10# Challenge Redeaux



  • cakeman21k
    cakeman21k Posts: 5,859 Member
    Up by 4#! WTF?
    Very unhappy about it but thats what I get for being over confident, now to get back to weighing an measuring
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,235 Member
    So . . . I gave in to temptation and weighed. My starting weight on January 8th was my highest ever recorded weight. I was concerned that with not meeting the 3500 calorie deficit each week that I wasn't making progress and might need to give myself a KITA. I can see a slight difference in my belly, but at this weight, it's hard to appreciate any difference.

    Thrilled to report I'm down exactly six pounds in four weeks. I know much of this is early water weight loss, but it has put a little pep in my step to be reminded that I don't have to be perfect (at least at this weight) to lose weight.

    For now, I'm going to stick with weighing in every 4-6 weeks. It's been mentally useful to focus on behaviors ( tracking, better food choices) without weekly "scale noise."
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 7,929 Member
    @whathapnd You go girl!!!!!
    For me, official WW was -3.2 (217.2#) which is 1.4 down since the first weigh-in in January. Of course Tol and I are both Maintenance, but both still trying to lose. I am working towards at least 10# below goal (looking for 210).
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 5,947 Member
    Up another 1 lb for a grand total of 4.2 lbs up since 1/1/22. Let me just say it's been an interesting mental challenging month of January. No need to go into it. I'll just have to get a grip knuckle down and get real.
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,235 Member
    I had a good week from an eating standpoint. I actively reduced my snack/junk food intake significantly.

    I overshot my goal deficit of 3500 calories to a deficit of 4900+ calories. This was the result of my sleep pattern being significantly off and trying to time meals so that I was not eating too close to when I anticipated actually falling asleep. This deficit is fine for the week but not one I'm aiming to keep up.

    I'm working hard to get sleep under control, but I know from experience that it will take awhile.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 7,929 Member
    Wednesday, at WW I was up 3.2#. Know why and am working on it. Still within my goal envelope.
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 2,946 Member
    I'm back from vacation last week, and I'm up 0.4 pounds. Honestly, I expected to be up a lot more, given how much food I ate and beer I drank! I guess that skiing does burn a few calories to have helped keep things in some check.

    I am not eating well, though. I'm still snacking and having too much alcohol during the week. I think it's a mixture of stress-eating and boredom. I have been very stressed at work, as we are really struggling with "the great resignation," so many of our support personnel have moved on to outside jobs. Plus, we are experiencing deep "COVID-burnout." My job is to be the cheerleader at work, and it's a tough job to pull off. By the time I get home, I am fried. After dinner, all I feel like I can do is plop down on the couch, have a glass of wine or bourbon, and mindlessly watch TV. It's not the healthiest approach, for sure.

    I am still exercising regularly, and that's a plus. Mrs. 0mania runs with me 4x/week, and that's been a great opportunity to talk through things that are going on in our life. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have her as a support person.

  • misterhub
    misterhub Posts: 6,199 Member
    Dead even.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 5,947 Member
    Up 1.2 lbs again this week. @steveOmania I feel your pain. For the challenge I'm up 5.4 lbs. Let's see what the heck an I doing here. My January was anything but normal work wise and pretty much had me topsy-turvy. Well one good thing for February the weather has been beautiful. On to another week.
  • Flintwinch
    Flintwinch Posts: 746 Member
    Down 2 lbs since the beginning of the Challenge. This is right on target for my goal to drop 6 lbs by April Fool`s Day
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,235 Member
    I feel ready to commit to an exercise goal and will use my check-ins here to report my compliance. It's been helpful to report on behaviors that should lead to weight loss (e.g. tracking and whether I've achieved my desired calorie deficit.) I want/need to exercise for many reasons: better health, more stamina, build muscle/reduce fat, get the body I want etc. Like the calorie restriction, I plan to ease into this so that I don't burn-out/resent it and give my head and body a chance to "like" it. (There was a time when I enjoyed regular exercise.)

    Anyway, my goal between now and Friday is two 30-minute sessions of something. Starting Friday, my goal will be four days of something every week with a goal of eventually getting to at least five days every week. For now, that's a good enough plan.

    Just wanted to put this out there so that I keep myself honest with reporting. Thanks for listening. 😊
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 2,946 Member
    I'm down a pound this week, post vacation. However, I'm really not making overall progress. I'm just bouncing around in the same range. My head isn't really in the game. I really liked thinking about Wednesday's LTL discussion (self-sabotage). This week I shot myself in both feet, fell partway down the stairs so decided to throw myself the rest of the way down, and found myself in a hole and just kept digging (is that enough metaphors?). But seriously, I could almost hear myself saying "F-you" to my plan.

    I don't have a great explanation for my current psychology, except to say that I am simply mentally fried. I am feeling aggravated by a variety of things, including COVID/masking, some work stuff, and too much interaction with others this week (that the introvert in me begging for some alone time, I guess). My tolerance and compassion are shot. Stick a fork in me, I'm done!

    Perhaps if/when we start getting a hint that Spring will get here at some point, that would help. On a good note, I am going on my first work-trip in a long time, and I'm going somewhere warm at least, so that's a start.

    But, as always, I'll keep claiming that I'm trying to take off those last few pounds.

  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 5,947 Member
    @steveOmania I feel you pain and frustration. I'm bouncing around like a ping pong ball. I'm up .4 from last week and 5.8 lbs since 1/1/22.

    I take a lot of medications in fact I've lost count but it's a bunch. One or some of my meds are messing with my appetite and possibly metabolism but I don't know which. Perhaps it's an excuse but I really don't think about it that much.

    One thing I do know is I gotta this this Ole head on straight and move on.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 7,929 Member
    I feel your pain. Yesterday, at WW, I ALMOST had to have her "skip the number". 221.8#, too close for comfort. That is up 0.2# since my weigh-in on 1/5. I'm bouncing, but not staying down to my lower bounces. Part of the problem is I'm hooked on a Fiber One bar, which is 4 PPs, 140 cal., but ohhh so yummy. Although I resist, it still gets to me. I've been under calories and PPs the last couple of days, but.... I'm not getting as much "exercise" as usual (shoulder issues, over strained), but am getting my steps.
    Just gotta get a grip. Thinking of cutting it in half and saving the rest for the next day.
    We'll see if that will calm my craving.
  • misterhub
    misterhub Posts: 6,199 Member
    I am 5.5 pounds down in this challenge.
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,235 Member
    Reporting on my behaviors versus weighing in.

    I tracked diligently. My calorie deficit was 3250 versus my goal of 3500. This may not seem like a big deal, but I'm not very muscular and am sedentary, so to lose a pound a week consistently, I likely need to have a higher deficit than 3500.

    I didn't exercise like I said I would. I'm cutting myself a break on that because I've been in a lot of pain (inflammation/arthritis) due to sleep issues. I finally made an appointment with doc for a check-up and to discuss. Hoping to get some answers.

    I don't "feel" like I'm losing weight despite consistently having a calorie deficit. Part of this may be due to inflammation/feeling bloated, but another part of me wonders if I need to step up the calorie deficit for a few weeks. I'm feeling a little aggravated. I had lost six pounds in four weeks and was feeling good about that, but seeing myself in the mirror and remembering that my starting point was my highest ever recorded weight has me a little bummed. (This might fall in the category of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.)

    The sun is finally out despite the cold temps, so maybe that will help my mood.

    I'm sticking with a stated goal of four days of exercise for the upcoming week.

    My name is Emmie, and I need an attitude adjustment.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 7,929 Member
    whathapnd wrote: »
    Reporting on my behaviors versus weighing in.
    My name is Emmie, and I need an attitude adjustment.

    LOVE it. Stealing it for next week's WW meeting, of course using my name.
  • whathapnd
    whathapnd Posts: 1,235 Member
    @Al_Howard - - let me know if it helps. If so, I'll drag myself to a meeting. ☺
  • Flintwinch
    Flintwinch Posts: 746 Member
    Down 4 lbs since January 1st. Right on target to be at a 6-lb loss by April Fool's Day.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 7,929 Member
    edited February 2022
    whathapnd wrote: »
    @Al_Howard - - let me know if it helps. If so, I'll drag myself to a meeting. ☺

    LOL Forgot to use it. Was DOWN 1.6#. Too busy doing the "Happy Dance"

    Interestingly, the subject of this week was setting "small goals". Gee sounds familiar.