Waistaways Team Chat - MARCH 2022



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,165 Member
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    It's time for the Friday people!

    @evangsimmons170 (honorary Friday person this week!)

    @micki48 - let me know if you would rather take a break on support for a bit or just keep on with weigh-ins as you settle into your new home and life.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    @conleywoods I love the state of your to do list - and the state of your health and refrigeration :smiley: You must be feeling a lot less stress. Now you can be excited and happy instead!

    @dd265 and @KellyBgetsfit I have been in the snacking sisterhood this week too. The biggest problem is buying the stuff! I'm going to take much better control of my shopping list this week so that the stuff I know I won't be able to portion well does not arrive in the house, and substitutions for the stressy or bored moments are in place. I'm making a big batch of cranberry mango sorbet (low sugar and zero fat at least!) and any bread products are now in the freezer where I am much better at only taking one at a time. Cheese bread is often my downfall, along with cookies. I get the super high fibre whole grain kind, but they still do me in! My weigh-in was better than I expected this morning, so at least I did not do any major damage :sweat_smile: Let's try to control the shopping this coming week and see how we do.

  • MoonlitMuse
    MoonlitMuse Posts: 88 Member
    @jugar I feel you with the cheese bread. My former roommate knows that this is my crack. There would be times I'd buy a big thing of it, have a piece or two and put the rest away for with with a note stating 'please save me from myself' :D
  • SatanLuciferJones
    SatanLuciferJones Posts: 115 Member
    @SatanLuciferJones welcome! Dive right on in, introduce yourself, and ask any questions you may have. We're spread around many countries in Europe, North and South America. Love to have new folk to renew our energy and keep us on our game.

    Thanks! It took me a while to respond because the comment box wasn't showing for me. It took me a while to realize it was because I hadn't hit the join button on the group yet.

    Anyway, I'm 41, live in Southern California. I have an elective surgery coming up in August, and I need to drop as much weight as I can (in a healthy manner) so that I can get the best results possible. I currently weigh 155 lbs, but at the start of the pandemic that was 127 lbs. My goal right now is just to get to a healthy weight.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    @SatanLuciferJones glad you made it! Your goal sounds realistic to me - to lose 25 pounds or so by August should be doable even though it is hard to lose more than 1 pound per week once you get close to the 120s. Aim for 2 pounds per week to begin with, and don't panic when it drops to 1! You'll feel tons better even if you don't make it all the way back to 127. I also started off around 155 and got to 120 in 9 months, taking it slow, and then stayed there for a while and slowly made it to around 115 where I'm happy. Plateaus along the way are a good way for your body to adjust to its new reality, so they are also not a reason to get upset with yourself - I hope we'll be able to help you through and wow your doctors by the time you get your surgery.

    I'm excited - tomorrow I am welcoming the first house guest we have had since late 2019! A former student will be coming to workshop some ideas for compositions, and to escape the city for the weekend. It made me do a deep cleanup of our guest room, which is really my son's former bedroom transformed into a messy storage space. It is looking a lot better tonight than it was this morning, and I had a good walk down the hill with all kinds of stuff to get rid of. It will be nice to have someone else to cook for as well!

    Saturday weigh-ins coming up! And still a few due for today and before:

    Last chance for @wendydpromos and @kdblpn !! I hope you'll be back

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,165 Member
    @jugar So fun about the houseguest!! Have a great time... hope you two really get the creative juices flowing.

    @SatanLuciferJones Welcome to the team... sounds like you have a tangible goal to work on and I look forward to being part of your journey!

    @conleywoods Great loss this week.. have a fantastic spring break full of lots of fun and stress relief I hope!!

    @DD265 No April Fools jokes played on us this year but normally my Mom tries to get me.. if I'd been home and not in Ontario I'm sure she would have made an attempt!

    Our first two days here have been very sedentary.. I always make a point of trying to do a minimum of 20 minutes of exercise (a walk - at the very least) but that hasn't been possible as it's been go go go from place to place. I am of course not sweating this as it's very few days out of the year and this family time is so important.

    3/31 exercise:
    4860 steps
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,275 Member
    Totally missed weighing in this morning before dressing and eating. I’ll try again tomorrow.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    CW 164.2

    when does the new month begin!!! :s
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,165 Member
    4/1 exercise: 2789 steps

    Hoping to get at least a short walk in today :) Final day seeing Brad's mom before we move on to the next section of our trip. The goodbyes are always hard, but we've had such a nice time seeing her.
  • JenSamuel94
    JenSamuel94 Posts: 39 Member
    edited April 2022

    Stayed the same. Sorry I had work yesterday and completely forgot about weighin in.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    April begins tomorrow! We are weird that way...

    Here is the link to the April team chat. Please continue posting stats for this week (through Saturday) here. Go to the new thread to post an introduction and your goals, strategies, and commitments for April here:
  • bonnie_red
    bonnie_red Posts: 43 Member
    CW 162.4

    @jugar would I be able to change my weigh in day to Saturday from now on? I'm just traveling a lot for work and Fridays are becoming a bit tight for me. Thank you!
  • kellie_erin
    kellie_erin Posts: 212 Member
    CW: 188.6

    This month has not been great. But I'm in physio, changing some meds, and trying to get some other things under control. Hopefully April will be better even if it doesn't get reflected on the scale
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    Hi WA's ..You have a new member joining your amazing team.. Please welcome @kathrynartis2271 :) I just saw that I posted this is the April thread so I thought I would post it here too :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    Another new member joining your wonderful team ...Please welcome @lauren_989 :)
  • ells_bellz
    ells_bellz Posts: 82 Member
    I am so sorry for late weigh in 😭
    I completely forgot to be honest 😭
    I am not sure what weight I was last week but for today

    CW 219.6 lbs

    Have a lovely end of weekend everyone ♥️
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