Buzz Around the Airport Lounge - Chat



  • catnurse1
    catnurse1 Posts: 3,535 Member
    Yikes! I think I woke up in a different state. Today it was 40 degrees in my atrium yard, and right now it's 36 degrees and RAINING! No, no, no. It can't rain on top of all that snow out there. By this time next week "they" say the high temp will be 4 degrees. Nutty.

    So now I get to head out into the rain to check on the cats and do the feeding. Ick. Good thing I got new insulated rain boots for Christmas.

    Happy Tuesday almost Wednesday, everybody!
  • blestmuch
    blestmuch Posts: 388 Member
    Merry Christmas ❣ I'm getting excited about the Challenge. I'm really going to need it. I picked "any team" and it will be like Christmas again when I find out which team I get.

    Have a great day everyone. 😀
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,048 Member
    It's 42 with a high of 65 and rainy until 11AM. Axe Sharpening: The right plan provides the path to results. But when you achieve your goals, never lose gratitude for the fact that you decided to follow it!~~~Tyler Ball 1st Phorm Advisor Happy National Card Playing Day!!!! Fitness quote for today: You won't always love the workout but you'll always love the results.~~~~fitXL Motivational quote for today: Every day, think as you wake up: Today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it.~~~Dalai Lama XIV Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 14,340 steps yesterday. Today's training plan is 45 min walk this evening. Feeling better but still taking my sinus cold meds and not pushing it like the doctor said. Went yesterday for a meds check but asked her about my sinus cold while I was there.
  • ForeverFitNHealthy
    ForeverFitNHealthy Posts: 1,256 Member
    Happy Tuesday! Almost finished with my goal plan for 2022 regarding my health and fitness. I don't have focus on nutrition, just track to make sure I'm not eating over. I eat the same meals and snacks, so that makes it easy. I'm focusing on fitness this year. Both ST and miles, be it walking and biking. I'm keeping a l daily log of miles and reps.

    @Retired_Sue,. I'm glad I took the break. I feel more geared up for the new year and my health goals too. Can't wait for the next challenge to start! We had to upgrade the electric when we got A/C 20 years ago and that was super expensive. I can say from living in Wisconsin, you get get by without it, but here in North Carolina, A/C is a must. It can get so humid and sometimes the constant 90 degree weather in the summer, you just can't breathe well. For Christmas, we had 73 degrees!! I love it, and my husband hates it. LOL
  • marilynWtx
    marilynWtx Posts: 1,752 Member
    Here in TX we hit 90 a few days ago but will have a low of 20 in another few days. 😁

    Looking forward to the start of the challenge.
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 12,638 Member
    @HerbsandMore - You're welcome! Cooking the turnip in the microwave sure saves all the peeling and cutting of the raw turnip and does save time. Enjoy.
    @ForeverFitNHealthy - We're a bit like Wisconsin - we can survive without A/C - have managed to do it for years - but with the summers becoming more hot and often humid our bedrooms - all upstairs - can get very warm for sleeping at times so it would be nice to have it. Hubby feels the heat more than I do so he's find it easier to sleep at night when it's really hot and be more comfortable during the day too. And the nice thing is that if we don't need it, we don't have to turn it on.

    Our weather is pretty typical although it's a bit warm with temps just above 0 C (32 F). Fine with me - we're having a new furnace installed tomorrow afternoon so it will be easier to have the heat off for a few hours if it's not too cold outside. We do have portable electric heaters that we can use to keep our family room warm.

    Getting a few last minute details worked out on my team so we'll be ready to take on passengers later this week! Have a great day!
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 5,120 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone! It's a beautiful day here today. My daughter says hello to all of you. My family played monopoly yesterday and we all had so much fun! My daughter was the game winner. I've been for a walk and I feel great! I'll be doing some dancing after supper. Have a great day, everyone! Take care and stay safe.
  • luv2dns2
    luv2dns2 Posts: 541 Member
    I have no idea if I am on a team for the Winter Challenge. Where should I look to find out?
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    It's snowing!
    Anyways today was weigh-in Day and gained 4.75 lbs. Almost all I lost over the last two weeks. Oh well it's the holidays and I will enjoy then get back on track. Met with my newest boss to go over something's. We will be meeting a couple more times before he leaves to finish details. He even plans to buy me a cheap bike. He admitted as well that he was interested in me but since I have a man he will respect that. Well I am glad that he will because otherwise I would have had to turn down the jobs he has for me. The new Christmas ornament has been chosen for next year and I have enrolled in classes at home for nutrition and fitness. Lots going on in the new year and need to plan better so I don't get overwhelmed. Most of my stuff is flexible. I just don't like feeling like I am not giving my full attention to everything. I have till Monday to get everything in order and planned for success.
  • HeevenleeVT
    HeevenleeVT Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there so glad I found you guys again .I'm Heevenlee I did this challenge on spark a long time ago. I think I was on starfish not sure what year. I'm still at it. I hope I didn't join to late. Looking forward to getting to know each of you. Pls add me as a friend so we can support each other in e every way
  • HeevenleeVT
    HeevenleeVT Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there so glad I found you guys again .I'm Heevenlee I did this challenge on spark a long time ago. I think I was on starfish not sure what year. I'm still at it. I hope I didn't join to late. Looking forward to getting to know each of you. Pls add me as a friend so we can support each other in e every way
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,254 Member
    edited December 2021
    WOW You are all busy!! I LOVE THAT!!

    If you've not chosen a team PLEASE DO SO Immediately. If one doesn't chose a team, they don't get assigned one. Most of you know what team you joined, but what if you are not quite sure if you actually did join it?

    TO double check please click on the team you signed up for. After that to easily find your name (Including under the Any team" option) in your upper right hand corner you'll see 3 dots one on top of each other. Click on that, you'll than see on the right hand side a yellow/orange line down below. Scroll down to that line and TADA it's a post you put (This is good to do when searching on any feed you made a post). If you do not see the orange line, please make sure you typed your name correctly, and or since most teams are only 2 pages at the most, please scroll down through them to see if you had chosen the team. If not, and you hadn't any other one (PLEASE CHOSE ONLY ONE TEAM) than sign on up for it.

    As CLs(Challenge leaders) some will be known as Captains (LOL We are having fun) and other leaders, most teams are ready FOR YOU!! Only 1 or 2 have a few tweaks to do. Starting on Thurs you'll start seeing your invites!!! WHERE TO FIND THEM? NOTE: STARTING ON THURS some members will be a little bit later, so PLEASE KEEP AN EYE Under ANNOUCMENTS Up above for further info.

    TO FIND YOUR INVITE: When you go to GROUPS it'll be right there. WOOHOO HAPPINESS ABOUNDS!!

    We've been getting a smidgen or so of snow almost daily. LOL It really doesn't add up, but it's PURDY!! And the ground has been white awhile.

  • catnurse1
    catnurse1 Posts: 3,535 Member
    Here's what I said on the news feed.

    Was hoping to catch up on e-mails and such, but it will have to wait one more day. My dog Sophie who does not do well with fireworks or earthquakes is being a nervous Nellie about the wind blowing the rain into the window. That's right, people. Right now at 11:15pm Alaska Standard Time, it is 40 degrees and raining. Not nice.

    Thank goodness I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow. Here's hoping I can get down the hill to Ellie's place, or there's gonna be a bunch of cranky cats.

    'Night all.
  • ThursLins
    ThursLins Posts: 1,681 Member
    edited December 2021
    I was on SP for 11 yrs. I joined one of the 5% Challenge teams (Spring 2021) with the Shooting Stars. Are there any S.S. challenge team members here? Initially, I'd joined MFP the minute I heard SP was going to close. Life got busy for awhile, but I am back and logging in daily. I'm so glad to see there are groups and this challenge team being active. YAY! I see I need to embrace the change instead of only being disappointed by SPs end.
    Happy New Year everyone! Looking forward to the support of team members again.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 6,048 Member
    It's 33 feels like 25 with a high of 48 for today. Axe Sharpening: You are the company you keep, be sure you're surrounded by winners.~~~Jenna Fail 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Happy Last Wednesday of 2021. Fitness quote for today: My goals are set PAIN be by guest.~~~gymaholic Motivational quote for today: Begin each day with positive thoughts and a fresh new mindset.~~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 14,473 steps yesterday. Today's training plan is either 10 min Strength EMOM (5 sets) with 5 min rest then 10 min EMOM (Same Minute) and then Core to finish up 3 rounds 1 min of each or I might do in the gym 18 min EMOM (3 sets) then rest 2 min and 12 min EMOM (4 sets). The workout I decide to do will depend on how I feel as of now I'm feeling better.
  • gardenergal24
    gardenergal24 Posts: 620 Member
    Hi @ThursLins, I was a member of the Shooting Stars for spring & summer of 2021, that was a really fun team. Still trying to get used to this MFP platform. I'm hoping by the end of the winter 5% challenge we'll all feel a lot more comfortable with it. Can't wait to get my team assignment and get on the runway!
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,960 Member
    Good morning everyone - I sure hope you all are safe and sound and enjoying some relaxing time, or doing things you've been wanting to do but did not have the time. I don't make NYR - what I do make is a plan of action and then I action the plan. This year it will be to focus on fitness - 60 min of exercise a day and to incorporate some form of strength training to firm up my posture and to help strengthen my muscles. Health muscle burns calories - so I need them to be as healthy as they can be at my age. I also need to respect my limitations, and not sweat the small stuff. We are expecting another major snowstorm tonight into tomorrow ( shhhhh dont' tell @Dianedoessmiles1 ) lol 😂
    To all those who have migrated over from Spark, allow yourself the time to get to know the program. MFP has some wonderful features that Spark did not have, although I know Spark had some wonderful features MFP does not have. To all those who have always been on MFP do share your experiences and knowledge, any lil tricks and tips for this program will help immensely. Finally, don't be afraid of making a mistake - mistakes helps to teach - at least they do for me.
    Lets all get ready to 5% it !!!! Bring on the challenge Winter !!