July 2022 - Daily Discipline



  • Julie_9
    Julie_9 Posts: 15 Member
    edited July 2022
    Hi everyone, I’m new to this group and wanted to say hi! I look forward to the encouragement of the group as well as some accountability. I weigh the most that I ever have (except when pregnant,lol) and I’m so frustrated with myself.
    I have started tracking my food and joined some challenges in the Fitbit app as well as joining Thai group. I look forward to chatting with you all, making some friends and encouraging one another on our journey.

    Current weight- 128
    Goal weight 118-120
    Age 41
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2022
    Hi@Julie_9! I am sort of starting today, also, since I am back from a family get-together, Covid and limited exercise all month.


    I'm trying to insert an image for the first time so let's see if this works.

    I actually seem to have lost a little bit this month even though I started out eating way too many cookies. I weighed on two different scales just to be sure but it's still hard to believe.

    Back to yoga today. Every class after today is at 5:30 in the morning so I will have no excuses to start my day right. I'm alternating between beginner weights/cross training and hot yoga. When I get home my plan is to give the dogs a walk.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @Julie_9 Welcome to the group. Sounds like you’re already making great choices. I use my fitbit mostly for steps but happy to join you in some challenges! I can track progress with weight loss when I reach 10k steps minimally - which is a challenge for me. We have similar goals. 129 today. Trying for a maintenance range of 113-118.

    @zenobia9777 You’ve done well! Must feel great to start back yoga. You’re inspiring me to get up a few hours earlier. I’m up almost a pound - but reunited with hubby after a two week break to bring my parents home and had Thai food last night. I was under calories, ate only half portion, a sprinkling of rice - and still up. Must be the sodium. Lots of water today!
  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    Hello friends! Welcome @Julie_9 - we are all in the same boat - or I should say all on the same struggle bus! It’s hard. I really feel like it’s harder to lose less weight - if that makes sense? Well you are in good company here!

    @CeeBeeSlim thank you for sharing and for your empathy. I’m feeling better since I got home - clearly because I can eat better. Unfortunately back on the road tomorrow but just for one day - and one dinner out. It is so hard when a small group and a work dinner but I am determined to stick to my better habits.

    @zenobia9777 totally agree about age and not moving. It’s like you really need to throw away ever you know and that worked when you hit your 50’s and start over. Trying!

    I hear you @SparkSpringtime69 - those 5lbs…very challenging.

    Well I hope everyone is having a good weekend and here’s to a great/successful week!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,115 Member
    @Julie_9 welcome aboard!
    @zenobia9777 the image came out fine, congrats on the loss. I'm trying to get back into my AM yoga routine - a DVD that I've had for years. It's no hot yoga, but I definitely feel better during the day when I start out the morning with that light stretching routine.
    @CeeBeeSlim too sodium almost always sends my scale in the wrong direction.
    @litstuesday and zenobia9777, I've also had to make adjustments as I've gotten older. Have to start a little slower with new things as my muscles don't seem to recover as quickly as they did in my younger years. :/
  • Julie_9
    Julie_9 Posts: 15 Member
    edited July 2022
    @zenobia9777 cookies are my biggest weakness!! I can never have just one! I use to workout in the morning many years ago and now I’m struggling to even get out of bed these days. Something has to change. I took some progress pics the other day and I’m really focused to track my food and increase my steps and workouts.
    I know having connections and accountability will help me a lot.

    @CeeBeeSlim I would love to have more Fitbit Friends. This week is the first time I’m doing challenges on the app.
    My emails is juliemiller1981@hotmail.com if you’d like to add me.

    @litstuesday I agree the less you have to lose is much harder.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    This is a very inspiring group!!!

    Well I missed waking up early two days in a row -- over sleeping -- but I managed to set two alarms last night, so I got up and did my 45 minute circuit training. It is a big group --- at least 16 of all ages. The goal is either to do all the exercises quickly or to increase your weights as you go through it. I think my group was a little bit of a slacker group, LOL. We didn't get through that many of them.
    But I was thrilled to be back out there trying.

    I want to buy a Fitbit because I would like to track how well my heart rate is doing. I need a model that would keep a running average so that I can see when I get back home. Not sure where to begin on this. Ideas? Also one that can tolerate the sweat of hot yoga.

    I walked the dogs for 20 minutes because they are going crazy at night after hibernating during this heat. It was still 87° but breezy and early enough that it didn't feel too bad.

    Have a great day, everybody! Be good to yourself.

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Yes, this heat has been crazy. Back with hubby and couldn’t resist the Brookie Dough ice cream! Never heard of it before but had to have it! Well..maybe not, but I did. 🤣. Off to go a good start today with just eggs and spinach, zucchini, peppers and green onions.

    On search for a free or cheap used treadmill, too.

    @Julie_9 great! I will try to add you. I’ll let you know if I have an issue.

    @zenobia9777 sounds like you needed that sleep! I have been more interested in my heart rate, too. Not sure of all the science but when I’m doing great my resting heart rate is in the low 50’s. When I slack off exercise, eat more crap, and not feeling well it’s in the high 60’s - low 70s.

    I like - not love - my Fitbit. I’m on my third or fourth because they don’t last long - maybe 1.5 years - 2 - and of course, right when the warranty wears out. I’m always offered a discount on the next purchase though. Right now it works, but the screen has gone permanently dark! My brother said he will
    gift me a fitness device - so it’s Apple Watch or Garmin next time when this Fitbit stops completely.
    They’re just so pricey!

    @Julie_9 - what’s your experience?
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    Ladies! Loving the vibe here. Lots of us with 5lbs to lose and making smart choices for fitness and food.

    Speaking of choices, my road trip went relatively well! I am proud to report I ate NO fries, walked everywhere (20k step days!) and even got in one excellent run/weights workout at the hotel! I did less well in the pizza/beer/chips category but it was only one day and I was starving so I don't care.

    Nevertheless, I think my weight is up so I don't actually want to weigh in. Will wait until I'm feeling lighter on my feet! I have a busy fitness week planned (bootcamp, soccer and runs) so will let the scale gather dust for a while. :)

    BTW I use a Garmin vivo and love it. I don't use all the bells and whistles though like the heart rate. I just look at steps, distance, calories burned etc at the end of the day and it tells me my pace /distance when I'm running. Its is sleek and can take a hot sweaty session!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @zenobia9777 I keep forgetting to ask you. How generally did you fare with Covid? I have to decide whether my 4 nieces and nephews (aged 7-12 and siblings) will visit my parents (early 80s with health issues) for about a week in three weeks. I’m less concerned for myself but obviously anxious for my parents.

    Just when you thought it was safe(r), these new variants come along! 😡😡. Having gone through this, what are your thoughts?


    Anyone else can chime in too! One one hand I feel
    like the grouchy aunt, and the other hand - I’m just being cautious.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2022
    Thanks for the ideas about fitness trackers.
    I should not spend the money. Maybe I will ask Santa for it. I'm thinking about the Fitbit versa 3 (3)?

    @k8richer congrats on doing all that exercise. You sound like you feel great and that is the goal!

    @CeeBeeSlim, my thought on it is that Covid is inevitable and the main thing is don't take the risk if you have some major event planned that it would mess up.

    My son had one day of vomiting, nausea and headache and then he just bounced right back.

    My daughter only had headache for a few days and then fatigue for maybe 2 weeks.

    I had the same thing as she did but then I lost my sense of taste for about 2 weeks. More like altered sense of taste but not sense of smell.

    My husband only had a little bit of a runny nose. My other son didn't really have any symptoms. The kids ran fevers but only for a day and bounced right back

    Probably more than you wanted to know. You can always just wear a mask and hope for the best. I'm not going to give up seeing my family for something that seems to be endemic at this point.

    Also, we probably got it because we went out to museums and activities with the kids. That would be easier to give up than not seeing them at all

    I did yoga today, which is my third exercise session in a row. My knees hurt but I think it is just a matter of getting conditioned. Onward!!!

  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Got a verbal offer from my previous company last night, but it was 5K below my current wages, so countered with what I'm making right now, so today got a verbal offer matching my current salary with the bonus, plus a reassessment once I complete the next level certification.

    Regardless, same wages will equal about a $400+/month pay bump in my pockets since this will be mostly remote (right now spending $100/week on gas - I'll still need some gas, but a tank should last me at least 2-3 weeks if not longer), plus they cover the health insurance premium. PLUS, what I'll be doing is far more applicable to my future plans, both as an employee and with my own business, unlike where I'm at right now which is just a disaster.

    Still radio silence from the position I really wanted, and it's been a week now since I sent my follow up (which had no response), so not holding my breath there (but may follow up if I am ready to sign on the line with my previous company just in case).

    Eating and exercise is going as planned for the moment, will be more exercise once I have a more remote position though!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @k8richer Great job! No fries?!👏👏👏 and 20k steps per day? I may have only done that three times - ever! And that was walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. Good for you.

    @HoneyBadger302 Congrats on the offer! I hope
    you hear from the other company soon. Seems
    like either is an improvement on where you are.

    @zenobia9777 Thank you for the detailed response. I can analyze something forever so that’s the kind of info I wanted. Funny how it affects folks in different ways. You outlined my concerns - I’d be taking them to the usual sites in DC - most indoors and crowded - and as much as I love’ ‘em - they can get overexcited and hard to “manage”. Ugh.

    @julie_9 I think I invited you but let me know if you didn’t get an invite!

    Went ol school - Reebok step. Weighted Hula hooping and jump rope. 💪
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 impressive negotiating!!! I have a friend who has been fighting for a better position for months and finally got there.

    @CeeBeeSlim I never mastered the hula hoop. Sounds fun, though!

    I love DC and want to go next year with our crew. Good luck! I think we were in a museum full of day care trips...

    Yesterday I did not do well in the evening. Today is a rest day since my arms are a little sore. Shows progress made.

  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    5'7", 43 years old
    Starting Weight 1/3/22: 155.8
    GW: ~128-132ish
    2/23/22: 150
    3/30/22: 147
    4/22: Missed
    5/31/22: 149.4
    6/29/22: 152.4

    7/6/22: 155
    7/13/22: 153.8
    7/20/22: 152.8

    Feeling like my body is doing it's usual of refusing the believe the fat is really gone, and I'll be due for a woosh sometime in the next week or so. Kcal range should have me closer to losing 2 pounds/week, and I've been pretty darn good about staying in my range (despite raging hunger most afternoons), and I can always tell when I'm due for a woosh - the fatty areas just start to physically feel different when you squish them (fat vs water filling the cells most likely).
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good day today. I’m glad I’m making use of a home gym in my basement. I rode the airdyne bike (hard!) and more hula hooping then some core work.

    I’m limiting my snacking as well. I hope I can keep this up.
    I forgot to measure myself today. Hoping to not concentrate on scale weight so much.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    We can all be strong!!!

    I did better yesterday because I concentrated on eating protein and veggies during the day and no snacking.

    I went to yoga and I was not the only one with terrible balance this morning. Usually they have it around 90° but the instructor said it was 99°, so she turned it down. I'm pretty sure my heart rate was at least 120 but I didn't have a way to measure it. At least it is definitely elevated. Do you have a mirror in your home gym, @CeeBeeSlim? I'm supposed to practice in front of a mirror to improve my balance. On my rest days I just do not think about any of it.

    It was actually raining a tiny bit today and in the high seventies, so I walked the dogs for a mile.

    I'm definitely feeling much more energetic and light on my feet. It feels good!

  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    Hi all! Having a good week - on track and back down a few lbs. Helps that work trip was cancelled and no meals out this week. Huge help! No wine, no dessert…

    The insane heat has made walking not so fun but I have been trying to get out early or late just to get steps in. That always helps my day too.

    Have a great week all. Almost at the weekend.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    The heat has been a killer so no walks for me. A day of stretching and yoga. On the hunt for a used treadmill just so I have a place to walk when the weather is bad.

    @zenobia9777 Ooooh. You make me miss my hot yoga classes. I couldn’t stand Bikram when I took my first class but increasingly became more flexible. I do have a mirror in my home gym - my back can get twitchy so I need to watch my form
    with my lifts - especially squats and deadlifts.

    I feel totally back on track. Looked back at my daily weigh in apps and have lost the 8 lbs - GULP - I put on in the two weeks my family visited. It’s taken two weeks to get them off!

    Glad we seem like we’re all heading in the right direction! 👏👏👏💪💪💪

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,115 Member
    edited July 2022
    @Julie_9 I used to work out first thing in the morning too. Since I was laid off I've been trying to set up a new routine for myself, but have been struggling to get one that sticks. We very recently moved to South Carolina and I've found the heat and humidity, even early in the AM, to be too much for exercise.
    @CeeBeeSlim I'm also looking for a treadmill, and also a spot in my new house to park it LOL
    @k8richer good job on the "no fries" (pizza and beer are always the hardest to resist, aren't they?)
    @CeeBeeSlim sorry to chime in so late on your covid question, but here's my 2 cents: my mom is 90 (going to be 91 in Sept) and I worry any time she's around ANYONE! She's been vaccinated and had two boosters, so I probably should be less worried, but I guess that we worry about our parents the same as they worried about us when we were kids - better to be overly cautious than to make a terrible mistake. But, on a more practical side, can you just ask your nieces and nephews to test right before they come to visit so it will ease your (and their) minds? Also, and probably most importantly, how do your parents feel about the visit?
    @zenobia9777 Glad to hear your family had mostly mild reactions to the virus. Your hot yoga class sounds interesting - how long have you been doing it?
    @HoneyBadger302, I'm impressed, salary negotiation was always very difficult for me. I do hope you hear from about the job you really want before you have to make a decision.
    @litstuesday I've been living with insane heat too, hope you can work around it.
    Sorry this is such a long post, I missed a couple of days but wanted to catch up with everyone B)