What did you need to learn?



  • alisampm
    alisampm Posts: 182 Member
    Find foods that you LOVE AND fit your calorie goals - make those staples and experiment in finding more. I found I love veggies and chicken - cooked in a little water with tons of sodium-free seasoning. I eat it most days, and when I need to keep calories low because I have indulged (or plan to indulge elsewhere in my day.

    I have come to think of my calories for the day, much as I think about a budget for money. Plan ahead. Buy the best (yummiest and most) things you can buy and don't feel guilty - because you have the cash to buy it with (or calories in this case).

    So in that vein, plan ahead (or at least) think ahead if you are going to eat out. You can find something tasty that fits your calorie goals anywhere. And remember you don't HAVE to order a MEAL. You can just order what you are really craving. i.e. If I want a burger, I will get a burger - no fries and a diet coke. I will track that burger and move on (and still eat yummy food the rest of the day). If I want pizza, I will have two slices instead of 6. If I want Olive Garden, I will eat the soup and salad and not the breadsticks - because they aren't "worth" the calories for me.

  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I need to learn that when I do a lot of exercise that I really need to eat more of my calories that I used....if I don’t, the next day I am starving....three times I have over eaten the day after heavy exercise when I haven’t eaten enough the day I exercise....
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    I need to learn that when I do a lot of exercise that I really need to eat more of my calories that I used....if I don’t, the next day I am starving....three times I have over eaten the day after heavy exercise when I haven’t eaten enough the day I exercise....

    This is something I am learning too. And it is a tough one. Sometimes on those high exercise days I really don't feel hungry - and a very big part of my brain is so excited by that, and excited that my deficit is so high. But it just doesn't work out very well.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    As I mentioned I would like to develop a better resource for new members. To do that more comprehensively I would like to ask for existing members to write SMALL paragraphs for important things you have learned. It can be things you have learned anywhere. Some of what you write may be too specific to you but as I can I will try to adapt it for general use. I will probably try to compile it below then copy and paste it into the final thread.

    1. Don't assign morality to food. Weight loss REALLY DOES come down to a calorie deficit, and you can lose weight eating all of the things that the world tells you are "bad".
    2. Learn how to move on from a high-calorie day without beating yourself up. One bad day does not mean you've failed. Get right back on track the next day (or even later the same day!)
    3. Track what you eat. You don't have to share with anyone else, but be honest with YOURSELF and track everything.
    4. Don't eliminate foods you love. Instead, strive to eat them less often, and eat smaller portions of them.

    Perception of Food:

    Food is neither good or evil, junk or healthy, clean or unclean. Depending on the situation any food can be helpful or hurtful. People have gained weight eating a vegan diet and athletes sometime rely on sugar sources for quick energy. Understand that all weight loss comes down to eating slightly less calories than you need each day. They type of food you eat only matters if it causes you a medical problem like an allergy or causes you to eat more of it than you intend.

    There is no reason to eliminate any food you can moderate. You may also find that some foods you struggle to moderate now may not be a problem in time so it may be worth trying them again after a few months.

    You do not need to lose weight everyday just most days:

    Eating more food than you need in a day is no reason to be down on yourself, think you have blown your diet, or worse quit. It is normal to have off days. It is abnormal to lose weight for months and months without making mistakes. Give yourself permission to be human.

    Calorie Counting
    If you intend to count calories start by counting all of them honestly. It is important to learn what your normal food habits are and how they translate to calories. After time you will learn what shortcuts you can take and still have a calorie count that helps you progress. Choosing to have an open diary is up to you.

    I have learned that time is going to pass whether you diet or not...

    ” Dieting” doesn’t make you a “ good” person....overeating doesnt make you a bad person...

    Thin people can be as unhappy as anyone else...being thin doesn’t necessarily mean you will be happy!

    Eating healthy and restricting calories makes you lose weight....exercise makes you physically fit...

    As you get older everything sags because of the force of gravity!

    Perceptions of Self

    Weight gain doesn't mean you were weak, lazy, or bad. It just makes you human in an era of over-abundance. Your weight is one attribute of your total person. It may limit you in some ways but it doesn't define you. As you lose weight you may gain additional freedom and confidence which may may turn up the volume in your life but do not count on it curing unhappiness.

    Eat to lose. Exercise to improve fitness.

    This is a GREAT post….there is so much good advice in our old posts!…if you have time, read through them….there will be lots of information to help you….
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,365 Member
    I have found this thread to be really helpful and insightful; every hard-fought lesson helps arm us in our battle plan for victory! Thanks to all who contributed.

    I have one lesson to add - look up nutritional values for a restaurant before ordering - was caught out on this one tonight, realising too late (when completing my food diary) that even the BLT would've been better than the salad I chose! Live and learn :o

    Now, link arms, we shall overcome! 😉
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,790 Member
    (many) restaurant salads are a crime that should be reported somewhere.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    Thank you for sharing. She looks amazing! - that skin that hasn't been stretched and expected to shrink a million times over.

    So many lessons here.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,077 Member
    Thank you for sharing. She looks amazing! - that skin that hasn't been stretched and expected to shrink a million times over.

    So many lessons here.

    I need to add that MIL isn't at all niggardly about pleasure - she loves all the good things in life, and enjoys them to the full. Good food, good wine, good sex, good friends, good times. She loves to cook and bake, to eat out, to paint and dance and go to the theatre, to curl up with a good book and a glass of wine and a plate of what she calls 'snicky-snacks'. She's an animal-loving, pleasure-enjoying bon vivant....but she also exercises moderation in all things. She's an inspiration!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,365 Member
    She certainly is an inspiration! Thanks for letting us get to know her too.

    I am not the least bit antsy (surprise!) but any antsy people I have known were all slim when I think about it...
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    She looks amazing….I am antsy but my weight seems to follow me around!….actually as I have lost weight, I do move around much more….I love that your MIL is an inspiration to you!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,790 Member
    And that's why I log and review... due to the little memory lapses of what happened yesterday and/or earlier!

    AND... inefficiency... it is amazing how much more inefficient I try to be now as compared to in the past where I would "accumulate" things to do during my single non sitting down "trip" to the other end of the house. :blush:

    Your MIL looks almost as lovely as you :wink: And she's definitely inspiring.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,712 Member
    One more thing I see in that photo: She adores you.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,683 Member
    Margaret - I see that too! <3
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,077 Member
    Awww what a lovely thing to say! Thanks both!