better last month. 4 lbs in January is awesome, woo hoo! Let's crush February! That's good your work has picked up.

    @adhmrh Thanks, it was really good. Thanks for your support! <3 You had a fantastic January, too. Great reasons to get healthy.

    @AustinRuadhain Thank you! I am glad you are joining us with Beck. I think I have Savor...I need to read it! ;)

    @RYcare I am embarrassed being around people, too.

    Hi friends. I had planned on working out twice yesterday but that didn't happen because I was on my feet too much at work and was just pooped when I got home. I hope to do it today, today looks less hectic and I'm at home working.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Cornanda I hope your book comes in today. In the meantime, look at the questions I posted for days 1 through 4 and answer the best you can. You can tweak it once you get the book and read the chapters. Glad that you enjoyed time with your daughter. When you are able to do that there should never be any regrets! And yay for exceeding your January weight loss goal! You should be happy about that. <3

    @adhmrh It’s just a fact that life is going to get busy at times and take up our time and attention. You had a great January and hopefully, you will be able to focus more on yourself this month and crush your goals for February. I’m glad that you will be joining us in the Beck 6-week program! :grin: Great answers to the first three days. I’m right there with you on wanting to wear sizes that I’ve never worn as an adult. No X’s on the size tag is a big goal for me!

    @AustinRuadhain Yayyy I’m so glad to have my #1 ;) joining in on the Beck program! Your input will be valuable to us all as we move through the task and questions. Your answers to the first three days are great! No more knee pain is huge! Since losing 75 lbs, my knee and foot pain is night and day. I can still tweak my knee while working out but it heals up so much faster. And I can even drop it like it’s hot in a sumo squat. :D Love the quote!!

    @RYcare Great answers to the questions! Feeling comfortable about how we look is a huge one for me too. I love that you know yourself enough to know that diets make you crave what you can’t have. This is why I feel very strongly that whatever your diet is, it has to be something you can do for the rest of your life. Have you ever tried intermittent fasting? I have read tons of stories about how people have done IF and are able to eat whatever type of foods they want and still lose weight. Check out Gin Stephen’s books, podcast, or blog if you’re interested. Or ask me! :grin: Yes, I LOVE my new watch and all that I’m discovering it can do!!

    @tslose Ugghh I know how frustrating it is when you have done the right things and the scale goes up. You just keep on doing what works and it will go back down. I have found that focusing on certain foods that I eat and how it affects my weight is helpful. For instance, if I eat canned tomato products or marinara sauce, my weight almost always goes up the next morning. Not sure why but it does. :/

    @raleighgirl09 Ohh that is terrible that your husband suffers from SAD so much this time of the year. Have you looked into getting him a light therapy lamp? There is a ton of great info on the Google. I’ve listened to some podcasts where people have talked about how great light therapy can be. Good luck with the meetings and the water drinking. :)

    @trooworld You post whenever it works for you! Love your reasons why you want to lose weight. Looking good undressed is another one that I’m adding to my reasons why too! :grin: And yes the way you phrased your reasons are important. I did the same with mine. Keep it about you! :)

    Good morning! You all have been busy posting and I have loved reading all your replies to the Beck Diet Solution. 2021 will be a year of great change for us all. I can feel it!! B)

    Beck Diet Solution-Daily Task Question

    Day 4: Give yourself credit! This one is important. I used to never give myself credit and would always focus on what I didn’t do or how often I failed. But I’ve gotten much better and want to continue to improve. I’ve made another Response Card and will keep it right on my desk as a reminder to see it and add to it as I do things that are supportive of my weight loss journey. I’m also committed to checking off the boxes on the February Habit Tracker

  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    tslose wrote: »
    Question 1. Number one health - get off blood pressure medicine and cholesterol(although hereditary).
    I want to feel better about myself and fit better in my clothes. I want to
    find a healthy path physically and mentally

    Question 2. My diet will be to log everything and drink water. I will then take a look at my macros and determine what I need to work on.

    Question 3. I am very much a mindless eater and get so fast. Will work on being more mindful of what goes in my body and when. Tend to eat late due to schedules - will work on planning ahead.

    @TeresaW1020 - can I change my weigh in day to Monday?

    @tslose All set for Mondays!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,955 Member

    Day 4 Question: What have you done so far today that you deserve credit for doing? How are you going to keep your self-talk positive, supportive and rewarding?

    I pretracked my food for the day, have already drank 58 oz of water and it's only 8:20 a.m., did a workout and got my heart pumping, and I've had a healthy breakfast.

    How I'm going to keep my self-talk positive, supportive and rewarding is that I am going to talk to myself like I would a friend. I wouldn't berate a friend, so I'm not going to do it to myself. I am going to remind myself about giving credit by putting a sticky on my computer monitor. Like @TeresaW1020, I also committed to checking off boxes on the Habit Tracker and that is giving myself credit.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,955 Member
    @broncobuddee Can I also switch my weigh-in day? I'd like to start weighing in on Fridays, please. Thank you!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    Day 4 Question
    What have you done so far today that you deserve credit for doing? How are you going to keep your self-talk positive, supportive and rewarding?

    I love this question!

    Things I have done well today:
    - Made a food plan for the day
    - Recorded what I have eaten, and have a system for continuing to do that all day
    - Went shopping and came home with ZERO items that are off my food plan (except for some things for my husband and son that don't tempt me at all)
    - Found a few ways to sneak in a bit of extra movement

    Things I will keep doing include
    - Noticing my self talk and labelling things as thoughts or feelings.
    - Checking off items on the Habit Tracker at the end of the day
    - Doing a tiny celebration in the moment (mini dance, fist pump, etc) when I notice I am doing something I want to reinforce

    Since losing 75 lbs, my knee and foot pain is night and day. I can still tweak my knee while working out but it heals up so much faster. And I can even drop it like it’s hot in a sumo squat.
    Please do preen a bit when you say this!
    Also -- YES to losing weight being huge in terms of making knees and feet happier. I had no idea how stuck I was in my own body until I got rid of the extra weight.

    @TeresaW1020 @tslose
    Ugghh I know how frustrating it is when you have done the right things and the scale goes up. You just keep on doing what works and it will go back down. I have found that focusing on certain foods that I eat and how it affects my weight is helpful. For instance, if I eat canned tomato products or marinara sauce, my weight almost always goes up the next morning. Not sure why but it does.
    @tslose -- I will double down on what Teresa said -- both the sympathy with the frustration (of feeling like you did everything right only to see the number go up) and also encouragement to keep paying attention to what you are eating. For me, eating very sweet foods, specifically bananas and raisins, really messes with me. I figured it out from food logging. So for me at least, I have needed to give up assuming that "what works for most people" works for the body I have, and then needed to be a bit of a detective to figure out what makes me stumble.
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    DAY 4: Build Your Confidence - GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT!
    Today I ate my dried cherries for breakfast instead of looking for something starchy in the kitchen. I chose a veggie-filled spaghetti with meat sauce (homemade) for lunch instead of a french dip sandwich (zero veggies). I also started reading my Beck book which came just a few minutes ago.
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    @Cornanda Taking long walks is a great way to get your exercise in, even if you didn't do your aerobics. Congrats on the great loss for the month!

    @adhmrh I was AWOL, too. You still did great to lose last month! I can empathize with eating at the computer since I work from home. When I went to the office this wasn't as big of an issue, but it is now. To help with this, I try to stay out of the kitchen during the workday (except for meal times), and I have pre-packaged dried cherries in my office, which are my only snack.

    @AustinRuadhain I love the quote. It's really inspiring. I've been working on making improvements this year...I started re-learning French, I rededicated myself to my health, and I set myself a Goodreads challenge of reading 100 books this year. I'm hoping that by re-entering the world in these ways that I will stop having such trouble with feeling cut off from my life.

    @raleighgirl09 I'm so impressed with your step count! I'm lucky if I get a third of that! I'm sorry your husband suffers from SAD. I probably have it too, though I've never been diagnosed. There are days when even doing the basics like brushing my teeth can be hard. Taking him out for a drive is a great idea for mood boosting.

    @trooworld Putting yourself in your reasons is really smart. I think you're already getting into the Beck mindset. :)
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,683 Member
    @TeresaW1020 On the mindset thing, I'm sure your trip will be as fun as you decide to make it!

    @Cornanda 4 lbs is a great loss for the month - congrats! Keep on shuffling and tweaking, you got this!

    @RYcare That's why I love my Apple Watch too. Those personalised challenges are so great. I also have an ongoing weekly challenge with my sister so that's a great motivator too. And the sleep tracking shows some interesting stuff too.

    @trooworld You're right, the phrasing is a great start to feeling like you're IN your reasons.

    @raleighgirl09 I think it's great that you're supporting hubby so much while he's suffering with SAD. I'm sure he appreciates the support, it would be worse going through it alone. Maybe you need to move to Australia where our winters aren't so cold and grey :wink:
    Day 4
    Today, so far (it's only 8am!) I'm giving myself credit for:
    • Planning my food for the day
    • Getting out of bed on time, feeling relatively refreshed
    • Drinking 1L of water before 7am
    • Portioning out the Pringles

    In order to keep a positive mindset, I will be a friend to myself. I will be kind and empathetic and not expect perfection. I will work on identifying negative self-talk so I can stop it in its tracks - a while ago I wrote about a podcast where the presenter talked about silencing the inner *kitten* so I will revisit that. And I will celebrate the little things I do right to give myself credit, moving away from being a perfectionist where I felt guilty for a slip up.
    Yesterday was good. I rode my bike again when I got home so that was 10 miles for the day! That's a lot for me. Stuck to my calorie goal and didn't eat back my exercise calories. Went to bed just about on time. Had my sister over to play board games and didn't have any drinks with her! That's actually a huge one - my family are drinkers. They drink every day. I tend to not drink during the week, but usually if one of them are visiting then I will have drinks with them (I guess I'm a social drinker). But last night, I had a plan for my calories and I didn't want to mess that up so I just drank water. I'm definitely giving myself credit for that one!!

    This morning, I had another great whoosh on the scale! Somehow I dropped a whole kg (2.2 lbs) in two days. Obviously I know it's mostly water weight but it sure feels good to know that for sure. I didn't exercise this morning, opting for a little extra sleep instead. I will do some kind of workout tonight.
    Goals for February:
    Sleep: 13.3/193 hours (average 6.6 hours) - AT RISK
    Stay around 1,900 calories: 2/28 - ON TRACK
    Exercise: 40/660 minutes (average 20 mins) - AT RISK
    Meditation: 0/12 sessions - AT RISK
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld Great job on giving yourself credit for what you have done right! This is a practice that we need to work on every single day. :)

    @AustinRuadhain I LOVE the tiny celebration in the moment plan. That came from Tiny Habits didn’t it? I’m all about doing the happy dance! :grin: Yes, being stuck in our body is exactly the right way to describe it. I’m so excited to get off these last 30 lbs or so and see how much more elated my body will be with me.

    @buniphuphu Great day 4 accomplishments!! I hope you enjoy the book! :)

    @TwistedSassette Yes, you are right that it’s up to me to have a good time on my trip. Family dynamics can be complicated, but I do have the power to let things go and love them for who they are. Plus, I get to play with a new baby! :grin: Wow, good job on already doing so many things to give yourself credit for. Great plan to keep your positive mindset. I think we all need to write down our intentions so we don’t forget when old ways come sneaking back into our thoughts and words about ourselves. Wahoooo on the whoosh!! B)

    Hi Team! Today, I went to get my hair colored and cut. I was in that chair for almost 3 hours!! :o But I love my hair stylist and it was just us in the room, so we had fun talking the whole time. She is four months pregnant and over the moon excited. She and her husband have been married for 17 years and she was told that she probably couldn’t have kids. She had even given up even questioning why and was just going to be a happy aunt and dog mom. But now her very own little girl or boy will be born this July. I’m so happy for her! :grin: After my hair, I went to Khols to return those bras that didn’t fit and bought a cute black plaid shirt that was on sale. I think I will wear it on my trip to Florida. I’m leaving in an hour for ladies' Bible study and I want to go but it’s soooo cold and the wind is fierce. I’m ready for spring!

    February Goals: 2/2
    No Sugar Day 2 no sugar
    Fast for 19+ hours: I fasted 23 hrs. and 15 mins.
    Stay on a Keto/low carb plan: I was perfect Keto today with only one meal at dinner. Pork chop, roasted asparagus, and mashed cauliflower with a little bacon and cheese.
    Workout 30+ minutes: I did week 8 Barre Blend full body cardio
    Do the daily Beck task: I did my task on giving myself credit.
    2021 Focus Word: TRANSFORMATION
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,614 Member
    I'm way behind, I'm sorry gang! I ended up at the hospital, if I wait too long to get the inflammation calmed down I have bathroom issues plus I was doing real bad mentally and physically but I'm starting to bounce back. My neurologist hasn't called me back since Dec and i keep leaving messages, I talked to a patient advocate and she said people have reported fights in the waiting room and how the Russian immigrants use it as a socializing place (so rude, it's no fun listening in when you're the only one who doesn't speak it!), once when I was waiting someone was yelling really loud next to me, I moved to the back corner and sat there with the handle of my water bottle in one hand and my pepper spray in the other. She's trying to get me a new doctor now. My allergy tests came back, a nurse called and said I was negative so I asked what I was tested for and she has no idea, make an appt with your doctor (5 weeks off). I'm planning on asking to get into a pain clinic but I don't talk to my doctor until March and then things are always denied so maybe by summer after I fight it? I've called doctors not on my insurance the ER docs and support groups recommend but none take my insurance and if you have insurance you can't legally pay cash so I'm totally out of luck. So 8 months and I'm back at the beginning.

    I'm still working out but nothing too aggressive. Diet isn't great, I'm getting back on track. I've gained a lot of weight, I know according to calorie counting meds don't make you gain weight and I definitely would have without them but not this extreme which is why I was fighting more steroids.

    Beck day 1- Losing weight will keep me off diabetes medication. It will keep all my chronic health problems from being worse.

    Eating sitting down I mostly do.

    Something positive today i didn't buy candy at CVS when i got my prescriptions and picked a healthy sandwich at Subway. Sorry this is rambling!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,474 Member
    I can definitely NOT take credit for weighing in when I got up and before I ate. Nor weighing in last week :#

    I took 2 days off from 911, which the way our schedule works, ends up being a week. I only worked 2 days at my PT grocery gig so I actually had time to spend with my husband and around my house. I tried to stay away from all things phone and computer related and didn't even weigh myself.

    I did check in Sunday morning and was stuck at my previous weigh-ins weight. I really focused on getting back to logging my food on my WW app and staying below points, as well as getting back into the gym.

    I'll get a proper weigh-in later on today when I get up. I plan on working out before heading to my grocery gig this evening.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    Day 5: SLOW DOWN-Eat Slowly and Mindfully

    Today’s task is to improve your ability to enjoy every bite of food you eat, maximizing your psychological satisfaction by eating slowly and paying full attention to your food. If you eat too quickly, not only will you feel dissatisfied but also your food will be gone before your body has time to recognize that it’s full. This feeling of fullness can take up to 20 minutes to register!

    Do This:
    Put your utensils down in between bites. Take a sip of water between bites. Learn to notice when you’re eating too fast and remind yourself to slow it down.

    Today’s Question: What are some tips and tricks you have to eat slowly, especially when you’re eating alone or pressed for time?
  • tslose
    tslose Posts: 417 Member
    Yes I logged and was under calories, I did a fx work out and walked - so I felt good about that. I have posted here and appreciate those who comment and show support.

    YW 189.2
    CW 187.6 - let’s see what happens tomorrow

    Day 4 question - is a good one. I haven’t really thought of that. It is pretty easy to think if all the things that you did wrong or didn’t do. I think this - me sharing is doing something right. Logging in MFP for over 30 days is good and trying to make my health a priority is also a plus. Thanks for putting the question out there - definitely will give it more daily consideration.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,955 Member
    @AustinRuadhain Fantastic! I love that you are going to do a fist pump or mini dance! Yay!

    @buniphuphu WTG, not reaching for the starch and also for a nice lunch! :)

    @TwistedSassette Wow, 1L of water before 7 am, that's awesome! I commend you. That's fantastic that you didn't have any drinks with your sister, woo hoo! And nice drop at the scale.

    @TeresaW1020 Yes! That's what I hate about going to the salon...it takes so much time! That's wonderful about your hairdresser.

    @Katmary71 The situation with your neurologist sounds like a headache. I hope you can get a new doctor soon. Way to recognize the positive in a challenging day!

    @tslose Congrats on the nice loss, WTG! Those are great things to give yourself credit for. You reminded me to give myself credit for logging my food, thanks!

    Hi all. I worked out twice yesterday but it didn't help my sleep that much last night. I'll try again today. Dinner was fabulous: a marinara sauce with 96% lean ground beef over lower carb/high fiber fettuccine noodles. The noodles were really good, I got them on Amazon. I highly recommend them. They were a lot lower in WW points than regular pasta and you get a 4 oz (cooked) serving! See the below photo.

    Today’s Question: What are some tips and tricks you have to eat slowly, especially when you’re eating alone or pressed for time?
    What works for me is to put my utensil down and concentrate on my food. Not watch TV, not play on my phone, the food. This is very hard for me. I tend to scarf down my food. I look forward to conquering this.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS

  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    @broncobuddee Can I also switch my weigh-in day? I'd like to start weighing in on Fridays, please. Thank you!

    @trooworld All set!
  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member

    The Beck Diet Solution

    Day 4 Question: What have you done so far today that you deserve credit for doing? How are you going to keep your self-talk positive, supportive and rewarding?

    On day 4, I give myself a credit for drinking 80oz of water. Something I neglected the last couple of weeks.

    Day 5 Question:What are some tips and tricks you have to eat slowly, especially when you’re eating alone or pressed for time?

    I need to work A LOT on this. I eat too fast and I do not chew my food. The second problem is that my 2 girls picked up this habit and they swallow more than they chew. We all will work on this.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Wednesday
    PW: 130.4
    CW: 130.0

    It finally snowed here!!!! I’ve been talking about it and hoping for months and just when I thought we are out, it happened. It’s now day 4 with snow on the ground. Just about 1-2 inches, down from 8, but I’m not picky , snow is snow, and this is VA so ...
    Also, it became apparent that I own a city dog, who can’t or won’t go to the bathroom if the ground is covered. I raised two kids, so I took both approaches: my way or the highway, meaning we walked 3 extra loops every walk time and if that didn’t work, a bonus walk an hour later. Not ideal in the dark or on black ice, but a principle must be fought! And the second, tired and resigned way: fine you win, and my husband cleaned an area smack in front of the entrance. This is for the last call before bed type.
    So yes, I believe this week I lost weight because my dog hates snow and increased my daily step count from 10k to 18k 😂

    Good luck to you all with Beck’s Method book. It’s looks super fun, even from the stands!

    Motto: <<Form Follows Process>>
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