Monthly Post for March 2021

KateNkognito Posts: 1,545 Member
edited March 2021 in Social Groups
Hellooo, March! Spring is in the air!


  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hello March!!

    Hello everyone! Taking a few more rest days... so things will be slow round these parts!

    Spotted one lone daffodil in my garden!!!!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,545 Member
    @mamainthekitchen I hope your hand heals soon! My crocus bloomed yesterday. It makes me so happy!

    @meghan509 I hope you are getting all settled in.

    Long week already and it is only Tuesday. I hope everyone has a good one! Stay healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,987 Member
    I am baaaaaaack!

    Thank you for getting the new thread started, @KateNkognito! Hope all is good in your neck of the woods.

    Happy anniversary to you, @mamainthekitchen! I know what you mean about poor meal choices. I am with you. Been a crazy week or so. Good news is we went to Costco and the grocery store yesterday so I can start meal prepping again!

    Yes, we are in the same town as before, just the east end of it. Quieter, nice sidewalks and a quiet neighborhood to walk around in. I like seeing the school bus picking up and dropping off kids and people walking their dogs. We are still close to the main area where there are lots of shops and restaurants. Good mix of everything. Looking forward to warmer weather!

    We are settling in nicely at the new place. Loving my new home office.

    Hope you both have a great day. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,545 Member
    Kids are weird. That sums up my day. :D

    So, my 20th anniversary is May 5th. My goal is for my wedding ring to fit my ring finger instead of my pinkie. I am *so* close! Maybe 5ish more pounds. That is my renewed motivation.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Awww what a nice goal Kate!! I’m rooting for you!! 20 years!! We just had our 32nd & I just don’t know where the time has gone!!! Love crocus’!

    Well good news on the healing of my hand. I’ve really used it lots today... including vacuuming! Not that I’m excited about that chore, but it’s awesome my grip is getting better!! I’ve been having a lot of comfort food & treats and have probably gained 10lbs, haven’t logged one food group and not fasted! I’ll leave it this weekend and start over Sunday! Sigh

    Yeah Meghan!! So happy for you & your fella! It’s exciting to move (my last move was 30 yrs ago!!) Your neighborhood sounds really great!! Congrats!!!

    Wednesday..... Middle of the week, do I sabotage or save it...? Deep questions! Also.... yes, kids are weird....
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,987 Member
    Good afternoon all!

    That is a great goal, @KateNkognito good for you!! You can do it!! Yep, kids are weird. I remember the cr*p we used to pull at school in the old days. Especially as we were older and with substitute teachers. SMH. Apologies on behalf of me, to all teachers...

    So glad to hear your hand is healing, @mamainthekitchen ! I got a nasty cut on my thumb the other day, when I was cleaning the drain to the shower in the old place. It is having a hard time healing since I have had my hands busy with unpacking and tidying. Sigh...
    Also, don't stress about food and starting over. We will start over together in a few days. <3

    Things are good here. We got a lot of unpacking done and stuff put away. My BF's Mom ordered us a new vacuum cleaner that arrived today! Yea Amazon! Also have a cute rug runner coming for the kitchen today. Woo hoo. My home office is really cute. I get to look out the window which is awesome. People walking by walking dogs and then the school kids get picked up and dropped off in the school bus. Nice. :smiley:

    Have a great day all. See you soon!!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,545 Member
    LOL Meghan! Teachers wouldn't have any good stories to tell if kids weren't... kids. Super glad you like the new place so much! I hope you heal quickly!

    I got a new vacuum a few weeks ago and it was exciting! LOL

    Also, I think we can all start fresh next week together. I have been sort of half on the wagon lately. Just fasting a bit here and there, but giving up whenever something yummy or stressful happens.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Sounds like a good plan for next week!! I’m in!

    Your place sounds lovely Meghan! Nothing like a nice view with some action out a window!

    Vacuums.... mine is named Vera and I don’t like her!!! At all!!

  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Hi all happy March!

    I had a tickly cough on Wednesday so i booked a cv test for yesterday, ( 8 am!) and didn’t want to leave the house till I got the result. So last nights dinner was whatever I had available. Turned out quite nice, a quinoa with leeks and edamame beans thing.

    Result was negative- got text at 6 am this morning! Got to admire the efficiency ( Uk nhs). So I will be able to go shopping later today.
  • autopilot_off
    autopilot_off Posts: 83 Member
    Hello everyone, newbie here. I have been fasting 18:6 for the past 41 days. I've seen some decline in weight and measurements already which is good. I initially began IF with the intention of getting into the routine. I believe I have accomplished that first goal, now it's time for me to start refining what I eat to help in my fat loss journey.

    I came here to drink in the wealth of knowledge and information that is surely present within this group. I'm also here to rejoice in the success of others and provide whatever support and encouragement I can. I look forward to many positive interactions in the future.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,987 Member
    Happy Friday all! B)

    @KateNkognito and @mamainthekitchen yes, next week it is! Woo hoo! We got this. We all will do a nice restart and refresh together!

    @melaniecheeks so glad you are Covid-19 free! That is scary... My age group (48 years old) is going to be eligible for vaccines in another two weeks or so. Go Connecticut! LOL Can't wait!!!

    Welcome @autopilot_off! I like IF a lot. I do a modified 18:6 fast (I put half and half in my coffee) from 9pm to 3pm. And honestly with Keto / Low Carb I am just not that hungry. It works for me. Did a house move last week and getting back on track Sunday / Monday. Physically and mentally tired...

    We don't always talk about fasting but we love to support and encourage - as you mentioned. So glad you joined us! :)

    Not too much going on here on this quiet work day. Clock watching! Then off to Home Goods for yeah, more home stuff. LOL

    Have a great rest of your Friday and a great weekend if I don't check in. See you all soon.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Going out for a run in a bit, I’ve got a London marathon to train for! Then a dance class online at 10. It’s been hard adapting to dancing via zoom, but we get there. A dancing friend of mine might be in a Disney movie that’s filming in Ireland later this year, so that’s a bit of excitement! Leftover leek quinoa for lunch, and a celeriac Spanish omelette later on.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    It’s Saturday!! Woohoo!! Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!!

    Big welcome to @autopilot_off !! We’re a small little group giving big support day to day. Our group likes the monthly format... instead of subject format. Check out specific subjects up near the top here all on fasting, menu ideas etc. Also, if you are interested, I really liked using the “zero” app on my phone to track my hours of fasting! Super simple to use & free! Do you eat Keto? Or regular??

    Actually, I could really use a refresher course and re-read of those articles too!! Tomorrow I’ll be starting my logging again! My hand is almost 100%... !! Logging for me is so telling of where my calories are added...always at night!!! Ugh!

    I’ve ordered new runners!!! So excited!! Should have them in 2 weeks! Then I’ll be happy to go for my walks! My dog walks are getting sad as my dog is having difficulty walking now. So I’ll need my own walks! I am NOT looking forward to weighing myself today! After these last two weeks I’ve probs gained 6 lbs!!!! But I’ll do it! Albeit begrudgingly!!

  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,545 Member
    Hey all! Who's going to be on the fast train with me Monday?

    @mamainthekitchen I haven't named my vacuum! I kind of like it, though. Maybe Herman? Glad your hand is almost healed!

    @melaniecheeks Glad you were negative! Have fun training for your marathon!

    @Meghan509 I hope you are finding places for everything in the new place!

    @autopilot_off Welcome! This is a very supportive little group. I don't think anyone here fasts exactly the same way. I do alternate day fasting with a 500 calorie meal on fast days. My advice is to find what works for you. Enjoy the journey!

    See you all tomorrow! Stay healthy!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Ok! I’m gearing up to tackle this! I’ll be doing 5:2... logging foods (which I’ve started today) using my Zero App for 16:8 window & low carb foods..... and I may start today! So far it’s just noon and enjoying celery with salmon cream cheese for lunch! Love this at only 105cals!

    I’ve also added a supplement category following lunch section in my diary! That’s cool! More importantly that reminds me to take them!

    Melanie: yes, glad you were negative!!! & happy training!!

    Well? What’s everybody eating? I’m going to head on over to the announcements section to read the menus and remind myself of the yummy dishes I had years ago!!

    Have a great Sunday!!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Made kale chips to eat in front of tv! Not a bad little snicky snack! Weighed out 1oz of rinsed/spun dry kale then massaged in bowl with 1tsp avocado oil & pinch of sea salt.... threw on parchment lined pan, baked for 20mins at 300! Bam! Tomorrow I’ll try Dijon mustard & a pinch of lakanto sugar for that “honey Dijon kettle chip” flavour!

    Pressing start on my fasting app!! Goodnight!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    ^^^ ohh! Also 1tsp Apple cider vinegar was in there too!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,987 Member
    Good morning all!

    Yes, back on the Keto / Low Carb and 18/6 IF wagon for me!

    About be loaded in to the slow cooker, in a few hours - Slow Cooker Coconut Basil Chicken. Yum!

    Hope you all had a great weekend. All these recipes and stuff you guys are cooking sounds fab!

    Have a great day and see you all soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,545 Member
    Today was wild, but I had a good fast (25 hours) had a little dinner, now I will fast til breakfast tomorrow.

    @Meghan509 Your dinner sounds yummy!

    @mamainthekitchen I have never tried kale chips, but your recipe makes me curious.

    Off to do more laundry. I was wearing my backup pants and mask today.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Ok I found this a bit hard today. But I did alright. Big walk near the beach early this morning so that was good! Then fasted until 16hrs was up!

    I find there are quite a few foods logged in mfp data base are incorrect... I had 3000g sodium for 28g sriracha..? Starting to double check on things! Takes so much time too, ugh! Tomorrow a normal eating day but I’ll be alright with food... I’ll add more protein which always helps me..(boil a few eggs!)

    Plan on another walk tomorrow then sorting boxes of pictures!! Cleaning room out to paint before it’s garden season!!

    Hope everyone had a good positive start to the week!!!!

    Oh, and........the Dijon kale chips were pretty good. No salt added and only a sprinkling of lakanto & 1/2 tsp Dijon.... rub & massage in! Savory low cal nibbles! I’ll try plain tomorrow with an olive oil spray!