Monthly Post for March 2021



  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning all!

    My first day back went well. Had a good day and ate only "legal stuff" in my eating window. Had to wake up twice in the middle of the night to use the restroom. :( Probably is the salt and stuff on its way out. I'll take it! Good news is I was able to fall back asleep.

    Today is a typical work day at home. Tomorrow heading in to the office in the AM, for a few hours. My weekly stop in. Supposed to be warmer starting today and for the week. Woo hoo! Spring is almost here and I cannot wait.

    Hope you are hanging in there with work, @KateNkognito! You got this.

    Yes, @mamainthekitchen I know what you mean about MFP foods being all over the map as far as nutritional break down. I have been known to add my own stuff that is correct so my diary doesn't look so odd.

    My Dad had his first chemo treatment last week, starting on Tuesday. By Friday he felt pretty cr*ppy and nauseous but then by Saturday PM it was passing. When I spoke to him on Sunday he sounded in very good spirits and very optimistic. Phew. <3

    Have a great day and see you all soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    @Meghan509 I am glad that your dad did ok with chemo. I will keep praying for him and your family. I had the same trouble last night. I had to get up a couple of times.

    @mamainthekitchen I hope your day was productive! Glad you stuck with it!

    I didn't tell you guys, I got switched to a different district. I found people that are my kind of crazy! I think I am going to be happy there. :)
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Oh!! Yay Kate!! That’s really great news for you! :)

    Meghan, your dad will be suffering through this at times, it’s no picnic! Glad he was in good spirits!! Sending positive thoughts & vibes his way!! <3

    Well I struggled again today! But I did bake some yummy muffins in the morning, cranberry orange, almond flour & millet flour, lakanto sugar etc... lower carb, no sugar etc! Tasty! Yes, Kate productive is not what I call this, I’m organizing junk from one area to another area... of the same room!!

    Hoping for a fast day tomorrow, but I have errands in Vancouver! Although with covid I won’t really be popping in restaurants very easily, so should be ok... have a good one!

  • autopilot_off
    autopilot_off Posts: 83 Member
    @Meghan509 Thanks for the welcome.

    @mamainthekitchen Thank you for the welcome. I have not heard of the zero app, I'll check it out. I'm currently using fastic which is a free (with option for paid version) app that does the job pretty well.

    @KateNkognito Thanks for the welcome. I'm curious, on your fast days where you eat 500 calories, is it at a certain time of day? And assuming that you have not always been doing a 5:2 fast, what changes occurred when you worked yourself up to that level?

    My main goal is to reduce my size (hopefully by losing body fat). Weight is a nice consolation prize but it's my measurements that are the real deal for me.

  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Hello all!

    Nice to see everybody popping in! :smiley:

    Just a fast post from me. Currently in the office for a few hours but wanted to say hello before I forget!

    Have a good day and see you all soon. :)
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Currently pushing 21hr fast! Ill be making dinner in a few minutes but am sipping tea atm, first thing other than water all day! Being out all day is the way to go! Not anywhere near my kitchen of food store!!

    @autopilot_off . Yes any app will work... Zero is a very basic one I like it because it’s super simple and not a lot of extra fluff in the way. I do like using one though... motivating when you see the weekly averages!
    I hear you on measurements!! For about 35yrs I never even owned a scale and only gaged how my clothes felt, sizing etc. I did break down about 3 yrs ago and bought a fancy scale that shows BMI, body fat etc (more for my son who needs to gain!) But I do know that checking with the scale does not help me or even motivate me... it’s the measurement around my waist that is the real motivator for me. Also muscle weighs more than fat, so I can have a higher number on the scale but be more trim and look slimmer, I can also weigh the exact same yet fit my clothes differently. I’m wondering what exercises you incorporate in your weeks. I like to walk, when I am doing my best I like to have my 10k steps each day, but I fell off the wagon last year and trying to get back into it. I also was doing weights, and will add that back soon. I’m 61, so when you fall off a wagon it’s a real hard job to get back on it!! ;)

    Meghan hope your middle of the week is going well! And Kate, when do you start with the new district... sept? I just found out our kids will get back into university classrooms in sept! So good for my so. Who needs to meet people! He’s missing out on all that kind of social stuff!

    Dinner for me is a majorly large chefs salad!! It’ll be a pain to count everything!! Hubs & son having tacos!
    Happy Wednesday!!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning all!

    And just like that, it is already 11:00am (Eastern)! Where does the time go! We change clocks this weekend! Spring ahead woo hoo! Spring and summer are on the way. Another pretty day here on the east coast, USA. Supposed to be in the 60's again Fahrenheit. :)

    Been getting a lot of little things done and organized around the house here. Feels nice. Need to focus on the spare bedroom so we can hopefully have guests come and be able to spend the night in the coming weeks. Right now we have a huge queen mattress on its side and a lot of "stuff" hogging the room.

    Been sticking to my Keto / low carb WOE well this week. Feels nice to be back on track after a bit of a carb fest. :o I usually weigh on Friday AM's. I may or may not tomorrow.

    Last night we heated up frozen hamburgers in the oven / broiler and let's just say there was quite a bit of smoke. Whoops! Today we gave the oven a good self cleaning for good measure. Next time defrost and cook on stove top. :blush:

    Have a great day all!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    LoL on your smoking burgers meg! Great you’re getting settled in nicely in your new home!

    Hubs bday on Sunday... no celebration due to covid restrictions but just learned today that end of month we can socialize outside with 10 peeps!! Wow.. he’s happy not to celebrate anyway, but we may have to have a party on our deck soon!! ( it’s 1100 sq ft!)

    I failed miserably at night tonight... let’s just say, c’est la vie!

    Back at it tomorrow!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning!

    I weighed in this morning and I am up .2. Phew... Not bad at all after a crazy couple of weeks with stress, moving, and having no time to stick to a healthy WOE. Funny thing is my BF is up the exact same amount. Creepy! :o

    LOL thanks @mamainthekitchen at least the hamburger smell is pretty much gone. :D
    Hope your hubby has a great birthday! We are on the home stretch with this darn virus. Once more of us are all vaccinated then we can party like its 1999 this summer. I am an 80's kid, so I can't resist a good Prince song mention. B)

    Any fun plans on tap for the weekend? We are going to dedicate a good chunk of time out to clear out the rest of our storage unit. We will move the stuff in to our new place and get rid of any old junk. Fun, fun, fun!

    Have a good one and see you soon. :)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    Morning, y'all! SPRING BREAK!!! I get an extra day! I fully intend to spend half of it sleeping. :D

    @autopilot_off I used to do 5:2 according to Mosely's plan. It worked, but I would go on and off a lot. Last summer, in lock down, I got a book called Fast. Feast. Repeat. I really like the science that is presented in the book, though what the author does, herself, wouldn't work for me. And that is kind of her point. Find what works for you that is sustainable and go from there. I started doing alternate day and I lost about 3 times as much as I ever have before. I typically have my 500 calories for dinner, just because that is what works for my schedule, plus I get a 20-24 hour fast that way. However, sometimes I have my meal for lunch or breakfast, depending on what is going on that day.

    @mamainthekitchen You did not fail! You just didn't get to your original goal. You still fasted for a while. That counts. I got moved to the new district this week. It was very sudden. I am happy, though. I know what you mean about the stuff. This summer I am going to do a big purge. I haven't done that in a couple of years and it shows! I hope your husband has a happy birthday! Is your hand all better?

    @Meghan509 I have a habit of setting off the smoke detector in the kitchen... they refer to it as "the dinner bell." I hope you have a productive weekend. Sometimes the last bits are the hardest to get sorted when you move.

    For break I am going to take a room at a time and clean it and do any little projects that need to be done. I have been so busy and stressed that a lot of little things have piled up. I don't think there is anything that is more than 30 minutes worth of work, but I just haven't had the mental ability to start on anything. Did I mention that I am going to sleep a lot, too? LOL Have a great weekend!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi all! Well another Friday has come & gone! I did alright today! 1square of 95% choco... ONE square!!!! Being so dark it’s ok... and I’m finding if I break it off and not bring the whole bar with me, I’m much better at keeping with the 1 measly square! Tricks! Ya gotta have ‘em!

    Enjoyed a spring mix salad with half tin of tuna and veg tonight for dinner... light, just what I needed after yesterday!!

    Have a great weekend! Sounds like there’s going to be a lot of cleaning and organizing!! Good luck!

    Kate, my hand is way better, thanks, but I still cannot use a broom... it gets right in that spot I stabbed.. and I jabbed it with my seatbelt the other day, that really hurt... can’t push pressure on it! I think I went pretty deep! Glad you’re already in a new school! That was quick! I’m sure you’ll be much much happier there!

    Well I’m going to call & check on my runners this weekend.. they’ve got to be here! Taking forever!!

    Have fun people!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It’s Mother’s Day tomorrow in Uk. I’ve prepped some fancy overnight oats with maple syrup and hazelnuts, will have leftover leek and smoked mackerel pasta bake for lunch ( it’s tonight’s dinner), and then a veggie burger with cauliflower and broccoli in blue cheese sauce. And then Christmas pudding!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Wow Melanie sounds like you’re celebrating well over there!! Good job!

    I’ve managed to pull off a 20 hr fast and am just now feasting on 2 hard boiled eggs! Dinner will be spicy Cajun shrimp over cesear salad!!!

    Speaking of Cajun.... anyone heard from @orlcam ???

    Hope you guys cleaning and sorting are making progress!!!!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning all and happy Monday!

    Happy to report that we got a good amount of stuff done over the weekend. Got a lot of stuff organized at storage and made a few donation runs and brought stuff home to use. Our moving guy is swinging by today to take a bunch of bulky stuff to donate. Still have a lot more at storage but bit by bit, we will get there. Started getting the second bedroom sorted. We have a new queen bed frame coming. Will be purchasing some new sheets, a comforter set and pillows, guest towels and hanging some pictures. That is fun to do!

    Enjoy your break @KateNkognito ! You deserve it.

    @mamainthekitchen I like your chocolate idea. Yummy! And congrats on your fast!

    @melaniecheeks enjoy your Mother's Day! Ours in the USA falls on my birthday this year. I don't have any kiddos, but my Mom will be happy. :smiley:

    Things are rolling along here. Planning to have some fish for dinner, from our freezer. We will defrost well before cooking, so we don't blow up the kitchen again. :D

    Have a great day and see you all soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    @mamainthekitchen Glad you are healing up and Congratulations on your success! @orlcam hasn't been on in 8 months. I am a bit worried. I think his wife is a nurse. That part of the country got hit pretty hard with the virus. His brother was in the hospital right before everything hit. I hope he and his family are ok.

    @melaniecheeks I hope you had a nice day! Your meal sounds yummy! How is the training for the marathon going?

    @Meghan509 Glad you are getting settled. I hope the new kitchen survived the fish cooking! I toasted the dust bunnies on the ceiling in ours the other day, so I can't give you too hard of a time! LOL

    I have to make a three hour round-trip to pick one of the boys up from my parents. Also have to do some laundry and clean my room like a big girl. If I get really motivated, I will dust the house, too. Have a great day! Stay healthy!
  • autopilot_off
    autopilot_off Posts: 83 Member
    @mamainthekitchen I am currently doing a 100 reps per day for 100 days challenge with pushups. I'm on day 44. Otherwise I try to do a little yoga, some weightlifting with my dumbbells (nothing super heavy, my heaviest ones are only 35lbs) and I do some mountain biking when I can. There are some days when all I have is my pushups, others where I'll exercise for 30 minutes to an hour. I have a desk job, so I try my best to incorporate other little things that help like running up stairs (and always taking the stairs for that matter). And I agree with @KateNkognito you only fail when you stop trying. Here you are still trying, therefore you have not failed!

    @KateNkognito I don't know that I would be successful with the 5:2 fast, unless it's an 18:6 fast with two 24 hour fast days per week. I've found that by restricting my eating window I'm learning to listen to my body about when I've actually had enough to eat. If I had all day to eat I probably wouldn't be able to trust myself. Thankfully, the 52 day streak I'm on has already yielded results in the form of 2.75 inches lost since February 1. I'll measure again at the beginning of April. By the way, I actually did laugh out loud at your smoke alarm/dinner bell comment. It totally made my day. I'm still grinning a bit...

    @Meghan509 Two thumbs up for new sheets!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Hi all!

    How is it almost 5pm Eastern, here on the East Coast!? Screams!

    Crazy day here but all good stuff happening. Got the spare bedroom all set for guests! Found a really nice comforter, sheets, etc. at Home Goods last night. All ready for guests.
    Booked a trip for late in the year to see my BF's brother and family out in Arizona. Looking forward to that. We will celebrate his parent's wedding anniversary as well.

    @KateNkognito I didn't know that about @orlcam and his wife's career. Thank God for all of our First Responders.
    I hope him and his family are safe and healthy. <3
    Hope you had a good road trip!

    @autopilot_off way to go on your 100 day challenge with pushups!! I am looking forward to some warmer weather here, so I can start walking outside. We went to the gym once or twice in the past twelve months and have a note on my calendar to cancel it. We will rejoin one that is closer to us in a few weeks or when life gets a little less crazy!

    @mamainthekitchen and @melaniecheeks hope all is well in your neck of the woods!

    Have a good rest of your Tuesday and see you soon. :) -Meg
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    @autopilot_off 100 day challenge! Awesome, good for you... very inspiring indeed! That’s also fantastic news of your loss of inches! Pretty significant I’d say! (I also chuckled on the dinner bell being the smoke alarm!) ha!

    Meg you’ve done that room already? Holy cow.... busy weekend!! Great job! I’m sure your guest will be comfy and you’ll have a nice spot for working from home now too!

    Thanks for the info on Orlcam, Kate. I do see he hasn’t been active here in months and I also remember news of Louisiana being hit quite hard with covid... hopefully all is fine with him and he’s just taking a break <3

    Well I’ve just had cottage cheese & a tomato for my lunch today and I’m going to start bbqing some boneless skinless marinated chicken thighs soon.... yes it’s gorgeous here, cold in the shade but blue sky's all around! I walked a bit today, still with my old shoes! Plan on focusing my two fast days this week!!

    Have a good day everyone.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Hey all!

    Just a quick post. Crazy day today!!

    @mamainthekitchen enjoy your nice blue skies! Cloudy here today. Rain coming tomorrow but the weekend should be nice.

    Yep, rocking and rolling with the new place. So much fun to decorate. :)

    Have a great day and see you guys soon.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Hello all!

    Hope you had a nice St. Patrick's Day if you were celebrating. LOL

    Last night we went to my BF's parents after work to celebrate his Dad's birthday. It was fun. We ate pretty healthy but did drink some wine and have some cake made with almond meal that his Mom made. Very tasty. I need to get the recipe. :)

    Rainy day all day here, today. Guess the birds will be happy. :D

    Have a good one and see you soon!