Weight No More - March 2021 Team Chat



  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 39,390 Member
    You have a new member heading your way....Please welcome @moamb :)
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 416 Member
    We did not have the outdoor worship service yesterday. It was too cold, wet and windy. This Sunday we will return to the sanctuary for the first time since March 8, 2020. I have plans to go out to eat tonight and Wednesday. I have only done this once since Covid. If I feel safe I will eat in. If not, we will get it to go.

    @annliz23 – steady weight and great step totals. I love the cake.

    @rachelrjh – Congrats on the big loss this week! I am sure that the weight loss will be noticeable very soon. I hope that as you near your desirable weight range you can determine what is right for you.

    @goingape – I am interested in the body scan, I never heard of it before. Hope you are gaining muscle.

    @kandi3670 @Rachelrjh @Zunba_Luvah - congratulations to ALL of you!

    @ljdanny- good step totals, getting it done every day!

    @KUMEcyclingteam – good to hear the Covid shot is scheduled soon. Congratulations on the weight loss! I am picturing you chasing an ice cube around the floor

    @moamb – welcome to the team


  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,241 Member
    ~~ Happy March Week Four ~~

    We are almost done with March, as hard as it is to believe. I hope this year has only gotten better for all of you.

    @moamb - Welcome to Team Weight No More! I'm Ashley, one of the captains here, along with the marvelous Melanie ( @melaniedscott ). If there's anything you are curious about, please do not hesitate to ask. We have folks here from all walks of life, plenty of different perspectives at your disposal.

    @goingape - Best of luck on your body scan! I'm doing one next week, and I'm a little nervous for it. Haven't done one before.

    @rachelrjh - Personally, my goal weight is somewhere in the 140s (although it's been over a decade since I weighed anywhere close to that, so I have no idea what it feels like). I'm 5'7", so slightly taller than you. However, it just hit me that I haven't updated my goal weight at all since I started on MFP, and I may feel different about it when I start getting close to it. I'm thinking that I'll just pay attention to how I feel and run with that.

    @annliz23 - That cake is so cute! I can't blame you for eating it. Not one bit.

    Update on Me:

    My scale and I are not friends right now. I'm still retaining water from my chest injury (and still recovering very slowly), and there may be some extra water retention between my cheat meals from last weekend and my cheat meals throughout the week and the extra snacking I've been doing and the alcohol I drank and other bad habits here and there. Although it's not all bad news. My calves and my arms have become firmer, so there's definitely been some muscle growth/fat loss. Time to work on disassociating myself from the number on the scale. I've been good about it in the past, but that clearly wasn't enough to extend into now.


    ~ Walking Warriors ~

    Between the seven strong steppers who posted their steps last week, our team managed a staggering 513,984 steps. Folks, that's an average of 73,426 steps per person over the course of the week. That's (ahem) dang impressive. That's worthy of praise and recognition, easily.

    Our Top Stepper last week was...

    Debbie outdid herself this week, totaling 123,021 steps over the course of the week, which equates to an average of 17,574 steps per day. She was also one of our most consistent walkers, deviating no more than 1,300 steps on average each day, which makes her numbers all the more impressive. That consistency and dedication keeps us looking up to Debbie every single week, if not every single day. Fantastic job!

    More than 10,000 Steps Per Day (on average):

    More than 5,000 Steps Per Day (on average):

  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 991 Member
    Username: jedaschultz
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    Week: 4
    PW (Previous Weight): 207.6
    CW (Current Weight): 206.6

    It was a better week. Still very stressful. We move next week so this is the final push to get everything packed. Needless to say I'm not very focused on weight loss right now. Just trying to not gain.
  • moamb
    moamb Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all. I'm Mo (Maureen). I'm looking forward to being a member of the team. I'm not sure what the norms are for introductions, so I'll keep this pretty brief. I'm 62. I'm a professor. I live in Orlando with my husband, dog, and cat. I'm about 20 pounds from my goal weight--but I've been stuck there for a very long time. I've decided I need to make losing those last pounds (for good) a priority. So, a little accountability and support will be much appreciated. And, I look forward to the opportunity to reciprocate as well. I'm a little introverted, but I'll do my best to be a good team member. Thanks for including me!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 39,390 Member
    Another new member heading your way ...Please welcome @pizzafruit :)
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello all! Hope you are doing well! The Spring is here, the nice weather has arrived!

    I have been doing badly & I can feel the effects on my body. The scale is up even more than it was on Saturday. I am determine to get back on track! I hate that I was at goal & now I am back up so much, it sucks!!!

    I am starting an 11 day shred tomorrow with my Isagenix group. I am hoping it will give me the jumpstart I need. I have events coming up & I want to look & feel good!

    I started this morning off will a high intensity cardio workout. It felt so good to start my day with a good sweat! I am going to try to get back into my early morning workouts. I can do this!

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend & have a great week! :smiley:
  • pizzafruit
    pizzafruit Posts: 317 Member
    Hello all! I'm determined to get back on track. I'm married with 2 adult children ages 39 and 37. I'm a retired assistant bank manager and my husband has been retired for 28 years. We're a hefty group and I've decided I need to do a much better job of leading by example and more importantly, take better care of myself.

    I broke my tibia New Years Eve 2019 and I'm not 100% yet but I'll get there. The best I've done is 5000 steps a day, my leg swells so easily. With weight loss will come relief from the swelling. As the swelling lessens I'll increase my distance. This is definitely a win-win!

    My long term goal is to some day read my medical chart again and see that the words morbidly obese have been eliminated. I'm looking forward to our team's success! I'll do my best to contribute and know I can learn from others. Thanks for allowing me to join.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,310 Member
    Welcome Mo & @pizzafruit (do you have a name?)! I'm Melanie, Ashley's other captain half. To be fair...Ashley does most of the work. And does it well.

    @pizzafruit I broke three bones in one of my feet four years ago and I've come to the conclusion I won't ever get back to what normal was. But I think as long as you stay active and keep them moving, you can still do pretty well.

    Well, I spent the weekend doing very little (besides being dizzy). I did a great job of eating nearly everything in the house. That has to stop. I'll blame it on stress ... MIL is in the hospital (again) and my husband is getting sucked into the vortex of silly and unreasonable demands. The upside of the pandemic is it puts the kabash on some...they don't allow over night visitors. Last time she insisted she couldn't be left alone and someone had to stay with her...usually expecting my husband to do so...and then would not let him sleep, knowing he had to go to work the next day. Long, irritating story. I am NOT telling it. It would lead to ranting. And, in general, I like his family. Just not their behavior, sometimes. Plus side to losing half your hearing...you cannot hear the phone in the middle of the night.

    Anyway, drama all weekend, exacerbated by dizziness and the stupid tinnitus that WILL. NOT. STOP. Sigh. I made a big batch if Spring Minestrone (Moosewood), which I count as a spring summoning ritual (you're welcome!), which I've been enjoying. I also made beef jerky for the first time. It dried faster than expected and maybe too much but I kind of like it crispy.

    Hubs & I have signed up for a stupid weightloss program through my health insurance (we've done it before, I don't like it, but points are points) and I'm prepping. It combines IF with low calorie and (purportedly) intuitive eating (No calorie counting...but don't eat blah, blah, blah because they're too high in calories). If I say I'll do it, I have to make SOME effort. I refuse to skip breakfast (that way leads to madness...really, me, angry and cranky) or drink watered down OJ, which they recommend. Other than that, I'll try and that means only allowing very specific snacks (jerkey, strawberries, peanuts). But jerky is super high in sodium and potential migraine causing additives so...made my own low(er) sodium version. Anyway. Be warned, there may be progam ranting in the future!

    Just wanted to say howdy!

  • RoseyandReady
    RoseyandReady Posts: 256 Member
    Weigh in was Sunday, up 2pounds :( 167.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    205 this morning. down from last week, but dont remember what it was last week lol
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member

    I know I’ve posted photos of Sunny in this position before, but he spent all day yesterday in this position! Just totally chilling!!
  • pizzafruit
    pizzafruit Posts: 317 Member
    Welcome Mo & @pizzafruit (do you have a name?)! I'm Melanie, Ashley's other captain half. To be fair...Ashley does most of the work. And does it well.

    @pizzafruit I broke three bones in one of my feet four years ago and I've come to the conclusion I won't ever get back to what normal was. But I think as long as you stay active and keep them moving, you can still do pretty well.

    Well, I spent the weekend doing very little (besides being dizzy). I did a great job of eating nearly everything in the house. That has to stop. I'll blame it on stress ... MIL is in the hospital (again) and my husband is getting sucked into the vortex of silly and unreasonable demands. The upside of the pandemic is it puts the kabash on some...they don't allow over night visitors. Last time she insisted she couldn't be left alone and someone had to stay with her...usually expecting my husband to do so...and then would not let him sleep, knowing he had to go to work the next day. Long, irritating story. I am NOT telling it. It would lead to ranting. And, in general, I like his family. Just not their behavior, sometimes. Plus side to losing half your hearing...you cannot hear the phone in the middle of the night.

    Anyway, drama all weekend, exacerbated by dizziness and the stupid tinnitus that WILL. NOT. STOP. Sigh. I made a big batch if Spring Minestrone (Moosewood), which I count as a spring summoning ritual (you're welcome!), which I've been enjoying. I also made beef jerky for the first time. It dried faster than expected and maybe too much but I kind of like it crispy.

    Hubs & I have signed up for a stupid weightloss program through my health insurance (we've done it before, I don't like it, but points are points) and I'm prepping. It combines IF with low calorie and (purportedly) intuitive eating (No calorie counting...but don't eat blah, blah, blah because they're too high in calories). If I say I'll do it, I have to make SOME effort. I refuse to skip breakfast (that way leads to madness...really, me, angry and cranky) or drink watered down OJ, which they recommend. Other than that, I'll try and that means only allowing very specific snacks (jerkey, strawberries, peanuts). But jerky is super high in sodium and potential migraine causing additives so...made my own low(er) sodium version. Anyway. Be warned, there may be progam ranting in the future!

    Just wanted to say howdy!

    Hi Melanie! Thank you for the thoughtful response. I'm so use to seeing user names I forget we all have real identities. My name is Mary and I'm really looking forward to meeting the challenge. I had thought about doing Keto and then read up on it. Their program has you log foods too. Aside from my feeling it's too complicated, after logging a maximum of 4 items in the journal, you get directed to another page where you agree to pay additional money. That only proves what I've known all along. MFP is still the best program out there. Have a great day!
  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all,

    Apologies for being MIA.
    CW - 189.2

    Some might be water weight, some might be post totm, most is just me being a human hoover *sighs* It has not been a good week!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 39,390 Member
    Another new member heading your way ...Please welcome @Calli1616 :)
  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,883 Member
    hey team! I'm Melissa and really looking forward to being here. I am a 54, wife, and mom of one away at school. I'm working towards losing 50 lbs or so. I lost 20 lbs last year, gained back 10 over the holidays and am finally ready to focus on it again. I'm like @moamb, in that I'm also a little introverted, but will try to be a good team mate! Looking forward to the journey!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @calli1616 welcome to the team
  • rachelrjh
    rachelrjh Posts: 258 Member
    I’d like to change my weigh in day to Friday, which means I won’t weigh in again until Friday April 2nd. Is that okay?

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 39,390 Member
    Another new member heading your way ... Please welcome @Just_Kisha :)
This discussion has been closed.