Welcome! Nice to meet you

Memorylane2021 Posts: 19 Member
Please introduce yourself here...


  • Memorylane2021
    Memorylane2021 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello Friend, Welcome I am so glad that you have come to join us here! Yes indeed I hope more sparkies come in as well!
  • trishd25
    trishd25 Posts: 6 Member
    I am sad to see Spark go as well. Was off and on since 2007. I made a Spark America account, but as of yet, I don't like it very well. Another SP member mentioned this site, so here I am. :)
  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,631 Member

    ~🙋🏼‍♀️ ~ I am really liking MFP ... I am not planning on joining SparkAmerica ... starting new here

  • _Melobee
    _Melobee Posts: 5 Member
    Hi...I was Melobee on Sparks and _Melobee here. My name is Barb and so far am liking MFP, although I haven't really figured it all out yet, lol. Super glad to see some Sparkies here!
  • UrdotWrex
    UrdotWrex Posts: 2 Member
    Hi... I was on Sparkpeople for about 10 years over which I lost a total of 60Kgs. I have put back on about 10kg in the last 18months and logged back in to do something about it. I was stunned Sparkpeople had been part of my life for so long. I understand they have to pay people but restricting the new system to the U.S. means here I am.
  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,631 Member
    edited June 2021

    ~💙~ ~🌟~ ~💙~ ~🌟~ ~💙~ ~🌟~ ~💙~ 🌟 ~💙~ ~🌟~ ~💙~ ~🌟~ ~💙~ ~🌟~ ~💙~

    ~Welcome Fellow SPARKers~ ~ 🙋🏼‍♀️ ~ ~ Waving Hi ~ ~ Nice to see so many Joining ~ ~

    ~💙~ ~🌟~ ~💙~ Wishing Everyone ALL the BEST and Much Success ~💙~ ~🌟~ ~💙~

  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,944 Member
    I was Margaret Yakoda on SparkPeople and so here I am.

    I was able to lose well over 100lbs a bit over a decade ago on SP. I had some things happen. Epic things. And I gained again. Not as much. But I was well on my way there.

    In February, after much medical neglect, I woke up and couldn’t feel my toes. Which was a bit concerning. And my A1C was elevated. So, back to SparkPeople I went.

    I lost 28 lbs there. But then the announcement. And I checked out the new site and it just wasn’t my thing.

    As a disabled person, fitness events and fun runs really aren’t my thing. And I’m rural. So the focus on urban areas just didn’t seem like it would work for me.

    I do have to credit SparkPeople for my Dr visit yesterday. My 3 month diabetic checkup. My A1C is now at the very top of normal. And I’m down 30 lbs. the doctor was absolutely shocked. She said “this never happens!” And showed me off to the nurses. It was kind of weird LOL but I knew it was meant as a compliment.

    Anyhow. Here I am. More weight to lose, and then I will need to be absolutely vigilant about maintenance.
  • wingmen2
    wingmen2 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello SparkFriends!!! I will miss SparkPeople, but I am ready to make the change. Change is good! I was a member of the Biggest Loser Challenge (BLC) on SP, and it may be moving here. If so, I'll revisit the thread with a notice - hope you'll think about joining us!!!
    Rachelle, aka RunTheGoodRace on SP (it was taken here already!)
  • bportia25
    bportia25 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone! My name on SP was Mouse. so happy I found this group!!!!!
  • anneu53
    anneu53 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello everyone. My name on SP was Sunshine582 and I enjoy gym and walking I am doing the BLC at the moment and we are up to week 7. Its nice to chat to other people on the same travel as each other.
  • tracy9301
    tracy9301 Posts: 125 Member
    Hello to all. I am long time member of fitness pal and sparkpeople. I am Tracy9103 there. Sad that it is closing, but gonna start back here.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,944 Member
  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,631 Member

    ~~ Waving HI ~~ 🙋🏼 ~~ Wishing You a SPARKtacular Sat. ~~ WELCOME to all who joined ~~


  • IngMarie1inSpain
    IngMarie1inSpain Posts: 17 Member
    Hello, new to this site but been on spark since 2012 ,moved from USA to Spain when we retired. I am married,2 grown girls,they are still in USA.
  • candok1260
    candok1260 Posts: 486 Member
    I am karenmarie. I am candok1260 on spark and here. I join Spark America but haven't done much with it . I am enjoying mfp.
  • candok1260
    candok1260 Posts: 486 Member
    Sorry for the extra post. I am still learning the site.
  • Jadedraggin
    Jadedraggin Posts: 37 Member
    I was on Sparkpeople on and off since 2013. It really helps me manage my blood sugar. I wasn't thrilled with their strategy to shut down without having the new site ready to go. Bad news for them, I think I like this app better. OoPs