Monthly Post for April 2021



  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    Holy Cow! Where did this week go!? Just a quick check in. I had a terrible migraine all weekend, son's track meet Monday, catch up Tuesday and then BAM! it's Wednesday! Having a good fast today. Going to make a fajita/soft taco with leftover steak from last night. Yum! Have a great week! Stay healthy!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I had a bit of a dizzy turn yesterday. It's happened to me a few times before, and I suspect it's to do with exercising (I often do a short HIIT session in the morning) and then not eating till later on. So from now if I do a HIIT session I'm going to have a sensible small refuel afterwards.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning all!

    Feel better, both of you - @KateNkognito and @melaniecheeks !

    Things are quiet here today. More rain today ugh. Weekend and beyond is looking good. Can you tell I am itching to use our new patio set?!

    Have a good day and see you soon. :)
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Sunny and hot here! Everyone in shorts!! I went and bought a few more t shirts but they’re too small!! Officially a size L!! Omg.... I’ve got to get in gear here!! Kombucha gingerade is on the menu this afternoon... so refreshing and low cal ( not a pop drinker here).

    Hope all is well with you all.. sounds like everyone has lots going on!
    Stay healthy! I’m not eligible for vaccine yet... registered but I should be notified next week for my age group.

    Well gotta run! Cheers people!!
    Ps... yes Melanie, a little cottage cheese or protein drink after!! Good for you doing HIIT.. that would kill me!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good morning all!

    HAPPY FRIDAY! I am itching to get away from this desk and computer. Sigh...

    Not much happening here. Weighed in today and am the same as last week. Meh. I wish it was a loss but I will take it. "Ladies stuff" is around the corner. :)

    Been raining like heck all week. Typical for this time of year in southern New England. Sun is somewhat coming out now and weekend weather is looking good. I went in for a hair cut and highlights after work yesterday. Feeling blonder. LOL

    Hope all is well with you. Stay well! See you soon!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    A few restrictions lifting here in Norn Irn, and joy of joys I have a hairdressers appointment booked! Today I will be going running with my club (we can meet to train in groups of 15) and then going to visit my parents on the north coast (they've had both their vaccinations, we can meet in the garden) I have a salmon quiche, ricotta stuffed cherry peppers, olives, and trout pate to bring for our lunch, plus some alcohol free rose wine. And the sun is shining! Have a great weekend everyone.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    What a glorious day you have planned Melanie!!! Enjoy every moment!

    Well people, at the dog park yesterday and was pooped on by some random bird flying overhead! Seagull maybe... saw some larger leaves nearby to wipe on my arm and shirt... ya never do that.... the leaves I used were most likely poison ivy!! Omg! Small welts appeared on my arm and major stinging! Used Apple cider vinegar soaked in brown paper as a plaster, so says the internet... the blister looking sores are almost gone but the skin is super tender and sensitive, luckily camomile lotion still work even though expiry date is 2016!! All good now! Whew learned a lesson!

    I’m struggling with being sneaky lately. I find that during the day I’ve been eating healthy and low carb then go to store, buy ‘x’ and eat it on the way home!!! Why is that?? I need to stop that madness ASAP!

    It’s 21C (69F) today!!! No clouds in sight! Cleaning my sundeck furniture today! Have a good day everyone. Hi to Meg,Kate and Autopilot!

  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    Aaand I blinked again and it is the weekend!
    @mamainthekitchen I am sorry, but I had to laugh! That sounds so much like something that would happen to me!
    @melaniecheeks I hope your visit was lovely!
    @Meghan509 I hope the weather is nice for you! Here it is cold and dreary. We had to turn the heater back on. Could you west coast folks please send a little warmth and sunshine this way, please?
    Today I am just chillin' and snuggling with the dog. Might be productive tomorrow. Have a good weekend! Stay healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Good afternoon all!

    Hope everybody is good.

    We had a good weekend. Pretty productive! Got the new patio table assembled and on to the patio WOO HOO! Now if we can get some warmer weather at night time, we can BBQ. Can't wait!

    @melaniecheeks hope you had a nice visit with your family. Your menu sounds fab as usual! YUM. Enjoy!

    OMG @mamainthekitchen I am rolling re: your bird cr*p and poison ivy story!!! Yep, sounds like something that would happen to me. LOLOL I hope you are feeling better and less itchy.
    Hoping you can get your sneaky stuff under control. "If nobody sees me eat it, it doesn't count." Yep, been there done that myself. Hugs.

    @KateNkognito I hear you about cold and dreary. That was March and some of April for us. Finally starting to break that cycle WOW. Can't believe the end of the month is on the approach. Hope you had a relaxing weekend with dog. Sounds fab!

    @autopilot_off hope all is good in your neck of the woods.

    Had a low carb shake for mid day snack. They are a nice change from just regular keto but kinda watery. LOL Looking forward to turkey, avocado, and Swiss cheese on a low carb wrap for lunch. May try and make some frozen meatballs for dinner tonight. Wanted to take a walk around the track tonight after work but supposed to rain (again). Will keep in mind for tomorrow.

    I go for my final Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine dose tomorrow mid day. BF had his on Saturday and felt fine. Phew! Fingers crossed. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    What a Monday! But I have had a great fast day, so I will take it. Now, I just have to stop my habit of evening snacking after a fast.

    @Meghan509 Glad you had a good weekend! Good luck with your shot! Your wrap sounds yummy!

    Going to go fold laundry and go to bed early. Kids wear me out! Stay healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Hi all!

    Off to go get my last and final Pfizer vaccine. Can't wait. LOL

    Beautiful sunny day here which is nice.

    @KateNkognito good luck with your snacking. Been there too and it can be tough. You got this!

    See you all soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    I did well last night! Plus I have put in all of my food today! And, would you look at that? I lost weight! You would think the two are connected! LOL

    @Meghan509 I hope your second dose goes well! Fingers crossed for no side effects!

    Ok, off to go teach the children. It snowed last night, so they lost their minds. Plus spring and only 4 more weeks of school. Pray for me. LOL
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Yeah I'm guilty of being a Sneaky Snacker too!

    I've been trying some low-carb (4g) high protein (12g) wraps for lunches this week, 100 cals each. I've had as fillings:

    cream cheese, smoked salmon and green onion
    cottage cheese, roast red pepper and basil
    ricotta w roast broccoli and artichoke.

    They are really tasty, nice and soft, easy to roll. I bought them as a trial but I'll definitely be buying them again.

    (B-Free protein wraps in the UK, I got them in Sainsburys)
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    edited April 2021
    Aaand I blinked again and it is the weekend!
    @mamainthekitchen I am sorry, but I had to laugh! That sounds so much like something that would happen to me!
    @melaniecheeks I hope your visit was lovely!
    @Meghan509 I hope the weather is nice for you! Here it is cold and dreary. We had to turn the heater back on. Could you west coast folks please send a little warmth and sunshine this way, please?
    Today I am just chillin' and snuggling with the dog. Might be productive tomorrow. Have a good weekend! Stay healthy!

    Hi all I just joined the group and it felt like this was a good place to jump in. I live in California in the San Francisco Bay Area. We only got 6 inches of rain this year so @KateNkognito please take our warm sunny days and share the rain 😁

    A little about me. I'm 5'6" 229lbs 38 years old. I’ve been stricken to a 16:8 schedule (eating from 11-7) for the past 15 days. I have to say that it is really working well. Weekdays are easier since the kids (10 and 7 years old) typically get their own cereal but weekends are hard. Because of school being a crazy hybrid schedule my mom is coming down for a couple of days to help out which is going to make fasting throughout the weekend even harder since she will also expect me to make breakfast. Do you guys have any suggestions on how to fast while the rest of the house is eating??
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    Happy Wednesday everybody!

    My second dose of the Pfizer vaccine went well. No issues, what so ever aside from a sore arm!

    Crazy day today. In the office for a bit and then heading home soon for the remainder of the work day. Phew. Friday yet??

    snow!? Screams!!! LOL Hang in there, warmer weather will be here soon! :)

    your wraps sound fabulous!! I am going to try those! Turkey can get a little boring so we alternate with chicken or tuna salad and we melt Swiss cheese on it via the toaster oven. Fab!
    The ones I buy here in the States are called "Carb Control" and they are made by "Mission". They have a spinach and a plain that are pretty good. For a few more carbs they have a larger sized one in whole wheat. Yum!

    WELCOME!! We are so glad you joined us! Your schedule sounds awesome! Yep, I can understand that it is hard to stick to a fast while cooking breakfast for others. How about keeping yourself "occupied" with a nice big tall glass of water? Drink, drink, drink. Or make yourself a nice cup of coffee to have as your "meal" and to try and keep your mind off eating. Last thing is you could be up front and say hey, I am fasting before 11:00am would you mind grabbing your own food during this window to help me out? :) Also understand if you prefer to keep fasting on the down low. Some people are not on board at all with it.

    All is pretty good here. I am wearing my size 6 pants from J.C. Penney. Yes they are a little snug but they fit! LOL

    Have a great day and see you all soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,537 Member
    @melaniecheeks Your wraps sound yummy! I might try something similar for lunch tomorrow.

    @trinati2001 Welcome to the group! My sister is in the Bay Area, too and said almost the exact same thing about the weather. When I am fasting and making a meal or around when the rest of the family is eating, I have a glass of water or a cup of tea and sit and chat. You could move your eating window to coincide with breakfast if you want. Also remember that fasting is flexible and any eating plan should fit your life.

    @Meghan509 I am glad your shot went well. You can make it the rest of the week!

    @mamainthekitchen I hope things are going well in your corner of the world!

    Three day weekend coming up. Today almost half of the special education staff were gone for various reasons. It was a busy day! I fasted really well until I got home and then I had all the food. :/ At least I had a good 20 hour fast. And I will have 12 hours until tomorrow breakfast.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Aaaargh! I have a wedding to go to at the end of May (yay!). Tried on some possible dresses last night that I currently own (mostly UK size 12) and I can barely get into them. Not sure whether to stick rigidly to calorie restriction for the next few weeks and hope they fit better, or bite the bullet and buy a 14. Our retail shops should re-open at the end of next week so I might see if I can pick something up in TK Maxx.

    There's this one which might be wedding-y enough with heels and a fascinator....yfdw6eql2mbu.jpg
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi all!! Been so busy gardening this past week! Mine, my moms and my neighbors!! Omg... the knees!! Gorgeous weather is changing to rain for a week starting tomorrow so glad I’ve got the gardens cleared out! Also I found out that the leaves I used to wipe the bird poop off was actually stinging nettle and not poison ivy! Very accurate name!!!! Cleared right up in 3 days! Omg, you guys weren’t the only ones to Lol!! I’ve been pretty good lately with foods and had a few good 18 hr fasts but again, gotta stop finding things to snack on at night!

    @melaniecheeks you look fabulous! You sound super motivated... sometimes trying on clothes is the push we need...Good luck! Your wraps sound delish!

    @KateNkognito !!! Snow??? Omg girl! Happy you did well on your fasts and saw the scale move! Yes, who knew there’s a formula that works!! Lol ;)

    @Meghan509 wow so happy for you you’re able to get 2nd shot!! I’m still waiting for my first!! Hubs got his first yesterday, I’ll be a couple more weeks with my age group. I wish I could find low carb wraps here!!! Maybe I should look online cause they’re not in my shops!

    @autopilot wondering how your measurements are shaping up?

    @orlcam miss you and really hope you’re ok!

    @trinati2001 BIG Welcome from me too!! Sounds like you’re doing well. Yes I hear you on the family time aspect.... my kids are adults and I’ve only got one at home so I don’t have that same problem but I do have a husband that wants spaghetti one night and a full roast beef dinner another! I opt for zucchini noodles then cauliflower rice instead of mashed potatoes during those meals. You could try a 5:2 approach so that you could eat with your family on those days they’re around and fast during the week..? There’s a post to read within the heading of this group in the notifications. 5:2 is actually what this group was originally called and practiced by everyone (really worked for me!!). We’ve all kind of changed and adapted to what works in our own lives, but that may give you flexibility if you must join in on a family breakfast over the weekend.

    I’ve blabbed on enough!
    Have a great day people!!!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,980 Member
    edited April 2021
    Hi all!

    Love to see everybody checking in and posting! MOTIVATING!

    @KateNkognito hope you enjoy your upcoming three day weekend. You deserve it!

    @melaniecheeks LOVE your pic and that dress is amazing!! You look great. Ahhh got to love the T.J. Maxx shops as we call them here. :) We also have Home Goods, which is a sister company and I feel like they have gotten to know us lately. :D

    @mamainthekitchen so glad that rash cleared up. Phew! Yes, definitely check out for the wraps. If you can't get Mission then look for Mama Lupe, whole wheat ones. Those are awesome too!

    Work day is winding down here on the East Coast. WINDY out there. Have had to go out and stand the garbage and recycling can up after it blew down for the 100th time today! Figures that garbage and recycling day is on the windy day of the week. LOL

    About to have my afternoon yogurt. I like the Two Good brand. Yummy!

    See you soon!!!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    The weather here in Ireland is lovely this week. I've been out in my garden too, and some little seeds I planted are starting to show their faces. I had a very funny typo in a WhatsApp group I'm on, where I said that my panties were flowering! (I meant pansies of course, but it caused some giggles)