Daily Check In



  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,592 Member
    Hi there!!! Glad to hear from you Becky! I can't imagine what it would be like running in Florida, it is so humid there...although from talking to my friend down there in Orlando, it is often a lot worse here, so I don't know, we seem to all get our share of that weather I guess! In fact, it is very hot and humid here right now and we were supposed to get rain today, but of course we didn't and I don't know that we will. Kind of drought like here right now. The grass is brown and crunchy. At least we will get a day or two of less humid and cooler weather after this front comes through.

    My BFF and I decided to do a virtual 5K a month for the summer so we signed up for one that has a race in June, July and August - anytime, any place. We don't like virtual because we can run at home any time but we thought this would be fun and motivating. We did our June one yesterday, I thought I did pretty well and I was happy with it. Not super fast but for being warm and muggy, I will take it.

    I had the wound care clinic for the spider bite on Friday - and it is doing very well. She thinks I might be discharged in a couple of weeks - could even be this week! Once that happens I will hopefully be able to use the pool! Finally! I can't believe it is almost July and I haven't used it once this season.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,125 Member
    edited June 2022
    Hi Gloria and Becky.. I have been away for awhile and was trying to catch up on reading all of your posts. I will have to come back to finish up reading...

    Gloria, hope all goes well with your follow up on that spider bite.
    Becky, I sure would love to get an elliptical.. You really have done so well on your recovery..

    These past few weeks I have had to stop running outdoors. My intestinal prolapse has come back, which was creating the incontinence. Not good when you have to stop for a bathroom every few minutes. I finally have surgery scheduled for 7-9-22. It will be a 6 week recovery time. I will be honest, running half marathons indoors is not fun,, but I am still keeping it up with three a week. Trying to get those miles in prior to surgery day. Got to go for 4 biopsies tomorrow.. a couple on my face, chest and leg. All the right side. One is where I already had treatment. Disappointed it is coming back.

    My son was visiting for 10 days and left to go to FL to visit friends last Tuesday. Had such a wonderful time.. He is back in Colorado now. I miss him already. Hopefully he will be visiting again in July.

    I am totally exhausted. Cleo, my Cockatoo Bird is resting with me on my shoulder.. I have been having trouble sleeping, so we will take a short nap. I hope to catch up on all your other posts soon.

    Take Care and have a Wonderful Week.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,592 Member
    Sharon, just a few more days before your surgery - I know you will be happy to get that behind you so you can get back outside. Six weeks isn't too bad for recovery time. And gosh, I am so impressed with how you have been able to get your running done anyway!

    I was discharged from the wound care clinic yesterday! Yay! I still have a tiny bit of a sore there and she told me not to submerge it in the water, but showering and splashing is okay. I need to keep it covered with a bandage still but probably not for long. As soon as the scab falls off, I can quit wearing the bandage and submerge it in the water. But as I told my BFF this morning, I might continue to wear it when I run because the skin there is still so fragile and if for some reason I were to fall on it, that would kind of be a disaster.

    Anyway, I ran this morning with my BFF but you know, she is just too fast and we are trying to talk at the same time so we started doing run walk run intervals and then finally I just told her we would need to walk. I did so well last weekend (we went together but we both did our own thing) so I was kind of disappointed about today, but it was a lot hotter and more humid today, so that is partly why I guess. My race is in three weeks. I know I will do okay...probably very back of the pack but probably not last. I wish my training was going better....it has been a couple of years now that things have not gone well for me. But at least I am still going!
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,125 Member
    edited July 2022
    Hi All. I have been so busy getting ready for my surgery on the 19th and also working on my new garden area. My squash really needs to get planted. I had no idea the area I picked has a lot of big tree roots. Finding lots of rocks and glass too, oh my. I plan to mix peat moss to try to keep soil loose and then add the garden bed soil I got. I used a chain saw to try to cut some, a hammer etc. Some are dead roots and this one huge one is alive. There is also an underground stump. My husband is telling me to just dump the soil in and plant. I want to do it right the 1st time, so hopefully I can get it done before my surgery.

    Thanks Gloria. I am trying to do what I can to make a bad situation bearable.. Happy to hear you were discharged from wound care clinic. I agree with keeping bandage on for a bit longer to protect the area from falling and also the sunshine.

    Just a quick stop by to say Hi to you and Becky.. Hope you both are doing great..
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,592 Member
    Hellooooo!!!!! Sorry, I don't get here as often lately, it just seems like I get busier and busier all of the time. I have been running outside, but very little. With this heat and humidity, it is pretty unbearable, even in the early mornings. I think we are supposed to get some relief from this for a couple of days. I hope so. I tried a new strength training program, honestly didn't like that at all. So then I started a different one and I think that one will work for me. If it doesn't, I might just end up going back to the one that I did winter/spring. I did love that one and it was geared toward functional movement, which is exactly what I need. But I thought it would be good to try something new.

    I have a race on the 23rd, a four miler. We have been having excessive heat warnings. I sure do hope conditions are better the day of the race. My runs right now have either been super slow or else some run/walk/run intervals, but not very far, a couple of miles here or there. But I have been able to run three miles and I have done run/walk/run intervals for further distances so I think I should be okay for the race.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 132 Member
    Good evening!
    Sharon-sorry you have to have surgery but I bet you’ll feel a lot better afterwards. Way to go on keeping up with your exercise. Do you have a long growing season that you’re planting squash now? I wish we had a longer time. Our garden isn’t doing well. Tomato plants are small and something keeps eating stuff. We assume deer but haven’t seen any down here. Plus something has been going thru the birdhouses in the back. Typically have that a couple of times during the summer but it’s been a lot. We have found so many eggs on the ground.
    Our temps haven’t been hit but they are warm and it’s been very humid. Plus of course we haven’t had a breeze. I’ve been doing most of my workouts inside. My neck is messed up so I get more headaches than I’d like. Still just walking and the Elliptical. Get so tempted to try and jog but still too nervous to try. I can’t believe it’s been almost 10 mos. Still struggling with my flexibility but it’s coming back slowly. The knee isn’t great yet. I have good days and bad days.
    Gloria-I’m glad you’re doing well. Hopefully you can put that bite behind you soon. Have you not been able to get into your pool? I sure wish I had a pool to use.
    We had a nice 4th. Had the boys and girlfriends and daughter in-law here. I love when the boys can hang out together. They don’t make time usually. Tonight we’re going out for Mexican food for DH’s birthday. The worst food for me to eat. It never agrees with me but that’s what everyone wanted so I’ll go along with it.
    No big plans for the weekend. The MN Orchestra is playing down by our lake tomorrow night so we’ll go down there. We have a Beethoven festival going on and they usually will play a free concert at the start.
    Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Enjoy this summer because it’s going fast. Fall will be here before we know it.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,592 Member
    Becky, sounds like you are having a good and busy summer! Sometimes raccoons will get into the birds nests. They will get the eggs, and the grown birds too, if they can. My sister in Michigan said her tomatoes aren't doing so great this year either. My BFF here said her tomatoes are doing great but none of her other stuff is doing well at all. I have to wonder if some of it just isn't this crazy weather.

    I have been in the pool two times, just to float in my chair, because even though the spider bite is almost better, I am not supposed to submerge it until it is ALL better. I can take a shower without the cast cover, and splashing it is okay, but not submerging it, not yet.

    We were going to head south to a state park today but it was raining and thundering and it looked too risky to head down there (it's a couple of hours away). Instead we went to the big park here in Nashville and met some friends and we walked. Diane (BFF) and I had breakfast first, then we did about seven miles of walking with the gang. Then Diane and I went to REI (if you don't have it, it is a cooperative that sells awesome outdoor equipment, camping, biking, etc). Then we went to Fleet Feet. We had lunch at one of my favorite places too. So it was a fun day. I am hoping that the weather is a little bit less humid tomorrow. It has been absolutely miserable here with excessive heat warnings every day.

    Oh, and we FINALLY got air conditioning (and heat) in our master bedroom. It is finally comfortable in there - in the summer it gets up to 90 during the day. Now it is so cool and we aren't used to that, lol, but I am so grateful and it feels wonderful in there.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,592 Member
    I had a good run this morning, still super duper slow but it was RUNNING, so hey, I am happy. It is still very humid but way less oppressive than it was, and there was a nice breeze so it actually felt rather pleasant. I am going to walk with my friend later.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 132 Member
    Good afternoon!
    It’s been beautiful weather the last couple of days. Low 80’s. I’m not getting used to it because hot weather is going to be returning.
    I’ve been plugging away at my exercise. A lot of my steps are coming from just doing random things. I’m not sure what I did this morning but I ended up logging my elliptical twice. I’d love to have over 500 calories burned again. Someday!
    Gloria-it sounds like you’re doing well with your exercise. I can’t imagine 7 miles right now. I’d love to go to the lake but it’s a mess with all of the Hwy construction going on. To top it off, a water main broke and now there’s another area closed. What a mess.
    Sunday I went to our garden center to check out what kind of fresh produce they had. Yikes! Prices! 6.99/lb for beans. $7 for 10 ears of corn. I’m going to the Farmers market on Saturday. Hopefully prices won’t be quite that high. More incentive for me to expand my garden next year.
    Time for me to get back to doing some things around here.
    Have a nice Wednesday.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,592 Member
    Becky, I have been clamoring to put in a garden but everyone tells me that the deer (and other critters) will just eat it, and that is probably true, but food is definitely getting super expensive.

    I did speedwork the other day, first time I've done that in a long time. It was at the track. Now my fast pace is the pace that used to be my slow pace, lol. But I was glad I did it. I need to get back to that more often. This morning I just ran my neighborhood but did a different route. It was a short run and it felt good until I got in a neighborhood with no shade - even though the humidity is down a bit here, it was still warm for running.

    I think my friend and I are going hiking this weekend and I need to go to the store to get some snacks to take with me. I couldn't find my good backpack so I ended up having to buy a new one - but I just got a cheap one, those things are sooo expensive. This one had good reviews and it was compared to the pricey ones so I hope that is true and that it holds up well.
  • letsgoplay1
    letsgoplay1 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello- yes- me just popping in again. I'm getting some running in here and there and about ready to make it a regular thing and also hope to pop in to see how you all are doing. :)
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,592 Member
    Hi Em! So happy to see you here! We are still here, please visit us whenever you are able!

    I am still running a bit, not as much, have had to back off a bit and slower too but still working it! I am actually doing a 4 mile race next weekend. It is supposed to be brutally hot. Well, it has been brutally hot for about the past month or so. Next weekend will just be more of the same. The humidity here has been stifling.

    Just got back from a long weekend of hiking near Asheville, NC. We went to Mt. Mitchell and hiked there (I went with my BFF). I had a great time. We tried to make it to Mt. Craig (from Mt. Mitchell). She made it all of the way but I stopped before we got to the summit because of some rocks - I knew I could get DOWN the rocks, but I wasn't 100% sure about climbing back up them and didn't want to risk it. It was amazing weather just beautiful!
  • letsgoplay1
    letsgoplay1 Posts: 39 Member
    Wow! That sounds like quite the adventure!

    Good luck on the race!

    I'm scooting around and staying healthy but am getting back into it.- meaning will race the half marathon here in town next Summer.

    I'm still on the look out for shoes as I like minimal neutral ones but those can get pretty beat up soon. Saucony seems best for that kind
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,592 Member
    Hi Em! What kind of Saucony shoes do you wear? I wear Altra shoes sometimes, they have a zero heel drop and a wide toe box. For Saucony I wear Freedoms, and am still in one of the older models, which have a 4 mm heel drop. I don't really consider either shoe a minimalist shoe and would love any insights anyone has on this. I do seem to do okay with both of these shoes. Lately I have been having some foot/toe issues, but maybe related to the bunion I have, and TBH, the Altras with their wide toe box are not working as well with the bunion as the Saucony shoes are - mainly because the Saucony shoes have more give where my bunion is pressing out so the bunion doesn't get pressed in as much as with the Altras. And yeah, I am finding my shoes don't last very long. Brooks used to last for about 400 miles for me, my Saucony shoes and Altra shoes, I am really pushing if I can get them to 300 miles, sometimes it is a lot less. My knees let me know when it is time for new ones.

    I am not sure how this race will go. My pace since I had the spider bite has been pathetic. Before the spider bite it was getting better. A few weeks ago I did a "virtual" 5K with my BFF and that went okay, not super slow, not super fast. But my runs lately, ugh. I have to walk a lot. Tomorrow will be so very hot and humid. I will do my best. It is just a four miler. This is the first time in years where I am not planning any half marathons.
  • basoranno
    basoranno Posts: 132 Member
    Good evening!
    Hi Em! I sure do miss Spark.
    We’ve had the heat and humidity also. Still just walking and Elliptical. I have good days and not so good days. Mostly my knees.
    Bursitis in my elbow. Ortho said I have a bit of arthritis also. Why not. Seems to have gone everywhere now. Can I just blame it on the vaccine? It seems like since I got rid of the arthritis in my hip, it’s shown up other places. I’m pushing my exercise because I know it’s good for me. Struggling getting this weight off though. It’s stubborn. Scale doesn’t want to budge.
    I went to the Farmers market yesterday. Seems like there should be more produce available by now. It’s been a strange season. I have to rethink my gardens and flower beds next year. Just not having much luck. Produce prices are up but they aren’t as bad as I thought they’d be. Plus the season is short. I’d cut back at the grocery store to be able to get fresh produce.
    Gloria-we’ve had deer but I can’t say if they’re getting after things or if it’s another animal. I’m going to buy a trail cam to see if I can figure out what’s coming into our yard. Something is going into our fire pit and pulling out burnt PCs of wood. They do that every year.
    How was your run? Or is that next weekend? I get so confused sometimes.
    I bought an Apple Watch but I think it’s messing with my steps. I removed my Stepz app from it but for some reason I think the watch is still somehow tied to it. I’ve been trying to get my steps in but I don’t think I’m doing that much. I’ll take them if it’s accurate.
    Anyway, I wanted to get on and check in.
    Hopefully you can start seeing a little relief from the heat soon. These weather patterns have been so off. Cooler for us this week.
    Talk later!
  • letsgoplay1
    letsgoplay1 Posts: 39 Member
    Yes- was easier to communicate on Sparks but glad to be here.

    Gloria- I was thinking of trying Altras. I also like minimalist shoes BUT I think key thing there is I am in my 60's and still not at goal but I really do like cushiony shoes. I like the kinvara. I have the 13. Right now I am walking and running a little- like 4 milers and biking to give feet a rest. Also- ST
    -My goal is 123. I am 157. LOL- so I think wear and tear happens faster when carrying around excess. Time to drop it!
    Once I am in the 140's I will increase mileage and get new shoes too- Yeah what is up with running shoes wearing out so fast?

    basoranno-Yes- our farmers market does not have great selection. Not consistent week to week. We need more rain!

    ST day today. Going to check weather to see if I go bike later on.
  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,592 Member
    Hello Friends!!!!!

    Em, I was at a Fleet Feet running group a couple of weeks ago and I tried some new Asics. Can't remember what kind they were but they had way more cushion than I am used to! I wasn't sure if I liked them. They were comfy and with my joint and connective tissue issues, probably some cushion wouldn't be a bad idea but I didn't like the feel of that cushion! I do know that the extra weight can be hard on the joints, I am still in maintenance range but I would be better with my running if I dropped about five pounds. I used to run very very lightly on my feet, now I pound, and I don't know why that is. But I know it isn't good.

    So yeah, a couple of years ago I had some New Balance shoes. And can you believe, at about 120 miles, I could no longer wear them. There was a hole on the top of the shoe, the bottoms of the shoes were coming apart. I was so upset. They were $160 I think. Not cheap. Now I am lucky if I can get 300 miles from a pair - 200 is probably more like it but since my runs are shorter these days, I tend to stretch it, maybe more than I should.

    Becky, I think that the different devices all register different steps. I had a FitBit back when they first started making it. I wore it on my bra, not on my arm and it used to get plenty of steps. Now with the Garmin I don't, it is like I can walk around the house and get zero steps. I don't trust these things! But are you otherwise loving your Apple watch? I kind of need a new Garmin but have been waiting as long as possible since they are so pricey.

    I saw that Sharon puts bird netting on her garden. I don't have a garden yet but I want one and I want to look into that and see if it might help with the deer that we have. But it sounds like they will get into it anyway, and we have raccoons too and I know they will because they are so smart. I wonder if it is a raccoon that is getting into your fire pit Beckie? One day I threw out a bunch of old protein bars that I didn't want. There were at least three dozen of them, all new, wrapped and in boxes of six each. A raccoon got them out of our trash and opened each and every one, ate them apparently, and left the wrappers all over our driveway. Either that or a homeless person did it, but I am betting it was a raccoon.

    I have not been to our Farmers Market this year. I should go soon.

    My race went pretty well - slow slow slow, what do you know? I have gotten so slow. It was a small race and in a park that I love because some of it is shaded and it is somewhat flat. There were a few people that I knew so that is always fun. I started out way too fast so my first mile wasn't bad but then I got slower as time went on. It was so hot and humid. There were only two people in my age group so I came in first in my age group. Yesterday I stayed in the house and ran on the treadmill and since my incline doesn't work, I was soooo much faster. The treadmill is always much easier for me. I did six miles. I am not wanting to do long distance right now but registration opens for the fall half that I love and the temptation is huge!!!

    I had a Covid booster yesterday, so today is a rest day. My arm is sore and I have a bit of a headache, but the headache could be from anything, even the weather. I did a 25 minute gentle and easy yoga session for mobility.

    Here is a pic of me after the race. I got a trucker's for being first in my age group!!!!!

  • gloriawrightcook
    gloriawrightcook Posts: 4,592 Member
    Y'all just have to tell you about my shoe - one of my Saucony shoes. I was running on Tuesday and it was making a noise but I didn't want to stop to look at it so I just kept going. Later on that day I went for a walk with my BFF and I was wearing those shoes and it was making the noise so I stopped to check it out. Half the bottom of the shoe had come apart. I can't believe this as these shoes have only 199 miles. I am just not having good luck with shoes lately. My Altras have 199 miles on them too. They usually wear out faster but they still are doing pretty good so I hope I they last another 100 miles or so.

    I "ran" this morning - intervals again. The feels like was already 92 degrees by then and I just felt like it was too much to try to just run. And my legs are tired from the squats and lunges I did yesterday.
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,125 Member
    Hi Gloria and Becky and All!

    Just stopping by to let you all know my surgery went well.. I had it on Tuesday last week and was discharged Wednesday morning. I was told no heavy fitness or weights for 6 weeks while my incisions heal. So I have been gradually building up my miles walking. First week was a bit rough with the pain but it is finally getting better. I was able to do 3.12 walk miles yesterday morning and then later I sneaked in another mile. I have lost a bit of weight while going through this all, fasting, cleanse, etc. I hope it stays off. So far so good.

    I hope to catch up with you all later but wanted to wish you all a happy Friday and weekend. Take care..
  • sunshineyourway
    sunshineyourway Posts: 1,125 Member
    I just remembered, there was a question I have about Garmin.

    I have the Garmin FR 35, and nowhere can I find Walk for Treadmill. I tried using the walk that uses GPS indoors and it really does not give accurate mileage so I decided to use the Treadmill Run and then edit it to walk which seems to be more accurate. I noticed on some challenges it doubles my workout. Then I go in and edit that to make it correct.

    Is there a way on Garmin to actually get a real treadmill walk? Just wondering so I don't have to go through these extra edits for real numbers.