Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I hope with the good news of the young'nes headed off to school that the universe will spur my DD to return. Her insurance runs out in May and DH found out that she can stay on IF she is in school until, or as long as 30 years old. I was hoping this news would motivate her to re-enrolling, I even mentioned that I had some money set aside (assuming that she was in a way with financial aid grants), and it just put her in a mood to frump and not speak to me.
    BUT, Congratulations @Bearly63! Can you take my DD and set her right? LOL! I'm having a heck of a time. She's brilliant though, wouldn't trade her for the world.

    Bear... it's 430am
    I managed to give him the run around until quarter to 6 but never got back to sleep so I gave in and indulged his superpowers of being "THE TATTLER". Cori was "lost" and I must help go find him. DD let them out at 5, or perhaps closer to 430 when I said "nope", the rule is 5am because it's almost day and I still have no idea what boogie monster got Goober and won't let them out in the dark. It really is cute how much he keeps track of Cori and tells on him. I wonder if Bear was Lassie in a previous life. I am scheduling a nap for today.

    DD and I
    Went to an eye exam yesterday together and has Taco Casa. Also requested a hair cut appointment together so that's nice.

    @shanaber and @RunsOnEspresso There is something to the low estrogen and shoulders. I had a frozen shoulder out of no where and the doc said he sees it mostly in 40-50 yo women of European descent.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,007 Member
    edited March 2021
    @shanaber Great news for your daughter! Glad you got your PT scheduled. Congrats on the weight loss and NSV! That's awesome! I had to look up tuxedo cake. They look delicious! Tell your DH Happy Birthday! Have fun at the celebration!

    @swenson19d Cori & Bear are so funny. I hope DD decides to get back in school.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning peeps!

    @quilteryoyo Sorry to hear about your neighbor....go nice that you can help out with the pups!

    @RunsOnEspresso Shoulders many small moving parts....have they done and MRI? I hope you get answers. I have also heard that estrongen affects joints as you age. One of my friends (former Ballet Dancer with bad knees) is swearing by one of those over the counter joint supplements - and CBD oil.

    @CMorning99 They prescribed cough meds so I will try seems to have improved since going to the vet....but she did faint yesterday. As for the basement, maybe get a "sun" lamp or something with natural light....wonder if that would help. Love your description of the kids "letter" "Drag queen of all letters"

    @shanaber I hope your daughter gets the jobs she wants. Great news! Glad you got the PT appt too. Congrats on the weight. That cake sounds awesome....must post a pic!

    @swenson19d Haha....send your daughter south...we will have a little chat! But seriously, it's so self motivated. They have to want to put the work in. It takes some kids longer to zero in on what the goal is....and once they do, the rest is easy. I hope she puts that intellect to work.

    I gave blood yesterday and someone told me it was like a 500 cal burn, so I ate the oreos and didn't log them. I weighed in this morning at my lowest in years. But I think its literally blood volume. I ate ok yesterday other than the oreos but did have some drinks.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,007 Member
    edited March 2021
    @bearly63 Oreos are my Achilles heel. If they are there and the package is open, they jump right into my mouth, so I have to chew and swallow, right? Congratulations on the weight loss.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    No MRI, just an xray. I turned 40 in August

    Logged all my food yesterday. Did a 5k last night, 5 miles this morning and I'll go back out at 10 for another 5 miles
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,007 Member
    Nice going @RunsOnEspresso ! You have a lot more energy than I do today. :wink:
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Well done @runs_on_espresso!

    My eating the last 3 days has sucked. Showed in the scale, but I'll get it back under control again. I always do.

    No more out of town or events between now and HM. 3 weeks. Im aiming to get into the 65.5kg ballpark before them. Should be possible.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,007 Member
    You can do it @Avidkeo !

    Taking care of the dog and puppies three times a day is taking up a lot of time. That's okay. I'm glad to do it for them and who doesn't like to cuddle with puppies! :smile:
    Three of the puppies sleeping on my lap.
    Puppy number 4 sleeping on mom's lap.
    Puppy face - their eyes are just opening.

    I walked to their house in the middle of the day to get my exercise in. I was supposed to run today, but I was feeling really tired this morning. I opted for a quick 2 mile walk instead.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,396 Member
    @quilteryoyo - PUPPIES!! So cute! Love to see your mom with the puppy in her lap! Also great to get your exercise in walking to their house!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @quilteryoyo good listening to your body, and puppies! Too cute
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @quilteryoyo. - the puppies! So cute and you look great too!
    @shanaber - loved the pictures of Hobbes and you! Great news for your DD! What an interesting position 1/2 patients and 1/2 helping IT.
    @bearly63 - hope your son takes it! After a year of COVID in NYC I would think he'd be ready to move.
    @swenson19d - I was looking for you in the picture and then read your post that you left before they took it!

    All that scary ocular migraine talk! I haven't had migraines, or if I did I didn't know it. But I know my grandmother had exactly what you all were discussing, though I don't know if it was called that. She would have that vision issue and it would either be a 1-2 day long migraine or nothing. Strange.

    I took a complete rest day yesterday. I slept in until 9 am - and our grandbabies were here at the condo! I couldn't believe it. I never sleep that late. I had planned to get up early and run but after sleeping in so late, I wanted to just hang out with them. They are now just over 2 and almost 6 months. So fun! It has rained all weekend and is cold (for Florida anyway) so there was no outdoor fun to be had. We have had fun but they left this morning to get home and get things done since there is definitely no beach or pool today. Going downstairs to the gym later this morning and maybe for a run in the afternoon.

    I keep fluctuating on weight - go down two pounds then up one. In many variations. Then up two, down some. I don't know. I just can't seem to stick to writing things down. Bottom line is I'm about the same.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,007 Member
    Thanks @ddmom0811 . My weight always fluctuates up and down 2 or 3 pounds. As long as I am "about the same" I don't worry about it. You're doing great. Glad you got to have fun with the grandbabies. Those ages are fun.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @ddmom0811 I'm impressed you slept in with those ages in the house!

    Weight was down a kg today. Still have another kg of water weight to go. Should be back to the 66 range by Thursday. Husband is crowing that he lost this week and I gained. Jokes on him when next week I'll have lost like 1.5kg. I keep telling him trend is more important, but all he cares is he goes down and more than me lol.

    Foods all planned. Burgers for dinner tonight, can't wait!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,007 Member
    You are both doing great @Avidkeo ! Men do tend to lose faster than us females. You are correct. Trend is more important! Keep up the good work.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    You are both doing great @Avidkeo ! Men do tend to lose faster than us females. You are correct. Trend is more important! Keep up the good work.

    Lol very true. He's been slowly chipping away, 200-300 grams a week. Whereas I'm having swings. But both in the downward direction and that's all that matters. He's the tortoise and I'm the hare I guess bahaha.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Beary figured out how to keep tabs on Cori.

    I have an exam in 15 minutes... fingers crossed my brain cooperates.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,007 Member
    Good luck on your test @swenson19d ! Hahaha on Bear and Cori!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Good luck on your test @swenson19d ! Hahaha on Bear and Cori!

    Thanks for the wishes. Solid B and I am happy!

    Rain here finally.
    I was thinking I would have to water my beds since it's been so long. My sand cherry has blooms on it. I massacred it last fall, it needed cut back. I was hoping I didn't traumatize it to badly, it is my favorite tree. (thats the tree in the background with bears and cori).

    This week is going to be crazy, I think all of them will be for the next 6-7. I have anxiety over it and find I stall and am stress eating. I have a pharmacology exam wednesday and it's not sticking, I really need to study.

    @shanaber Is there a way on the iphone where I can set the volume for the alarms independent of the phone volume? The android has setting for each (calls, system notifications, messages, etc...) so I can silence all except the alarms, since it goes to my watch I don't need an audible alert for messages and such.

    Neuro appointment
    is fast approaching and I dun wanna go. again. I am going to go, maybe keep thinking about that giant schlotzskys sandwich or a panera stop to dilute the anxiety. Honestly I am sure there is "nothing" wrong with me. Tell me to shut up and go, let the doc decide if it's nothing. I need to put together a timeline and such before I go and say "I'm fine right now" and waste everyone's time. Still no return of 20+ jerks and hour back on the antidepressant. So, I really don't think that was the culprit. My PCP's office phoned wanting me to follow up with them on it, so I see them 4 days before the neuro, they are holding my refills hostage. touche. I think I need to talk to the doc that did the rod about the weakness, I don't think its neurological, just damage/strength/PT.

    Stalling, Stalling, Stalling... Keep those brains a stallin'. Head 'em up, move 'em out... stallin' stallin' stallin' - no idea why Rawhide came to mind. I never watched it.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 yay for the B! Yep go see your neuro. You won't regret going, and you may regret not going.

    Weights downward again. 300g overnight. Still not as pre weekend but it will get there.

    I tried changing things up a bit, bike then yoga this morning. I also included a core workout cause I think my hip issue might be lack of core muscles. So going to concentrate on them for a few weeks. The hip issue is aches in the front and sides of my hips when I run at race pace or over 16k. Hopefully some concentration on these will help...
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,007 Member
    @swenson19d Yay for the B! Glad you aren't having the jerks anymore, but, go to the neuro! You need the piece of mind of knowing for sure there isn't anything wrong!

    @Avidkeo Yay for the weight being down again! Hope your hip responds to the core exercises.

    I had a busy afternoon - did my walk, got limbs out of the yard that had fallen over the winter, pulled down a couple of limbs that were leaning over the driveway from the tree that fell last week (did use the Gator), and then mowed and edged the lawn. I'm not counting calories today. I think I'll be fine with 915 extra in my pocket. :lol: