Motivation in March!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Left off a couple of things...

    My house is totally clutter free...worked with an organizer for four days

    I just have to finish separating the paper monster

    Have a professional shredding company coming next Thursday

    End of March heading to IKEA to pick out new master bedroom and office furniture

    April 4th is my Vegan Anniversary 2 years

    Knee replacement end of September...I hope!

    But house will be completely ready for all the help I will need and my ability to rehab comfortably

    Most importantly will be a day bed in master bedroom that will allow me easy access in and out of bed with new knee

    Lulu 🐾❀️🐾 is going to love how that room completely opens up for more play room

    I will take before and after pictures

    WELCOME all new seeing our group grow

    BTW I work Full Time...receptionist at luxury car dealership FRI - MON

    Have a super weekend everyone! ❀️
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Hi syrr! Glad to hear you have enjoyed the first week of FOK. I love the idea of meal plans, but in practice they never work out for me. I never know if I'm going to get stuck late at the office or if I'm going to have time/motivation to cook. I do best with batch prepping and cooking once a week and maybe throwing together a stir-fry or something mid-week. Since you are new here you may not have heard me mention this, but I hired a friend of mine to prep my salads! She shops, cleans, chops and packages up lettuce and a variety of veggies every week. I just have to whip up a salad dressing and I'm good to go. It has been a lifesaver for me the past year!

    Magic's back... jiggity! We missed you!!! How did your organizing projects go? So proud of you devoting a whole month to gettin' it done!

    I'm home early as I had an issue with a project and half of it was on my desk at home. I'm going to have to go to the office tomorrow for a while because I left my desk in utter chaos. Chaos I tell ya! But it is a beautiful day, warm and lots of sunshine. I am going to deal with this project then take the rest of the day off to enjoy it. Might take a book out to the deck and soak up some much needed vitamin D.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Just saw your second post after posting mine Magic... well done on the organizing and de-cluttering! It makes you feel so free!
  • hawksgirl229
    hawksgirl229 Posts: 467 Member

    Errands in the morning..My mom's urine culture came back positive for a Uti. I had to pick up her prescription from the pharmacy and then she had a taste for a carry out from Portillos for lunch.
    My husband worked a half day today because we have Mason's knee appointment in the afternoon.
    No workout today (rest day) We are walking our forest preserve trails this weekend.
    Menu pb and a bananas breakfast
    Large salad and potato wedges lunch
    Probably large bowl of fresh fruit dinner and
    A slice of soda bread

    @syrr What's the difference between FOK and ETL?

    @magic71755 Hello..Glad to see you back..Looking forward to seeing everyone's remodels!! Happy almost 2 year vegan anniversary.
    Hoping you can have your knee done in Sept..
    So is it March 22nd to begin strict 6 week ETL? I've started reading the book last night..So I'm in to begin then..Hope you can get out and enjoy the nice weather today..😎.

    πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„ TASTY MENUS EVERYONE πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    hawksgirl, there's not a lot of difference among the big WFPB docs, they are all lots of beans, veggies and fruit. No oil and little to no sugar and salt. I have noticed a lot of people confuse Dr. F's 6 week for his life plan. The 6 week plan is limited to 1 cup of starches per day and that's it. Once you are through the 6 weeks then his plan would be pretty similar to McDougall, FOK or Engine 2, etc. It's just designed for maximum weight loss for 6 weeks, and he recommends sticking with the 6 week plan indefinitely if you are trying to lose a substantial amount of weight. Most of the other docs encourage more starches from the beginning as long as whole grain or starchy veggies.

    I hope that Mason's checkup has good results!

    WOW Magic... what a difference in your dining room. I'm sure you feel great about the change!

    Went to the office for 4 hours, then ran some errands. Waiting for grocery delivery now. Tomorrow I'll be working from home and will also get laundry and some other chores done.

    B - skipped it
    L - salad with chickpeas and cashew caesar dressing
    D - not sure yet but maybe pita pizza topped with greens, red pepper, onion, broccoli

  • hawksgirl229
    hawksgirl229 Posts: 467 Member
    @magic71755 WOW!!! Your dining room looks AMAZING..

    Busy day with my usual 2 trips to my mom's house.
    I get there around 6am to get her breakfast, watch while she gets washed/dressed (assist if needed) just to make sure she doesn't fall, get mail/newspaper from her porch, trash out that sort of stuff. Then back around 11am to get her lunch (hot meal) and prepare her dinner. She has a cold dinner which is a sandwich, a fruit cup and a side of chips ,cottage cheese or potato salad. I Also lay out her evening snack too. Then when she's ready for dinner she can take the plate out of the refrigerator and eat..My husband helps me on the weekends. He changes her sheets for the week, sweeps and uses the swiffer wet to clean the floors. She lives 2 blocks from us, so not far which helps...
    Mason's knee appears to still be luxating even after the second surgery. Surgeon says he didn't like that it has started luxating again, but it needs to finish healing to know if the surgery was a success or another failure.πŸ˜” Needless to say..not what we wanted to hear...

    Hoping all is well with everyone and that your able to enjoy some nice weatherπŸ€
  • hawksgirl229
    hawksgirl229 Posts: 467 Member
    πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€HELLO πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

    Errands (alwaysπŸ€ͺ)

    A banana with pb, some honeydew chunks and blueberries. Ice water
    Cabbage, potatoes and carrots (Boiled) leftovers from yesterday

    Yesterday long walk in our forest preserve
    Today 1hr treadmill

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Quick hello... countertops went in and are gorgeous!! Next is backsplash, painting, new trim and etc., but I should have a fully functional kitchen by the end of the week. Woohoo!

    I had the day off but of course I'm working from home anyway. LOL

    Hawksgirl, sure hope that Mason heals well and the surgery is declared a success. Your meals sound great. Do you eat any beans or tofu?
  • hawksgirl229
    hawksgirl229 Posts: 467 Member
    I'm sure your kitchen will be stunning!!!!

    On my menu no beans yesterday. I was stuffed from the copious amount of Cabbage, carrots potatoes leftover from Sunday πŸ€ͺ

    Breakfast Oatmeal with blueberries, pecans and cinnamon. 1 cup coffee
    Lunch Large salad with lettuce blend, shredded Cabbage, grape tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, diced red onions, carrots, pecans,raisins,black pepper, kidney beans tossed with balsamic vinegar
    Dinner fruit salad..
  • jennyoofu
    jennyoofu Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone! @mihani and @hawksgirl229, thank you both for the kind words. Hawksgirl229, you mentioned Portillos and forest preserves, I suspect we live near each other. One of my family's goals this year is to hike all the Forest Preserves with trails in our county. We're up to about 16, with many more to go. Sorry to hear that your mom is under the weather.

    I've done well this week with bulk meal prep. Had my 2nd vaccine last Thursday, and had 3 rough days reacting to it. Not sure why, but I prefer to think that my body was preparing a nuclear level defense against the virus.

    Once I was feeling normal again, I started prepping food.

    Breakfast: I make large batches of the Fuhrman Chocolate Cherry Smoothie, but add in black beans, extra soy milk (because the beans make it necessary), and dehydrated mushroom powder.

    Lunches: This week I tried T. Fuhrman's Very Veggie Stew. It's an interesting spice combo - cinnamon, coriander, and toasted almonds. Interesting, but I feel like the broth needs something, so I'd use veggie stock or some carrot juice next time instead of just adding water. Wasn't left stuffed on a 2 cup portion (I eat at work), so I started bringing 1/4 cup of cooked quinoa, and that mixes in easily and tops me off nicely.

    While I'm doing this for my health, it's fun to see the scale dropping. Today I entered one-derland for the first time in a long time. (That's having a weight that starts with the digit 1, if you don't know the term). I had to scroll back and see, the last time was October 2019, and that was only for a day. I visited one-derland in June 2018 as well. The last time I spent any significant time there was from 2014-2016.

    Anyway - thanks for being a place to check in and cheer each other on. Have a great week!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    hawksgirl, your menus and workouts sound great as always!

    jenny, your cooking adventures sound fun! I can't wait to get my kitchen back so I can start cooking again. BIG congrats on your weight loss! And on getting vaccinated! Woohoo!

    A couple supremely bad days at the office and I have been working until bedtime the past two days. I'm going to eat some dinner and curl up with a book tonight. I'm just done with stressing.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Howdy all...

    Congrats on new kitchen, Mihani! ONEDERLAND...welcome and plan on an extended stay, Jenny! Hope Mason heals quickly, Hawk. ( behind...not sure who Mason is, actually).

    House is completely in order except for the Paper Monster...I have corralled it on folding tables in the garage and am working on it slowly. But the house is organized... got rid of so much stuff. It used to be so difficult to clean the with space and a place for everything...easy peasy.

    Mihani, we must see pictures of your new kitchen.

    Today's Plan...

    black coffee
    tofu scramble with mushrooms and spinach, Ezekiel toast
    rice and steamed veggies or just yogurt and fruit
    Tinkyada brand gluten free spaghetti, spinach, sauce and Violife parm

    Have a wonderful day everyone.
  • hawksgirl229
    hawksgirl229 Posts: 467 Member

    I'm in Northern Illinois. I love your goal of trying all the trails. What a great idea..(might need to steal that one😊). Also a HUGE congratulations on one-derland!!! That chocolate cherry smoothie sounds tasty. I saw that in ETL book might have to whip that up...

    Mason is my fur baby🐢. He will be two in July..He has a luxating patella. He had surgery to fix it, to find out he was in a rare 5% where the surgery failed. Went through surgery again with a slightly more aggressive approach but that is also starting to look like another failure. The only good thing is his insurance has covered this at 100% otherwise we'd be out pretty close to 8-10,000 dollars..How is lulu? I know what an awesome feeling it is to organize, that's what my husband and I worked on during the lockdown..

    @Mihani I Hope you can get some rest.. Your career sounds pretty intense.

    πŸ„Looking forward to reading what's new with everyone πŸ„

  • jennyoofu
    jennyoofu Posts: 6 Member
    @hawksgirl229 that's what I thought! Also in Northern Illinois.

    The scale behaved today, so my one-derland streak is now 2 days.

    Having a hungry day, so I sliced and cooked a bunch of collared greens when I got home, with a bit of garlic and an ounce of tahini dressing, it was a hit. Gonna push the water today, I still get mixed signals with hunger and thirst.

    The sun came out this afternoon, so I went for a very windy walk with my youngest.

    Enjoy your days, everyone!
  • hawksgirl229
    hawksgirl229 Posts: 467 Member
    Oh my gosh Hello my neighbor in the north...such a small world..I'm in Grayslake.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Friday 3/19

    Black coffee
    Just Egg Ezekiel toast and Myokos butter
    Tinkyada spaghetti spinach and Trader Joe’s #99 recipe marinara
    Kite Hill strawberry yogurt

    Have a fabulous day! 🌟
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Special get well wishes to Mason 🐢❀️ from Lulu! 🐢❀️
  • hawksgirl229
    hawksgirl229 Posts: 467 Member
    HELLO EVERYONE 🌞 The weather is so nice here today!!!!

    MASON SAYS ❀/thanks for the well wishes.
    Your menu sounds great..

    Breakfast Chocolate cherry πŸ’ smoothie

    Lunch small sweet potato, steamed boc choy, potato wedges (2 tiny) 4 (tiny) squash pieces, beets, roasted cauliflower and a couple of Brussel sprouts. All veggies except the sweet potato were leftovers my husband brought home last night.

    Dinner Bowl of fruit

    Lots of ice water. My goal is 3 litters daily.

    Have a great day everyone πŸ„
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    So...I have to say, I think that Peter Walsh is correct when he says: Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Big?

    I am starting to lose weight again...I had gained about 20 pounds since moving to AZ from CA. I have lost about 5 of it. The calm that comes with decluttering and living in an organized home cannot be overstated.

    I am so happy.