Love Your Health: Feb 2022 Challenge



  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,650 Member
    For 2/16-17/22
    SW 170
    CW 170
    GW 167

    Daily plank challenge ✔
    80 oz water daily ✔
    Under 60 carbs daily✔
    Movement ✔ strength and cardio kickboxing
    Meal prep-❌ I gotta get some breakfast prep done this weekend

    Legs are def sore today from yesterday's class-weighted squats. I should know better than to do a weigh in the day after strength. 5 hour power outage this morning made me cave in to toast with my coffee once power came back. Grrrr.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    Call me gobsmacked. I lost a lb yesterday. :grimace: That was a surprise. Hope it stays. Despite having to get fast food and having chicken nuggets, I ate almost no carbs the rest of the day and kept them in range. Very stressful. But it's over until the next stressful thing.

    Dreary here so no walking out there. Cold and possible rain.
    But I'll hit it indoors.

    Otherwise, dealing with all the busy and snooping about.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    2022 ~ Feb 19 ~ 168.4 lbs

    Starting weight: 8/26/21 - 214 lbs
    9/30/21 - 204.6 lbs
    10/31/21 - 194.0 lbs
    11/30/21 - 185.8 lbs
    12/31/21 - 179.4 lbs
    1/31/22 - 176.2 lbs

    February 2022 Goals: Get down to 170 or lower
    Overall Goal: 150 lbs or lower
  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,091 Member
    So encouraging to see everyone’s progress here. It helped me decide to finally try one of my exercise DVDs.

    About five minutes into it I realised I had a huge grin on my face as I was feeling such pure joy at moving my body and using my muscles again. I am so incredibly happy right now, this time last year I had such awful health problems that I had resigned myself to never being able to exercise again.

    I did the first couple of high intensity intervals at a lower impact and intensity but decided I wasn’t enjoying that so skipped the others and just did the strength, toning and weight exercises. I’ve got my exercise bike for my cardio workouts so this should work well for me. There were some exercises I couldn’t do as I still have some pain in my thumb after I sprained it a few weeks ago. But I did most of the exercises and even managed all the reps (it was tough though, I was definitely pushing myself!). .

    I’m fully expecting to have aching muscles everywhere tomorrow! Just hoping it doesn’t cause a Fibromyalgia flare up. My bike riding hasn’t caused any flare up so far, so I’m hopeful.
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Highest Weight 05/22/19: 276.8
    Starting Weight 10/31/21: 258.6

    Feb Weight 2/1/22: 234.8
    End of Feb Goal 2/28/22: 230.0
    2/19: 228.0

    Numbers for Yesterday:
    Steps: 2,672
    Cals: 1,318
    Carbs: 60g
    Water: 152.1
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    2022 ~ Feb 20 ~ 167.4 lbs

    Starting weight: 8/26/21 - 214 lbs
    9/30/21 - 204.6 lbs
    10/31/21 - 194.0 lbs
    11/30/21 - 185.8 lbs
    12/31/21 - 179.4 lbs
    1/31/22 - 176.2 lbs

    February 2022 Goals: Get down to 170 or lower
    Overall Goal: 150 lbs or lower
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    The start of another week. It looks like I stayed the same this went up and down a bit during the week but this morning is right back where I started. But I won't give up, I know that once I get going it will happen.
    @melmerritt33 so great to hear that you are feeling so great the the exercise! It really does make you feel better
    @baconslave thanks for the info on carnivore, I am not sure I could do it...but it would be something I could try for a bit and see how it went. I really need to get my head in the right place for anything right now.

    Today is Sunday...we always go to my moms for lunch. I will eat low carb/keto but will drool when she pulls out the apple pie.

    Starting weight 2/13/22 - 158.8
    Current weight 2/20/22 - 158.8
    First goal 150
    Second goal 140
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Highest Weight 05/22/19: 276.8
    Starting Weight 10/31/21: 258.6

    Feb Weight 2/1/22: 234.8
    End of Feb Goal 2/28/22: 230.0
    2/20: 227.2

    Numbers for Yesterday:
    Steps: 4,242
    Cals: 970
    Carbs: 76g
    Water: 101.4
    I ended up only eating one meal yesterday because that's just the way my day turned out. I did my best to get enough calories in that one meal and it put me high on the carbs. Oh well, it was what it was.
  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Thanks @maureli yes, I think exercise really helps our mental health as well as physical. Don’t stress about the weight, if you’re anything like me it will constantly go up and down and some weeks nothing will happen then there will be a sudden drop out of nowhere.

    So yes, I had muscles aching today that I didn’t know I had even used! But it was just a normal ache from working out hard, not a Fibro type pain so it hasn’t caused a flare up. My energy levels have been absolutely fine too. So I’m very happy with how this has gone. As I was aching I just did a short 20 minute walk today. Very excited to keep going and improving in my fitness journey.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    2022 ~ Feb 21 ~ 170.0 lbs

    Starting weight: 8/26/21 - 214 lbs
    9/30/21 - 204.6 lbs
    10/31/21 - 194.0 lbs
    11/30/21 - 185.8 lbs
    12/31/21 - 179.4 lbs
    1/31/22 - 176.2 lbs

    February 2022 Goals: Get down to 170 or lower
    Overall Goal: 150 lbs or lower

    I went country line dancing last night. For an hour and a half, I vined, shuffled, stomped my heart out. I can barely move today! And here's proof that it doesn't pay to exercise. You would think I would weigh less, not more. I got back late so I wasn't able to eat my calories back. Good thing because I'd probably weigh even more!

    I know. My muscles are holding onto water or whatever. Still, I can see why people give up. They put in the work and it doesn't pay off.

    Well, I'm going back Wednesday. It was fun even though I didn't know anyone. I'm trying to bring myself to get out there by myself. I've always been one of those people who don't like to do anything alone. Trying to break out of that shell. Friday I went to a wood burning class held in Lake George. There are a lot of things around here that I can do alone. Just not today! Today I rest!

    Have a great day!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,650 Member
    KCKO is all I got today. We did not have any activity this weekend (other plans) and I ate just one large meal each day. Expected to see something on the scale, nada. Back to the grind.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Feeling optimistic this morning. The scale looked good, and I feel like I had a really good day yesterday. All about what happens after supper for me. Today I will try to repeat!
    I recently got a ninja foodie so I'm going to try and figure out something for supper that I can cook in that. I'm still learning.
    @NYPhotographer2021 country line dancing sounds like a lot of fun, a great way to get some exercise in. Glad that you are going back, it will pay off even though it might not seem like it yet.

    Today I will do some sort of workout, not sure what it will be. Hope you all have a goo day!
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Highest Weight 05/22/19: 276.8
    Starting Weight 10/31/21: 258.6

    Feb Weight 2/1/22: 234.8
    End of Feb Goal 2/28/22: 230.0
    2/21: 227.8

    Numbers for Yesterday:
    Steps: 2,862
    Cals: 1,116
    Carbs: 77g
    Water: 135.2
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    Scale is hovering a half pound back up at 178.6.
    Whatever. I did very well not eating too much this weekend. So yay for me. Just have to wait my silly body out. Time passes anyway.

    Happy Monday y'all!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,881 Member
    Hi Everyone ... I hope everybody is doing good ..As for me I am still having headaches with occasional migraines (new med for migraines) I am about to head out for our 1st walk in ummm I don't know how long has been on point ...water has been on point just need to work on the working out part and I will be good :)
  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,091 Member
    @NYPhotographer2021 that line dancing sounds really fun! Yes, your scale will go up, I think it is something about the muscles holding onto water. But it will go down again.

    Did 30 minutes on the exercise bike today, will have a rest day tomorrow. I seem to have got my diet spot on now, I’m working at a moderate intensity but no more weakness or dizzy feelings after my exercise.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,881 Member
    Hi Everyone ... I hope everybody is doing good ..As for me I am still having headaches with occasional migraines (new med for migraines) I am about to head out for our 1st walk in ummm I don't know how long has been on point ...water has been on point just need to work on the working out part and I will be good :)

    We walked 151 minutes... 6.03 miles ... hips hurt a little bit but not too bad
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    2022 ~ Feb 22 ~ 169.6 lbs

    Starting weight: 8/26/21 - 214 lbs
    9/30/21 - 204.6 lbs
    10/31/21 - 194.0 lbs
    11/30/21 - 185.8 lbs
    12/31/21 - 179.4 lbs
    1/31/22 - 176.2 lbs

    February 2022 Goals: Get down to 170 or lower
    Overall Goal: 150 lbs or lower
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,650 Member
    For 2/21/22
    SW 170
    CW 170
    GW 167

    Daily plank challenge ✔
    80 oz water daily ✔
    Under 60 carbs daily✔
    Movement ✔ strength and spin class
    Meal prep-❌ still not getting that done 😜

    Apparently the scale is unaware of or unimpressed with my efforts. At least it's a pretty sunrise this morning.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Yeah, my scale was not happy with my efforts either. Doesn't matter, I'm pretty pleased. I decided not to stress about it. I know it's not fat, just water and water will get flushed out eventually.
    The sunrise was so pretty!! However, when I see all the red in the morning, I know that later we are going to be in for it. So prepare for something to happen weather wise. Yesterday was nice!
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    Not much to report here. Still arguing with the scale and trying really hard to only eat when hungry. I’ve basically eliminated any snacks at that 2-3pm period where I start to feel low on energy or just bored but the evenings are what get me. I had a healthy dinner last night and really wanted a snack while watching basketball but I tried to focus on anything other than food and brushed my teeth to avoid grazing. Still having carbs now and again but much more in moderation and some meals will be full carnivore. I agree with some of you on the exercise front- it totally helps me mentally by keeping a regular routine. I took a week to de-load on weights and did more HIIT routines and have gone back to heavier weights this week for the next 8. With the month almost over, I’ll be looking to March to be more successful for losing. Measurements next week may show some NSV changes though.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    not much to report. Forgot to weight this morning. The scale will show me cheek anyway. I know I'm doing things right. KCKO.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    2022 ~ Feb 23 ~ 165.6 lbs

    Starting weight: 8/26/21 - 214 lbs
    9/30/21 - 204.6 lbs
    10/31/21 - 194.0 lbs
    11/30/21 - 185.8 lbs
    12/31/21 - 179.4 lbs
    1/31/22 - 176.2 lbs

    February 2022 Goals: Get down to 170 or lower
    Overall Goal: 150 lbs or lower

    And there it is! Good thing because I'm doing line dancing again tonight. So if I gain almost 4 pounds in one day from doing it and it takes 2 days to lose it and get to my lowest weight, I guess I can handle it. LOL! This really shouldn't surprise me. But what does surprise me is how quickly I recovered. Went dancing for 90 minutes Sunday night. Monday I could barely move. Yesterday I was a little sore but not too bad. Today...I feel great! In the past it would have taken me a week to recover.

    Happy Hump Day!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,650 Member
    @NYPhotographer2021 really loving your reports! Keeps me motivated to stay the course these days.

    Rest day yesterday. Water yep, plank yep, fam came for dinner so not much else besides work LOL
    CW 169.5 really hoping for a good drop soon.
  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Had a rest day yesterday. Today did 20 minutes of strength exercises with light weights then a nice 10 minute stretch session to relax. Going to try and do the strength workouts more often than the cardio for a while and try to increase how much I can do on that to see if that gives me the results I want. I’m finally a normal weight but a bit flabby still and I want to be strong and toned again if possible! I don’t know, it may be too late at my age but I’m sure I can improve at least.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    Had a rest day yesterday. Today did 20 minutes of strength exercises with light weights then a nice 10 minute stretch session to relax. Going to try and do the strength workouts more often than the cardio for a while and try to increase how much I can do on that to see if that gives me the results I want. I’m finally a normal weight but a bit flabby still and I want to be strong and toned again if possible! I don’t know, it may be too late at my age but I’m sure I can improve at least.

    Certainly worth a try!
    You'll def get stronger again, and I'm sure there will be improvement on the flab. Not perfection, but better is better.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    Scale is dumb. 178.6 still... Eating keto and exercising. KCKO
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    @NYPhotographer2021 really loving your reports! Keeps me motivated to stay the course these days.

    Rest day yesterday. Water yep, plank yep, fam came for dinner so not much else besides work LOL
    CW 169.5 really hoping for a good drop soon.

    That's awesome, thank you! Anyone who does planks, inspire me. I'm not so good at those. I'm building up! Keep it going Tish!
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Had a rest day yesterday. Today did 20 minutes of strength exercises with light weights then a nice 10 minute stretch session to relax. Going to try and do the strength workouts more often than the cardio for a while and try to increase how much I can do on that to see if that gives me the results I want. I’m finally a normal weight but a bit flabby still and I want to be strong and toned again if possible! I don’t know, it may be too late at my age but I’m sure I can improve at least.

    I'm in the same boat. I am not at my goal weight yet, but I can tell how much weight I've lost because of how flabby my skin is. At 58 years of age, I'm not expecting to tighten that up anytime soon. But I need to start working on toning too. Especially my arms and thighs. My belly I think is a goner. No string bikinis for me! LOL! But if I can get some muscle in my arms and thighs, that might help fill in the wrinkles in those places so I can wear short sleeves and shorts this summer! My calves are excellent! So maybe capris at least, eh? We can do it!