WaistAways Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2021



  • tasoconnor
    tasoconnor Posts: 425 Member
    CW 244.4
    No change from last week weigh in. Sorry for the late post. I haven't been able to get to the board all week.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    @jugar can you put me in the maintenance group or the one that doesn't weigh in weekly? My mental health is really shot right now and I just don't think I can continue with this without negatively spiralling

    Absolutely no problem. I'll put you on the "support team". You can weigh in if you want to, or just come by and post whenever you can. Even if you weigh in, it doesn't count for the weekly tallies, so it is relaxed. Many hugs to you!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    tasoconnor wrote: »
    CW 244.4
    No change from last week weigh in. Sorry for the late post. I haven't been able to get to the board all week.

    Glad to see you back! It was really bad for a while on MFP, so you were not the only person to miss a bit. No worries :smiley:
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,165 Member
    Today's exercise:
    45 minutes Peloton and 5078 steps

    We are full over here, but our football team won! Yay
    I planned to eat at maintenance and then went over that. Moving on - lots of time to make progress for another green week ahead :)
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Friday weigh-in
    PW 87.1
    CW 87

    I fell off the wagon for the first half of the week, then got back on. So I'll take this maintenance week and carry on... No workouts as I'm finding it hard to find the time. My hectic life has just gone up a notch with a lot of work being thrown my way.
    Have a wonderful week <3
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    I forgot to give the Friday folks a heads-up last night! You're usually all so good, but here is the list in any case.

    @jugar - I already did mine. Up 0.2 lbs but that is better than the 1.8 I was up a few days ago!

    Do NOT panic if you celebrated Thanksgiving and it kicked you up! Just think about how amazing you're going to do next week :wink:
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    Ohh Yinka @YinxFed my heart is breaking for you. She was loved and is at peace.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,165 Member
    @YinxFed Oh Yinka, my sincerest condolences. She was so sweet and obviously well loved. Will be thinking of you during this really hard time.
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    I'm eating my emotions today. But I will also log it, so maybe once it's over it won't be so bad... Or it will point out just how much extra skating I will need to do to burn it back off. *sigh*
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,165 Member
    @PlaneMonkey I think the act of logging it is super powerful. I'm sorry you're having a rough time right now. Hope it passes soon.

    The sun is out and shining here... this is my last full day of vacation for 2021, I have one more half day next week and then that's it (for those thinking it feels like I'm always on vacation, I get banked time in lieu for being on call for the weekends so it does add up to an extra two weeks or so).

    I just got back from a walk (just under an hour) and now Brad and I are off to Banff for their Christmas Market. I have my Christmas sweater on and I'm very excited!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend ahead.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    @PlaneMonkey You will turn it around!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    The stressful getting into the Christmas season is coming, so it is a great time to plan. Take out a calendar. Look at which specific days will be slated for some indulgence. Decide how much. Some might be total abandon (go for it!) and some might be one extra something, no more. Then look at all the rest of the days. Those are for good control. Logging. Exercise. Feeling amazing about yourself.

    That sounds like a holiday season that can be constructive, right? Post your plans!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    Weigh-in update -

    Still due today:

    Due Saturday:

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,165 Member
    11/26 exercise:

    9197 steps, 28 minutes yoga, 20 minutes strength (upper body workout with dumbbells), 35 minutes Peloton bike
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @jugar I like that idea of planning ahead for the holiday parties. Calendars are so great that way to visualize when you need to be more strict in order to let loose later. Proactive instead of reactive.

    I survived my emotional meltdown. Now I have a weekend of visiting the dreaded mother in law to get through and I can focus on moving forward.

    Thanks for the support. I logged it all. Ugly but it was just one day.
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