Buzz Around the Airport Lounge - Chat



  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,496 Member
    edited December 2021
    Ohhhh Last night my computer was being such a brat!! I put into a TIME OUT!! Hehehehe well I WISH I COULD some days. So tonight I'll catch up some posts over the last 48 hours, well to the best of time.
    @CSEGUIN2 ,,, when we are busy we burn more calories, which is of course the reason to do exercise, burn calories and it keeps us active, building muscles, losing fat. WELL when we are super busy all of that happens too. Maybe not at the quite same amount, but it does happen. PLUS as you look over the busy time you've been through, is your food intake less? MINE IS!! YO!! LOL When I forget to eat, and I'm not hungry,, WOOHOO!! Sounds like you are dong this!! WTG!! SO SORRY about having to be at the funeral yesterday, but so cool and pleased most who know you there, did not recognize you!! That happened a family reunion in 2019,, the year before covid. Well they KNEW me once they heard me, but at first I kept wondering why no one was excited to see me. LOL I was wondering "Okay who did I upset?" LOLOLOL. On the way home BOY OH BOY WAS I A SMLING!!
    @visual_echo ,, SAME HERE!! So far only ONE REAL dusting. Oh this global warming is a taking it's toll on us. Strangely I DO NOT mind driving on it at all. I DO mind the foolish ones who are to close to me while speeding, but if I am able I'll pull over some so they can pass me. If traffic allows it, and there's no place to really pull over, I'll put my blinker, and move over to the right as I can, the speeding fools always pass that, than I start again. Thankfully that doesn't happen often. Please be careful when it does snow.
    @SusanM18MFP ,,, I tell my friend in Red Bluff that's called "LIQUID SNOW!" because it is. Hopefully the mountains will get quite a bit!! If you have day off, ENJOY IT!! WOOHOO!!
    @wallahalla ,, only thing that better see me when I'm sleeping is my cat, and the insides of my eyeballs!
    @Bookienj,,, WOOHOO Hey CONGRATS!!! UGH hate it when a writer feels the need to put filth into a book. So sorry!!
    @Retired_Sue ,,, How did your hair come out? I hope you were able to go. Oh I'd imagine that those in a retirement home would be more active, vs those in a nursing home, though no doubt both groups love it when visitors come in!! Breaks up the day especially if there on the weekend. IF COVID EVER EVER gets over I'd like to volunteer to do an art project with the local nursing home down the street probably bi weekly. Simple things, but yet nice enough for adults, but enough so that even those who have had strokes etc etc can still do it. I'd like to bring 1 or 2 helpers depending on many may attend the class. It'd just be FUN!!
    @DNJoys,, HI Dee!!! WOOHOO TY TY TY TY for that hint!! Sometimes computer and sites, just do not make sense, but we are DEEEE LIGHTED you made it back!!
    @Lindiemaep ,, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your sunset!! SO PRETTY!!!
    @Lavalily,,, WOW!! Do you have any pictures of the snow from the beach? That just HAS to be so GORGEOUS!! Oh WOW!!
    @Bookienj,, hehehehe YUP! NOT MUCH but STILL!!
    @marg750me ,, Sure hope you were able to able to put the order form into the envelope! LOL Okay showing my NO CLUE what is a skid? WOOHOO though on the exercise with the unloading! I am taking it a skid is a truck? Like an 18 wheeler? YO if so!!! That'd be an AMAZING workout!!
    @Herbsandmore,,, OH YOU SHOULD OF SEEN me last night and than today when getting more stuff to sew. I'll only keep 2 projects going at a time. Today the place I was at, , didn't have how much the material was a yard,,, but it's REALLY NICE!! My eyes about POPPED OUT, but yeah you get what you pay for!! I'll wait a tiny bit longer before I make the pants out of it, but I'll be able to wear them to any place I want to be dressy, but pants are okay. LOL I was GIDDY walking out and as I type this a HUGE SMILE ON MY FACE!!! LOL it's like a 6 year old LOOSE in a candy store with NO restrictions!!!

  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,591 Member
    edited December 2021
    @SusanM18MFP -Way to go on having that shopping finished. I still need to start - but most of ours is stocking stuffers, We mainly just buy something for our grandson who just had a birthday and now we have to figure out what to get him for Christmas!

    @visual_echo - I could send you some snow - we have about a foot and I'd wouldn't mind parting with some of it! I do remember the early snow - especially in December - as a kid. It always made it feel like Christmas!

    @CSEGUIN2 - December is always a busy month it seems as we often are trying to do more shopping, cooking, baking and maybe attend more events as we prepare for Christmas. I often don't worry as much about "intentional" exercise if I have things that I need to get done. I'm getting some kind of exercise often when working on Christmas prep.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 - The hair looks good - my stylist does a nice cut and has been working with my hair now for just over 6 years so know how it goes. She likes the longer length on my - let it grow during the first shut down when I couldn't get it cut. We don't go into homes on the weekend as activity staff normally don't work weekends. Many homes are often looking for volunteers to help with craft projects or just to visit or help get residents to events.

    After my appointment today I went to Michael's to get some felt for making letters so I can get the names on the Santa bags. I wanted to match either the buff or burgundy colour of the material and was able to find the buff. I also found some light block letters - really they could be attached to a project as they are very thin - that I'll use to trace my letters for the names AND I bought a nice pair of Fiskars scissors as hubby tried to sharpen my sewing scissors which I'd had for YEARS and just made them useless for cutting. I did go back to my decorating this morning and did a bit more later after I got home and had some lunch. Much of it is done - still have to finish the dining room and put a few things up in the living room. I'll hopefully get that done tomorrow and also get the letters cut out for the Santa bag names, Maybe even get them glued on. After that I can concentrate on baking and shopping, Everything that needs to be done WILL get done!

    Have a good evening!

  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,907 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -thx! I am about to finish a Lori wick book-it was 700 pages-a little long but no smut-predictable but that’s ok sometimes.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,507 Member
    It's 53 feels like 50 with a high of 71 for today. Axe Sharpening: This lifestyle isn't just what we do, it's who we've become.~~Meg LaFerla 1st Phorm Advisor Happy Human Rights Day!!! Fitness quote for today: No Guts. No Glory. No Legend. No Story.~~unknown Motivational quote for today: Happiness is letting go of what you want your life to look like, and enjoying what it is right now.~~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 12,424 steps yesterday. Today's training plan is 20 min AMRAP after work as I work 10AM-5PM today.
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,683 Member
    happy friday everyone! it is a beautiful day here today. there will be rain overnight into tomorrow here. my daughter says hello to everyone. i have been for a walk and i feel great! the budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i will be doing some dancing after supper today. i will be going to the local arts and crafts store today. i like to do those paint by number pictures, among other things. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • HerbsandMore
    HerbsandMore Posts: 2,350 Member
    @Retired_Sue Glad they enjoyed the entertainment & that you like the cut you got, I think your hair is thick & curly the complete opposite of my thin & straight, just love it when we find a hairdresser that really knows what we want & does it. Sounds like you ae getting pretty well organized for Christmas, it has a way of always coming together just right.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 So happy you had such a good time getting your material. It is a challenge to buy clothes if you are not exactly what the designers think the whole world is like. I actually only know 1 person who can buy clothes right from the store & wear them without some kind of alterations, I mean like dress clothes not joggers & tees. At least now they make some for us shorter gals, it is helpful yet for some reason they think all short women have small breasts which is a problem so being able to make your own is very beneficial. I remember being thrilled to really learn how to do that in high school but they don't seem to teach that anymore which is to bad because it is very handy to know. Love your sense of humor!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Thanks for the wonderful remainder that even though I am busy I am still being active. This helps me remember not to stress about workouts. I do not find I eat less as Mom makes sure we are having lunch when we're out so she can take pills. When at home Trigger makes sure I remember by feeding him LoL. Today was fun. Did my usual walk. It was nice to walk along the river again. Also did some small workouts and cleaned for 2 hrs scrubbing counters and floors for a friend. Also working on my Christmas crafting. Still hoping to get it done in time.
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,591 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I love the scissors! One of the things I was thinking of possibly purchasing in the new year is a cutting wheel and possibly a cutting grid. I could have used one for making my Santa bags! Glad that you're finding a way to make clothes that will look nice and be adaptable for your condition. So sorry to hear about your friend. It can be hard to follow the recommendations but so necessary if we want to remain healthy long term. I hope that you get some energy back soon. It is always wise to listen to your body when it's not feeling great and not push it.

    @HerbsandMore - My hair is pretty thick but more just wavy than actually curly. It can be a pain as at some lengths the ends want to stick out when I'd rather they curl under but most of the time it can be manageable. I'm getting there with Christmas - making the Santa bags did set me back a bit and we're probably having an early Christmas celebration as we'll fit in it with our daughter's days off so I have less than two weeks to get everything done.

    @CSEGUIN2 - It's always important to eat and not skip meals even if you aren't getting in all the exercise you want to do. Nice that you were able to get out for your walk today.

    I managed to finish the decorating today - of course it always takes longer than I think it will! I also got the letters cut out for the names that will go on the Santa bags. They will have to be glued on possibly tomorrow. My dining room looks like my dining room again! Hubby ordered a small 4 ft. fibre optic tree that arrived today. It looks okay but is not as pretty as our 7 ft. pre-lit tree that we bought about 4 years ago. Since we're going to be away for both Christmas and New Year's, it doesn't really make sense to put up the big tree but I'll miss it's pretty lights as they change colour all the time.
    I had a call just before dinner from the son of our choir pianist who had a fall early this morning and is in hospital with possibly a fractured pelvis. Not good for her at all and of course we can't sing without her. I did contact one of our members who does play but can't just pick up and play our whole program, to see if she could do parts of it and then choose some other Christmas music that we would know and she would feel comfortable playing. If she can play some of our pieces and add a few more, we might be able to still sing on Wednesday. Otherwise I'm going to have to contact the retirement home to cancel and of course let our members know we can't sing. I'm hoping for the best for our pianist. Her son did say that he'd let me know when he has further news so maybe tomorrow I'll find out what her diagnosis is. She was resting comfortably in hospital waiting for a bed.

    Off to bed here soon.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,496 Member
    @herbsandmore ,,,my hair is like yours, mostly straight and thin. Its getting thinner with the heart meds, but i don't mind because I NEED My heart WAY more than I do my hair. Not that I don't like my hair, I do, and always have. Funny how must wish they had the opposite, but this is mine and awwww I enjoy it. I agree that it's to bad they do not teach how to sew or cook in school as well as what they now term "life skills" so they are at least here to teach a few things, but not nearly enough. Well maybe enough to survive in Mommy's basement. LOL
    I love humor it's good in most though not all situations, but MOST Of them!!
    @Cseguin2 ,,,, OH sounds pretty to walk around the river. Now if you visit up here in Maine that's pronounced as "Rivah" by a true Mainer (Mainah). I have a few friends who live down south and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the southern accent!! LOLOLOL Love the way our animals remind us 'FEED ME'!! Though Izzy really doesn't beg hardly at all. Great job on the working out,, and cleaning sure can be quite a workout!! Have fun crafting!
    @Retired_Sue, TY about Kathy, but OH MY!! Your poor pianist!! That HAS TO HURT so badly even with meds! Sure hope she'll heal okay. Its amazing how much we count of one person who can do things others just can't especially so close to your event. No doubt she was looking forward to it also, not to mention the residents. Music is the one thing ALL mankind really enjoys.
    I'll head into the bedroom soon. I had 2 hour nap and hadn't woken up until 10:30 this AM.
  • hicim705
    hicim705 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Good Morning, Challengers! A quick check-in from me. I can't believe that the calendar is moving so quickly (but I guess that I feel that way every year around this time; so much to do, so little time ~ LOL).

    I did some decorating around the house yesterday and plan to finish it all this weekend. I also have rehearsals for the show that I'm doing ~ this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon.

    I'm getting excited about the beginning of the next Challenge ~ on 1/8/22. It seems that I say that every round, I have hope that I'll make my goal ~ every round I come back as a work in progress; I guess that is really the key ... recognizing downfalls and 'keeping at it', no matter what the obstacles are.

    How are you all getting through this busy December? I'd love to hear all of your December/Holiday plans as well as your hopes / dreams for 2022. Ready ~ set ~ go!
  • Golfma4
    Golfma4 Posts: 964 Member
    Working this morning at my part time job, but, my sister has purchased tickets to a sold out performance for tonight for all 3 sisters to have a sister's night night out, dinner then theater! Usually our sister time is shopping but not tonight! Looking forward to this! <3
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,507 Member
    It's 34 feels like 26 with a high of 49 for today. Axe Sharpening: Take care of your body & your body will take care of you.~~~Stacey Erving Jr. 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Happy International Mountain Day!!!! Fitness quote for today: "There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results."~~Kenneth Blanchard Motivational quote for today: It's not the end of the book. It's the start of your best chapter yet.~~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 14,048 steps yesterday. Check my blog later for my training plan for next week since I should have my work schedule later this morning.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,907 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -good morning! Sounds like a goodplan with your sewing! I finished the book-predictable ending but a good one to do right now-my daughter was next to me listening to the hunger games prequel while doing homework. And such words of wisdom re. your aunt. I hope the best for her.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,907 Member
    @CSEGUIN2 -Aw sounds like some really productive days! And lol about trigger! Chewie will sometimes remind us by this cute cry she does—usually only at lunch when she wants her mintie.
    @Retired_Sue-yay on getting the Santa bags done. There are years we haven’t put up a tree for the same reason.Aw I am sorry about your pianist. Hope they can find a good solution!
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,907 Member
    @hicim705 -we have schools might need to shut down. my hope for 2022 is back to normal again. Even post covid life from September-now has been really good.
  • SusanM18MFP
    SusanM18MFP Posts: 1,324 Member
    A quick check-in for me today. I decorated the 3 foot tree I put up and am contemplating whether or not to put up the big tree. Living room got a good cleaning in the process but any more decorating will have to wait until tomorrow. I'm off to see an immersive Van Gogh exhibit. Not sure what all that means, but am driving into LA to meet my brother, niece and her husband for dinner prior to seeing the exhibit. Hope your weekend is doing well.

    @Retired_Sue-yay I hope you can find a replacement accompanist. We are fortunate to have many talented people to step in when our organist is out.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,595 Member
    Hello folks, its a quiet afternoon here in the lowermainland of BC - rain has come again but did have a beautiful morning of sun - now we have wind, I don't mind, I am inside and can exercise inside as well.
    @hicim705 I am looking forward to the next challenge - although I am enjoying the break between challenges, I really need the Winter challenge to keep me better accountable and make progress. I am stuck at a figure that I bounce back to every time I come off it so this next challenge should help with that. In the meantime with the inbetween, I am reviewing my food management program to see where I can improve and see if I can increase my exercise as well.
    I hope those affected by the tornado(s) and other weather are safe and doing ok.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sue you guys could sing with out the music. We use to at retirement homes and nursing homes. They don't seem to care to much.

    Today was a busier day than thought shopping. My Son and Mom went as well. Most Christmas presents are done. Got the necessary crafting supplies and baking supplies needed. Most of my Christmas shopping is done. Was planning to do my push-ups when I got home but with the wind blowing me and the cart around I decided I am just to tired today. Also got pelted with some freezing rain on the way home. Not sure will make it in tomorrow to check-in as we are decorating cookies and celebrating 2 birthdays with family tomorrow.