Mardi without the Gras - March accountability thread



  • Happyness4me2
    Happyness4me2 Posts: 37 Member

    Can we slow progress? But still is progress. I read above that some of you mention weight fluctuations and I have those too. I just started using the Libra app so that I can track the trend. This helped me in the past and I think it's a useful tool.
    @k8richer I have also been around the 130 mark for about a year and that was with almost no tracking. I think it's my body's easy place to maintain. But I still want to try and slim down a bit. I think a few less pounds will help me reach some of my other goals.
  • Happyness4me2
    Happyness4me2 Posts: 37 Member
    I looked into Noom over the weekend but that app wanted me to lose 10 pounds in 2 months. I think that's completely unrealistic for people that are already a healthy weight but just want to drop a few pounds. I mean it's possible but I don't think it's necessarily healthy nor sustainable. I read another woman comment that the app would congratulate her on days when she tracked less than 1000 calories. That's dangerous to me.
    I was looking into the app because I wanted the accountability of coach/small group but I don't think it's the best place for that.
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    This isn't a real weigh in day but it is after 2 days of pretty intensive exercise and a lot of sodium

    3-23: 123 (122.8 or something)
    3-25: 131

    I am quite sure that I did not gain 9 lbs in 2 days.

    Learning patterns helps a lot.

    I was off. I was 13**2** yesterday and this morning --

    125.3 because yesterday was still busy but I managed not to overload on sodium. So I lost basically 7lbs of water weight in 24 hours. And it was kind of obvious given HOW MUCH I KEPT PEEING.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,987 Member
    So I lost basically 7lbs of water weight in 24 hours. And it was kind of obvious given HOW MUCH I KEPT PEEING.

    I've had this happen after a hot race weekend where I have to pound high sodium hydration mixes or risk overheating during races, but retain water like CRAZY. Have seen a 7 pound spike "overnight" more than once in those situations - and then like 2 days later, I'm up every hour peeing all night and within 24-48 hours back to normal again.

  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48yrs
    GW a strong, fast, flexible 125lbs

    Mar 1 - 131lbs (feeling strong-ish)
    Mar 7 - 131.7 - ugh.
    Mar 17 - ???
    Mar 19 - 130!!
    Mar 27 - 130
    Mar 30 - 128 (taken right after a soccer game, so probably dehydrated)

    Having a great month here! I am lifting less weights but am feeling light on my feet and staying active-ish with cardio.

    7lbs spikes are crazy, but I've seen it. I'm either way up after a game or tournament because I've guzzled water, or I'm way down bc I'm dehydrated. Ive never really noticed a correlation with my sodium intake as I've never tracked my sodium closely. Maybe I should?! But good for us for knowing our bodies and patterns enough to not panic at spikes.

    @Happyness4me2 I see those Noom ads and always wondered what their shtick was - what a dangerous crock! I'm generalizing but IMO no way should anyone be eating under 1000 calories, and anyone at a healthy weight shouldn't be losing 10lbs that fast (unless it's @wunderkindking or @HoneyBadger302 and it's all water - LOL). It's just not sustainable and won't stick.

    In my view slower is better for weight loss. Whats the rush!? It is also countered by any muscle you are hopefully gaining, of course. I would say that anyone who is within 15-10lbs of their (reasonable) goal weight shouldnt try to lose more than .5lbs per week and as you get closer to your goal, then even maximum 1lb per month is good. Just my opinion.
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    I'm now sitting at about 123, so I think I'm about done with the water weight thing, lol.

    FTR it isn't so much that I track my sodium closely - or really at all. I don't even log on those days. I'm just aware that I'm drinking a lot of electrolyte stuff and uh. Eating quite a few doritos. Add the increased number of carbs for fast burn energy since I'm doing a lot of running it's pretty overt. I couldn't give you a number for anything though.

    and yes. Slow. I lost 80ish pounds in total.
    I lost the first 60 in a year.
    It took a full 15 months to lose the last 20.

    So from average 5lbs a mnth down to slightly less than 1lb a month by the end.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,987 Member
    5'7", 43 years old
    Starting Weight 1/3/22: 155.8
    GW: ~128-132ish
    2/23/22: 150

    3/2/22: 146.4
    3/9/22: 148
    3/16/22: 148
    3/23/22: 149
    3/30/22: 147

    Weight has been dropping since the end of my diet "break" (despite increasing my weights a fair bit = soreness = water) and I'm right back on track it seems. Onward into April!
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48yrs
    GW a strong, fast, flexible 125lbs

    Mar 1 - 131lbs (feeling strong-ish)
    Mar 7 - 131.7 - ugh.
    Mar 17 - ???
    Mar 19 - 130!!
    Mar 27 - 130
    Mar 30 - 128 (taken right after a soccer game, so probably dehydrated)

    April 1 - 129
    .....moving over to a new month!! Let's get it going and head outside as spring is really here, people!