Downsizers Team Chat - OCTOBER 2021



  • luccianaff
    luccianaff Posts: 69 Member
    We are going to start our mini team challenges tomorrow. This week we will be asking you to share and post each day.

    Sharing Sunday

    What started you on your weight loss journey? Who or what will keep you strong?

    I started my journey without MFP when I delivered my son in 1999 at 242 lbs .... I got down to 150 then I got preggo with my daughter in 2005 ... I tried every diet but nothing worked ... I found MFP in 2009 and lost 78 lbs ...I was on top of the world ..then I lost 3 people within a few weeks apart and I gave up and deleted my account .... My husky and my daughter are my walking partners so they help to keep me strong :) My head is in the game this time around ... I will succeed ... something is different this time around I am actually anxious to be on keto this time around and looking forward to what I can accomplish ... I think it is because I feel healthy and I am walking 5 days a week besides meal prepping weekly ...I feel prepared this time around :)

    I'm so sorry to hear you lost three people at once. I have been there and it shatteres your whole world. I'm so happy you were able to get back to it now. I really hope Keto does well for you. Keto worked so well for my dad and my sister and then when they paired it with intermittent fasting they lost weight like nobody's business. I'm glad to have been your friend on here for so many years now. It's such great news to know that you are in such a great headspace. You are going to succeed! 💖
  • luccianaff
    luccianaff Posts: 69 Member
    rwood566 wrote: »
    hi everyone, my name is Roger. 57 y/o. married, adult daughter who still lives with us. i live in san diego. i started getting fat while in the Navy. i got booted in 1995 after 12 1/2 years because of it. i kept getting fatter as time went by and it really escalated in 2008 when i lost my last job and hurt my back. i couldn't stand up straight for 2 years. overnight, literally over 1 night, something popped free and i could stand and walk without pain. i started losing weight after getting a chemical stress test but was chased out of the gym by fat shamers after losing 60 pounds. i gained back 100. i almost died one night in 2012 or 13 when my blood pressure med increase kicked in and made my b/p plummet to 50/0. that didn't make me lose weight. in 2017 i became house bound. i was unable to stand more than 2 minutes, couldn't walk 150 feet. i was unable to go to my dr. appointments for 2 years so my dr. called me and said he wouldn't renew my prescriptions until i came in. i had to tell him why i wasn't coming in - i couldn't fit in a car or walk into his office. he referred me to home based care, thankfully, which i had never heard about. when home based care took my case, they almost didn't, i weighed 566 pounds. i was released from them earlier this year down more than 200 pounds. i am currently down 298 pounds, off both of my b/p meds, no longer pre diabetic. i don't have a specific diet, just calories in. i don't count calories out since it can drastically change from website to website for the same thing. i have been losing 10-11 pounds a month since october 2019. i hope i start to slow down soon.

    What a inspirational story! You should be so proud of all the work you've done! It's amazing what you have accomplished when I'm sure many people would have just giving up.
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    10/1 7,907
    10/2 5,508

    Friday had an unexpected kids free night with my friend. We grabbed drinks and dinner. It was very odd there was a cat in the restaurant 🤷‍♀️ Yesterday ran errands and sons sports. Got together with friends after and ended up going out to dinner again. I feel like now that our income is back we are doing this more and not good for my waistline or bank account. It is just nice to be with friends. Today got a work out in and packing for work trip. I am going to bring my workout clothes but not sure if it will happen. I am sure steps will be low being in meetings.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    I know you can do this. Get back to what you were doing at the beginning of the year. You were doing really well then.

    My Dad has fibro and I see how rough it is for him. Did the elimination diet help with the fibromyalgia? I have rheumatoid and an autoimmune disorder called sjogrens. I haven’t had a flare in awhile. (Knock on wood) I am always looking for ways to stop the medication I am taking. I think I am going to look into the elimination diet.

    I get you on not having a specific number. I know when I get there.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    Kitty2Kats wrote: »
    October goals
    1. 2,000 steps 6 days a week. (Using seated elliptical step exercise machine)
    2. Drink at least (67 FL oz) of water daily.
    3. Stay within daily calorie goal.
    4. Track food accurately
    5. Exercise 6 times a week (20 minutes). (Stretching, meditation, Chair yoga, chair aerobic exercises.) Occupational therapy workouts (2 times a week for 30 to 40 minutes)

    We are more than happy to have you back. Your goals for October are very smart goals. Here’s to a successful October.

    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    10/1 7,907
    10/2 5,508

    Friday had an unexpected kids free night with my friend. We grabbed drinks and dinner. It was very odd there was a cat in the restaurant 🤷‍♀️ Yesterday ran errands and sons sports. Got together with friends after and ended up going out to dinner again. I feel like now that our income is back we are doing this more and not good for my waistline or bank account. It is just nice to be with friends. Today got a work out in and packing for work trip. I am going to bring my workout clothes but not sure if it will happen. I am sure steps will be low being in meetings.

    The cat reminded me of the trip to 5he Dominican. There was always cats around the restaurant. Great job working out. Hopefully there will be a gym at your hotel.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,129 Member
    luccianaff wrote: »
    We are going to start our mini team challenges tomorrow. This week we will be asking you to share and post each day.

    Sharing Sunday

    What started you on your weight loss journey? Who or what will keep you strong?

    I started my journey without MFP when I delivered my son in 1999 at 242 lbs .... I got down to 150 then I got preggo with my daughter in 2005 ... I tried every diet but nothing worked ... I found MFP in 2009 and lost 78 lbs ...I was on top of the world ..then I lost 3 people within a few weeks apart and I gave up and deleted my account .... My husky and my daughter are my walking partners so they help to keep me strong :) My head is in the game this time around ... I will succeed ... something is different this time around I am actually anxious to be on keto this time around and looking forward to what I can accomplish ... I think it is because I feel healthy and I am walking 5 days a week besides meal prepping weekly ...I feel prepared this time around :)

    I'm so sorry to hear you lost three people at once. I have been there and it shatteres your whole world. I'm so happy you were able to get back to it now. I really hope Keto does well for you. Keto worked so well for my dad and my sister and then when they paired it with intermittent fasting they lost weight like nobody's business. I'm glad to have been your friend on here for so many years now. It's such great news to know that you are in such a great headspace. You are going to succeed! 💖

    Thank you Katie...I am happy that you have been a long time friend and I am very happy that you joined our marvelous team on MFP :)
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,872 Member
    Well I hate it when you write an essay and the computer flakes and it disappears.Let's see if I can remember what I wrote.

    I am still recovering from covid. I am off of supplemental oxygen. I am trying to walk for longer periods of time but my pace is painfully slow. My HR gets up and I feel like I am sprinting and I am in super slow motion. Came home from the hospital weighing 207. I lost mostly muscle. 18# worth. I just look at myself and think where did the muscle go. So I know I will have some gains from building back my muscle as I begin to exercise. Hitting the 74 pounds lost feels good but I don't like the way it happened. I began my journey after graduating my kids from many years of homeschooling. I weighed 281 in 2012. I lost 40# by graduation in 2013. 2014 I began to work as a Music teacher who was part time and was hourly. You know I spent many off hours trying to develop my program as private schools do not invest in arts curriculum. In that year my Dad was diagnosed with bladder cancer. I should have quit right then because they discovered more cancer every time I signed a contract to continue to teach. Constant pressure of the school on my off days that I am not paid for and Dad's declining health I coped by turning to food. I gained all but 10# of the 40 I had lost. Dad passed away in 2016 and I quit just a few months later in 2017. That's when my health became first priority. I joined a crossfit gym and have not turned back since.
    I am doing this so I can participate in life, but I am also doing it to be here for my family. I have 3 grown kids, a hubby of almost 30 years, 1 grand baby and my dog Radley. They love me fat or fit. They really don't care as long as I am around, so I want to be here for them as long as I can. MFP and life keeps me motivated.

    Check in weight for October 1 was 210
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 Yes I want in on steps
    Step count- Oct1-10252

    I chose Tuesday for my weigh in as it was convenient for my workout schedule. I actually weigh daily and I understand that I can have 3# fluxes with water and workouts so no biggie. The scale is just a tool for me. I trust my tape measure as more of a indicator of good habits.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,129 Member
    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    10/1 7,907
    10/2 5,508

    Friday had an unexpected kids free night with my friend. We grabbed drinks and dinner. It was very odd there was a cat in the restaurant 🤷‍♀️ Yesterday ran errands and sons sports. Got together with friends after and ended up going out to dinner again. I feel like now that our income is back we are doing this more and not good for my waistline or bank account. It is just nice to be with friends. Today got a work out in and packing for work trip. I am going to bring my workout clothes but not sure if it will happen. I am sure steps will be low being in meetings.

    Thanks for posting your steps ... Still missing 9/26
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,129 Member
    edited October 2021

    Here is my friendly reminder of the people's steps I need ... Please have them in no later than Monday 10/4 so I can announce the weekly and monthly winners ..If I do not have them in by then I will have no choice but to zero them out ...Thanks for your cooperation :)

    @888Angie888 9/26-10/2
    @Piqueaboo 9/27- 10/2
    @rlaskey2 9/26
    @mthomas0228 9/27-10/2

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,129 Member
    I need to know as soon as possible if you want to be added, removed, excused , change your step goal etc. so I can add you to the October spreadsheet for our step challenge ...Thanks :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,129 Member
    edited October 2021
    Congrats to @jayenguk , @poohbah1972, @mari_moulin for being our top 3 weight loss losers for ...Great job to everyone for coming in 1st ...Well done everybody :)
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,346 Member


    Team Standings:
    By Percent

    By Pounds

    Individual Standings:
    By Percent

    By Pounds

    Your Team's Biggest Losers (Winners)!
  • Pickles175
    Pickles175 Posts: 211 Member
    Congratulations to all the winners from last month!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,129 Member
    Woohoo Downsizers for coming in 1st ... Congrats to @jayenguk , @amymartin555 and @Aqualang26 for coming in 1st 2nd and 3rd ...Congrats @coblujay @rwood566 and @amymartin555 For being in the green for 5 straight weeks ... Well done everyone :)
  • Pickles175
    Pickles175 Posts: 211 Member
    I need to know as soon as possible if you want to be added, removed, excused , change your step goal etc. so I can add you to the October spreadsheet for our step challenge ...Thanks :)

    No step challenge for me. ❤️

    My October goals are:
    1. To work out 4 days a week
    2. Log food diary daily
    3. 🤞 lose 4lbs

    Non fitness related but more mental health related
    1. Get dressed into proper clothes at least during the week (have gotten used to sweats and tees)
    2. Put on makeup if going out in public ( trying to get out of the don’t care how i look funk)
    3. Stay focused on positivity

  • WTGNicole
    WTGNicole Posts: 58 Member

    wooooohoooooooo!!! 💃 congrats everyone!!! 🙌
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