August “I Will” and Re-post of “Summer of Sleep”



  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,976 Member
    edited August 2021
    Here is a shot I took yesterday of the storm slipping to the East of the barn.

    Great photo!
    The sky here in Prague looked similar today ☁️ I managed to get out for a walk - when it cleared and the sun shone in the blue sky with fluffy white clouds - the dark clouds closed in again, so scooted home quickly. It wasn't stormy though, just heavy rain.

    Where are you? (I know you've probably mentioned before). It's good that you're getting to work from home while the Delta is spiking.
    nebslp wrote: »
    One suggestion for better sleep that I heard on The Model Health Show today was to start your day by taking a 20 minute walk outside without sunglasses to get some sun (or light), then spend time outside a couple more times during the day. He also said to do a 12 hour fast and not eat 2-3 hours before going to bed. All very doable ideas.

    When my Fitbit compares my sleep to others my age, it says my I am awake considerably less, my deep sleep is longer, and my REM is ridiculously high, but my light sleep time is higher. I feel like I dream constantly and there are actual storylines. It’s crazy! I use my dreams to help solve problems and to better understand my life and relationships. It’s great when I’m not stressed, but sometimes my dreams are really exhausting. Guess that’s when i have things to figure out and I need them the most.

    My sleep issue is that I simply don’t want to go to bed. I hate it when the day is over! Sometimes I feel sleepy around 8:00 unless I’m working outside and then get my second wind about 10 when I should be heading to bed. But is there a “should” if it doesn’t matter what time I get up the next day? (Yes, I tend to over analyze everything!)!

    I'm a bit like you. I occasionally have those big dreams. I find them fascinatingly weird.
    I've been making the effort to get to bed by midnight/half past. We usually eat dinner from about 7-9pm then watch a bit of TV and a movie. I prefer to get 8 hours sleep but am happy if I get over 6. We both have irregular schedules and don't have to get up early.
    I woke up at 2am & 5am today, for the loo, and couldn't get back to sleep. Fitbit says I only got 2h 35m sleep. It's 7am now, so I'll get up and do something and try to get a bit more sleep later.

    I hope you're all sleeping soundly right now 🛌💤
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,976 Member
    I've found this app quite good for switching off to relax or helping me fall asleep. I know many of you are trying the no screens method but some might like this.
  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,482 Member
    ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🌊 ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🌊 ~ 💕 ~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~ 💕 ~ 🌊 ~ 💕 ~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🌊 ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~


    ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🌊 ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🌊 ~ 💕 ~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~ 💕 ~ 🌊 ~ 💕 ~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🌊 ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~

    4kieyzice6mq.gif~~ Waving Hello ~~ Good Morning ~~ Wishing Everyone a LOVEly TERRIFIC Tuesday ~~

    I AFFIRM... I WILL Succeed in creating Healthy Habits........... last nights sleep = 8.35 hrs.....

    "I think I'm going to end up as one Terrific old lady!" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kathryn Harrold~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🌊 ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🌊 ~ 💕 ~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~ 💕 ~ 🌊 ~ 💕 ~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~ 🌊 ~💕~ 🏄🏼‍♀️ ~💕~
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,226 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hi habit builders. 😂 I've had a busy few days, and have been pondering my "August I will ...."

    I have had no major problems with my sleep patterns. I'm a bit of a night owl, so over the last few months I did try to regulate my bedtime routine so that I went to bed before midnight. The main result was that I just woke up earlier, which really doesn't benefit me in my current situation as a retired person. I get good sleep and wake up feeling refreshed in the mornings, And I have no necessity to get up early to go to work. I already wake before seven in the morning.

    My focus in August will be to get to grips with all the clutter that has accumulated in my cupboards and drawers over the years. It has been out of sight out of mind for long enough.

    For August:
    After I have finished my breakfast .....
    ..... I will Declutter 5 items.
    Sun 1: I sorted out my every day glassware cupboard. At the back of the cupboard I found a stack of small yoghurt/dessert tubs that I had been using for small amounts of ingredients when I was cooking. I hadn't realised how many of these I had gathered up. I have kept half a dozen and the rest have gone in the recycle bin.
    Mon 2: I sorted through the clothes that were lying on my bedroom seat. I mended 2 items, put 3 of them into the donate bag, and several more into the recycle bin. The rest of the items I put away where they belonged.

    Tues 3: I did some more paper decluttering of my filing cabinets. I am gradually filling up my upstairs paper recycle bin which I will put into the outside bin before bin day next Tuesday. Downstairs, I have a recycle box in our lounge, and I have a routine for dealing with junk mail each day when it arrives. Today, I also filed all the papers that had been piling up on the dining room table.

    PS on sleep. I have seldom had difficulty getting off to sleep at whatever time I go to bed. I have been using deep breathing meditation techniques for years, and generally go to sleep fairly quickly. Apart from the no screens thing, I do most of the things they recommend for better sleep, but even before we had screens (yes! I am that old 😂) I was the same. And I can fall asleep almost anywhere. 😂

    I'm at an age where I do wake up to pee several times a night, and Fitbit doesn't seem to cope well with that. When that happens, I just click on the little cogwheel at the top of my screen and edit the times. Maybe that's only possible on iPhone, though. I'm always in the normal range when I do the 30 day average for people in my age range, and generally get a score above 80.

    We have also had similar skies in Northern Ireland last week and today. Only heavy showers, though, not storms. Today we were watching the rain approaching as we were pruning our large bay tree. We got it done just in time to miss a very heavy downpour, but had to wait several hours before we could do the clear-up.

    This month's tracker:
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,856 Member
    Good Morning all!

    @BodyTalking I am in US - Tx where rain in the summer can be unusual or not. Typically it's either drought or flood. But we already had 2 inches of rain this week...

    Aug 1 - all animals brushed
    Aug 2 - ditto
    Aug 3 - ditto

    It's been an interesting week so far but today is HUMP day so hopefully it will turn the corner. I AM WFH again but I never got an official response to my email nor was there any official notice from our company or local manager. Interesting. The ONLY reason I am WFH is that when I went in on Monday morning my manager stopped by and said " Oh - you are here?!!" in surprise so I guess that means he assumed I would be WFH. So I am. LOL.. Sometimes we just have to take our own wellbeing into our own hands. Companies are financial animals. You have to look out for yourself and your own employees sometimes (yes I have one of mine WFH also)

    Some great trackers for the month already!

  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,482 Member
    edited August 2021
    ~ 💕 ~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~ 💕 ~

    ~Welcome to a LOVEly New Day ~1do5uizxvpas.gif~~BLESSings~~ALLways~~Deby~~

    ~ 💕 ~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~ 💕 ~

    4kieyzice6mq.gif~ ~ Waving Hi ~ ~ Wishing Everyone ~ ~ a WOOHOO WEIRDnWILDnWISE Wednesday ~ ~

    I AFFIRM.... I WILL Be Consistent in completing my AUGUST HEALTHY HABIT GOALS.... last nights sleep... 7hrs 36 min.

    "Cherish sunsets, wild creatures and wild places. Have a LOVE affair with the wonder and beauty of the earth." ~ ~Stewart Udall~ ~

    ~ 💕 ~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~💕~🦋~💕~🌟~ 💕 ~
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 846 Member
    For August I Will:

    Do my lower body PT daily, or most days

    Do my balancing exercises 3 times per week

    Start taking my vitamins and other supplements again

    Start taking short walks in the neighborhood or using my recumbent bike 3 times per week.


  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,482 Member
    ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~


    ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~

    4kieyzice6mq.gif~ Waving Hi ~ Wishing You ~ The Most Positively LOVEly THOUGHT-filled Thursday ~

    I AFFIRM .... I WILL succeed in creating and Maintaining Healthy Habits... Sleep last night... 8 hrs. 5 min.

    "Everything you want to accomplish is already within yourself so when you start to roll in self-doubt and think negative thoughts then
    you'll fall off. So keep visualising and keep knowing what you're destined for, it'll come to you." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NLE Choppa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~ 🌴 ~💕~ 🏝 ~💕~
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,226 Member
    Hi habit builders. 😂

    August Focus: Get to grips with all the clutter that has accumulated in my cupboards and drawers over the years. It has been out of sight out of mind for long enough.

    For August:
    After I have finished my breakfast .....
    ..... I will Declutter 5 items.
    Sun 1: I sorted out my every day glassware cupboard. At the back of the cupboard I found a stack of small yoghurt/dessert tubs that I had been using for small amounts of ingredients when I was cooking. I hadn't realised how many of these I had gathered up. I have kept half a dozen and the rest have gone in the recycle bin.
    Mon 2: I sorted through the clothes that were lying on my bedroom seat. I mended 2 items, put 3 of them into the donate bag, and several more into the recycle bin. The rest of the items I put away where they belonged.
    Tues 3: I did some more paper decluttering of my filing cabinets. I am gradually filling up my upstairs paper recycle bin which I will put into the outside bin before bin day next Tuesday. Downstairs, I have a recycle box in our lounge, and I have a routine for dealing with junk mail each day when it arrives. Today, I also filed all the papers that had been piling up on the dining room table.

    Wed 4: Decluttered fridge, binned 2 out of date jams, and several chutneys. Used leftover veg to make soup for lunch.
    Thurs 5: Sorted through some old makeup. Binned several lipsticks, a couple of old nail polishes, and an almost empty tube of foundation. I haven't worn any of them for over a year.

    August Habit Tracker:

  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,976 Member
    edited August 2021
    I have to say that the critturs are REALLY enjoying the special brushing time. I did the 2 big tuxedo boys together this morning using a comb in one hand and brush in the other. LOL. Not sure which was purring louder.

    Covid is REALLY bad here right now so glad I got the official approval for Aug WFH yesterday from management. County just moved to highest stage today. It's pretty ugly.


    That's sounds so sweet, I can picture the purring pets enjoying their brushing time.

    I'm so glad you're working from home as things are getting bad over there. Look after yourself. I really hope the situation improves soon xxx
  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,482 Member
    ~💕~✌️~💕~💗~💕~ 😀 ~💕~💗~💕~ ✌️ ~ 💕 ~ 💕~💗~ 💕 ~ 😀 ~💕~💗~💕~ ✌️ ~💕~💗~ 💕 ~ 😀 ~💕~💗~💕~✌️~💕~
    ~💕~✌️~💕~💗~💕~ 😀 ~💕~💗~💕~ ✌️ ~ 💕 ~ 💕~💗~ 💕 ~ 😀 ~💕~💗~💕~ ✌️ ~💕~💗~ 💕 ~ 😀 ~💕~💗~💕~✌️~💕~

    4kieyzice6mq.gif~~ Waving HI ~~ Good Afternoon ~~ Wishing Everyone a HIPPIE FUNtastic Friday ~~

    I AFFIRM... I AM & I WILL succeed in creating & Maintaining Healthy Habits..... SLEEP last night = 8 hrs and 22 min.

    "Basically, I was a hippie and still am a flower child." ~ ~ ~ Donna Karan ~ ~ ~ (That would be me as well, I LOVE BEing HIPPIEish)

    ~💕~✌️~💕~💗~💕~ 😀 ~💕~💗~💕~ ✌️ ~ 💕 ~ 💕~💗~ 💕 ~ 😀 ~💕~💗~💕~ ✌️ ~💕~💗~ 💕 ~ 😀 ~💕~💗~💕~✌️~💕~
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,856 Member
    Hi @DebyS137 I was wondering if you could remove the gifs from your posts? It's really hard to see your content for all the things floating around. I have trouble enough keeping up with everyone and would love to try... thanks so much!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member
    Sleep is going very well❤️❤️
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,226 Member
    edited August 2021

    Hi habit builders. 😂

    August Focus: Get to grips with all the clutter that has accumulated in my cupboards and drawers over the years. It has been out of sight out of mind for long enough.

    For August:
    After I have finished my breakfast .....
    ..... I will Declutter 5 items.
    Sun 1: I sorted out my every day glassware cupboard. At the back of the cupboard I found a stack of small yoghurt/dessert tubs that I had been using for small amounts of ingredients when I was cooking. I hadn't realised how many of these I had gathered up. I have kept half a dozen and the rest have gone in the recycle bin.
    Mon 2: I sorted through the clothes that were lying on my bedroom seat. I mended 2 items, put 3 of them into the donate bag, and several more into the recycle bin. The rest of the items I put away where they belonged.
    Tues 3: I did some more paper decluttering of my filing cabinets. I am gradually filling up my upstairs paper recycle bin which I will put into the outside bin before bin day next Tuesday. Downstairs, I have a recycle box in our lounge, and I have a routine for dealing with junk mail each day when it arrives. Today, I also filed all the papers that had been piling up on the dining room table.
    Wed 4: Decluttered fridge, binned 2 out of date jams, and several chutneys. Used leftover veg to make soup for lunch.
    Thurs 5: Sorted through some old makeup. Binned several lipsticks, a couple of old nail polishes, and an almost empty tube of foundation. I haven't worn any of them for over a year.
    Fri 6: I went through some more old paperwork and put some more into the recycle bin (a lot more than five Items).
    Sat 7: I went through my sock drawer and put seven odd socks into the recycle bin. I’ve no idea where their matches went. Three of them had holes in them, and I never darn. 😂

    August Habit Tracker:
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,856 Member
    Was one of them black? I know where the mate is 😎😂
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,045 Member

    I find errant socks wrapped in twisted sheets & pillow cases lol
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,976 Member
    Every day this week...
    1. 👣 I will do 10k steps!
    2. 🐬 I will do exercises!
    3. 🚮 I will do home cleaning & clearing!
    4. 👥 I will do some personal healing!
    5. 🧿 I will do my morning habit routine!