


  • cremorna1
    cremorna1 Posts: 133 Member
    cremorna1 wrote: »
    Hm. Could you link the collagen brand here? I bought one that tasted like pig, and it also had lemon flavor, so it was really yuck.

    Here you go. It is really good.


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,071 Member
    Light cream cheese has been my go to for a few recipes such as lasagne and gratins, in place of creamy cheese sauces, I've halved the calorie count on a couple of my usual recipes without sacrificing on taste too much.
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    I found a huge swap. At least huge for me. I gave up soda almost 2 years ago. It was the start or my weight loss journey. I love Mt. Dew. Like love it. I could drink a whole case a week. I would drink it before bed and when I got up. I tried diet soda but whatever they sweeten it with makes me sick to my stomach. So alas no soda at all. Fast forward to last month. Walmart had Pepsi products on sale for 3.50 a 12 pack with a buy 2 get 2$ off. I saw a Mt. Dew zero sugar. Not diet but zero sugar. So what the hell it’s cheap I’ll try it out. It tasted just like regular. So so good and 0 calories!! Best yet it doesn’t make my stomach sick! I have stocked up and while I drink mostly water a soda every now and then is amazing.

    Side note I got a zero sugar cherry coke at the airport and it tasted just like regular too. I don’t know what the difference in diet and zero calorie but I’m sold!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I'm like that too, @gewel321 - a lot of the diet pops upset my stomach but the zero sugar versions don't. Especially diet coke versus Coke Zero. Coke Zero doesn't bother me; just a little bit of diet coke will make me nauseous.

    Though Diet Dr. Pepper doesn't bother me thank goodness!

    Though I just found out that back in the day, Diet Coke was sweetened partially with Saccharin, but has switched in the bottled product to 100% aspartame like Dr. Pepper and most other diet pops these days, so perhaps it won't bother me much anymore? Saccharin is the sweet n low, and I know that bothers my stomach. Could be that my problem now is psychosomatic being the taste makes me remember my stomach being upset, so my stomach gets upset even if the sweetener has changed?

    IN any case, I liked the Coke Zero better anyway lol

    But I'm happy you found your favorite drink that helps! I too prefer not to get my calories from my drinks, but it took a lot of shopping around to find sweeteners I could stand in liquids. I can tolerate splenda, but right now the best I've found for me is Pyure stevia blend with erithrytol, though what's funny is I don't like pure stevia or pure erythritol. Xlitol is available but so expesnive, though so is my Pyure sweetener. I've been mixing it with store brand splenda to make it last longer.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I have Diet Pepsi flowing thru my veins.....I drink about 3 to 4 cans every day and I know that is too many....living in the Deep South I always have something to drink in my hand or close by....we southern people just drink more!...I also drink a cup of coffee or two daily, about 16 oz. of 0 Gatorade if I swim and about 4 or 5 bottles of water every day!....in the summer, add in a few glasses of ice tea!
  • Rashel_kitten
    Rashel_kitten Posts: 81 Member
    So I think this was a swap fail I tried this today instead of my regular cottage cheese this was just flavorless to me ...
  • dcshima
    dcshima Posts: 529 Member
    Swap of how you think / do, if you have larger container that you are scooping out of, put entire container on scale tare it to zero then portion out, negative value is your portion. I do this for mayo, sour cream or peanut butter.
  • amart4224
    amart4224 Posts: 345 Member
    In my quest to increase my protein, I bought a box of red lentil pasta. It has 180 calories and 13g of protein, vs 200 cals and 7g protein in the pasta I normally buy. Used it to make mac and cheese today and it was delicious! I didn't notice any change in flavor and I actually liked the texture better than regular pasta! This is definitely a swap I'll continue in the future.
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    I swapped my Vanilla no sugar added pudding (with 7 carbs) with pure unadulterated organic Coconut fat in my Coffee. Just with that one small change My blood ketones, and Glucose made a very significant improvement and it's been going strong for about a week. :)
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I never thought of putting pudding in my coffee....is it good?....I use the low sugar Cremora ....I love the different flavors....
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    I never thought of putting pudding in my coffee....is it good?....I use the low sugar Cremora ....I love the different flavors....

    Ahah... You are pulling my leg slightly i presume? (The pudding was never in my coffee.. ) hehe
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Poobah1972 wrote: »
    I never thought of putting pudding in my coffee....is it good?....I use the low sugar Cremora ....I love the different flavors....

    Ahah... You are pulling my leg slightly i presume? (The pudding was never in my coffee.. ) hehe

    Nope, I was thinking of trying it!
  • amart4224
    amart4224 Posts: 345 Member
    Poobah1972 wrote: »
    I never thought of putting pudding in my coffee....is it good?....I use the low sugar Cremora ....I love the different flavors....

    Ahah... You are pulling my leg slightly i presume? (The pudding was never in my coffee.. ) hehe

    I also thought you meant you used to put pudding in your coffee 😂 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    lol just looking for an emoji, with my hand to my forehead.... Then realized you did it already. hehe
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,722 Member
    Poobah1972 wrote: »
    I never thought of putting pudding in my coffee....is it good?....I use the low sugar Cremora ....I love the different flavors....

    Ahah... You are pulling my leg slightly i presume? (The pudding was never in my coffee.. ) hehe

    Nope, I was thinking of trying it!

    I thought it was in your coffee too @Poobah1972 ... :D

    Now we are all going to be drinking our coffee with vanilla pudding and it is on your shoulders!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,722 Member
    This group is the best! <3
  • Janatki
    Janatki Posts: 730 Member
    At this moment I’d put pudding in my coffee ... craving something sweet! Instead drinking plain ole tap water! 😬🙄
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    See, that is what I love about this group!...we are always thinking how to get that sugar fix lol....actually I read an article how a couple of cups of coffee helps speed up your metabolism and at my age I need any extra speed I can find!...I have recently upped my coffee from one cup a morning to three cups a day....don’t know if it is speeding anything up but I am loving all the new flavored sugar free creamers...I am really enjoying a cup after dinner with my sweet treat of the day!...if anyone tries the pudding in their Java, let me know!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,900 Member
    I should be trying pudding in my coffee, but I used to hit the puddings (jello refrigerated 50-60 Cal) at night! So maybe decaf??!?!?!? :wink:
  • rieraclaelin
    rieraclaelin Posts: 115 Member
    I also thought you meant pudding in your coffee, and not gonna lie, I was like "huh, I bet chocolate pudding in coffee would be delicious!" :P