August 2022 - Let’s Do This!

CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
Good morning, Everyone. This month I will try to:

1) Limit processed foods
2) Reach 10,000 steps daily
3) Find and celebrate NSV
4) Improve sleeping habits
5) Incorporate more yoga
6) Increase my NEAT
7) Track more carefully

I’ll be happy if I can lose 5 pounds! What will do?! With the check-ins, support, tips, and accountability of and from this great group, I know we can end this month better than we started - at least for me!!👏👏👍👍💪💪


  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Early 60s, 5'-8" (ish)
    SW (02.10.22) - 150
    CW - 150.4 (08.01.22)
    JulyGW - 142.8
    FinalGW - 125lbs

    I haven't been getting enough exercise so I need to recommit. It's been so darn hot out that I just can't get myself to walk or bike, but I'm going to try to get out early in the am when there are spots of shade around.
    Cardio: Last walk I did was 5K walk so I'm going to stick with that distance and try to improve my time. Will be cycling or golfing as cross-training.
    ST challenges: Pull-up challenge - I'm up to 20 lb. dumbbell rows
    push-ups - If I do these every day this week, I'll be finished with that challenge by the end of the week (60 push-ups)
    planks - this week is 3 sets of 60 seconds each.
    Squats - 3 sets of 50.
    Limiting processed foods and staying as close to vegan as possible.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited August 2022
    Thanks for starting the thread and the inspiration@CeeBeeSlim!

    @SparkSpringtime69 you will turn this around. I still can't do planks for that long

    I was really depleted after yesterday's circuit training and I was trying to just eat protein, fruit and vegetables before dinner, but I just didn't feel good and felt irritable. So I had an ice cream sandwich. Not sure that actually worked! I think dehydration might be involved.

    Today I'm going to try mixing avocado and tuna. I just had eggs for breakfast after my yoga. It was an exhausting routine. Glad tomorrow is an off day!

    My friend says that if you take BCAAs, they give you more energy when you're working out. Any opinions on these and whether or not they are a good idea?

    What do you do after a hard workout to recover and not get too hungry?

    May today be a good day!

  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Hi all,
    I wanted to let everyone know that I just read about a recall of protein powders. In case anyone here uses them here's the link to the list:
    Stay healthy :)
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @SparkSpringtime69 Thanks for the link! I will sometimes buy a couple of those products for me and my mom, so won’t. Also, do you do your planks and squats daily? I miss doing the planks - may try to slowly incorporate them back in.

    @zenobia9777. You’re welcome! Had a very food day yesterday - so if only I can keep it up. Re:BCAA’s - my trainer had said no - as long as you’re hitting your protein goals from other sources. But of course I’m sure others may find it terrific for them.

    Have you seen that oft quoted/linked article MFP posters attach to many posts about weight fluctuations? It helps explain to folks not to get caught up on scale weight and why.

    Anywho, it was so well-written I signed up for his emails (love them) and one was about BCAA’s. I’ll try to find it and link it.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @zenobia9777 oh - forgot to answer your question. My husband - who takes his workouts and diets seriously - turned me on the electrolyte powder which I find is great - I have energy both during and after my workouts.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,115 Member
    @zenobia9777 I don't usually feel hungry after a workout, and don't use any supplements, etc. I do drink a bunch of water right after a workout to replenish.
    @CeeBeeSlim I do them 3 times a week. It's good to give your muscles a chance to recuperate for at least one day in between workouts.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    @zenobia9777 BCAA's are mostly a waste of money UNLESS you are doing a true fasted workout without any pre-workout meals or shakes. In this case, then yes, the BCAA is great, but that's about the only time it's worth investing in....focus on getting proper protein intake from real food or maybe a post workout shake if you're lifting heavy.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @zenobia9777 Here is the link i mentioned.
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    Hi all,
    I wanted to let everyone know that I just read about a recall of protein powders. In case anyone here uses them here's the link to the list:
    Stay healthy :)

    Oh my gosh. I have the premier protein. I will check the numbers. Thanks!
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    edited August 2022
    CeeBeeSlim wrote: »
    @zenobia9777 Here is the link i mentioned.

    That is a masterpiece of well presented information. Thank you. I will focus on the amount of protein they recommend. I'm probably not hitting that.

    Yesterday I felt better after my difficult yoga workout. I had three eggs fried in half a tablespoon of butter. That's a good amount of protein.
    I was using the nuun electrolyte powders regularly and I stopped doing that because I want to just stop spending the money. Maybe that was a mistake.

    Thanks @HoneyBadger302 and @SparkSpringtime69!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all. New to the thread. August is start to get back on track with September fully back on track. I hate the first day of trying to eat better I was so so hungry yesterday. Todays plan is a workout from BOD morning madness think I’m on abs today. And Want to make some egg bites and hard boiled eggs to keep around for some quick snacks.

    I also drink the premier protein drinks but mine are fairly old. But now I know I will probably have problems buying more with the recall.
  • GlobalKeto
    GlobalKeto Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! This is my first time commenting on this discussion board (and first time even on MFP), and it's so nice to see a board where it's for that in-between stage!

    5'6.5" (I think 😅)
    Current Weight: 60.9kg - 1 August | Goal Weight: 55kg
    Heaviest Weight: ~85kg as a teenager

    I just started keto at the start of the month having debated on it for a long time. It's partially to help me go down to my goal weight which I was at before having a carb heavy month in Mongolia haha. But the main reason is to help with my Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Luckily my partner has already been on it for 7 months, so that's some amazing support to keep motivated right now.

    I'm hoping to start my burlesque up again soon too! And just light strength training in general to tone up a bit more.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Hi @renaegry and @reathabrunjes welcome to the group! I'm sure you'll find support and inspiration here, I know I have and I've only been here since April.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @zenobia9777 Glad you found the info helpful! And thanks for the inspiration! I’m trying to incorporate more yoga type exercises and started with a 15 minute stretch YouTube video.

    Welcome @renaegry and @reathabrunjes! Great group here!

    @SparkSpringtime69 - Are your squats weighted?
  • zenobia9777
    zenobia9777 Posts: 277 Member
    Out the door to the dentist but I have to keep my morning routine. I will catch up later. I just wanted to post the thought for the day from yoga. She said that gratitude is the highest frequency. Interesting thought!!!
    I'm trying to find the exact quote that was really good
  • Iitstuesday
    Iitstuesday Posts: 29 Member
    Good morning friends. Welcome to the new folks joining- this is an amazing and supportive group here.

    @SparkSpringtime69 thank you so much for sending that link. I had no idea. That’s crazy. I don’t have any of those batches but apparently more being recalled. I have to look again.

    Things going well here - no travel, been getting exercise daily, eating really well and being careful tracking. I’m back down about two lbs but still fluctuating. It’s really got the be the consistency- as we have said - being militant about measuring, weighing. Even then, after 50 it’s SLOW. But I’m in it - let’s see.

    This summer heat is brutal. Water is definitely helping. I have been consistent with that for the first time and can’t say it’s making a difference. Big gaps for me are sleep - up too late, up too early. And yoga! I need to get that into my life somehow…@zenobia977 good for you getting it done! And thank you for sharing the inspiration.

    Have a great day friends. Stay cool out there!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all. Never did get to my workout yesterday but did cut grass for an hour getting over 90 zone minutes and my 10K steps in. Today will do the BOD workout and maybe a walk this evening. Depending on Weather really hot and windy today.

    Making egg bites later this morning for a nice quick and easy healthy snack
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    5'7", 43 years old
    Starting Weight 1/3/22: 155.8
    GW: ~128-132ish
    2/23/22: 150
    3/30/22: 147
    4/22: Missed
    5/31/22: 149.4
    6/29/22: 152.4

    8/4/22: 150.0

    It's been an - ah, exciting? - last 2 weeks here. First, last week, had my annual go-round with the 'vid - knocked me on my butt for a couple days, but I still had barn chores each day, so not like I did NOTHING - but didn't do much besides that! Fine this week other than a sinus infection (side effect, not directly related) that hasn't quite kicked the bucket yet but is slowly improving.

    On top of all that, I had my last day at my previous job, and started back with my new-at-a-previous-employer job. The 'new' job will be a ton better for my personal health because it's mostly remote, which means I can a) save a ton of commute money, and b) take that time to workout, care for the house, etc - and our boss seems really chill, so on slow days I can get *kitten* done, and on busy days I'll be busy, but he's not worried about babysitting which days are which - thank you, yes, I'm an adult and don't require a babysitter anymore LOL.