Weight No More Team Chat - February 2022



  • MotylekOkruchy
    MotylekOkruchy Posts: 196 Member

    PW: 137.2
    CW: 136.7

    It amazes me that so much effort results in losing only half a pound a week. I know it's better this way than the other (gaining half a pound) but still! I also noticed that on my weigh in day, whenever I lose anything, I tend to reward myself . . . with food . . . extra food - above my calorie target, way above! This is something I need to work on.
  • IDebraK
    IDebraK Posts: 139 Member
    I keep gaining and losing the same 2 pounds, and I tend to make weigh in night my "date night". I feel like I am making better decisions when it comes to food, and ate a salad for dinner last night.

    The scale was up another 2 pounds.

    I try to also be mindful of non-food rewards. I have the FitBit Versa 3 on hold. That is my reward for a weigh-in of 119 and the 30,000 steps in a day. I have the steps, now I have to really work hard for that 119, especially since the scale was at 126 this morning. I was terribly disappointed.

    I haven't taken my vitamins since Thursday, and it may just be the placebo effect. I don't think they actually help with weight loss, but subconsciously, if I make that healthy decision to start my day, I tend to make healthier decisions throughout the day (I guess - I don't really know).

    So now I'm 7 pounds from that FitBit. 7! It's hasn't been that long that I was less than 3 pounds from it. I have to reconfigure food. This is beyond frustrating.

    On a different note, I bought new pants (maybe) 2 months ago. I added weight training to my exercise regimen, and I can pull those pants up and take them off without unbuttoning and unzipping them. I figured I would just wear a belt to keep them up. My belt was so big that it literally buckled and then went halfway around my body. It was a size large. I bought a size small belt yesterday. I also had to buy new workout pants (stretchy). I had larges. I had to buy smalls.

    I have some non-scale victories. I'd just like to see the scale move too.

    Maybe start recording daily weight. If I have to log it, it makes it "more real"?
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,471 Member

    We've made it through the first week of February! Click on the link below to see this past week's results -

    Here's a sneak peek of how your team did...

  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,407 Member
    IDebraK wrote: »
    I keep gaining and losing the same 2 pounds, and I tend to make weigh in night my "date night". I feel like I am making better decisions when it comes to food, and ate a salad for dinner last night.

    The scale was up another 2 pounds.

    I try to also be mindful of non-food rewards. I have the FitBit Versa 3 on hold. That is my reward for a weigh-in of 119 and the 30,000 steps in a day. I have the steps, now I have to really work hard for that 119, especially since the scale was at 126 this morning. I was terribly disappointed.

    I haven't taken my vitamins since Thursday, and it may just be the placebo effect. I don't think they actually help with weight loss, but subconsciously, if I make that healthy decision to start my day, I tend to make healthier decisions throughout the day (I guess - I don't really know).

    So now I'm 7 pounds from that FitBit. 7! It's hasn't been that long that I was less than 3 pounds from it. I have to reconfigure food. This is beyond frustrating.

    On a different note, I bought new pants (maybe) 2 months ago. I added weight training to my exercise regimen, and I can pull those pants up and take them off without unbuttoning and unzipping them. I figured I would just wear a belt to keep them up. My belt was so big that it literally buckled and then went halfway around my body. It was a size large. I bought a size small belt yesterday. I also had to buy new workout pants (stretchy). I had larges. I had to buy smalls.

    I have some non-scale victories. I'd just like to see the scale move too.

    Maybe start recording daily weight. If I have to log it, it makes it "more real"?

    Those are really terrific NSV. Is the dressing on your salad particularly sodium laden? That can account. And strength training...water retention.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,407 Member
    edited February 2022
    Those of you who were around this time last year might remember me saying snarky things (me? Snarky!?! Gasp!) about a weight loss program offered by my health insurance for 'points' that give me premium discounts. This year, again, it is offered. The plan I picked also gives me $$$ for points as well as discounts, so $50 motivation to participate, even if I have 0 faith in their program.

    In January, I said I was going to try to focus on positives...so here goes. I'm getting paid to do it. It won't hurt my weight loss to participate (unless I eat stupid to be passive aggressive, which would be, as previously stated, stupid...so I won't do that). It isn't all bunk...Hearing other perspectives, as I learned last year in leadership training, is good. They appear to have booted the presenter I found particularly offensive, so I don't have to deal with being irritated about hearing her condescending tripe (yes, that sounds a little antagonistic, but it is a good thing & makes me happy...)

    See! Positives! Let's see if I can keep this up for 12 weeks!

    Valuable (to me) things they will teach:
    1. Eat slowly (chew, chew, chew!)
    2. Only eat when you are really hungry.
    3. It takes ~20 mins for your stomach to process 'fullness'.
    4. Stay hydrated.
    5. Self care!!

    I can take these and leave the flim-flam.

    What are some things you all try to focus on when you really think about your goals?
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,118 Member

    Sun- 11,219
    Mon- 9,335
    Tues- 6,889
    Wed- 9,564
    Thurs- 7,894
    Fri- 7,866
    Sat- 13,204
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,118 Member
    My steps were horrible again, only reached my goal twice. I have to go to the weight clinic this week I know I haven't lost anything maybe a pound or two. I made it to zumba today for the second time this year. The teacher had been sick or class was canceled. We don't have any subs so it's been hard. Wasnt sure I was going to make it today. Yesterday we were rear ended. Go hit pretty good. Wasnt sure how I was going to feel this morning but I'm just a little sore. The guy who hit us passed out behind the wheel, he didnt even know anything. The cop said he had stage 4 cancer and should not have been driving at all. My coworker noticed him a few blocks back swerving all over the road and run a red light, she was just getting ready to call the cops on him because she was scared something was going to happen when he ran into us. She had no idea I was in the car he hit. I am hoping the guy is ok. He didnt look to good.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,407 Member
    ljdanny wrote: »
    My steps were horrible again, only reached my goal twice. I have to go to the weight clinic this week I know I haven't lost anything maybe a pound or two. I made it to zumba today for the second time this year. The teacher had been sick or class was canceled. We don't have any subs so it's been hard. Wasnt sure I was going to make it today. Yesterday we were rear ended. Go hit pretty good. Wasnt sure how I was going to feel this morning but I'm just a little sore. The guy who hit us passed out behind the wheel, he didnt even know anything. The cop said he had stage 4 cancer and should not have been driving at all. My coworker noticed him a few blocks back swerving all over the road and run a red light, she was just getting ready to call the cops on him because she was scared something was going to happen when he ran into us. She had no idea I was in the car he hit. I am hoping the guy is ok. He didnt look to good.

    I don't know...those steps look better than mine most days. I was doing okay until the snow/ice storm hit Wed. Was warmer Sat but was sick (am still).

    Scary! We were rearended a few years ago. Totaled my car (there was someone in front of us at the red light) and the driver was texting. Did not slow down at all. That's rough. I hope he is ok, too.
  • JMNagain
    JMNagain Posts: 121 Member
    Pw: 227.5
    Cw: 231.9

    Well that was quite a holiday! Late to log in as expected, and up so much more than I wanted! Back on it this week, hopefully I can lose the holiday bloat pretty quickly.
    Will post steps later on.

    @ljdanny that's tough! Glad you're OK.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,471 Member
    Congrats to all of our team's winners from last week!

    @rachelrjh , @GingerPwr , and @TwinMama91521

    It amazes me that so much effort results in losing only half a pound a week. I know it's better this way than the other (gaining half a pound) but still! I also noticed that on my weigh in day, whenever I lose anything, I tend to reward myself . . . with food . . . extra food - above my calorie target, way above! This is something I need to work on.

    @MotylekOkruchy - Breaking out of the food-as-a-reward mindset is such a struggle! What kinds of things were you thinking of as non-food rewards?

    IDebraK wrote: »
    So now I'm 7 pounds from that FitBit. 7! It's hasn't been that long that I was less than 3 pounds from it. I have to reconfigure food. This is beyond frustrating.


    I have some non-scale victories. I'd just like to see the scale move too.

    Maybe start recording daily weight. If I have to log it, it makes it "more real"?

    @IDebraK - Recording things definitely makes them more real, but you have to keep certain factors in mind when it comes to losing weight. Melanie already mentioned some of the usual suspects (i.e. water retention from strength training, sodium consumption, etc.), but there's a few thousand other reasons you're holding onto a little extra weight even while doing everything "correctly".

    You may not like it, but all you can do right now is remain consistent and be patient.

    PW 250
    CW 244

    @thenextloser135 - Impressive loss! Way to go!

    What are some things you all try to focus on when you really think about your goals?

    @melaniedscott - Oh boy, so many things! Hydration is usually my primary focus. If I'm hydrated, I'm less likely to mindlessly snack. Snacks are always my weakness, even if "healthy"

    ljdanny wrote: »
    I am hoping the guy is ok. He didnt look to good.

    @ljdanny - If you hear anything about him, I would love an update. Glad you're okay!

    JMNagain wrote: »
    Well that was quite a holiday! Late to log in as expected, and up so much more than I wanted! Back on it this week, hopefully I can lose the holiday bloat pretty quickly.
    Will post steps later on.

    @JMNagain - The best thing about gaining is the satisfaction you feel when it drops back off. I'm predicting that next week is going to be a good one for you!

    Everyone, I have a question for you...

  • EDTake2
    EDTake2 Posts: 165 Member
    Username: EDTake2
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    PW (Previous Weight): 210.4
    CW (Current Weight): 207.8
  • MotylekOkruchy
    MotylekOkruchy Posts: 196 Member
    edited February 2022
    @MotylekOkruchy - Breaking out of the food-as-a-reward mindset is such a struggle! What kinds of things were you thinking of as non-food rewards?

    I want to stop thinking that I need to reward myself in this situation at all. I want to start treating weigh-in day and the following day like just another day on the continuous journey. I don't want to chop that journey into 6+1 day increments. That's the mental leap I need to take.
    When I thought about it a bit more it occurred to me I shouldn't have used the word reward. What I really do is: I think OK, my reported weight was lower than a week ago so now I can finally eat as much as I want. This is very counterproductive. This is the mindset need to get out of.

    On the topic of rewards: There isn't really much I need or would like to get for myself as a reward (or as a holiday/birthday gift for that matter). I became a minimalists over the years. There are some things I enjoy but I get them outside "rewarding" situations - I really don't think I need to earn (pot) flowers, a facial, yarn, or new shoes/clothes. Mainly because I do not feel the need to get much, including any of the above very often.

    steps for the past week:
    Sunday: 16451
    Monday: 14830
    Tuesday: 12596
    Wednesday: 14353
    Thursday: 13695
    Friday: 15505
    Saturday: 14400

    I want to thank everybody for sharing their stories. They make you much more than just a nickname. They make me realize that we all, not just me, go through a wide spectrum of experiences, from joyful to dreadful. So many things happen in our lives and it is not always easy to stay on track in the department that gathers us here.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Sun - 3133
    Mon - 5262
    Tue - 6091
    Wed - 6864
    Thu - 5174
    Fri - 5128
    Sat - 3965

    I improved this week over last week, Five days over 5,000 steps!
  • mxlaw90
    mxlaw90 Posts: 75 Member
    Week 2 Monday weigh I

    PW 143.2 lbs
    CW 143.0 lbs
  • TwinMama91521
    TwinMama91521 Posts: 47 Member

    Sun - 8,337
    Mon - 12,738
    Tues - 8,482
    Wed - 7,382
    Thurs - 7,402
    Fri - 9,615
    Sat - 12,939

    I would like to get more over 10,000, so that's something I need to work on.
  • samuel860
    samuel860 Posts: 41 Member
    Tuesdat weigh in
    Week: 2
    PW: 214
    CW: 213.6
    I need to start moving
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,471 Member
    February Week Two

    Weigh In Day:Tuesdays
    PW (Previous Weight): 170.6 (February 1st)
    CW (Current Weight): 170.4 (February 8th)
    LTD (Loss to Date): 63.6 lbs

    After the overindulgence of the weekend and overcompensating at the gym, I was not expecting to see a tiny loss/maintain at all. I'll take it. I'll weigh myself again later this week just to see if this is just a product of dehydration or if it's an actual value.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,471 Member
    edited February 2022
    ~ Weigh Days ~

    If your name is not below, you are all set for this week!

    @lorieconnellcassity - No weigh-in last week
    @bethelmurphy01 - No weigh-in last week

    @SavannahS2016 - No weigh-in last week
    @chypp - No weigh-in last week



    @Patricehm16 - No weigh-in last week

    @NoyaGirl - No weigh-in last week
    @lennoncpa - No weigh-in last week
    @ImperfectProgress - No weigh-in last week
    @LiveLaughLove1969 - No weigh-in last week


    For those of you who did not provide a weigh-in last week, please provide a weight this week. Two weeks in a row without checking in results in being dropped from the team. If you are unable, for some reason, to weigh in with us, you can request to be excused for a week.

    No matter what, let us know what's up. There's nothing wrong with needing to be excused.
This discussion has been closed.