July 2022 - Daily Discipline

CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
After a horribly gluttonous week, I’m ready to practice what I preach and become more self-disciplined. Eldercare stress and a fun family visit transported me to a place where times were easier - didn’t even think about weight - and I liked feeling “free”. Not going to dwell - just going to do - do better.

So what’s driving me today is this:

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments”.

133.2 today - highest in years. Will post something daily that will keep me focused on my goals - both scale and non-scale - weight, inches, resting heart rate, and moment of discipline.

We got this!


  • angelahammon
    angelahammon Posts: 114 Member
    Hello, i am the same, iv been on and off here for a while, wanting to loose weight will loose a couple of pounds and then start eating freely and forgetting and now iv put on a stone in weight , im not fat but my clothes are uncomfortable and i dont feel comfortable in my own skin, so things are changing as of today, went out with friends last night and had a lovely Indian meal and now today im focused on choosing healthier foods and moving more

    Good luck in your journey

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @angelahammon I know the feeling. I know what to do but was lacking the will. I’m tired of the roller coaster. We can do this!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2022
    Hi! Starting July with challenges, but that is life, Thanks for the inspiration, @CeeBeeSlim
    @angelahammon great to hear from you!

    Getting through the week ahead will be interesting since my 2-year-old and 5 year old granddaughters developed covid and my son also. They were running fevers and vomiting yesterday. I'm not sure if I'm sick yet. All except the baby girls are vaccinated. I will try to post. The goal is to drink lots of fluids and eat only healthy food. That will be a health reset in general.
  • angelahammon
    angelahammon Posts: 114 Member
    @zenobia9777 take care of yourself and hopefully you will escape it, i do remember when i had covid i lost my appetite and was very thirsty,
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @zenobia9777. Stay safe. There’s no way to really quarantine is there? Sigh.

    Best of luck with the week ahead. Hope everyone recovers quickly. Keep us posted on your status!
  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    Joining you in daily discipline. Have always struggled with 5 lbs up and down. And definitely up now and want to get back down. Just need accountability and discipline daily. Going to keep at it!

    Have a good day all!

    Also - Is this the July accountability thread?
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I'll do a formal weigh-in tomorrow, but my pants are informing me that it won't be good. Stress in a variety of forms has me losing discipline in food and exercise (my part time jobs and hobbies are still very active, but don't make up for my eating!).

    Interview tomorrow for a job I really REALLY want - I've been preparing the past 2 weeks, and pretty sure I can interview great, but not sure how I'll stand up compared to other applicants - can't control that though, so have done a ton of prep work, and going to go in with my own goals and passions out there since this role would align with my own 'impact' goal in life...
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Well, a very long weekend (more like week) of indulgences has paid off in undoing the last remaining bit of the losses I had. Back on the tracking bandwagon today...

    5'7", 43 years old
    Starting Weight 1/3/22: 155.8
    GW: ~128-132ish
    2/23/22: 150
    3/30/22: 147
    4/22: Missed
    5/31/22: 149.4
    6/29/22: 152.4

    7/6/22: 155
  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 I am right there with you. I have undone my losses and starting over. But going to hold myself accountable every day. Because my pants are too tight…

    How was the interview - good luck 🍀
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @litstuesday @HoneyBadger302. Make room for me in that boat. Same here. My visiting family leave today back home to England. I’m back at it TODAY!! Felt so disappointed in myself that I actually researched those betting sites to lose weight - healthy wage or something. I was almost 20lbs lighter this time last summer. I’m hoping most of this recent extra weight is sugar and salt!
  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    OMG @CeeBeeSlim me too! I just did that yesterday or day before. We are all in this together. But I love being accountable with others. I have never done one of those bet sites (I looked at Dietbet I think) but we could start our own thing if that would be good motivation. Not so interested in the $ part but would def try.

    Drink lots of water and put this weekend behind us!
  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    Also SW 3/1/22 139.8
    CW 138.8
    Goal 134-135 - and stay in that neighborhood!!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @litstuesday How funny! I walking past mirrors today because too ashamed and guilty to look in them today. Family’s plane delayed and yet another bad day. I’m in for “betting” - sans the cash! My body wants a few words with me - I was doing so well. But like you say - refocus!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @zenobia9777 Hope you and family are doing ok!

    @HoneyBadger302 Interested to hear about the interview.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Interview was - interesting. I think I would have some clear advantages (passion, adaptability, broad range of experience, etc) but also a disadvantage (no titled experience in that role or in that industry), so it's really going to boil down to a) what they value the most and b) what the other applicants bring to the table.

    Hard to tell how an interview goes, but still going to keep on applying elsewhere (and would go back to my previous company if they'd hire me as a PM rather than a PC with the pay range to go with it - the only reason I left is they wouldn't promote me even though I was doing the work and had gotten the certs). Current/new job is NOT working out - not what I thought I interviewed for, not the type of work I want to do, and the company/division is just a hot freaking mess with no leadership cleaning it up - and the one guy kinda carrying the department load is probably going to be gone soon (interviewing places I am positive he would get hired) - which means it's going to be a disaster here. I'd prefer to be gone before the dumpster fire completely explodes.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    it must be a tough time of year!!!

    We are muddling through. I hope next week is semi routine.

    I am so behind on this thread...
  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 glad interview went relatively well. At least you are getting out there to avoid your hot mess job. Right thing to do but always hard to switch jobs - I’ve been there recently.

    @CeeBeeSlim I am so there with you. Weight higher than my starting point and that always makes me panic. Ugh. I work out regularly and walk a lot but honestly it makes me so much hungrier. The struggle is real - this is not easy. I feel like the older I get the harder this is (of course) where I used to have wiggle room for travel, meals out and not be rigid but that seems to be gone. Sigh. And it’s really 5 damn pounds. Not as worried about that as I am of the next 5.. I really hate spending mental energy on this but I hate when my pants are tight!
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    Argh i keep getting booted out before I finish this post!

    5'3" 47 yrs
    GW 125 - 120 lbs

    July 7 - 129

    @CeeBeeSlim it's good to have you back, whatever the weight! We've got this! @HoneyBadger302 I'm happy about the interview! I'm also watching for the moment my boss quits and leaves me with a big mess. Ugh.

    Me, I'm actually finally back on track. Injuries under control, back to running and bootcamp!! Feels so good. I have a trip to see family end of August so I have a goal - be in best weight/shape possible, especially get defined arms. I need ti be in bathing suits and tank tops!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @k8richer Thank you! Feel more like myself than I have in the two weeks my family was visiting. Already reached by 10k step goal, ate well, no sweets, lots of water.

    @litstuesday We will get it together. I had this silly test where while lying in bed I would touch my belly to see how much extra flesh I had andhow much the extra pudge would weigh down one side. I had no jiggle this time last year. Now I need a shovel to pick up the extra jiggle in this awful sugar belly. 😩 Hate. That. Feeling. But back on track today.

    @zenobia9777 Take your time. We’ll be here!

    @HoneyBadger302 Glad you feel the interview went well. 🤞🤞