January 2



  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,107 Member
    Well done @Ginharbe @Anya_000 and @donna25trinity on today (and I will dream about walking to the beach for a swim tonight Donna πŸ–β˜€οΈπŸŠπŸ»β€β™€οΈ)

    Super job @Juliexx00 on getting into that treadmill and fitting in a strength session after a long tiring day at work. πŸ† You too @twdempsey and you should be very proud of yourself 🌟

    @loopydo2017 Sadly, I know your plight with the -30 temps. πŸ₯Ά I live in Regina Saskatchewan Canada and we had a day of respite today as well. So happy to walk outside!

    @StayFITTer Way to go today! I just left FitBit for Apple Watch but would have loved to be fitness buddies there with you.

    @BMcC9 & @slimtastesbetter πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,439 Member

    @Marilynsretired and @Intrinsicat I am a walker too! A one hour walk is terrific. What is your step target for the day Marilyn? Do you each live in a climate where you can walk outside in winter?

    @jamcnewman - you asked about my walking target. I have mobility issues which prevent me from standing / walking for any length of time without lots of pain. So for me 20 minutes of walking is broken down into smaller time frames - and right now I am getting between 500 - 600 steps in as I am also a very slow walker because of issues. Due to the winter and cold I am walking inside the house and use a pedometer to track the steps. Praying that in February I will be getting in more to 1000 steps in that same time frame but time will tell.
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,805 Member
    @jamcnewman I want Ideally this to be workout miles. I will be striving not to convert steps to miles except if it is a day of sightseeing or amusement park steps. Even those days I want to travel 5.5 miles.