Downsizers Team Chat - OCTOBER 2021



  • tinaBawesome
    tinaBawesome Posts: 92 Member
    We are going to start our mini team challenges tomorrow. This week we will be asking you to share and post each day.

    Sharing Sunday

    What started you on your weight loss journey? Who or what will keep you strong?

    1. I was actually a skinny and active kid. I walked everywhere, until I got older and got my Driver's License that is. Then it was all downhill from there. My friends and I would ride around and eat crap. Falling into my 20's, I started Stress eating and didn't care about myself as much anymore. I also started getting some Health problems at this time. Then at 30, while pregnant with my son, I developed Pre-eclampsia and had some of the Worst Swollen Legs and Feet my doctor had seen. It's strange to say this, because you'd think after having a baby, the swelling would just go away, but awhile ago, I was getting those symptoms back again - swollen legs and feet. I've been on prescriptions for them ever since. Now into my mid 40's and I've realized - why didn't I take better care of Myself. Why didn't I care. I am worthy of being a Healthy, HAPPY person too. So, here I am...
    2. I have a really difficult time asking people for help. "I'm usually the Helper", not the Helpee. Plus, I always FEEL, like I'm most often, never heard. So, I'm focused on Helping Myself Stay Strong. I also have a Strength tattoo on my back. I have to remember why I had that placed there, in the first place. I AM looking forward to reading posts from this group though and am appreciative to have seen this group from MEGAN in the first place. Thank you for having me.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,714 Member
    We are going to start our mini team challenges tomorrow. This week we will be asking you to share and post each day.

    Sharing Sunday

    What started you on your weight loss journey? Who or what will keep you strong?

    1. I was actually a skinny and active kid. I walked everywhere, until I got older and got my Driver's License that is. Then it was all downhill from there. My friends and I would ride around and eat crap. Falling into my 20's, I started Stress eating and didn't care about myself as much anymore. I also started getting some Health problems at this time. Then at 30, while pregnant with my son, I developed Pre-eclampsia and had some of the Worst Swollen Legs and Feet my doctor had seen. It's strange to say this, because you'd think after having a baby, the swelling would just go away, but awhile ago, I was getting those symptoms back again - swollen legs and feet. I've been on prescriptions for them ever since. Now into my mid 40's and I've realized - why didn't I take better care of Myself. Why didn't I care. I am worthy of being a Healthy, HAPPY person too. So, here I am...
    2. I have a really difficult time asking people for help. "I'm usually the Helper", not the Helpee. Plus, I always FEEL, like I'm most often, never heard. So, I'm focused on Helping Myself Stay Strong. I also have a Strength tattoo on my back. I have to remember why I had that placed there, in the first place. I AM looking forward to reading posts from this group though and am appreciative to have seen this group from MEGAN in the first place. Thank you for having me.

    I was also very skinny and active as a kid ...Then I got married got preggo with my son ... got too comfortable and ate everything in sight because I was eating for 2 ... Got divorced and starting take care of myself then got preggo with my daughter and again ate for is just her and I so it is time I take care of myself after all I am almost 51 ....So happy you joined us :)
  • red1185
    red1185 Posts: 388 Member
    Sorry I’m late!
    PW: 163.2
    CW: 163.2

    Not a loss, but not a gain. I’ll take it!

    9/25: 2,466
    9/26: 2,384
    9/27: 4,893
    9/28: 7,093
    9/29: 6,681
    9/30: 9,448
    10/1: 6,954
    10/2: 10,684
    10/3: 1,566
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    luccianaff wrote: »
    Wow I didn't know I was going to be part of the Champion team! Great work @jayenguk , @poohbah1972, and @mari_moulin ! Excellent job whole team! I hope I can be helpful even though I don't have much more weight to lose.

    Speaking of which I woke up feeling fantastic so figured I would take advantage of it!

    So far today:
    Took dogs for a 37 min 1.32 mile walk.
    Day 3 legs (app)
    Day 3 abs (app)
    12 min stretching
    39 min back, biceps, and abs
    Concentration curl, hammer curl, dumbbell pull over, side bend, single arm row, reverse fly.

    What a great day! You were very busy with exercise.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,908 Member
    To all the Downsizers winners!!
  • Fab464
    Fab464 Posts: 7 Member
    Weekly weigh in

    Current weight 215
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Two things started my weight loss journey. The first was when they found a tumor in my left breast. I was determined to get my body healthy enough to survive what I was facing. The second was I wanted to complete the Bataan Memorial Death March (26.5 mile hike in the desert) to honor the men who survived. My journey started in 2017 and has been up and down since. My new goal is to be able to wear a bikini for the first time on my vacation in December and to be ready to do the Bataan again.

    Shorty. When I read this I was impressed, lol!! I am considering signing up for the Honorary March, in March. It is 14.2 miles, as I'm sure you know. It is so awesome that you completed the 26+ mile March, and are doing it again. Impressive, my friend!! 👏👏😊
  • Jpedno
    Jpedno Posts: 301 Member

    Here is my friendly reminder of the people's steps I need ... Please have them in no later than Monday 10/4 so I can announce the weekly and monthly winners ..If I do not have them in by then I will have no choice but to zero them out ...Thanks for your cooperation :)

    @Jpedno 9/27 & 10/2

    9/27 6,942
    10/2 11,442
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,714 Member
    tahm42 wrote: »
    Well I hate it when you write an essay and the computer flakes and it disappears.Let's see if I can remember what I wrote.

    I am still recovering from covid. I am off of supplemental oxygen. I am trying to walk for longer periods of time but my pace is painfully slow. My HR gets up and I feel like I am sprinting and I am in super slow motion. Came home from the hospital weighing 207. I lost mostly muscle. 18# worth. I just look at myself and think where did the muscle go. So I know I will have some gains from building back my muscle as I begin to exercise. Hitting the 74 pounds lost feels good but I don't like the way it happened. I began my journey after graduating my kids from many years of homeschooling. I weighed 281 in 2012. I lost 40# by graduation in 2013. 2014 I began to work as a Music teacher who was part time and was hourly. You know I spent many off hours trying to develop my program as private schools do not invest in arts curriculum. In that year my Dad was diagnosed with bladder cancer. I should have quit right then because they discovered more cancer every time I signed a contract to continue to teach. Constant pressure of the school on my off days that I am not paid for and Dad's declining health I coped by turning to food. I gained all but 10# of the 40 I had lost. Dad passed away in 2016 and I quit just a few months later in 2017. That's when my health became first priority. I joined a crossfit gym and have not turned back since.
    I am doing this so I can participate in life, but I am also doing it to be here for my family. I have 3 grown kids, a hubby of almost 30 years, 1 grand baby and my dog Radley. They love me fat or fit. They really don't care as long as I am around, so I want to be here for them as long as I can. MFP and life keeps me motivated.

    Check in weight for October 1 was 210
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 Yes I want in on steps
    Step count- Oct1-10252

    I chose Tuesday for my weigh in as it was convenient for my workout schedule. I actually weigh daily and I understand that I can have 3# fluxes with water and workouts so no biggie. The scale is just a tool for me. I trust my tape measure as more of a indicator of good habits.

    Is your step goal 6,000?
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Daily Check-in (10/2 stats):

    Steps: 7,891
    Floors: 15
    Calories Burned: 485
    Daily Intensity Minutes: 88
    Total Intensity Minutes: 629/150
    Early W/O: No😉
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    Love that your who is yourself. I know I need to learn to count on myself more.

    I think you will see a whoosh. Glad you are feeling better. I know myself when I am sick I usually gain weight even if I am not eating.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member
    Sunday check in
    ✅ Steps 11k daily (steps and converted steps)
    92/500 Zone minutes
    ✅ Stay within calories
    ✅ Track food accurately

    I decided not to take yesterday as a rest day. My swim and workout was shorter than normal but still a good. I have a busy day starting with a physio appointment at 11am so this morning I will be doing no workout just a swim. I walk to physio so I get some extra steps. I have an appointment this afternoon and then I go pick up grandkids up from the bus and bring them to my place to feed them supper.

    Have a great Monday!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,574 Member


    23 minutes moderate = 4,002 steps

    Pool workout
    23 minutes moderate = 2,300 steps

    Total converted steps: 11,820
This discussion has been closed.