July 2022 - Daily Discipline



  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Calorie tracking bandwagon engaged - I'll see a quick drop of a few pounds, then the real work will hit LOL.

    I have a second round interview for that job I REALLY want tonight. So I'll probably find out early next week if I'm in the final running or not, their plan was to do a final interview with the last couple candidates - so this one will be key to making it to that point. Still a good possibility with my previous company if this doesn't pan out, would just have to see what a job offer would look like.

    Long weekend in front of me - job #3 (barn #2) has an away show this weekend, so I'm doing all the chores for all the horses still at the barn both days...and looks like I'll be onsite doing "not the job I signed up for" early next week too :/ - going to be a loooooonnnnngggg week!!
  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    Hello friends! Glad that everyone feeling better and back on track. Yesterday was better and I tracked and felt good. But need to keep that up consistently which is always the problem. And travel this week which is always a challenge for me. Eating out and late night snacking are always my issue…but we are tackling this all together so that helps!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hello! Down 3.2 lbs! Yay! Was so happy, I repeated the same diet as yesterday. I’m sure it won’t be like this tomorrow when I weigh, but at least I’m going in the right direction. Reached my 10k steps. Back on road tomorrow so I’m motivated and determined to eat well. Glad to hear we’re all seen to be turning the corner!
  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    Awesome @CeeBeeSlim - that’s such great news! I’m moving a little slower but going in the right direction. Slowly. On the road tomorrow so let’s hope I can manage with meals out. I will be happy to maintain while away.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Keep up the great work!! We will get there!!
  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 how was the interview? Hope it went well!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,115 Member
    edited July 2022
    Early 60s, 5'-8" (ish)
    SW (02.10.22) - 150
    CW - 148.8 (07.09.22)
    JulyGW - 142.8
    FinalGW - 125lbs
    Sounds like just about everyone here is going through something similar to me, getting off-track and not having the mental and/or physical energy we want.
    I need to recommit to an exercise routine, the heat here has really been taking the desire to exercise out of me. So my plan is same as last month:
    Cardio: Last walk I did was 5K walk so I'm going to stick with that distance and try to improve my time. Will be cycling or golfing as cross-training.
    ST challenges: Pull-up challenge - I'm up to 20 lb. dumbbell rows
    push-ups - If I do these every day this week, I'll be finished with that challenge by the end of the week (60 push-ups)
    planks - this week is 4 sets of 55 seconds each.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @litstuesday - Glad to hear you’re moving in the right direction too. Down one full pound today. Was on the road for 7 hours and proud of (kinda) myself for not giving in. The four family members opted for Popeyes fried chicken of course and gave me the side eye when I literally had one French fry and one chicken nugget. Psychologically I didn’t deprive myself and that’s all I needed. Chocolate protein shake and protein bar was the real meal.

    Exhausted (I’m the driver) but will try to do a quick -20 min - dancing routine to try and hit my 10k stepa daily goal.

    @SparkSpringtime69 - sounds like a great plan. My ultimate goal is to one - just one - pull up!! Do the rows help?
  • angelahammon
    angelahammon Posts: 114 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 , glad the interview went well, fingers crossed you get the job

    I too have not had a good start, the scales have gone up a little which is not great but i am logging better and have cut back so hoping this week i start to see a downward change , good luck everyone , we can do this!!!!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    I successfully started today without cream in my coffee. Baby steps!!!

    My son and his family are going back home. We haven't tested again but we think we are all through the worst of the covid attack.

    Let's all concentrate on the happy thoughts!

    My fifth grandchild is due in December and we just found out my daughter is expecting a little boy.

    Despite all the craziness, we had the realization that we could fill a big luggage bag with baby clothes from other daughter and my son will take them on the plane. He is living about 45 miles from her. Much cheaper than shipping them. Celebrate all victories, even small ones!

  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim your lying down 'shovel' test made me laugh out loud. Dont we all have a similar fat test?! I sometimes grab my inner or outer thigh (ie my saddle bags) and give them a good shake to measure the amount of jiggle. 😆 same thing with my upper arm flaps..... LOL.

    Like the scale though, you can't do it too often when you know you're on a rebound from a bad spell or it will leave you feeling demoralized. Have to give your body time to adjust to a new healthy routine and it will all feel good again!!!!
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    Thought I'd share a great photo taken by my 10yr old last night. We got a stand up paddle board (SUP) for the cottage and even just a few minutes on it reminded me how I'm not as strong as I think I am! My arms and legs are still feeling shaky this morning. I have a new NSV goal!
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @zenobia9777 Congrats on the wonderful news! How are you feeling?

    @k8richer Thank you for sharing the beautiful photo! I could feel my blood pressure lowering just looking at it. What a wonderful location.

    You grab your outer thigh, I also grab my inner thigh. I didn’t - UNTIL - my young niece came up to me, slapped my inner thigh while I was wearing shorts and screamed “Look! Auntie has PANCAKE BATTER!” What the ….?!?! I twitch from just recalling this - and this was like 25 years ago. 🤣🤣
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    But I’m down another 1.5 lbs and almost a total of 6 since I got back on track on Wednesday! I’ll show her! 😂
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @k8richer I love that photo. Inspires me to try that sometime.

    @CeeBeeSlim congrats on coming down! Kids are the absolute worst for making comments.

    So today I started with a protein smoothie and a banana. I walked the dogs slowly about a mile.

    Yesterday I was still queasy part of the time, but so far today I feel normal. Food still tastes strange.

    Going to concentrate on feeling like whatever I do, I do well. I need a mental health reset, also!
  • spirittrail
    spirittrail Posts: 238 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm not a regular poster but was having regular updates with Zenobia9777 back in May.

    I'm Canadian and my somewhat bio may be in here somewhere. ANYway, I literally threw out my scale as it was terribly inaccurate and had become clutter. I prefer to go by inch loss and how my clothes fit.

    To give myself a base line, I weighed myself at my Community Centre's VERY accurate scale. That was June 28th...TWO WEEKS ago. I did so again today. I am DOWN 1.5 pounds having done nothing more than resume my half gallon of water a day and be mindful of eating. I was very nervous...but am thrilled to have lost roughly 1/2 pound per week. Have done very little exercise.

    With this kick in the motivation, my NEXT goal is to aim for one pound per week. This means adding daily exercise and I could definitely watch my sugar more closely. Having said that...my waist is also DOWN one inch! Imagine what will happen once I actually start! 😳 😆

    Next weigh in day is Friday July 29th. My weight loss tips are drink water, throw out your scale and find a place that has an accurate scale. Weigh yourself once or twice a month. You'll drive yourself crazy otherwise. At two weeks you can easily adjust as needed. More importantly, take your measurements and see how your clothes fit! That's far more accurate!!

    One final note! At 1.5 pounds every 2 weeks, I would lose 3 pounds per month. 36 pounds per year. How much of a DIFFERENCE would that make in YOUR life? ALWAYS keep your eyes on the END of your journey. 😉
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    edited July 2022

    WT* ??? Omg, @CeeBeeSlim I hope she was super super young and had no idea what she was saying!! I would twitch too!

    Once my kids said something about my jiggly butt. SIGH.
  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    Hello! Checking in from the road. So far, so good. Definitely getting a lot of exercise and have been holding my own with the fries. @CeeBeeSlim how did you manage one fry and one nugget - good for you! And congrats on the 6 lbs in one week! How did you do that?? That’s great news. Keep it up!

    @zenobia9777 congrats on new grandchild in Dec. definitely something to look forward to.

    And welcome to all and for sharing your stories! They are all so inspiring.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @zenobia9777. Glad you seem to be turning the corner! Slow and steady!

    @spirittrail - Congrats on your progress! You make some great points. I need to focus more on inches as the scale can be so unreliable and I should be increasing my water intake, too. I do have a pair of “goal pants” which I try on ever so often.

    @k8richer - ugh. She was about 8. Still scarred. Can’t look at pancake batter the same way - ever. (😵‍💫). Hahaha.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    I had my first good day yesterday in terms of eating properly.

    I walked the dogs about 40 minutes and did a little gardening.

    I definitely need to drink more water@spirittrail. I need to make some herbal tea and keep it in the fridge all the time, because I crave something with a flavor. Celestial seasonings raspberry zinger is good.