Love Your Health: Feb 2021 Challenge



  • jennordhavn
    jennordhavn Posts: 88 Member
    1. Track everything ✅
    2. 55-70+ G protein ✅ (56 G)
    3. Under 50 net carbs ✅ (41 net)
    4. 1,200 - 1,300 calories ✅ (1,258)
    5. 64 oz water/decaf liquids ❌ (59.5 oz)
    For the month:
    6. Lose 5 pounds ❌ (0.2 so far)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,008 Member
    Feb 3:
    food: :innocent: on-plan
    exercise: :innocent: 5 miles of Leslie vids. I've gotten to where I listen to NPR podcasts while walking. Makes it go by faster. Of course the internet decided to be all Comcast on me the last mile so I had to walk around the house with the earbuds. :unamused: The podcasts were already downloaded. The kids were a proper nuisance of course so it took longer than necessary.
    NEAT/interrupted sitting: :innocent: Did very well.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,684 Member
    2/3 food on point .....Did Richard Simmons Broadway Blast video for 30 minutes 218 calories burned and walked 186 minutes 7.62 miles with 998 calories burned burned 1216 calories burned ......Yesterday was a great day ... I am about to head out for our walk with my daughter and husky Aspen :)
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    8:00 PM here so I’d better post before I shove something else in my pie hole.

    Carbs. 32✅
    Activity: was really dragging today due to eating much less than I should have yesterday, but managed 20 mins of half-hearted cardio and 14k steps (so far)✅
    Cals were ok. Protein not high enough. Anyone have any suggestions? I feel like Fred Flintstone gnawing on all the meat and it’s more a chore than a pleasure. ✅
    Horrible Household chore: got down on the floor with a long wire brush and got the crud from underneath the washer and dryer. Ugh. ✅
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    @baconslave 5 miles! You have much more patience then I do. One mile in and I start wondering what else I am neglecting. It’s not a great mindset.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,684 Member
    2/4 food on point and went on a 225 minute walk...9.23 miles and burned 1181 calories ... I get out there and don't pay attention and just keep walking and walking and walking :o
  • MaraOfNaamah
    MaraOfNaamah Posts: 133 Member
    @Ringbearer2 When I need some extra protein I drink low sodium chicken bone broth, warmed in a mug via the microwave with a sprinkle of seasoning salt. 10 grams of protein per cup, and it's fairly tasty. Add a skant teaspoon of butter before you microwave, and vigorously stir when it comes out, if you want more fat.
  • MaraOfNaamah
    MaraOfNaamah Posts: 133 Member
    February 4th

    1- Log everything ✔️
    2- Stick to my meal plan ✔️
    3- 8,500 steps each day ✔️
    4- Meditate before bed to help relieve stress/sleep better ✔️

    I didn't feel like eating seperately from my family tonight. I had planned crab salad on bibb lettuce for my dinner, and mushroom lasagna for the family, but decided to make something we could all enjoy instead. I created a baked chicken brussel sprouts carbonara, (inspired by Ina Garten). And some egg noddles for the rest of the family who is not low carb. It was absolutely delicious!
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    @Ringbearer2 When I need some extra protein I drink low sodium chicken bone broth, warmed in a mug via the microwave with a sprinkle of seasoning salt. 10 grams of protein per cup, and it's fairly tasty. Add a skant teaspoon of butter before you microwave, and vigorously stir when it comes out, if you want more fat.

    Great idea! Do you make your own bone broth?
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 827 Member
    Calories weren’t much of a deficit for the day. I felt full after dinner but had the weird urge to eat later. I refrained and am glad I did. I’m feeling some stress and am trying to avoid comfort foods because of it.

    Carbs were a bit higher than normal because of some protein wraps I used to make enchiladas but I don’t do that often. This week I’m just feeling the urge to blow off watching calories but that isn’t really taking care of myself is it? I’ll listen to my head and not those pesky wants.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,008 Member
    @baconslave 5 miles! You have much more patience then I do. One mile in and I start wondering what else I am neglecting. It’s not a great mindset.

    Yeah. That's why I put the podcasts or an audiobook on. I need to take this time for me and my health so I try not to stew in my brain while I do the vids. Of course the kiddos still randomly interrupt me. :unamused:

    NSV— the husband is being super annoying with some computer problem I’m trying to help him with and I refrained from hangrily snipping at him (much) and also from pouring myself a large gin at 4:30 PM. But there will be wine later. Oh, yes, there will be wine.
    NICE! Both the not chewing-off hubby's head and the wine. Hope you enjoy.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,008 Member
    Feb 4:
    food: :innocent: on-plan
    exercise:innocent:My energy was GARBAGE yesterday. Struggled through the strength and couldn't do as much as I wanted. Plus a mile of Leslie to keep the steps decent.
    NEAT/interrupted sitting: :innocent: Fab!

    Sleep continues to be a problem. I'll need to remember this once I get back to maintenance and have the urge to splurge too often. This sucks. Plus, hubby is in a mood lately and will not be moved from it which is frustrating.

    The Weekend is coming. I need to remember to: at least walk a mile or 2 each day to keep out of sedentary steps and to not go berserk on Sunday.

  • MaraOfNaamah
    MaraOfNaamah Posts: 133 Member
    @Ringbearer2 Not as of yet. I have some bone broth recipes I would like to try out, but haven't had the time. I pick up the 4 cup pourable container from the grocery.
  • MaraOfNaamah
    MaraOfNaamah Posts: 133 Member
    @tcunbeliever That sounds like good and concious choices to me! Progress not perfection. And I hope the Whiskey helped!
  • MaraOfNaamah
    MaraOfNaamah Posts: 133 Member
    taylok23 wrote: »
    Carbs were a bit higher than normal because of some protein wraps I used to make enchiladas but I don’t do that often. This week I’m just feeling the urge to blow off watching calories but that isn’t really taking care of myself is it? I’ll listen to my head and not those pesky wants.

    What kind of protein wraps did you use? I love enchiladas SO much!

    Yeah, stay strong and don't blow off making healthy decisions because you had a rough day. Maybe conciously choose a treat you can work into you calories/macros?
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    @Ringbearer2 Not as of yet. I have some bone broth recipes I would like to try out, but haven't had the time. I pick up the 4 cup pourable container from the grocery.

    Oh I wish I could get that here in Germany! None of our meat—save the occasional whole chicken—has bones so that’s an obstacle to making it (plus I’m lazy) 😀
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    @tcunbeliever ” On the minus side, I did still have 2 whiskey ”....

    That’s hardly a minus. Plus I find it hard to believe you have grands! Also also, I love your user name. The first three were some of my favorite books.