Buzz Around the Airport Lounge - Chat



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was another repeat of yesterday. Only difference was for my breaks from crafting I got several odd jobs done around the house. Now my windows and doors are clean. Also the windows finally got the rest of there decorations. Tomorrow will be more active as Mom has an appointment and needs some groceries for Christmas.
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,591 Member
    Got my cranberry ring made today which will go to our daughter's, and also got the truffle mixture ready, It will cool in the fridge until tomorrow when I can roll it out. Also got some team stuff done in preparation for the winter challenge so we should be well prepared before the invitations go out no late than the end of next week I believe if I have my roster by then. I didn't get off to a very early start but still managed to get everything done that I wanted to accomplish.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,496 Member
    @golfma4 ,,, LOVE the smell of stuff baking!! GREAT for a winters day!! AND TASTES SO YUMMY!
    @Cseguin2 ,, LOVE clean windows!! I normally keep mine freaky clean, but this year not so much. They are HUGE windows, I live in a high rise, thankfully though they do tilt in. Still they are so heavy!! I hope your Moms appointment goes well. So kind of you to be there for her.
    @wallahalla ,,,, LOVE making others laugh. We surely need giggles so badly with things so wacky!
    @Retired_Sue ,, Ahhh so much baking, cooking going on for many. houses smelling SO WONDERFUL!! We have a small part of the winter team set up, but we have time. Hey SNOW last night was over 6"s!! WOOHOO

  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,591 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - You got about twice as much snow as we did but that's okay - YOU can have it! 😁 Yes still some work to do on my winter team but I have a good start. No other leaders on board yet and only one other leader who's been invited but not responded yet. Some things need a bit more discussion before we set up feeds with information. Off to bed here!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,496 Member
    @EVERYONE Please do support Ceri, here's the link
    @Retired_Sue they said we got 7.4"s. I LOVE IT of course. Sue we met on ZOOM as leaders to figure out who wanted to do what duties, who wanted to set up which feeds etc. Zoom is FREE it'll shut down after 45 mins, but easy enough to send out a new link.
  • GeocacherLosingIt
    GeocacherLosingIt Posts: 2,655 Member
    Loving the snow pictures- so jealous! It's 29 degrees right now, but no precipitation.

    @Dianedoessmiles1 If you have a small group, Hangouts doesn't time out. I think the limit is 10 people? Not 100%, but my friends and I meet weekly to solve geocaching puzzles for 2 hours.

    I did some baking today to use up some pears and apples I received as a gift. House smells good and now I have a freezer full of snacks (mini muffins) and breakfast sized muffins that will last a long while
  • SusanM18MFP
    SusanM18MFP Posts: 1,324 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 Thanks for trying to help me out, but I don't mind contributing veggies, as long as they get eaten by someone other than me! I see you got your snow. Are you outside rolling around in it?
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,507 Member
    It's 27 feels like 22 with a high of 51 for today. Axe Sharpening: Show up for yourself. That's it. Show up for yourself TODAY.~~~Derek Weida 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Happy National Sangria Day!!!! Fitness quote for today: You must tell yourself, 'No Matter How Hard it is, or How Hard It Gets, I'm Going to Make it.'.~~~Les Brown Motivational quote for today: Your grateful heart can attract miracles.~~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 10,855 steps yesterday. Today's training plan is Strength then 50-40-30-20-10 and right into 5-10-15-20-25 to finish up.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,908 Member
    Good morning! Nutcracker craziness is over. Getting my booster tomorrow and enjoying a great book!
  • lavalily
    lavalily Posts: 2,146 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 Love the pictures, but it made my body shiver. Looking at pictures of snow is about all I'm able to tolerate! LOL

    I wish everyone a Mele Kalikimaka this week! May all your wishes and prayers come true!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,496 Member
    @GeocacherLosingIt ,,, TY TY TY TY I'll have to look into hangouts!!! Right now it's 28 (1 PM) this AM when I went out (a little after 8) it was
    Ohhh YUMMY on the breakfast muffins!!! Do you cook them at a lower temp? I should look for a pan that'd do that. TY TY for the idea!
    @Macrat12 ,, HI Sarah!! Hows the team coming along?
    @Bookienj, Nice to have an event completed. Always a fun feeling, LOL of course something else will be along? WOOHOO on the booster, hope you do very well with it, I did. Just barely a sore arm. Oh reading is so good for us in so many ways!!
    @Lavalily ,,, Do you live in Hawaii? Or a warm area? I did in FL for a bit, but in November when I was cold, well GIVE ME SNOW!!! Humans tend to be creatures of habits, I can't imagine not living in snow, but those of you born into warmer climates couldn't imagine this. Its so FUNNY when those who live down south move up here. I just saw a gorgeous house for sale it's in northern Maine. The new buyers (they've lived there under a year) HAD NO CLUE what Snow really is. The higher up you go, the less the roads are well taken care of. Many of them are private its you have to take care of them. Its a rural state.
    Today the harbor was GORGEOUS when I woke up and even now there's ice on it
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 11,591 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Not into zoom - wouldn't know where to start and this time of the year, I'm not about to raise my stress levels trying to figure it out. I had a hard enough time doing a google chat with Heidi back when we were starting to plan the summer challenge and that was only two of us! Two of my leaders are working during the day and then there's time zone to figure into it as well as Fae is central I think. Your temps look like they're close to what we were getting today although I can't say that I actually checked the temp first thing this morning when I got up. We have our leader's group where we can chat and leave comments as each one has time.

    @bookyNJ - It's always a relief when concerts and other performances are over as fun as they might be to do. Glad that you could unwind with a book! Hubby was finally able to book appointments today for us to get our boosters but we won't get them until January 11th so have to wait another three weeks.

    Actually did a workout this morning for the first time in almost two weeks which is a sign that there's not much left to do to get ready before we head to our daughter's. Today was pretty light - roll out the truffles and make the cranberry sauce plus do more work on my team page. Hubby was out for a short time and he said it was nice but it's still below freezing and and it appeared to be windy. All that's left is to make the turnip casserole - cooking the turnip (I have two that are not too small) takes some time but at least the microwave does the work! Tomorrow I'll have to pop out to the post office at a nearby pharmacy to pick up a registered letter from my sister that contains cheques for my kids from mom's estate. We'll see how long the line is although I imagine most people have mailed parcels and cards by now if they want them to arrive by Christmas. I have a couple of other little tasks to do around here but nothing that will take more than a few minutes. Wednesday we'll be off to our daughter's to stay until Sunday.

    Have a good evening!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a busy day with Mom but got some well needed walking in. Got some more crafting done this morning before leaving. Hoping to get more done tonight. Also my son was with us part of the time. Tomorrow we weigh-in at TOPS no meeting due to restrictions. Then clean Mom's and do laundry. In the afternoon Dakoda and I have a dentist appointment for him and also need to get him filed for employment insurance as his job is done for the season. So another busy day. Hope to get crafting done in the evening or I might find myself behind.
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
  • Golfma4
    Golfma4 Posts: 964 Member
    It's getting really close to Christmas and my advice is "don't try the following at home"!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,496 Member
    @Retired_Sue ,,, We did what you are doing with the team leaders for many years, and it works, it's easy, convenient for you all. NOT at all a bad system, and there's still time too. WOOHOO to having time. I hope you are able to enjoy the drive to your D's and awwwww I know you'll have a great time. Okay you have me curious, what is in a turnip casserole? I'm not really into turnip, but I can perhaps be into squash and though they are different, it could be interesting.
    @Cseguin2,,,, Crafting just feels so good. Usually calming and productive. WTG on the walking and helping your dear Mom. Hope the dentist goes well.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,595 Member
    It's freezing outside, who ordered this weather, was not me lol - well it won't last another couple of days it will warm up and start raining again. The frost has been heavy the last couple of nights, and freezing rain/snow mix expected tomorrow but I suspect it will be mostly to the east part of the city and higher elevations. Staying on the mountains would work too !!
    @Retired_Sue have a nice visit with your family and enjoy your time away.
    @CSEGUIN2 glad your mom's appointments went ok. I beleive the EI app is online but do follow up on the ROE if it has not been issued by the employer. If they are doing that "online' then Service Canada ( EI ) should have it in their system. If it is not an online roe, but a papepr one, that one will have to be mailed in. I have not seen any guidance on EI lately but it used to be they would not process a claim without that document - also not sure of the hour requirement for your area iether - but hope you get through the application ok
    @BookieNJ which book are you reading now ? I need to start using my library card again and start getting things I can watch. Last time I got a video from the library it was the 2nd part of a series and my son liked it so much he bought the series on google !
    @Dianedoessmiles1 you keep that cold weather there with you, there's no reason to share with me LOL I like being in shorts all year round if I can and my place is usually so hot I need them.
    @wallahalla good thing, I like penquins lol dat's funny !
    Well hello to anyone I may have missed, I hope your having a good week, it will be over soon enough eh ! Cheers
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,908 Member
    @Retired_Sue -thx for all that you do for the teams and I hope you get everything done that needs to be! Yup good book definitely helps to transition to something else. Sunday I was all about the emotions of it ending-now I am good to go. Glad you were able to get appointments-sorry it’s 3 weeks out! I booked mine a couple weeks ago. Sometimes the drug stores have cancellations if you want to try for sooner?
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -oh that’s a lot of snow! Hope you enjoyed it-I don’t think we have much of that in the forecast yet-tgg hi at will be January/February.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,908 Member
    @LindieMaeP -i am finishing “the family” by Naomi krupitsky-about a ny mafia family in the 40s. It’s really good. Also reading “the Thursday murder club” -it’s pretty good. I hope you can make it to your library soon!