Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - APRIL 2022



  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,139 Member
    @cornanda – I am so sorry.
    @holly2e – Welcome to the team! You definitely have your hands full with your troupe! I love yoga, too. My local lady just started in-person sessions back up, but she picked days and times when I’m either at work or church…so I’m pouting. Do you attend a class? Or do it on your own?
    @leonadixon and @Glombog – Happy Birthday!
    @Katmary71 – Since you’re going to be on the Board, you can delegate the weeding!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,139 Member
    My name is Jennifer and I am a 48 year old single mom of 3 adult children. I live in beautiful Southwest Michigan, right across the Lake from Chicago. My son, Marcus, is 26 and in the Navy, stationed in Virginia and engaged. My oldest daughter, Sydney, is 25 and lives with her husband, Nick, about an hour south of me, and my youngest daughter, Hunter, is 22 and is still at home with me. I also have a sweet rabbit, her name is Kismet. I love to rubber stamp (I’m a Stampin’ Up demo) and make cards. I'm an active member of my church (Board member), and also love horror movies and books. I have worked in Community Development at my County for over 17 years. I’m trying to break free of my food addictions.

    I’ve been having a very rough time lately (both depression and events effecting me) and I’ve gained back almost 10 pounds. So now I’m up to 41 pounds I need to lose. I haven’t been doing anything that I should for both my mental and physical health, so I need to crack the whip. *Poop* or get off the pot, as I always say. I think this past weekend was our last snowfall here, so hopefully things start warming up. That should help my mental state. I tried finding a therapist, but everyone has such long wait lists…my name has been on lists for about 3 full months now. Anyway, I am going to work on getting focused again and stop looking at what could’ve been and focus on what CAN BE. Thanks for listening, guys. I appreciate each and every one of you.

    Side note: Moderators – Tell me if I’m overstepping or if this is not allowed. One of my ways to combat depression is to make cards. If anyone here would like me to send them an Easter card (and other cards throughout the year), I’d love to. Just send me a friend request. I’ll accept the request then you can private message me the address I should use.

    2022 Mantra: NO ZERO DAYS
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited April 2022
    @laurelfit57 Most people run on glucose because they eat so often that their bodies don’t go into their fat stores for energy. Your body will make its own glucose if you let it. Also, during the fasted state the ketones start firing up the brain and that is why so many IFers claim to have awesome mental clarity while fasting. I was super busy and high-energy yesterday until I had a big carby dinner. Then I felt super tired and didn’t want to get up off the sofa. How fun to have everyone over for Easter and what a great way to get your house super clean! :D What kind of foods will you make?

    @askewcr I’m sitting here in the midst of the storm right now and I’m sure you are too. A good day to just be lazy and stay home. I know what you mean about how getting off your regular routine can mess with your eating and exercise. I have that same problem. We just have to fight it and try to do the best we can. We have to take care of ourselves! :)

    @Katmary71 I LOVE that you have a profile pic and I can see how pretty you are! <3 Yeah, I hadn’t thought about how belly dancing would be hard on the lower back. I better refrain for that reason alone. The last two Beachbody dancing programs I tried and the boxing one all killed my lower back. I do much better staying with strict form and not being so fluid in my motions. :grin: That is great that you got some help at the pain clinic and that you will get some help with your weight lifting, which I know you want to do. Be a good girl and listen to them!! ;)

    @Glomberg Happy birthday! My fingers are crossed that your plan with your wife will be perfect! And if something crazy happens try not to take it too personally. :D

    @trooworld Ohhh I am so sorry that you woke up in pain. Can you do some gentle stretching to lose up or will that make it worse? Extra weight is never good for our bodies. I’m sure that is why I am still dealing with knee issues. :/

    @Cornanda I’m glad to see you posting! I know it’s hard right now not to feel like a gloomy bird but know that none of us are judging you all for how you feel. So you don’t either!! I’m glad that you have such a great family to give you support. And what good timing for your health insurance to send you an offer for a mental health program. You have to believe that someone is looking out for you. o:)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I know it can be tough to turn things around but you can do it! I am doing my best to turn my gains around too. We just need to focus on why we want to be healthy and believe we can do it. And I think making Easter cards and offering them to members is an awesome idea. Message sent! <3

    Hi Team! I was supposed to go into the office today but made a mistake about when Maggie was supposed to go to the groomers so I had to bring her back home. I decided just to stay and work from home and will go into the office tomorrow. I love how flexible my schedule can be! :grin: I’m going to do a fasting technique that is called an up/down day. What I plan to do is eat dinner, set my fasting app timer, and fast until dinner tomorrow. I will eat one small 500 calorie meal and then hit the timer again. I will fast Thursday until lunchtime and also eat a big, yet healthy dinner. This kind of fasting has shown to have really good results for people. I plan to stay super busy tomorrow with office work and some church cleaning, so I don’t think about food. And if I just can’t do it then that is OK. I will eat and try again another day. I love how flexible IF is also! :)
    2022 Word: INTENTIONAL[/b]
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 518 Member
    edited April 2022
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    PW: 165.3

    Starting Weight 245. Not the 160.8 I saw yesterday but I will get there. Better than last week where I gained weight.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 482 Member
    edited April 2022
    @askewcr I think we have all been there, falling off track for a bit, but I know you can hop right back on!

    @katmary71 Believe it or not, I actually don’t find our big family dinners stressful. It makes me happy to have everyone here and after two long years, I am so excited about it! I’m not very good at desserts, luckily my sister-in-law and daughter-in-law are awesome dessert makers so they will take care of that and my daughter is a pro at the appetizers! So I just need to do the meal in the middle :-).
    I think that is great that you’re going to go to Physio! I actually do the same thing and he is so helpful! When I go to a class and there are exercises I can’t do (I have been hard on this old body throughout my life:/), he will give me other ways to do it or maybe just work up to those motions without any weights and soon I am adding weight to it. Fine for these young 20-year-old whippersnappers to pop off all those moves, some of us need a little help😜. Even if you are using half pound weights and still doing those range of motions your muscles will thank you!

    @glombog haha sounds like your youngest is having a lot of fun planning your birthday! Happy birthday to you! I am really hoping that this birthday celebration rivals your 2019 celebration, not the ones in between:)

    @trooworld I am so sorry that you are waking up in pain on a regular basis! I know carrying extra weight can exacerbate it.

    @Cornanda i’m sorry this time is so hard for you, grief…
    I’m glad that you made a plan for today and that you have people who support you! Just moving and doing things is so good for you, although I know it is hard to do sometimes. Be impressed with yourself that you did a weight workout, that you are doing these things is a testament to your strength! That app sounds like it is really helpful! Thinking about you❤️

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I am so sorry that you are struggling right now, dealing with the loss of your sister is a lot❤️. It is so crazy, right now therapists are needed so badly and I know the wait lists are forever! Here it takes up to six - eight months. I really hope things turn around quickly for you.

    @Teresaw1020 those carb dinners always do me in too LOL! My daughter, DIL and SIL will take care of appetizers and desserts, so that is always a surprise but always super delicious! I will be baking a ham, scallop potatoes, probably three or four different vegetables, pierogies and cabbage rolls. I will limit myself to a taste of everything:). I should have most things organized and made by the day before, so the day of, I will only have to bake the ham. Hoping to get in a really good spin class that morning LOL.
    I love the flexibility that both your eating plan and your work can be!

    @Fushiakat Congrats on the weight loss!

    I didn’t do any weight classes last week, so it felt good to do one today. Have an appointment with Physio tomorrow, my hip is still giving me grief from that fall, so he will give me some tweaks that will make my workouts even better. I am trying to switch things up a bit, I think my body gets used to what I am doing and the weight tends to stay on. Now that most of the ice has melted, we have started to go down to the river valley to walk. I’ll tell you what, that hill to get down to those trails, it’s fine on the way down, but on the way up, at the beginning of the year everybody is huffing and puffing🤣. It’s a very twisty windy trail, I took a picture, you can only see about a third of the trail. Once you are in the river valley, it’s absolutely beautiful and so many places to go. This time of year there aren’t too many people there before 3 o’clock, I like to go just after lunch, there is a huge bridge that goes across the river and I can let Vannie go off leash, no fear of coyotes there :-) :-). She sure gets her Zoomies out on that bridge! Staying on track with my eating and tracking this week so far! I plan/track my food for the day at breakfast in the morning, really trying to stick with that!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,598 Member
    @Glombog Happy birthday my friend! A spa sounds fun, I hope you two have a great time together!

    @trooworld I'm so sorry to hear how bad you're hurting, I hope it loosens up before work for you too. Is it something a bath would help? I found out I wasn't using enough Epsom salts (2 cups) then my friend told me about adding apple cider vinegar (can't smell it when you get out), it seems to calm things down faster with the combination. I use lavender bubble bath the lotion afterward for the whole aromatherapy experience. Anyhow, hope you're feeling better especially before work.

    @Cornanda You're up to a lot, I think catching up will help and your mental health program should as well, the latter sounds really cool!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Hugs my friend, I hope things start to warm up there too, I know for me it helps a lot with mood. I'm sorry it's taking so long to get into a therapist, how frustrating.

    @TeresaW1020 I didn't know that was called up/down, are you going to do the 500 calories twice a week like was popular 3-4 years ago or every other day? I like how you're being flexible with it! Yeah I do the belly dancing and stop at 10 minutes or at least that's what I did the last three days. It's really fun but does make me a little sore. Thank you about the picture compliment! I figured on MFP it's a pretty closed community so I went for it, I've never had a picture on social media.

    @laurelfit57 Your Easter sounds fun, glad you have help with desserts. That's exactly what I'm hoping for is how to get around my injuries and still be able to be strong, I hope I get a good one like yours! What a gorgeous place to walk, wow! Thanks for sharing that beautiful picture. Vannie is beautiful too!

    Hi everyone, had a busy day, I totally spaced that it was food bank farm day and worked out, showered, went and picked up my dirt at Lowe's, dropped an Easter basket off at a friend's work as they're doing a charity event and I had an extra one from my charity event, then took some cucumber seedlings to a stand where the owner was asking for some for her and her stand so I hooked them up. Then I went to Green Acres, the local nursery, man that place is awesome and they're hiring but I can't stand for long, I need to get a scooter but they're really expensive! I came home and planted everything but killed one of my artichoke plants so I may go back, I forgot I need to get another blueberry bush to go with my one so I finally get some stinking blueberries third year in. I got some tea herbs, regular herbs, then a couple tomatoes and peppers (mind you I have more than enough). Needless to say I was in the yard for a few hours. My charity event is going to be at the food bank this weekend, to clarify there's the local town charity I'll be on the board of then I separately love the food bank farm and volunteer there so it's two different places. Workout was great, someone mentioned wall pushups and I tried 10 without getting hurt so there may just be a couple things I can do! I'm also down to 149, didn't think that was going to happen so I'm pretty happy.

    Have a great Wednesday!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,936 Member
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh-in day: Weds
    PW: 235
    CW: 235.4
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,936 Member
    @Cornanda I'm glad you've got things planned. Staying busy should help some. Great job with the exercise. That program your health insurance sent you sounds interesting. Good luck with it.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Hugs, girlfriend. You can do this.

    @TeresaW1020 I don't know, I'll have to try. Yeah, I gotta get this weight off. Have you noticed if the knee pain has gotten better since you lost weight?

    @FushiaKat Congrats on the loss!

    @laurelfit57 Yes, thank you! I hope to get this weight off and it will make a difference. Sorry about your hip pain, I hope it gets better with your modifications. Awww, Vannie getting in her zoomies! I love that image. :D That looks like such a nice trail to walk on.

    @Katmary71 No, I don't think a bath will help and I wouldn't be able to get out of the tub if I did try, the pain is very severe. I think stretching might help. Thanks, I did feel better before work. You do sound like you had a busy day! I thought of you on Sunday, I planted some begonias in flower planters that hang on my balcony. They look really nice! Congrats on the loss!

    Hi all. I'm not surprised by this small gain, but I am discouraged. My husband and I decided to buy an annual pass to the zoo to get in exercise. I might go on Saturday but it's going to be a pretty busy day so we'll see.

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • holly2e
    holly2e Posts: 300 Member
    Thank you for the welcome! That’s a bummer your local yoga person has class times that don’t work for you. I do yoga myself at home. I would honestly love to go to in person classes, but I haven’t been able to make it work lately with the amount of things we have going on. I just try to fit in a little practice while the baby is napping or whenever I can. I used to teach yoga and hope to maybe be able to do it again someday.

    I read your post about dealing with depression and I think it’s great that you’re being open and getting support here. That’s really important. Sorry you’ve been having such a hard time seeing a therapist, that’s frustrating to want help and not be able to get it. I just started seeing a therapist online about a month ago. I wonder if there would be anyone available for you through Telehealth?
    I have been using an app recommended by my therapist called Healthy Minds (the logo has an HM) - the app leads you through a course about meditation and healthy mental habits. I have been enjoying and finding it helpful. It’s free too.
  • holly2e
    holly2e Posts: 300 Member
    Thank you everyone for your warm welcomes!!
    I am happy to be here with all of you and look forward to getting to know you better.
    I will try to check in often but it can be a challenge for me to keep up with reading posts when there are a lot. Do you all have any tips as far as how to stay connected in the community when you have limited time?
  • holly2e
    holly2e Posts: 300 Member
    I am not very experienced in meditation and mindfulness, but I am about one month into the journey of making it a daily habit.
    I use a couple of different apps and guided meditations and am learning to incorporate mindful activity as well. I really enjoy and recommend the Healthy Minds app.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 518 Member
    @amoic, @leonadixon and @Glombog Happy Belated and Happy Birthday! I hope you live long and happy lives.
    @Cornanda You’re doing great being kind and very gentle with yourself. Just take it easy, I know you miss your sweet doggie. Just keep walking that will help the most.
    @TeresaW1020 Congratulations on the loss this week. You are just killing those workouts. I have no idea what Quinoa is, but maybe I will try it one day.
    @fatfifties Congrations for being on a losing streak since August! Way to go!
    @laurelfit57 I envy you being able to do all those workouts, you must be feeling great! Trampolines are so much fun! I love your pictures and Vannie is so cute!
    @MOUNTAINMERMAIDCO Congrats on the loss!
    @trooworld I love the picture of the beach. I used to live in Capistrano Beach and Dana Point CA right next to the ocean and the harbor. I loved it. I’m sorry you wake up in pain. I do that too, I have to sit at my desk and drink my coffee for an hour before I even think of doing anything else.
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I’m always looking for cards I needed one for a birthday this month and I wound up making one because I just could not find one. I don’t know if there were too many choices, but a lot of them were really cheesy. Do you make cards to sell?

    We need to have our roof redone and it’s very expensive. We have a flat roof with a facing around it so it looks like we have a normal roof. Flat roofs are prone to leak and require good drainage. Because we added a Whole House Generator last year our property taxes went up. So expensive now at $4300 a year.
    I’m keeping on track, I want to get off track but I think it’s more of a habit now. I’m still enjoying the strawberries and oranges for snack and dessert time. My next goal is 159. I might get there in 2 weeks. I do 5lb goals so it’s easier, then when I get there I do 5 more pounds. My friend Sandra has lost 20lbs in a really short amount of time. I’m really proud of her.
    I’ve got a lot on my mind lately. If my husband were to die tomorrow, how would I survive? I’m making changes now where I can. But I would need to sell our house and move someplace senior friendly with good doctors. I think my husband has other ideas for me. I need to change to a Medicare Advantage plan at the end of the year. I take one really expensive medication, and I need to talk to my doctor next week about changing. My insurance company just raised the price a $170 to $379.00 for a 30 day supply. It over $4500 for a 90 day supple without insurance. I am very angry about that. I yelled at them on the phone. If I did not have insurance it would cost $10 a month.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @laurelfit57 Your Easter dinner sounds wonderful! I haven’t had pierogies in years, but I love them! Switching things up is a great idea. Your body will get used to what you’re doing so shaking things up with your diet and exercise is a great idea. Vannie is so stinking cute!! <3

    @Katmary71 Wahhooo on your weight is down! I can totally see you spending hours and hours at a nursery. :grin:

    @trooworld Yes, my knee pain is a whole lot better since losing weight. It still acts upon occasion. It doesn’t like lunges very much, but I can do squats all day. Go figure! :/ An annual pass at the zoo is awesome! I sure wish we had a good zoo near us so I could go all the time. And yes it will be a wonderful exercise. :)

    @FushiaKat Yikes roofs are very expensive. In our last house, it had a metal roof and we thought it would never be an issue, but the screws were the wrong ones, and one day it started raining inside my dining room. Very annoying! I hear you about thinking about your future without your husband. Now that I’m going through cancer with my Joe it’s hit me much closer than I expected. Joe is 23 years older than me so I will probably have a lot of life left but I’m still worried about how I will handle it all. :/

    Hi Team! Today was a good day. I went to work this morning and did all the office stuff. It's Spring Break for the homeschoolers so I could have cleaned but we are having a huge Easter egg hunt this Saturday. There will be a ton of people inside the sanctuary so I will really clean it after the event. After work, I went to Walmart for a few things and then home to do an arm workout with 21 Day Fix. By the time I sat down for dinner, I had been fasting for 23 ½ hours. Hunger kind of came and went but honestly, I was so busy that it wasn’t a problem. I had a small dinner and plan to fast until lunch tomorrow. Fingers crossed that the scale goes down!! :)
    2022 Word: INTENTIONAL[/b]
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 482 Member
    @Katmary71 fingers crossed for you that you get an excellent Physio! I know it took me ages to find mine, he works with a lot of athletes, so it was a wee bit intimidating seeing him at first, but now I love him :-). My sister-in-law can’t walk much anymore and they were able to find her a scooter on Facebook Market Place!. They live out on a farm and it was desperately needed! It is just like new and she was able to get it for a very good price. It’s red and very sexy lol! Her daughters have totally blinged it up for her🥰. Can I just say that just reading about your day makes me tired, you are always such a busy woman! Huge congrats on getting down to 149!! I always find it motivating and exciting to get down into that next decade!

    @trooworld sometimes I don’t know if it’s age or the fall, all I know is when I was younger these injuries never happened so easily LOL. That is such a terrific idea to get a pass for such a wonderful place to walk around! I’ll bet it’s even nice enough there in the winter to walk around.

    @Holly2e just check in whenever you can, at your stage of life I can imagine how busy you are! I think when I first started I felt like I had to read every single post and comment on everything now if I get behind, and there isn’t too much time I will read what is going on that day and just do a quick check in. Otherwise it can be overwhelming and we definitely don’t want it to be that!

    @fushiakat sounds like you have a lot of stressors in your life right now, I’m hoping everything calms down for you.

    @TeresaW1020 I am like you, I can do squats all day long, but lunges just just kill me (I think that means we should do them more LOL)! It sounds like you are doing amazing at your IF! I am sure that scale will be going down with how well you are doing!

    Food was on track today, Wednesday is the day that I don’t go to the gym, but I did manage to get in my 10,000 steps. Can I just say thank heavens for Vannie lol, on a cold and blustery day like today if I didn’t have her I don’t think I would be outside walking so much. I just about finished the main floor with a deep clean. I took a big load to the Recycle center, donation centre and my daughters house LOL. Feels good to get everything out of here that I don’t use.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,598 Member
    @trooworld Glad the begonias came out well, how pretty! Are you feeling better at all today? I hope so, thinking of you.

    @holly2e Hi Holly! Feel free to handle it as you're comfortable with, if I'm rushing sometimes I'll just post my update but if something speaks to you someone else is mentioning and you'd like to comment that is awesome. You can reply to other posts as little or as much as you'd like, we just love having you here and like getting to know you. I think one big thing I've learned on MFP and in this group is sometimes you think you're the only one dealing with something but if you open up about it you'd be surprised how many of us are going through something similar, plus we all share the lifestyle of counting calories and trying to better ourselves so it's inspiring to hear from each other. I'm going to check out the app, thank you for the name.

    @FushiaKat How frustrating to have a medication go up that severely, how ridiculous. I can see why you're mad, some of the loopholes with pricing is insane. I look at losing weight in 5lb goals too. I finally got strawberries today, I thought of you at the store when I found them, they're really good too!

    @TeresaW1020 The Easter egg hunt will be fun, how exciting! Sounds like you're doing amazing with fasting, I'm impressed!

    @laurelfit57 Thank you! Way to go on getting 10,000 steps, I definitely see having a dog as a huge plus for health. I love the feeling of decluttering, sounds like you did an amazing job with it today. It's stressful but feels great once everything is gone.

    Hi everyone, happy Wednesday! There's some hissing going on, my brother's cat is hiding under the couch hissing at my cats. Before I adopted my cats she would hide the first day she came here so I'm not surprised, poor girl. My two are absolutely fascinated as you can imagine. Anyhow, went back to the garden center then spent the afternoon in the yard, did Walmart pickup and went to Sprouts, and now have Cali so that's my day, I'm letting their dog out for a potty break before the housesitter gets off work and plan to mulch in the yard, I have a bunch of straw from when I made a feral cat enclosure (he never used it of course) so I'm going to get creative and spread it around. Have an awesome Thursday!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,598 Member
    @Holly2e just wanted to tell you I did the quiz and listened to the intro. Very cool app and I like that the meditations are under 15 minutes, I'm excited to do them.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,936 Member
    @holly2e Don't worry too much about keeping up with the posts, we are a chatty bunch lol. Just check in when you can and if you have time, read the posts, if not, no worries!

    @TeresaW1020 That's good that it is better since losing weight. Yeah, I can't wait to go to the zoo!!! Are you decorating the eggs for the Easter egg hunt this year? ((( SKINNY VIBES ))) for your weigh-in!

    @laurelfit57 Yeah, I know what you mean lol. Yes, in the winter, it will be no problem to walk around and it will actually be better because there will be fewer people! Good job with the steps! I'm sure Vannie appreciated all those walks. :D

    @Katmary71 I am feeling better. I woke up with very little pain and stiffness. It seems to be random but maybe it is tied to what I eat, I don't know? Poor kitty. How long do you have your brother's cat with you? Hopefully, she gets used to it and comes out. Have a great day!

    @Glombog What great progress!

    Hi all. I ordered some capris to make walking in the zoo more comfortable as I refuse to wear shorts lol. I also ordered a bucket hat to protect myself from the sun. Speaking of sun, it's supposed to get up to 93F today here! I look forward to sitting out on the "porch" for a bit. Eating was really good yesterday and I consumed 75 oz of water, so that was good too.

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    A little late, but here I am, Gabi 50yo married with 2 kids, leaving in Northern VA and with a full time desk job. Work is busy and cheap-drama heavy, so I’m grateful for my happy dog and the close by park trails these days.
    I’m about 15lb to goal and when I blink it seems even farther 😁.
    February to April I’m doing the things below and will reassess on May 1st:
    - exercise 6 days/w
    - cut/reduce eating after dinner or snacking thru the day
    - walk 10k on all days
    - one phone call a week to people I love talking to, but rarely see/hear
    - do at least one stress reduction action a day
    I’ve exercised, did so-so with evening snacking and poorly with stress management.
    Oh well, onward and upward!

    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Thursday
    PW: 136
    CW: 136
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,014 Member
    @Glombog - Wow! Your photos are amazing! Looking at them should be great motivation for hitting your goal this month.

    Not much new here..... keeping my chin up. It's getting a little easier every day!

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