Shrinking Assets Team Chat - OCTOBER 2021



  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,315 Member
    edited October 2021

    Due to additional calculations following the posting of the previous results...
    I have some corrections I'd like to make to the team leaderboards for both Week 5
    and the month of September

    WEEK 5

  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    edited October 2021
    Thank you, @PatriceFitnessPal The art show was amazing. I just finished shipping off all my paintings to their new homes. Congrats @chublet25 You are focused and so consistent. What an inspiration!! We do have a fabulous and engaged team. I'm happy to be part of it.
  • chublet25
    chublet25 Posts: 833 Member
    I have a question for those of you, such as Patrice, who are at their goal weight, or of others who are close. I would ask it in another forum, but have had more than one person be really rude to me elsewhere, so I am not venturing out there ever again!

    Anyway, here's my question: According to online calculators, I figure I am about 20 pounds from my ideal weight, but I honestly think that I must be a lot further than 20 pounds from what I should weigh. That loose skin is not just loose skin, if you catch my drift. Skin alone just isn't that thick! I see I still haven't got to my question. Sorry. When y'all had only 20 pounds to go, did it FEEL and LOOK as though you had only 20 pounds to go? Is there suddenly going to be some miraculous transformation and one day I will wake up and say "holy crap, I made it, I'm slim"? I've googled pictures of people who are 20 pounds overweight and I am sure that I am much fatter.

    Or are we all (well maybe not all of us, lucky you, but possibly me) just overly critical of how we look? I'll be 66 on Thursday. I am going to have loose skin, esp as I lost the weight pretty fast (relatively speaking). As a vegan, I did not take collagen but I ate fields of vegetables and trees of fruit. Cosmetic surgery is completely out of the question, as I'd honestly rather do any of 100 different things with the money!

    Was I just being unrealistic in thinking that I'd look great when I reached my destination weight? Is this the ultimate cosmic joke? Oh don't be thinking that I have grocery bags of skin flapping around because I don't. The skin on my upper arms is a tad ropey and I won't be going sleeveless. My neck has looked better. And I still have the spare tire, but it's not nearly as big as it used to be (the Pillsbury dough boy would still find me as sexy as a dinner roll though)

    Sorry, tough question! But if anybody has an answer, I'd love to hear it! Were you happy with what you saw when you reached your goal weight?

    I will keep at it and have a critical appraisal when I hit my goal. Maybe pictures. I am not a person to take selfies! I will most likely take 20 selfies and reject them all...don't worry, nothing would be more revealing than me in a t-shirt and running tights, front view, haha!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
  • BlueSkyNomad
    BlueSkyNomad Posts: 61 Member
    Hello everyone

    Thank you for having me in the group :)

    I'm 50 and live in UK. I joined F2F early in the year but dropped out due to issues in personal and work life.

    I eat relatively healthy but have problem with the amount of food I eat! Currently I'm on blood pressure medication and want to lose weight and get healthy so I can come off the meds.

    SW: 216
    CW: 210.4 (BMI 34)
    Goal: 154 lbs (BMI 25)
    WD: Monday

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and losing the fat together ☺
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,309 Member
    Wednesday weigh in:
    Can you carry mine over? I have been sick from the shingles shot that I got on Monday 😞
  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    @chublet25 Here's a link to a fabulous thread that was really helpful to me looking forward:
  • coblujay
    coblujay Posts: 688 Member
    @chublet25 Here's another informative thread:

    @PatriceFitnessPal Thank you for sharing your journey. That's what I love about MFP. You are so supportive as we work through challenges and figuring out how to improve our lives!!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Weigh ins posted to here….

    How is everyone doing this week? Staying away from the candy jars?
  • KittyInBoots17
    KittyInBoots17 Posts: 213 Member
    Weigh In Wednesday


    -Sigh- I really actually expected a loss this week. Just hovering around the same.
  • KittyInBoots17
    KittyInBoots17 Posts: 213 Member

    I am really glad you posted this because it can be awkward to talk about! While I didn't reach my goal weight, when I started out here back in 2015 I looked forward to looking much better on top of feeling better overall. I got down to 188ish at one point - and I was disappointed - because I still had trouble spots that I seriously thought would go away by then. I also did NOT drop a size. I was always an XL no matter what I did. This is part of the reason I regained, I'm pretty sure... I just expected being able to fit into my old winter coat and such that I used to fit. Hard to believe I once did. I am always thinking how much does it take to drop one size? Just one? Now I have to re-lose and get back there and keep losing to find out. Frustrating, but never give up!
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    How is everyone doing this week? Staying away from the candy jars?

    LOL no. So much chocolate going down, and today was one of those days when the hunger never stops.

    I had another checkup at the maternity clinic today (they’re weekly now) and it seems that I consistently fluctuate between gaining a LOT and maintaining every other checkup. My total gain is now about 42lbs until date, and I can’t wait for that to start coming off. Baby was estimated about 7lbs today, and at 0.5 pound growth per week I’m hoping she’ll come out soon.
  • wtbarunner
    wtbarunner Posts: 162 Member
    PW 242.5
    CW 242.5
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    Weigh-in Day: Thursday
    PW: 124.2
    CW: 123.9

    SW: 168
    Goal: Maintain weight at 125-130 pounds, while building muscle and improving nutrition.

    Thanks so much for all the encouragement and kind words. 💗💕💗 Best wishes to everyone!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    edited October 2021
    @chublet/ Pat, I agree that it’s inspiring to see people of all shapes and sizes wearing striking outfits. I only seem to shop on vacation or when buying a gift for someone else so I never get past shopping for the basics. Let’s all go wild this week … by tuck in our shirts! 😂🤣😂

    Thanks for the laughs, vivid images and lovely messages of support! You are so honest and your willingness to pose vulnerable questions helps us all learn and grow. Thank you for the wonderful and inspiring contributions to the Shrinking Assets!
This discussion has been closed.