Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MAY 2022



  • davidji82
    davidji82 Posts: 165 Member
    weigh in day Friday
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @judiasverdes Congrats on the loss! From what I've read, losing weight is 80% what you are eating, so well done!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 That's great that Hunter found her own apartment but I can see why you would be sad as well. Wow, Healthi is a great price, I didn't know it was so cheap. I've heard good things about it and yes, that it is a copy of WW! But I hope it helps you. Good luck!

    @Katmary71 Did not help yesterday, unfortunately. No comment! LOL Your salads sound yummy. I love fruit and have been eating more lately. I"m glad the exercises are helping you. I love your music choices today: Prince is my absolute favorite but I love the rest too! :D

    @davors19 Congrats on the loss!

    Hi all. I had kind of a bad eating day yesterday and that's all I'm going to say. I am starting over today. Tonight, we are having taco salad. I love taco salad so that makes me happy. Have a great day!

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    My hopes for a warm sunny day have dimmed. The only TV station in the state is based in Manchester, so when they say sunny with a high of 78, they are really only talking about Manchester. Here at the coast we are not expected to see even partial sunshine until after 2:00pm and temps will not go above 70. My house is chilly, but I don't want to turn on the furnace in May! If the sun would just come out, the house heats up pretty quickly in the sun.
    I paid $4.79/gal for gas this morning. Good thing I don't do much driving. Thankfully the bicycle gets me to most of the places I want to go.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Cornanda I hope you start to feel better and won’t come down with the dreaded Covid. That is great that your son has turned a corner on his teenage angst and that you are able to enjoy his company more. :)

    @vegan4lyfe2012 That is great that Hunter is ready to move out on her own. Yes, it will be a huge adjustment for you but it can also be an exciting time where you can focus more on yourself and your goals. Switching up your plan is a good idea and I hope you really enjoy the new Healthi site and tracking. My husband also wanted me to thank you for the sweet card you made him. He was very touched. <3

    @Katmary71 I have been craving fruit lately too and need to go get something. I passed a guy selling watermelons yesterday and really wish I had stopped to buy one. I love broccoli salad and have made it before for potlucks. Always a big hit. Going to Funkytown sounds like a ton of fun! Prince, The Time, and Rick James is my kind of music! :grin:

    @trooworld I had a bad day of eating yesterday too. But today is a new day! I’m having a Keto taco pie for dinner. Ole! :grin: LOVE that graphic! It’s easy to want to blame the food and not take ownership of our own behaviors. Thanks for the reminder. ;)

    Good morning Team! Life has been hectic as usual. Fortunately, Joe is feeling better and yesterday he celebrated his 79th birthday. Neither of us can really wrap our heads around that number! :D My eating hasn’t been the best because the day before one of our friends brought us mini chocolate Bundt cakes for Joe’s B-day and yesterday another friend gave him a homemade apple pie. I suppose I don’t have to eat any of it, but…:D I’m behind on my Never Binge Again program so I’m hoping to spend some time on it today since I actually don’t need to leave my house. Yayy for that! :)
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member

    PW 4/29: 227.0

    Check in weight (5/6/2022): 225.6
    Check in weight (5/13/2022):224.4
    Check in weight (5/20/2022): 224.1
    Check in weight (5/27/2022):
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 167.9
    CW: 168.4

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    Is it just me, or is there a lot of wheel spinning and starting over in the group right now? Do we need a new challenge to get us going again?

    Happy weekend ya'll!

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    Username: micaroo4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW (Previous Weight): 129.6
    CW (Current Weight): 130.4
    ....bit of a gain there, but still in my maintenance range of 127-133
  • amioc
    amioc Posts: 175 Member
    Username amioc weigh in day: Friday Starting weight 147 (28/01/2022) All time heaviest 148 (24/01/2022) PW: 141.2 CW: 141.0
    MOUNTAINMERMAIDCO Posts: 636 Member
    Weigh In Day: SATURDAY
    PW (Previous Weight): 161.6
    CW (Current Weight): 162.4 I SUCK 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,670 Member
    @trooworld One of the great things about summer, the produce is amazing! Taco salad sounds awesome, hope today is a better day for you!

    @micaroo4 Glad you're able to ride to a lot of places, gas is so painful now! It's more stressful for me to get gas than to get groceries (unleaded is $5.70 here). Hope you aren't too cold, I think it's way worse to be cold than hot!

    @TeresaW1020 Let us know if it's too early to eat watermelon and snatch up one of those bad boys, yum! Happy birthday to Joe, so glad he's feeling better for his birthday! I hope you're able to catch up on your NBA program. I'm like you and have to sample dessert, I can resist everything else!

    @Cornanda A new challenge is a great idea! I'm going to be starting a new belly dancing challenge next week but am game for something else, any ideas?

    @MOUNTAINMERMAIDCO No you don't suck!

    Hi everyone, happy Saturday! I have our neighborhood annual board meeting and potluck in a bit. I got into it with the neighborhood bully at Bunco years ago and we aren't on speaking terms so this should be fun if she comes but ever since that happened her husband goes out of his way to be friendly to me. She won't look at me or let it go so I'll just ignore her, I'm picking up my neighbor on the way there. I'm getting more of the cannabis tea for me and my brother today, I feel like a bad influence getting it for my brother but he's barely been out of bed this last month and needs some relief. Hopefully it will help him too, it only makes you tired (hate feeling weird) so I'm hoping he'll get more sleep and feel a little better but you can feel the unhappiness and stress coming off him and my SIL right now. He has a bulging disc and his back is better but the nerve isn't calming down. School's almost out so it will help stress-wise once my SIL is off work. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @micaroo4 I hope the sun comes out for you. I paid $5.95 a gallon the other day here in Southern California. Ugh. It's bad everywhere! Great maintain weigh-in!

    @TeresaW1020 That's the great thing: everything starts over either with the next day or the next bite! :D Keto taco pie sounds yummy. I'm glad Joe is feeling better. Happy birthday to Joe!

    @leonadixon @amioc Congrats on the losses!

    @Cornanda I think you are right! Hmmm...it's exactly 30 days until the beginning of summer (June 21st) for the northern hemisphere. I think that is perfect timing for a challenge! I will post more on that in a separate post. Happy weekend!

    @MOUNTAINMERMAIDCO Hey now, no being mean to yourself. <3 Is there anything we can help you with? Hugs.

    @Katmary71 Yes! I love summer produce. I'm sorry about the neighborhood bully. I hope you don't run into her. Your poor brother! I hope the tea helps.

    Hi all. I had a good weigh-in and yesterday was a good day: In my WW meeting, I committed to working out for 10 minutes yesterday but I actually worked out on the Tonal for the first time in months and no headache! And...I worked out for 46 minutes instead of 10! So, I'm pretty happy today.

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    Slimpossibles’ 30-Days to Summer Challenge!

    INTRO: @Cornanda and I have noticed that we seem to need some motivation around here. It is exactly 30 days until summer, so I’ve come up with a challenge, should you wish to participate!

    WHEN: May 21st to June 21st

    WHAT: Pick 1 to 3 healthy habits to work on. Pick your frequency. Report to the group every day/ every week how you did!

    No prizes. Just the knowledge that you did well and made a goal!

    EXAMPLE: My goals for the 30 days include working out once a week, drink at least 60 oz of water each day, log 2 of my meals each day.

    Now, what are you going to challenge yourself with?

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    edited May 2022
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh-in day: Saturday
    PW: 232.4
    CW: 230.2

    30-Days to Summer Challenge commitments:
    • Work out at least once a week
    • Drink at least 60 oz of water each day
    • Log at least 2 meals each day

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,149 Member
    @MOUNTAINMERMAIDCO - you most definitely do NOT suck!
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 370 Member
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Starting Weight 258.5
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,164 Member
    The Week 4 Group Challenge is posted and ready to start on 5/22/22. Join us for fun, new ideas with Nutrition Bingo. AND there's a prize...hope to see you there! Here's your link:


  • bgame4
    bgame4 Posts: 94 Member
    Username: bgame4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 134 lbs
    CW: 133 lbs

    Phrase of the year: OWN IT!

    Sorry, I think I missed a week.
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,819 Member
    Weigh in day: Saturday
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 497 Member
    @Cornanda sorry you are also having to be on the hunt for a job, especially when you have a job that you love! But you are so right, money is a good thing ;-). In the last 12 months, I slowly but surely lost almost 30 pounds, in the year and a half before that I gained and lost the same 5 pounds over and over again. You can do this, you’ve got it! So glad your son is moving from teenage angst into adulthood it really is a joy to watch them grow! Sorry you were exposed to Covid!.

    @trooworld if you are planning, I know you are going to be getting your blue dots! I love that saying that you put up, words to live by. I’m so glad that you can work out on the tonal without getting a headache! That’s huge! I am doing the happy dance for you🕺

    @bgame4 and @digger61 congratulations on the losses!!

    @katmary71 thanks for the link for the belly dancing, I am definitely going to give it a try! I am so sorry that you have been dealing with a flare this last while, you really are inspiring with the strength that you show! I am so glad that your PT is so positive! Dealing with physical stuff can be definitely draining❤️. This talk of all the fresh fruit is making my mouth water! I am afraid we still have supply issues here, the fruit really is not great. Hopefully by the end of June. Glad the exercises and stretches are going well. You do lead an interesting life! Standing up to the neighbourhood bully and drinking cannabis tea🤣. Just teasing. I know many people with chronic pain who are really helped with cannabis products, I am so glad that there is a way to find relief!. It sounds like your brother is in a tremendous amount of pain, I hope this will relieve some of it for him.

    @GabiV125 travelling and having so much good food, should just be enjoyed!

    @judiasverdes wow! Huge congrats on your loss!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 becoming an empty nester is definitely emotional. But I think you are right, not having access to all the junk food once Hunter is gone will be helpful :-). That iTrackBites app sounds great!

    @davors19 congrats on the loss!

    @micaroo4 it sounds like we have very similar weather. It has been very gloomy here all week, I did have to turn on the furnace this morning because my grandkids spent the night🤣.

    @TeresaW1020 so glad Joe is feeling better, wow 79 years old, a very happy birthday to Joe! I think you might have had to eat some of that delicious baking, I don’t think I could’ve said no!

    @MOUNTAINMERMAIDCO you definitely don’t suck and there is always tomorrow to make a new start.

    Sorry I have been MIA, it just has been a week without sleep. I have been reading our team notes on a daily basis while I have been waiting in line or in the car, but by the end of the day I am afraid I have no brain cells left to be on the computer. I haven’t been a great sleeper for many years, but with hormone therapy I have been able to typically get about six hours a night over the last year (which is really good for me). This last week, I have only been getting between 4 1/2 and five hours of sleep, hopefully I will get it straightened around soon. It has also been gloomy and raining for much of the week, so not a ton of time spent outside and then of course all these darn late night hockey games🤣. Oh well… Moving forward.

    This is just a whole new way of learning how to eat. I have been in weight loss mode (or yo-yo dieting) all of my adult life, so this is a new skill for me to learn. I have set my calories at 1500 a day and I think it could probably be bumped up a bit more, but when doing things like going to a buffet or going over on another day (for whatever reason), 1500 seems to work on the other days and I can maintain my weight. 1500 for the average day seems to give me everything thing I want and need. Not sure how it will work once I start riding my bike more, but for now it is good:). I have been weighing myself daily and staying within 2 lbs of my 137. Fingers crossed, that will prove true tomorrow on my way in day :-).
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