Mardi without the Gras - March accountability thread



  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks @zenobia9777 I really think menopause is a big part of the problem. I just have to come to terms that this will take a long time to see a change where I had been able to manage/maintain weight in the past by making small tweaks. Will be 52 next week and menopause not new but definitely more noticeable challenges in the last 6 months. Really frustrating.

    I do have NSV’s - I’m active and healthy - but I’m just really trying to stop the gain and not buy new clothes…
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    March goals: Keep going on my daily critical task list with fewer "misses" than I had last month.

    5'7", 43 years old
    Starting Weight 1/3/22: 155.8
    GW: ~128-132ish
    2/23/22: 150

    3/2/22: 146.4
    3/9/22: 148 - up a bit, but that's pretty typical after a woosh (plus add in a bunch of sore muscles LOL)
  • SonFlowerTC
    SonFlowerTC Posts: 42 Member
    This group sounds like a good fit for me. I currently weigh 129.6. Two weeks ago, I weighed 131.6. It’s pretty amazing for me to lose one pound in a week. Since I’m not severely over weight. Those extra 5 pounds are around my middle so I’ve got to get rid of that spare tire 😃 I want to focus on better lunch and dinner options! So happy that spring is here and with spring forward, we’ll be able to walk after dinner!
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    5", 44 years old
    CW: 123.4
    GW: My pants continuing to fit, basically.

    3-1: 123.4
    3-7: 124.3
    3-15: 122.3

  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    5’8 51 y/o
    SW 3/1/22 139.8
    GW 134
    3/7 140.2 ugh indeed.
    3/16 139.8

    Frustrated. Weight just stuck. But I will keep at it. At least I’m not gaining. Small victories….
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    March goals: Keep going on my daily critical task list with fewer "misses" than I had last month.

    5'7", 43 years old
    Starting Weight 1/3/22: 155.8
    GW: ~128-132ish
    2/23/22: 150

    3/2/22: 146.4
    3/9/22: 148
    3/16/22: 148

    I'm on a "diet break" (aka, eat at maintenance for 2 weeks) right now - the hangries were getting real, and there was no good reason for it until I looked back and realized it had been 10 weeks of deficit - just a few days in and already the hangries are back to normal, and I'm still tracking everything, and staying in my weekly range, just bumped up to my current maintenance levels. Honestly thought the scale would jump more (still might).
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48yrs
    GW a strong, fast, flexible 125lbs

    Mar 1 - 131lbs (feeling strong-ish)
    Mar 7 - 131.7 - ugh.
    Mar 17 - ???

    We fly home from Mexico today! It's been a gorgeous hot trip but tonight we will be back to snow and reality. I haven't logged food this week - Ive mostly stuck with good choices (seafood, fruit, salads) and only one drink a day which has been tough at an all inclusive resort! I will weigh in this weekend and assess the damage.
    I stayed active with walking, swimming, yoga and pilates. Indeed, here is the view from my pilates mat on the beach!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    What a great vacation strategy! It looks amazing.
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48yrs
    GW a strong, fast, flexible 125lbs

    Mar 1 - 131lbs (feeling strong-ish)
    Mar 7 - 131.7 - ugh.
    Mar 17 - ???
    Mar 19 - 130!!

    What the ?!?... I lost weight on vacation! Probably a loss of muscle as I didn't hit the weights all week. That, and I got my period. Or maybe all the darn walking. Whatever, I will take it for the win!

    Its a wet freezing slippery day here, but at least the rain should get rid of some of the snow. Hope it's sunnier wherever you are!
  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    5’8 51 y/o
    SW 3/1/22 139.8
    GW 134
    3/7 140.2 ugh indeed.
    3/16 139.8
    3/21 139.8

    Well I have come to the realization that this is going to take a looong time. That’s ok. Not gaining! It will happen!
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    5", 44 years old
    CW: 123.4
    GW: My pants continuing to fit, basically.

    3-1: 123.4
    3-7: 124.3
    3-15: 122.3
    3-21 123.4
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    When I am regular about weighing, progress DOES happen...

  • stacyrey12
    stacyrey12 Posts: 34 Member
    March goals: I just had back surgery, so consistent physical therapy and whatever strength training I am allowed to do for the rest of the month. I couldn't eat for a while due to opioids and lost weight rapidly, so I expect to put on a few more pounds as I eat normally now. I'll reassess at the end of the month.
  • stacyrey12
    stacyrey12 Posts: 34 Member
    The plateaus happened to me when I was going through menopause. When it seems like nothing will happen, I try to focus on the non scale victories. Am I doing anything that is making me feel better about my health?

    I think I might be on a plateau right now as my body tries to get used to the changes.

    Boy, am I tired of menopause transition!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    March goals: Keep going on my daily critical task list with fewer "misses" than I had last month.

    5'7", 43 years old
    Starting Weight 1/3/22: 155.8
    GW: ~128-132ish
    2/23/22: 150

    3/2/22: 146.4
    3/9/22: 148
    3/16/22: 148
    3/23/22: 149

    Diet "break" still on going until Friday (which is first day back on a deficit). It's helped for sure, haven't been thinking about food every waking moment lol, hopefully will help going back into the deficit. Maintenance seems about right, so it seems my calorie setting on that end is about right. Slight scale bump, but pretty minimal and well within what I would have expected.
  • Happyness4me2
    Happyness4me2 Posts: 37 Member
    edited March 2022
    38F 5'2.5" (when short that 1/2 inch counts!)
    3/23 weight 131.2 pounds
    3/24 weight 132 pounds :/

    My weight is consistently staying between 130-132 pounds. I put the Libra app on my phone so I can now track trends. I'm going to try and consistently stick to an average of 1500-1600 cals per day. I was letting the weekends go but I know that is where the hold up is. I just have to get used to feeling hungry and being ok with that.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    38F 5'2.5" (when short that 1/2 inch counts!)
    I put the Libra app on my phone so I can now track trends.

    Learning your body's trends will definitely help save your sanity - for example, my body has a regular pattern of "wooshing" - nothing, nothing, lose up to 3 pounds practically overnight, stay there a couple days, uptick 1-2ish pounds, hold steady for another several days to week+, then another woosh. Averages are SO important!
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    This isn't a real weigh in day but it is after 2 days of pretty intensive exercise and a lot of sodium

    3-23: 123 (122.8 or something)
    3-25: 131

    I am quite sure that I did not gain 9 lbs in 2 days.

    Learning patterns helps a lot.
  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    5’8 51 y/o
    SW 3/1/22 139.8
    GW 134
    3/7 140.2 ugh indeed.
    3/16 139.8
    3/21 139.8
    3/27 139.8

    My body is sticking at this weight and it is so interesting. I used to have so many small fluctuations daily (up a pound, down a pound - could vary 1.5-2 lbs weekly either way but always in the 134-138 range for years) but in this last month of really tracking and sticking to my numbers - stuck. Does that mean it’s a plateau even though I have not been losing? It’s really fascinating and frustrating. I read someone’s post about it taking her 10 weeks of consistent tracking to start to see results so that’s the time in my head. Right now I’m at 4 weeks. Just keep going! It’s almost like a game. A highly frustrating game!
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48yrs
    GW a strong, fast, flexible 125lbs

    Mar 1 - 131lbs (feeling strong-ish)
    Mar 7 - 131.7 - ugh.
    Mar 17 - ???
    Mar 19 - 130!!
    Mar 27 - 130

    The week had some crazy fluctuations but my average is holding steady. Focusing on averages and understanding your patterns are key to not obsessing about the scale! @litstuesday I've been within a pound or two of 130 for over a year and I'm thinking it is my body's natural signal that its happy, healthy and in maintenance. I'm not giving up on eating well and i will keepy increasing my weights and playing with my workouts to stay fit - but acknowledging my current place as an end state of maintenance somehow makes sense and is less stressful.