Downsizers-July Chat 2021



  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    My Early Friendly Reminder of steps I need from the following people :)

    @rlaskey2 7/8 & 7/9
    @Z1ORtza 7/4-7/10
    @red1185 7/8-7/10
    @Beverly2Hansen 7/9 & 7/10
    @BRGking 7/4-7/10

    If I do not have your steps by Monday Evening(7/12) I will have to zero them out..... Thanks for all your cooperation ...Greatly appreciate it :)

    I thought I posted but sorry if I did not.
    7/8 15,860
    7/9 12,277

    Thank you!
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Evening Guys...

    Work out ended a bit late, had to move another 160 pounds or so of exercise equipment into the Exercise room, and 1 of them boxes were over 100lb. FUN FUN FUN. 😁😎👍

    Then once I got it into the house, we had to open it up and check it out, see how the mental plan in my head actually looked like in reality. (all good by the way...) Sadly, I'm short a few accessories at the moment, so the surprise will need to wait. 😉

    All this burnt a significant amount of calories... According to Fit bit at this moment, I've burnt 2283 Calories in exercise calories today. 😰💪🤪👍

    Heck it's going to be well over 5000 cals burnt by the time midnight rolls around. 🤠

    Didn't even get out of the exercise room till after 7:30pm, then it was time to Barbeque. Turned out to be some significantly amazing Strip Loins... Sometimes all the stars align and you get the most perfect steak, tonight was the night... And Lynn's mushrooms were perfect too. (SO Friggin good... I swear). 🤗😋

    Back and Biceps...

    Well switching to Bent over single hand rows is paying dividends. Managed to knock out all 3 sets of 12 reps in decent fashion at 70lb... Movin on up... To the Sky... To a glorious apartment in the sky-i-i. ( 😋 ). In fact I handled 70 much better then 65 the week before and had more gas in the tank.

    Biceps are still gaining ground faster than I would have figured. Preacher curls was a solid just hitting the upper rep range of 15. Moving up... So, this continues to make me realize the 12-15 , 20 and even the dreaded 30 set range are working much better then anticipated (for biceps anyway). And as a bonus, my wrists are still feeling really quite good. (now only if my shoulder would get back to normal).

    And the Dreaded final 30 rep standing ez bar curl set... Some how? And I have no idea how, I got all 30 reps again I'll have to double check the book but it seems every week (4 or 5 in a row?) I think there is no way I'll do it again, and then every week I complete all 30 (By a hair) and move up another 2.5 pounds. Surely next week I will finally stall out? I suppose this is a good problem to have. 💪😅😀

    Okay that's that... I really need to (wash dishes... Grrr) and get my *kitten* to bed.

    Good my lovely's, sleep well... lol 🤗🤗🤗

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,276 Member
    July Week 2 Top 5 Steppers Are:

    1st @amymartin555 - 192,179 steps
    2nd @Megan_smartiepants1970 - 162,132 steps
    3rd @TheresaM787 - 116,600 steps
    4th @rlaskey2- 92, 824 steps
    5th @888Angie888 - 86,379 steps
    AS A GROUP WE WALKED 1,164,066 steps


    @lindamtuck2018 = 6/7
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 = 6/7
    @littleflutterby = 7/7
    @Piqueaboo = 3/7
    @888Angie888 = 2/7
    @TheresaM787 = 7/7
    @iradi8= 1/7
    @rlaskey2= 6/7
    @Tazaria87 = 1/7
    @rwood566 = 4/7
    @lmf1012 = 6/7
    @amymartin555 = 7/7
    @MSWarrior7088 = 4/7
    GREAT JOB EVERYONE :):):):):)
  • amymartin555
    amymartin555 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Wow I cant believe that I was on the top of the leaderboard for last week. Thank you for all the congrats. I honestly dont know what I did different from other weeks. I think maybe I was in need of a whoosh lol.
    For those who asked what I do
    First I do IF 16/8. Or 20/4. The small eating window helps me not to over eat. I only drink water or green tea. I am not hungry at all until the very end of my fasting window that is why I can longer . I never eat after 6 pm. I am a creature of habit and tend to eat alot of the same foods but I dont deprive myself. I just log it if I have it.
    I like sweets so I have been eating quite a bit of sugar free jello. It is only 5 or 10 calories per serving so a whole box is either 20 or 40 calories so I feel like I get alot. I also have a protein shake a protein meal bar that I love that I have quite a bit.
    My meals are either chicken or tuna wraps or a Turkey burger with veggies. Sometimes I have a healthy choice or other low calorie frozen meal. Eggs too. Toast with peanut butter. Lots of different foods. I log it all.
    My main exercise is walking. I get most of my steps indoors. I love reading so I will put on an audiobook or just any book and start walking across my livingroom and down the hall. I have telling myself that I can just get to steppin. If I do sit down I set an alarm to get up every hour to get some steps in. I also watch YouTube videos while walking. They help motivate me. I also will do my cordless jumprope and smart hoop a couple times a week. Kettlebells a couple times a week and swimming when weather permits.
    My steps went from 29,000 in May to that or more in a day now. One thing I do is if my fitbit says my steps are close to the next (18,934) I will walk until it get to next 1000th(19,000)
    I have also made a big reward for when I reach my goal. I get a vacation. That motivates me. I watch YouTube videos about the vacation destination so that keeps me moving.
    I have been asked if my feet hurt. They do! But I have found that they tend to hurt more if I sit down for a while then get back up. It is easier to keep moving.
    I hope this answers any questions about what I am doing and maybe help others.
    I still dont know what was different these last 2 weeks though. I just hope I keep losing. My husband says I am losing it and he is finding it .lol
  • lmf1012
    lmf1012 Posts: 402 Member
    Good morning.

    7/12 steps 4,455

    Ugh, I hurt myself jogging the other night so did not walk last night and am taking a few days off of exercise to rest so my steps will be awful the next few days.
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 118oz
    Steps 12449
    Exercise 3 mile trail at lake

    Dad asked if I wanted to go walk with him before he went to work so I met him at the lake at 7am. It was nice and cool and there was hardly anyone there. It's a great time to go, usually I'm still sleeping at that time haha. After lunch I mowed the lawn and edged the front so no problem with steps for the day! Dad's been struggling for the last few weeks with his eating but it's great to see him getting out there and not giving up.
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Check in for 7/12:
    Steps: 4600. Shopped and got cupcakes. 6 mini and 1 big. I will get 2 mini and 1/3 of the large.
    Calories: 1628, I believe. Had jello for dessert. Told daughter to make mine 22g, per the box. One spoon was 30g. She died laughing. Guess that 22g is dry.
    Exercise: just some arm curls at home. I couldn't drag myself outside for an evening walk.
  • red1185
    red1185 Posts: 388 Member
    lmf1012 wrote: »
    Good morning.

    7/12 steps 4,455

    Ugh, I hurt myself jogging the other night so did not walk last night and am taking a few days off of exercise to rest so my steps will be awful the next few days.

    That’s a bummer. I hope you feel better soon!!
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 118oz
    Steps 12449
    Exercise 3 mile trail at lake

    Dad asked if I wanted to go walk with him before he went to work so I met him at the lake at 7am. It was nice and cool and there was hardly anyone there. It's a great time to go, usually I'm still sleeping at that time haha. After lunch I mowed the lawn and edged the front so no problem with steps for the day! Dad's been struggling for the last few weeks with his eating but it's great to see him getting out there and not giving up.

    That sounds so lovely! I bet that was nice quiet time with just you and your dad. And you mowed the lawn?? My goodness. That’s a busy day, and starting so early too lol. I’m sorry your dad is struggling, but hopefully he’s on the upswing.
  • red1185
    red1185 Posts: 388 Member
    Good morning! I can’t believe it’s already almost noon.

    Definitely didn’t do much yesterday. I finished my book, and by the time I was done I didn’t feel like doing anything else. Not to mention when I did feel like taking the dog on our walk it was pouring down rain. I wasn’t going to get caught in a rainstorm again! Lol

    Today I am making myself spend at least an hour on the treadmill - which is not hard - I put on a show, and just walk. It’s nice: it’s in the air conditioning, and NOT in the rain. Ha! If the weather holds up, I’ll also try to squeeze in a walk for the doggo as she hasn’t had one in a couple days. Also have to do some cleaning, so that’ll be some steps, as well. Gotta get back on track!

    What’s crazy is that I’m kiiiiiiinda looking forward to school starting back up ONLY because I get out of my vacation mindset. I make myself walk at least a mile during my planning period, which helps me reach my step goal everyday. That’s literally the only reason lol. Otherwise I wish it was summer vacation forever! 🤣

    Have a great day everybody!
  • lcfa5317
    lcfa5317 Posts: 147 Member
    PW = 188.6
    CW = 188.6

    I've been exercising a lot. Summer is great for exercising. I bike and hike all the time. I still need to cut down on the food and drinks.
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 884 Member
    7/11: 16,223
    7/12: 6,660
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,528 Member
    Another great workout in the books! I can’t even imagine burning 2283 calories. Amazing burn! 🔥 🔥 🔥 Ok, I am jealous of those steaks. I can’t wait until hubby gets his dentures so we can have a great steak. Hopefully, the stars will align. What are your tips for cooking a good steak?

    Thanks for all the great tips!

    Nice loss! Great job on meeting all your goals.

    Listen to your body. It’s more important to recover than count steps.

    Fantastic loss! Do you think the swimming helped?

    Awesome steps! What a great way to spend time with your Dad. He will get back on track. He’s got you to setting a good example of how it’s done.

    That’s so funny. Great job measuring though. Enjoy your cupcakes.

    Sounds like you have a great plan for today and when you go back teaching.

    Keep enjoying the hiking and biking. It offsets those yummy foods and drinks.

    Nice steps!

    Congrats to our awesome steppers for the week!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,528 Member
    edited July 2021
    Check in for Monday
    ✅Steps 8,164
    ❌ 7/8 hourly reminders

    Missed one hourly reminders as my physio was longer so I went directly to the next room for massage. The Fitbit reminder went off during my massage. I didn’t walk to Tim Hortons as planned but somehow my steps hit 8k.

    I am in a foul mood today because of my back so I will leave it at that. 🤷‍♀️

    Hope you are having a great Tuesday!
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Another great workout in the books! I can’t even imagine burning 2283 calories. Amazing burn! 🔥 🔥 🔥 Ok, I am jealous of those steaks. I can’t wait until hubby gets his dentures so we can have a great steak. Hopefully, the stars will align. What are your tips for cooking a good steak?

    Well number one... A nicely marbled steak is number one.

    I take steaks out of the freezer in the morning and let them sit on the counter all day... They are completely room Temp by the time I cook em. Heck if you buying fresh steaks, for a big gig of occasion. I've put steaks directly into the fridge for up to 3 days, flipping them over occasionally. You meat might even start to turn and get slightly discoloured in spots, but this mean's more good taste and tenderness (And it's only on the outside, it will cook just fine). hehe

    Kosher salt, and don't be to shy (this also highly depends on the Thickness of the steak)... Your BBQing, so a lot of this salt will run off (plus I'm on Keto, so salt is actually my friend so bonus for me)... And salt actually brings out flavor in everything it touches. Then I particularly like a good heavy lair of Granulated Garlic Powder, and Granulated Onion Powder again don't be shy. Then last but not least you favorite make of montreal steak spice the heavy you go with the Steak spice, the less salt in the first step. It's all a balancing act.

    Grill should be absolutely piping hot... 550+ sometimes more if I can get it there. Then open it only long enough to get each steak on the grill. Assuming 1" thick steaks, it only takes 4-5 minutes for the first side, then flip just once... And another 4 minutes. This should be long enough, to see nice grill mark and good browning. fat might ignite here and there, so keep an ear open. (Cause the lid should be closed the whole time) only time you open if it, is if there is a run away fire. Note you don't have the steaks into long, so even if there is some good fires going, they won't really do to much harm. Granted those particular fiery steaks will be done a bit sooner then the others.

    Then Pull em... Your done... Get em to the table and dig right in, while they are still pipping hot. 😎
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Long story short I didn't get any sleep last night... Well almost none. I didn't walk this morning. But I did drag my butt to work.

    This is from around noon today. (From my news feed).

    So, it's been a long day... Lots of work to do, mood meh. Sleep needed and all that stuff. 😐

    But I had itch in the back of mind from the minute I got to work... Itch... Itch... Itch. 🤨

    So yeah, I didn't walk this morning and I slept like crap. 😝

    The problem has now been solved. The itch has been scratched. And to be honest I feel really good about it. 👍😎😀

    Problem now is I'm soaked, and I didn't bring a change of clothes to work... My underwear is thoroughly stuck to my *kitten* and ball sack (To much detail?). But thankfully, I had a shower this morning, and I sweat so frequently I've for the most part purged most of the "Stank" from my body. 🦨

    It's 1pm now.... How long before I pull the pin? Hmmmm Not sure.

    So, thank you to each and every one of you Jerks that held me accountable this morning and occupied my mind. It worked again, and I wouldn't want it any other way. 😁 Perhaps next time, I'll bring a change of clothes, or a towel or something? Even just a fresh pair of dry underwear would be sweet.

    I'm also grate full for Lynn who already let me know she's going to take supper cooking duty tonight. 😆

    As for the walk itself. Knowing it's really humid today. And that I didn't want to be soaked to the bone. I just walked. No slogging required. Unfortunately, even a non-stop walk where I hovered around 140-145 most of the time... Was plenty enough of walk to get me pretty wet. (behave). 😅

    I basically walked from our shop, down the street to the Nearest park, and did a lap around the park and back. 1.57 miles or something like that. So, pretty much smack dab around my usual morning burn.

    All is now right in Poo-Land. Have an amazing day my Friends (*kitten*) which ever you prefer. 😉


    And if anyone is interested in some humor with the weight lifter slant...

    Without further to do... What you all didn't know you were waiting for... The following photo is of one of my Ironmaster Dumbells 75 Lb, complete with heavy handle kit (+15 Lb), and 120Lb expansion pack.

    For a total of 135 pounds per dumbbell. And for *kitten* and giggles I threw on some magnetic plate mates pushing them to 142.5 Lbs each. 👀

    Can I lift it... Um nope. 😆 But it's a thing of pure beauty none the less. 🤓👍

    PS they actually have another expansion adding another 45Lb per Dumbbell but let's be serious. I may never have need of it. 😝

    PSS this isn't a bad buy... Once I require more then 90 pound dumbells, I will indeed require it. And it's happening before the year is out. (Assuming good health and all that, knock on wood). 😬

    PSSS... Minus the plate mates the total length of the dumbbell is about 19.5 inches. Which is actually pretty compact for much poundage. 🤠

    PSSSS... Why are you still reading this? You must be a die hard. 😆😛

    Chow 😃🤗

  • red1185
    red1185 Posts: 388 Member
    Good evening everybody!

    I followed through and spent a lot of time on the treadmill! 100 minutes, 5 miles, and more than 10,000 steps! I put on a show, and just walked and walked and walked! I’m tired lol.

    I made burgers for dinner. 2 with regular Kraft sliced cheese, and 2 with Brie. I had a slice of Brie while I was cooking. I added sautéed mushrooms and caramelized onions - de-lish! I thought about buying frozen fries, but 2 things stopped me: 1. I have potatoes, and figured I could make fries myself, and 2. I remembered that I had frozen cauliflower tots already. So… I made the cauliflower tots - definitely a better calorie decision. They’re ok - they hit the spot for carbs, but I’m sure most of us can agree that nothing can compare to a fry lol.

    Anyway, I’m going to try to make very good caloric choices this week because tomorrow, 7/14, is Bastille Day. My family always goes to the most delicious little French restaurant for Bastille Day (I wish I was French, but sadly I am not lol)…and calories are not a thing that I count when I’m there. I want all the bread, cheese, and wine when I’m there. I guess that means more treadmill time for me, and that’s ok!

    I hope you all have a wonderful evening!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,528 Member
    I am so loving forward to a juicy rare steak. Thanks for the tip. Why do you need lots of salt when on keto? Salt is my enemy as I gain water weight if I have too much.

    Like I said before a professional gym has nothing on yours. Great job going for a walk on your lunch break. It would have been so easy to blow it off.

    That is commitment! Nice walking! I think one of my favourite things to eat is French fries. I don’t get them very often and when I do I carefully weight out my portion. Otherwise, I would just go crazy on them. I am excited to go to Newfoundland to get some chips, dressing and gravy. Think poutine with lots of dressing on top. Enjoy your meal at the French restaurant.
This discussion has been closed.