Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MARCH 2022



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @Cornanda Oh it was @FushiaKat that lost the pounds and inches. I did lose a little bit this week though, so thanks! :D And thanks about the anxiety, I appreciate it. Great job on the walking and your weight going down. I'm so glad your pup is doing okay. Thank you for updating us on him. You do have a little miracle! Hugs to you, too, Lisa.

    @FushiaKat Great job on your goals!

    @GabiV125 I'm sorry about your bad news.

    Hi all. Yesterday's workday was actually worse than the day before, believe it or not! Something happened with my director that really pissed me off. I kept my cool and responded professionally but I was anxious and fuming all day long. I did stop right after it happened and took my dog for a longer walk, that felt good. I'm hoping today is a better day and I get through it okay until the start of the weekend. TGIF.

    My Spring Challenge commitment is:
    1) Exercise 3 days a week - Yes
    2) Drink 50 oz of water a day - 50 oz drank

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 370 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Happy Friday to ya! :p

    I'm off to exercise in a bit but had to check in since I haven't in a few days. Busy days continue to roll on. Going to help make souvenir books for church today and that will probably take all day but will be fun. I love making things. Then I'll rest the rest of the day. In all this busyness I've had, I haven't eaten with the best habits but it hasn't been absolutely terrible. I desire to do better....and I will. Absolutely! Moving the body has been a constant so that's good.

    Have a blessed day everyone and let's go get it! B)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @FushiaKat I love fresh strawberries too! Thanks for the prayers! <3

    @laurelfit57 We are on season one of Love it Blind. It’s a fun show. Joe isn’t into it as much as I am but he tolerates it so I make him watch. And don’t worry about spoilers, I’ve already Googled which couples are still together from season one. :D

    @Katmary71 Love is Blind is a reality show on Netflix where couples meet each other in little rooms called pods. They can’t see each other and for ten days they try to make a love connection. The ones that do get engaged, finally see each other, go on a vacation, meet each other’s families, and in four weeks maybe get married. It’s a fun show and if you like reality you need to check it out. :)

    @Cornanda That is wonderful that your dog is showing so much improvement. Just love him for as long as you can. I always find it weird that we can eat off-plan and our weight will go down and then there are the days we do perfectly and our weight goes up. Makes you want to throw the scales out the window. :D

    @trooworld I hope things get better at work. Will there be tension between you and your director now? Since Joe’s fall, I’ve been walking Maggie Mae and finding it very relaxing to just be outside breathing fresh air and enjoying the spring weather. :)

    Good morning Team! I woke up with my back hurting. I cleaned both church buildings yesterday and there was a lot of vacuuming that had to be done so I think that didn’t help. Plus, I’ve had to help Joe get up so much, that I’m sure that doesn’t help. So, I’m taking off from working out today and will do some light housework. We have to go get blood work done at the cancer center today too. Joe had a really rough morning yesterday and I had to miss my staff meeting until he was feeling better. Today he is much better and we are both thankful for that. :)
  • davidji82
    davidji82 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi all

    Username davidji82
    weigh in day Friday
    PW 220.4
    CW 219.8
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 497 Member
    edited March 2022
    @katmary71 I made the giant meatball last night, it is currently sitting in my fridge! I will ask my grandkids if they want the giant meatball for supper or regular meatballs, the rest is going to be chopped up and put in my freezer :-) :-)
    So sorry that you are having a flareup. I feel like at times the machines can be better when we are dealing with injuries, they stay in position and there is less room for error on our part. I hope the doctor that you saw yesterday was able to take care of your concerns, I think I remember your past Dr. wasn’t the best. And nothing better than a soak in Epson salts!

    @trooworld lol I have meat paloosa going on in my fridge right now. Everything cooked and ready to be frozen. I even made up a big pot of marinara sauce!
    Really sorry that you are suffering with your anxiety, it can have such a large amount of side effects that go with it. Your dinner sounds delicious and healthy!
    I’m sure your Doggo enjoyed the extra long walk!

    @askewcr Making souvenir books sounds like fun! If you are moving that is a very good thing!

    @cornanda I agree with you, getting some interviews under my belt will be very helpful! I have actually hired someone to write my résumé, I know I am totally out of my depths in this day and age. I am right there with you with the sandwich life. My mom is 93, although my brothers love her to death and are very supportive, it is up to me. Even when your kids are adults, they still need that support and at times guidance when life gets very challenging.
    I had to wipe off my scale on Tuesday, i’m sure I didn’t do it well enough though, that definitely contributed to the extra 4 pounds😅. I am so happy to hear about your pupper, what a blessing♥️♥️♥️

    @fushiakat so sorry you were struggling with your sleep. Unfortunately that is something I am Intimately familiar with. Sometimes we know our bodies better than our doctors as far as sleep goes, I listen to them for years about what I was supposed to do, to no avail. I now do my own thing and I’m actually successful I’m getting between 5.5 and 6.5 hours sleep per night, which is great for me! Hope you were able to get this figured out

    @GabiV125 Really sorry that you are struggling so hard, but super glad that you are able to keep up with your six week exercise program!

    @Teresaw1020 please do take care of yourself and your back! I always hear my son’s voice in my head (he used to be a personal trainer) “lift with your legs lift with your legs!” So glad Joe is doing better today. Those kind of shows are good for this day and age, somethings silly and fluffy we don’t have to concentrate on too hard! Lol

    @davidji82 congrats on the loss!

    It was a great day yesterday. I made the giant meatball, it looks and smells amazing! I also cooked up a ton of little meatballs, spaghetti squash, about 30 chicken breasts and three steaks (all cut up and ready to put in a stirfry or on sheet pan vegetables).
    Then I went to a hockey game with my daughter last night, we won, yay!! It was a very fun night!!
    Now I really have to get a move on and get all my stretching done, I have a busy day in front of me!
    This is what my fridge looks like this morning 🤣934zdnjdcpo8.jpeg

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 171.2
    CW: 169.9


    LTD: 21.2
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 497 Member
    Huge congratulations on the loss @Cornanda 🥳!!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    edited March 2022
    Happy Friday!

    @trooworld- goodness, never heard you talk about drama at work before. I sure hope that goes away. Good job on walking for stress relief.

    @GabiV125 - I'm sorry about your bad news. Keep at it with your challenge- anything you can get done helps.

    @askewcr - enjoy your fun and rest today.

    @FushiaKat - Hope you feel better and you figure out the sleep thing.

    @TeresaW1020 - rest that back and feel better soon!

    @laurelfit57 - thanks! Your fridge looks wonderful! All this work will be so helpful to you going forward. And you even fit in a hockey game for some fun! Yes, it's always the daughters who help the parents. I'm glad we can share our "sandwich times" together lol.

    I really didn't "deserve" to lose anything this week, but I did. Last night I had a piece of lasagna and a lot of veggies. Then my daughter left to go back to school and I got sad, so I ate the garlic knot that I was NOT going to eat before weigh in. Other very deserving weeks I have gained. As @Teresaw1020 says, it makes you want to throw the scale out the window! I guess it just shows that sometimes if you shake up your routine, your body is confused and will reward you. Has anyone else found this to be true?

    Well, my son told me that he doesn't want to participate in the graduation ceremony. He has his reasons and they are valid. I'm sort of disappointed, but I understand. My 7 week challenge is no longer about getting into a dress for that. However, I'm going to keep it focused as a birthday gift to myself. When I don't want to work out, I'll remind myself that it is for ME! We shall see how that works out. I still want to do this!

  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 291 Member

    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 259
    CW: 260
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    I've been out hiking. It's unseasonably warm for mid-March; temps hit 73! I don't often stop for a photo, but I was enchanted with the birches along the trail.
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member

    PW 2/23: 225.9

    Check in weight (3/4/2022): 225.4

    Check in weight (3/11/2022):224.4
    Check in weight (3/18/2022): 224.5
    Check in weight (3/25/2022):
  • Glombog
    Glombog Posts: 55 Member
    Back home from a short trip to the army.

    Back into my routines. Eating as I used to, and got two workouts done this week.
    Working extra at the dementia care this weekend, and bought in floor for my bedroom and livingroom. Looking forward to fix it😊
    MOUNTAINMERMAIDCO Posts: 636 Member
    edited March 2022

    Weigh In Day : SATURDAY
    PW: 162.4
    CW: 162.4

    I seem to NOT be able to get SERIOUS about My WEIGHT LOSS!!!!
    🐷 OINK 🐷 OINK 🐷

    I'll Try Harder, Better, To Improve, this Week!!!!!!!!!!!
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 370 Member
    edited March 2022
    Well, good morning all!
    I want to say things are great but my ankle and heel are hurting again. When I got up yesterday morning, it was sore but this morning the pain is more intense. :/

    I've had this before and went to the ER but they didn't find anything. It just had to wear off with some icing and rest. I guess I'll slow down now at least for a few days.

    I didn't go to the gym after my post yesterday because the heel and ankle felt more sore as the morning went on and as I walked. So glad I didn't because it might have put me in a worse situation than I'm in now.

    I didn't get to make the books yesterday because the storms came with thunder, lightening, and hail just as I was about to go out and I was going to my sister-in-law's office. The hail is what stopped me because when you have a new car, hail just doesn't need to be something you just ride in. It stormed basically all afternoon and into the night. I will go today even though I'm using this cane. :s

    Blessings everybody and let's go get it however B) we can!

  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 370 Member
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Starting Weight 258.5
    CW:254.5 :/
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    PW: 163.4
    CW: 165.4 *

    Finally gave in and bought a new digital scale this week as the old one was on it's last legs.
    I guess this week's weight is the right one, and a new starting point!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @askewcr I'm sorry your ankle and heel are hurting. Have a good day!

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks, they are. There has been tension between us for a while due to another incident. At least on my side towards them. Nothing new! LOL I'm glad you are getting out with Maggie Mae, she probably loves it and it's good for you too! I'm sorry your back is giving you trouble again. I'm glad Joe is better today. Hugs!

    @davidji82 Congrats on the loss!

    @laurelfit57 That's awesome! Wow, you are ready for the week! LOL I'm glad your team won, that's always fun. Thanks, you are right about the side effects of anxiety. Dinner was delicious and healthy! Yes, she enjoyed it although she is not much for walking lol.

    @Cornanda Congrats on the loss which is really impressive considering all that is going on! Thanks, yeah, I don't have much drama at work but when it rains, it pours lol. I have definitely found it to be true that if you shake things up, sometimes you are rewarded. I'm sorry your son wasn't want to participate in graduation but good for you for keeping focused!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I'm so very sorry about your sister. That is so tragic. My heart goes out to you and your family. You did very well with the Daniel fast so don't worry about that. Thanks for the reminder of the life insurance, I do have it but some may not. Hugs.

    @micaroo4 Wow, what a stunning photo, I love the way the trees embrace the path like they are protecting you. Thanks for sharing!

    Hi all. Things at work are better. I did really well yesterday: I started out the day by doing a walking video. I ate pretty healthily all day ending with dinner which was homemade pizza and salad, I had 2 pieces when I usually would have 4 so that's a good NSV I'll put in my NSV book.

    My Spring Challenge commitment is:
    1) Exercise 3 days a week - Yes
    2) Drink 50 oz of water a day - 50 oz drank

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @laurelfit57 yeah, I do try to lift with my legs. I think most of my back issues have come from helping Joe get out of chairs. Yesterday, I didn’t have to help him once and this morning I feel much better. :) Is a giant meatball the same as a meatloaf? I’m making meatloaf today, which will be good but it’s the cold meatloaf sandwich for tomorrow that I’m wanting more than anything else. Your fridge looks great and like you have no excuses for this week not to eat on plan. ;)

    @Cornanda Congrats on your loss this week! And yes, I totally believe in the need to shake up the body from time to time. I’m sure your son is doing what is best for him. And good for you for still being determined to get into that dress! :)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Ohhh my goodness!! I am so incredibly sorry for the loss of your precious sister! Yes, no one who is 56 should die of pneumonia but I do know that pneumonia can be extremely dangerous. It put me in the ICU for four days a few years ago because I didn’t pay enough to the fact that I couldn’t breathe. I wonder if that also happened to your sister. You take care of yourself!! <3

    @micarro4 those birch trees are so beautiful! :)

    @askewcr so sorry you are in pain and yes, you need to rest and use ice until you feel better. Good call on not going to the gym. We had some fairly intense storms up in my area yesterday too. :/

    @trooworld good job on getting some exercise yesterday and only eating 2 pieces of pizza. That must have been hard considering how good ya’ll cook! :grin:

    Good morning! Today is a stay-at-home and get stuff done kind of day. The yellow Georgia pollen is starting to fall so we are going to cover up our porch furniture with plastic. We did this last year and it made cleaning up so much easier. I put a new app on my phone and computer called Todolist. So far I love it and hoping it will cut down on my overuse of yellow sticky notes that clutter my desk every day. :grin: OK, I’m off to do a leg workout and get this day started.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - I'm so sorry about your sister. I'm glad that your aunt will travel with you. Hugs and hang in there.

    @micaroo4 - lovely pic!

    @Glombog - welcome back!

    @askewcr - I hope you feel better quickly!

    @trooworld - sounds like you had a terrific day yesterday! Now hit "repeat"..... :)

    @TeresaW1020 - the turkey meatball is like meatloaf. But it has an Italian flavor to it. I'm glad your back is better and that Joe is having less trouble getting out of chairs. We have that yellow pollen here too... hmph.

    Quiet weekend. Ran/walked a bit and then walked a lot. Did a bunch of yard work. Now it's time for cleaning and projects!

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