Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JUNE 2022



  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,263 Member



    Team Results
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    Team Winners
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 488 Member
    edited June 2022

    @katmary71 gas here is about $7.40/gal and we have it good because our provincial government is giving us a break in gas tax. Where my brother lives in BC gas is around $10/gal. This is all so stressful!! Wow! Good for you for doing all that after your surgery! Big hugs for a speedy recovery❤️

    @Cornanda sounds like you had such a great time with your daughter! We really have to take it vantage of those times when we can❤️. I really should try that healthy minds app, I have tried several times to meditate, never with any success. Is that a baby alligator?

    @trooworld you are really rocking your Tonal! 50,000 pounds lifted is huge! Good for you for all of the NSV‘s! You are really rocking this! The scale can be the weirdest thing, sometimes when I think I should have good loss, there is nothing other times when I am sure I have gained, there is a loss. Sometimes that dang scale just has a mind of its own! You’ve got this and it will be great next week :-).

    @TeresaW1020 I am glad that you are facing Joe’s health head on. No matter how hard news is, if you know what the problem is, you can make a plan. I’m so sorry that you are having to deal with this ❤️.

    @micaroo4 that salad that you made for your first day of vacation sounds like it was delicious! It sounds like you are going to have an amazing vacation.

    @DanielleHeitzenrater My pup is exactly the same with some strange men, she loves my son and my brothers certain strange man she starts off barking. I always have treats in my pockets and as soon as a man is getting close to us I make sure that Vannie is aware that I am putting my hand in my pocket, then she is more interested in the treat than the man lol. Glad you found your Fitbit, I know I am lost without mine :-).

    It has been a strange week, but I have been able to stay on track. I am going to get serious this week as I am at the top of my range and really not comfortable here. I think I will drop back to 1300 cal for the next week or two to get back into the middle of my range. I have got a couple of things this week where there will be quite a bit of food involved, so I will just have to plan accordingly. I wasn’t able to get to the gym except once last week, that really makes a difference for me. On Thursday when I usually do two classes at the gym, I had to bring Vannie to the chiropractor🥰. Can you believe there are chiropractors for dogs, never heard of such a thing before, but it is working! Vannie has had a chronic problem that the vet thought was in her back left patella since I brought her home at 10 weeks, her trainer asked me about it a couple of weeks ago how she kicks her back leg out at times so I told her what the vet said. She asked me if I had ever had her to a chiropractor to get it checked out. So yes, I am now that person who takes their dog to a chiropractor :-). Vannie is getting fixed up, so that makes me very happy! My cousin’s dog Louie came to stay for the weekend, the first night he laid in my room and whined until 1 a.m. I thought maybe he wanted my bedroom door open, so he came out and slept in the loft. At 5 AM Paisley came to my bed and said grandma Louis is awake, I think he’s nocturnal he keeps scratching at my door🤣. So I took him outside and all he wanted to do was try to catch squirrels and birds, had no interest going to the bathroom😜. The second night I made sure all the bedroom doors were opened and he was just fine, was quiet until 5 AM at which time he whined, I said “Louie be quiet go back to sleep” and he did until 7 AM L0L. He is a country dog in the city. He and Vannie had a great time playing all weekend long!. I was able to get to a spin class this morning and I’m definitely going to get to the gym three days this week!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,617 Member
    @Cornanda Wonderful about your gingers! I've made tea from mint, ginger, and cinnamon sticks, it is actually really good!

    @trooworld Good luck with the measurements! It could be because of the heat your begonias are looking rough, everything in my yard looked better today. Have fun at the zoo!

    @infamouscandi @LeahIsaLoser @tupsundus Congratulations!

    @Laurelfit57 Wow your gas is one of the worst I've heard! My friend's in New Zealand and it takes $150 American dollars to fill her tank, that's just nuts. Thank you for the hugs, I'm doing well, didn't realize how much I had done until I looked at it in the mirror, gross! So glad the chiropractor is helping Vannie. I think there's pet versions of everything, the holistic place I go to has a therapist there for pets and she does a lot of different things. What's wonderful is the chiropractor is helping Vannie more than a lot of other things might, I definitely think trying holistic treatments are worth it for humans and pets.

    Hi gang! Man when I can eat normal again I'm getting a huge Costco bag of Stacy's Naked pita chips! I'm so tired of soup already! I ordered an immersion blender and made Panera's Autumn Harvest Soup, it's butternut squash, pumpkin, and carrot. It says optional cream so I didn't buy it but it definitely needs some dairy, it has low fat cream cheese but only a little so I added some nonfat Greek yogurt and it helped a lot. My brother fixed my gas door and I stopped at the store for a few things, rest of the day's been pretty mellow. The IB Profen is making me sleepy so I took a couple naps and started Pachinko, it's pretty good so far. Did a workout challenge this weekend and tomorrow's back to my regular routine. I went up to 8lb weights and my back didn't go out, let's see if I can get through my first second month without my back going out while going up in weights, it's been doing that every other month for 18 months now! Have a great Monday everyone!
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited June 2022
    Sorry I haven't posted weight, I've been away on holiday.
    I'm flying back today so I will post my weight tomorrow.
    Not sure what it will be like - I've done loads of walking but also loads of eating :smiley:
  • infamouscandi
    infamouscandi Posts: 23 Member
    @Katmary71 Thank you!

    Weigh In Day: Monday
    PW (Previous Weight): 298 lbs
    CW (Current Weight): 294.1 lbs
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,957 Member
    @infamouscandi @LeahIsALoser @tupsundus Congrats on making it onto the leaderboard, woot woot!

    @laurelfit57 Great maintenance weigh-in! Thank you, I appreciate your support! I hadn't heard of doggy chiropractors, I've heard of doggie acupuncturists but not chiropractors. I hope it helps Vannie! Haha about Louis! Of course, who wouldn't want to catch squirrels and birds in the middle of the night? LOL Oh aren't they cuties? Does Vannie like having company?

    @Katmary71 Thank you! I will give my begonias more water and see if that helps. I bet you are ready for some texture in your food. How much longer until you can eat regular food? I read Pachinko, I liked it. Have a great Monday yourself!

    @krea4 I hope you had a nice vacation! :D

    @infamouscandi Congrats on the loss, well done!

    Hi all. I had a great day yesterday even though we didn't end up going to the zoo (we'll go on Friday instead). I was active, my DH made us a healthy breakfast of smoked salmon toast- https://www.umami.site/recipes/healthy-smoked-salmon-breakfast-toast/ I did meal prep and while I was in the kitchen, I found a 16-minute YouTube kitchen workout video- https://youtu.be/-QcxWI_0Dhs I got a WW blue dot for staying within my healthy eating zone. And I measured myself and am down 12.42 inches all over since April 14th! It was marvelous!

    30-Days to Summer Challenge (May 21-June 21) commitments for yesterday:
    Work out - X
    Drink at least 60 oz of water each day - X
    Log at least 2 meals each day - X

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,017 Member
    @trooworld - Nice progress on the measuring! I like how you are finding these short youtube vids to work out here and there when you have time. That is a great way for a person who is allergic to exercise to sneak some in! :)

    @laurelfit57 - yes, I definitely appreciate those special moments with my kiddos when they occur! Yes, it is a baby gator. I saw it plus 9 siblings and their Mom on a walk I went on. I've tried various ways to learn mediation and Healthy Minds has been the best one- give it a shot. I hope Vannie gets fixed up quick! Louis is so cute, if only he would settle down and sleep.

    @Katmary71 - your soups sound delicious, but I can see how you might want a bit more variety- soon! Those pita chips will taste awesome when you're ready. Sounds like you are getting all your usual healthy routines done- good for you!

    Today I go get my work badge. Not sure why I need one since I'm working from home. Maybe I'll lock myself out and have to show it to my husband to get back in the house? I start next Monday, I'm excited and a bit nervous. I'm going to try to get through my projects and cleaning during the week so that I can mostly relax next weekend. I'm trying to prepare by doing a month of menus, setting up a weight rack to help my workouts, and planning my daily routine so I don't skip exercise. I will also get in a big grocery shop and deep clean the house. Over the weekend I started sprucing up my office which is funny because I've worked in there for 10 years already, but I felt like it needed some freshening!

    My Dad is being really stubborn about some stuff with my Mom and that has not been fun to deal with.

    Have a great Monday!

  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member

    PW 5/20/2022: 224.1

    Check in weight (5/27/2022): 222.6
    Check in weight (6/3/2022): 221.0
    Check in weight (6/10/2022):221.2
    Check in weight (6/17/2022):
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,141 Member
    6/5: 193.4
    6/12: 194.4
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,141 Member
    @TeresaW1020 – Does your hubby like beans? Because white beans are high in iron, too. Let me know if you are interested in my favorite recipes :)

    @Cornanda – OMGoodness! That baby alligator is stinkin’ adorable!

    @micaroo4 – What type of dressing do you use on your salad? Sounds yummy!

    I have been going through all kinds of ups and downs lately. Terrible food choices that have led to feeling bad both mentally and physically. Why does junk food have to be so dang yummy?!?

    On a fun note, though, Hunter and her boyfriend Michael dressed as Ellie Sattler and Alan Grant when we all went to see Jurassic World Dominion Friday night. They went as girlfriend/boyfriend and left as a cute little engaged couple!


  • infamouscandi
    infamouscandi Posts: 23 Member
    @trooworld Thank you
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,617 Member
    @krea4 Have a safe flight!

    @trooworld successful day with the blue dot and losing so many inches and pounds, that's awesome!

    @Cornanda Thank you! Good idea to get everything clean and squared away before you start work, a relaxing weekend before will be perfect. Hope you get everything taken care of. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, that situation is so delicate I can't imagine how complicated it is.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Congratulations to Hunter, that's wonderful!

    Hi everyone, I'm on a little earlier than I normally am. Still kind of tired from the prescription IB Profen, it's my last day with the protective tray so eating will hopefully be easier tomorrow. Did my workout and have been in the yard a lot. I was talking to someone I liked a lot but the chances of it going anywhere were real slim so I ended it, even though it's for the best I'm a little sad today. I have a concert date next month with someone I've been talking to for awhile, he's going to stay in a hotel that weekend here so I'm looking forward to that. Dating with the internet is real weird, I didn't date for two decades before my last boyfriend so all this texting and messaging is new to me, I miss the old days! I'm off to water the yard, have a great Tuesday everyone!

    Oh I made Chimchurri chicken in the Instant Pot, it's a good recipe if anyone wants to give it a go, I had a bunch of parsley so this was perfect. https://pressureluckcooking.com/instant-pot-chimichurri-chicken/
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 488 Member
    @katmary71 those pita chips are so addictive, I can’t have them in my house unless I have a large group of people to eat them🤣. Good for you and the 8 pound weights! Glad you are getting your protective tray out tomorrow. Internet dating is definitely a whole New World! That recipe looks good!

    @trooworld Vannie likes certain dogs, if they have good doggy manners she loves them, if they have poor doggy manners she tells them off🤣. Her and Louise get along great, they would play and play, then pass out, then one would look at the other and they would start it all over again🥰. That video is awesome! Eating at your house, sounds like eating in a top star restaurant all the time… Delicious! Good for you for earning another blue dot!! WOWZA 12.24” lost and 20 lbs!!!!🥳🥳🥳

    @Cornanda New job, new office, a fresh start will be great! Wow you are getting super prepared for when you get back to work, really setting yourself up for success! I totally get that you are nervous, but it will be exciting :-) :-). So sorry that your dad is being stubborn, change is just so hard, big hugs to you my friend❤️

    @Vegan4lyfe2012 did they really get engaged? That is so exciting!!!! Such cute pictures!

    It is going to be an extremely hectic week. It is my uncle celebration for life this weekend, my brother is coming in for it and staying with me. Little Louie was an excited pee-er, so on top of getting ready for the weekend, I now have to shampoo the carpets. Luckily one of my neighbours has a carpet cleaner I can borrow:). I will try to get the main floor all deep cleaned tomorrow and then hopefully clean the carpets on Wednesday. I had a great day today, my favourite spin class, food was on track and thanks to @micaroo I picked up some goat cheese on the way home from the gym and made an awesome salad for lunch!
  • RaquelFit2
    RaquelFit2 Posts: 208 Member
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    PW (Previous Weight):134.1
    CW (Current Weight): 131.0

  • tupsundus
    tupsundus Posts: 14 Member
    Weigh in Day:Tuesday
    PW: 175.5 lbs (79.6 kg)
    CW: 175 (79.4 kg)

    The difference in numbers is near-microscopical, but considering how much mind-power it took to achieve it, I am content :smile: Last week was FULL of social gatherings, including a two-day company retreat (with an unlimited supply of salted peanuts - I cannot resist them!). On the few days I was not eating out, I vigorously stuck to calorie counting and went for a run but it was a struggle all the way through.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,078 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Congratulations to the newly engaged couple!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,017 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Congrats to Hunter and Michael!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,957 Member
    @Cornanda Thank you! I am trying! Maybe you will need a work badge in case you have to go in for a meeting? I hope you like your new job. Do you have a break between your jobs? That would be nice! It sounds like you are setting yourself up for success. I'm sorry about your parent trouble. Have a great Tuesday!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Yeah, junk food does taste yummy. :( How fun that Hunter and Michael dressed up! And congrats to the happy couple! That's a really cute picture of them. :D

    @Katmary71 Thank you! I hope eating is easier today for you. I wouldn't know how to date in this age lol. I've been with my husband since 2000. Yes, we had the internet back then but I don't know if we had texting. Thanks for the recipe!

    @laurelfit57 LOL good dog, Vannie! That's good she gets along with Louie. We were just asked to dogsit 2 pugs that are in foster care from July 2-4. We are thinking we will do it even though Daisy is indifferent to other dogs lol. Yeah, we eat pretty well around here lol that's the problem! Thanks! Oh gosh, your week does sound hectic. Enjoy your day and the spin class!

    @RaquelFit2 Congrats on the loss!

    @tupsundus You lost with all of the social gatherings??? That's fantastic! Well done!

    Hi all. I am moving and grooving in the zone. Today is like my Weds as I have Friday off this week woot woot! Have a good day.

    30-Days to Summer Challenge (May 21-June 21) commitments for yesterday:
    Work out - X
    Drink at least 60 oz of water each day - X
    Log at least 2 meals each day - X

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • Frutoschrysalis
    Frutoschrysalis Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone sorry I was exhausted with baby yesterday and forgot to put my weigh in

    Last week 225.7
    This week 226.2

    Tiny little gain. Tried not to tske it personal it's still a loss from my day one.

    Baby had a tummy bug and/or sleep regressed and growth spurt. My body is probably in fight or flight

    I'm proud of myself for getting 10000 steps every day sine days 13000 or yesterday almost 18000! My son enjoys being outside and it gets me out too which I love

  • DanielleHeitzenrater
    DanielleHeitzenrater Posts: 36 Member
    @trooworld I am happy that I found the fit bit and wow 6.29 this is getting crazy the prices are skyrocketing food, gas, clothes everything bills going up ugh! Ruger is a bluetick coonhound and he hates baths but loves the creeks and beach hahah he is gett5ing better with car rides and meeting new people.

This discussion has been closed.